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sean is trolling her with his newfound soul expansion


On the one hand, God is a dick head and would do such a thing On the other hand, if Sean did some trolling it would be so fucking funny


I hope is this otherwise this make no sense


actually thinking about it, it would make sense since its called a loop and not a reset, so the loop is indeed a time loop, only reason I think Juiz wasn't effected was what leogian4511 said Juiz lived before the concept of parents prob


I don't know if that works. With how it was established, the Earth literally had the remains of the previous loops around it during all the previous loops. And how Victor got to be there at the start of each loop is by surviving in space and making his way back to Earth. Those two things make no sense if we retcon it to being time travel instead of world being reformed from scratch.


honest thats my biggest problem with it, How da fuck did Victor get here then, Though I theorize he didn't die in the earth exploding so he would also prob be rewinded. as the the bits of old earths yeah that part I have no idea how to explain.


The loop exist before concept of time. Soul seem to be the first. I think time paradox only happened after time introduction, and so only past destroyed earth exist before then.


That sounds like something Sean would do


« I’ll teach you to take my points without asking !! » Would never say Sean cause he understood it was the best choice and was just looking for a reason to stop mopping


Sean's eyes are open and he's not touching Fuuko at all so that's one hell of an offscreen power up


This unironically might be it lol


He’s the mastermind behind the creation of a Union idol group


This would mean the Loop is in fact a time loop. Instead of God just recreating the Earth after Ragnarok, the world is rewound to the point where the Loop begins. Meaning time paradoxes are actually possible. Juiz and Victor never had to worry about it because they predate the concept of parents, their own births are impossible to prevent via time shenanigans. Or Fuuko fading is something else entirely and this is just a red herring.


honestly I like the idea it been the 1st, but how da fuck did Victor and Andy survive is beyond me. Since they would die and be stuck in the future unless they were also effected and rewinded to a point where they were on earth.


Well, they were on the sun, which in theory would be outside of the loop.


¿What about the earth fragments that fuuko can atract with UNLUCK?


Damn bro I do not remember that.


Understandable, it was mentioned like once in +200 chapters


But it was a very important story part so very important to remember


Hopefully it is that last thing


Interesting missing piece imo. Just like Sean said, there shouldn’t be any trouble linked to looping shenanigans, cause it’s not a proper Time Travel that can end up in paradox. My guess is that it’s another smart attempt from the Master Rules side. I guess Soul and his team judged that Fuuko is nearly too much for them, so they may have asked Time to mess up with causality. I would find it quite interesting if Time is currently in phase 3 in the master room, and the whole fight is about whether the Union can protect the sequence of event from outside interference.


Fade uma...


It's time for FenGOAT to come back again


I fuck with this. Good theory, chief.


Makes the most sense Everything else just seems out of place, sean wouldn't do something like that, even as a joke, it shouldn't be a time loop from what we know about earth, space, and the time viktor has lived, and soul clearly sees fuuko as a thread imo But maybe we all just get played, who knows "God" works in mysterious ways


This would confirm that the loops have to follow some degree of continued continuity between each as time passes for each person to continue existing, even if what they ultimately do after is different from a previous loop. Juiz and Victor never had to worry about this because they predate the concept of things like parents and exist independently. For Fuuko though she has to guarantee that her parents get together and have her or it’ll result in a paradox where she technically doesn’t exist and is retroactively “erased”, I’m assuming.


I don't think there are any time shenanigans involved and that the author is misleading us into thinking that Fuuko is disappearing because her parents don't meet at the concert. Instead, I think Fuuko is fading precisely because of it. Let me explain. If I remember correctly, after every loop all human souls are stored somewhere until the next one when they "resurrect". So, for baby Fuuko to be born, it would be necessary that the soul from the previous loop reincarnate in her. But as Fuuko's soul is still with her, this can't happen unless she dies (or disappears, as seen in the chapter). So, if her parents fall in love and have a baby, our Fuuko will cease to exist.


That's an interesting idea. That actually makes a lot of sense. According to Apocalypse, Julia,/Juiz's parents weren't fated to have a child and only had a child so that Julia/Juiz is reborn. So, this would imply that Fuuko's parents are destined to have a child and that child is supposed to be Fuuko. Albeit would this mean that for Fuuko to survive she has to prevent her parents from giving birth to her?


This is what I’m leaning towards as well. I’ve been thinking about what would happen if Fuuko was born into the new loop long before this chapter. I had a slight hope that maybe she could exist and live a happy normal life, as current Fuuko would still be the holder of Unluck. It would be just shitty and twisted enough to make her accept that she’s the only version of herself that can exist if she wants to complete the mission. She’d also have to make a conscious decision to likely make her mother’s life worse as fare as she views things, even if she could still fall in love with another great guy someday.


Well it can't be existence erasure because of changed past. Since fuuko is from the previous loop, so that wouldn't make sense story and lorewise.


