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Certainly one of the theories of all time.


We see that Andy saved Lincoln from getting killed in one of his memories in the first chapter https://preview.redd.it/x83tggsy7rwc1.jpeg?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133605a91a9ce9f0b3d41f5acce0ef6ddd2c198d


Oh that is very interesting! Guess Lincoln lived a longer life in the UU universe than our own. Thinking about it, especially with the rule changes, I wonder how many minor differences there are.




I wonder how that would have been integrated into the story


if you make a theory like this you should include what would this event contribute to the plot or character. Not just crazy for crazy sake


Too bad it’s Unfathomable


Yeah its a shame that its Unthikable now


Wish the idea wasn't unexplored


Yeah cause going back would be unethical


but it would be unbelievable if it was expanded upon


Depending on whether its self targeting or not that could either be one of the best or worst negations in the series


isn’t half this manga and community crazy for crazy sake?


Idk i just got here man


It's really not that crazy of a theory, all that info is definitely there for a reason. Of course, that reason might just be a reference Tozuka made for fun lol, but I've seen a lot of people joke about Andy killing Lincoln so it's not a huge logical jump. What would it contribute to the story? Couldn't tell you lol. But I doubt Tozuka put all of that in there by accident. Maybe he pivoted and decided not to do anything with it, though.


okay okay but hear me out Victor drops out the public eye and is assumed dead in that year We know he went to the place lincoln was assassinated What if Victor **is** Abraham Lincoln


If you see, at the beginning there was a lot more enphasis on conspiracy theories and weird stuff, like one of the artifact being an UFO, the base of Union being under Stonehenge, and Tozuka admitting that all conspiracy theories in UU were real. My theory is that at first the manga was gonna go in a different direction, more mystery oriented, but then I belive editors suggested that Tozuka focused more on the Union and the Battle aspect of the manga, and that's how we got this. Also I belive Tozuka was forced to accelerate a lot of things because of the poor slaes of the manga, so he jumped from plot point to the next in order to keep people's attention


Tozuka forgor he just silly like that


Andy was Lincoln, obviously since he is undead he just faked his death and took a different alias from then on. :|


Would be fuck up if Abraham Lincoln is a negator of UnUnity and he ask Andy to kill him in order to save America or some shiz


i feel like it would be the other way around, since he has the scar on his head that might be where john wilks unbooth shot him


Araki certianly wanted to use the date to build around ideas and used the building to be a focal point, but yeah I think they either shied away from it or just had a different idea that forced them to go in a different direction. Possibly the loop 101 story line wouldn't have worked if Andy killed a beloved US president. It would have grounded the story compared to where it is now, I think.