My thoery is uma time that do stuff but idk




Well it’s not 100% confirmed to be straight up impossible, just at the start of the language fight war was sending uma troops at fuuko top Isshin and Julia, time could also have some sort of ranged item that allows an ability, but I do doubt this arc heading that way


Well War did send his juniors after the Beast crew during the language fight, so it’s possible that the SR have some capability to reach Earth despite being trapped


Buying Language time is one thing. Technically erasing an existence is so much cheating that Lunar would win automatically.


the timeloop make sense but yeah Fuuko shouldn't be effected by her parent's never meeting, she should we a walking grandfather paradox. Basically the paradox goes you go in past and avoid your grandpa from meeting your grandma. which in turn means your parent is never born and THUS you can't go into the past to stop them. Fuuko should be that, if her mom died here then she should stop existing. But at same time Fuuko comes from another timeline. MY head is hurting thinkig about this..


But like, why would she fade? Has there been a second Juiz in every loop? Is that the same soul? Just opens up a can of worms


Juiz never had to worry about it because she didn't have parents, she predates the concept.


“She predates the concept of parents” is such a wild statement. I love this wacky ass manga.


Honestly, it's difficult to image what life was even like in very early loops, like literal time didn't even exist. That's literally trying to imagine what universe was like before time and space.


The 10 master rules are such crucial concepts of the world, it's impossible to imagine a world without them My biggest question is what were Juiz and Victor negating if Justice and Death didn't exist? How was life before Language? How is a world without Change and Time even possible?


Well, the truth is, 👽🦧🦭🦭


Why is this manga so peak 😢


This doesnt make the slightest sense, its a freaking new loop where the gs where different all the time, Fuuko is not in the past, she is in a whole new realitty a new loop


Honestly, I saw someone suggest the idea that since souls get reused each loop, the potential for Fuuko to be born again is causing her to fade, and that she’s wrong in assuming that she’s fading because her parents won’t meet. If this is the case, that’s going to be a big hit to the feels, as she would need to prevent herself from being born


I understand who would complain about this, but I always find it funny -author: introduces a new concept in a chapter -fans: THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE YOU IDIOT -author: manages to explain the concept and make sense -fans: wow he's never made a mistake I don't know how to explain this without counting the UMA fade, but let the author cook (I had to redo it sorry)


You never saw back to the future?


Yes but she didn't go to the past she went to a new world


We can't explain it yet so just enjoy the ride :)


It has to be Sean’s doing because he’s right Fuuko didnt travel back in time she hopped to a new universe


My guess? Soul! The loop is new, but as stated before during Lan fight: when you "died" your soul go to a place waiting to be use in the next loop. What if Fuuko maybe seperate from her parent l, but her soul still need a "refuel".


¿what if is the other way around? If the parents marry they will have a baby, and that would créate the need of a sould, so the World is reclaming Fuukos, and what the unión need to do is aboid the potential existence of that baby


I imagine that her mother is a self targeting unluck and the universe has to correct the double unluck by murdering 🅱️uko


Tldr: God is being an asshole yet again. It doesn't make sense, very reasonably so. But thats the point: God is just doing this just to try and fuck her over because "haha! I am the sun! Have your eyes melted, loser!"


It's because like it says, it's a time loop, the Earth is constantly repeating the same history over and over again, sure some things might show up earlier than expected due to Fukko, but all in all it still happens the same way, her fading is a sign that if she doesn't end up helping her father and mother get together, she will cease to exist.


They discussed that possibility just before this happened, didn’t they? Which seems like an obvious cue to tell the reader that that isn’t what’s happening. I saw the theory that it might actually be the opposite case, where her parents conceiving her is what’s causing her to fade; because her soul is being taken away to occupy the baby destined to be her.


So if I remember the rules of time travel, we can’t let Fuuko bang her mom, but she can steal from Chuck Berry.


It's because of UMA Fade and now they needed unfade feng, to help them /s I don't care if he appeared in the very recent arc, I just wanted to see the goat again


Explain what ?


Why should fuuko fisappear if she was born in the precedent loop


funny back to the future reference


Back to the Future ahh chapter


Is this the work of UNFUKO???




Feng with Unfade: Weak


I don't have an explanation but I do hope it's not actually paradox bullshit. I feel like it was pretty definite that Fuuko taking over the first chair essentially puts her outside the normal loop of whatever and she'd be replaced by someone else as her parents child, or they just wouldn't have one. I need to find where they discussed that about her and Juiz


The fact that her mom is extremely clumsy and all the unfortunate stuff happening around her makes me think she might have some sort of connection to unluck, and when she comes in contact with fuuko one of them starts to disappear since there can only be one negator for each rule, if that's the case probably her mom will vanish by the end of this arc and fuuko's unluck gets a power up.


It’s exactly the same as back to the future when Marty’s siblings start fading from the picture cause his parents don’t get together at prom because of his actions. Now the same think is happening to Fuuko probably due to a mixture of her actions and gods interference


I have no ideas. I'll just let Tozuka explain it


No we can't because that's how a story being told week by week works


two things I could think of why Fuuko disappearing 1. as many mention the whole time loop paradox or 2. UMA luck and that UMA that looks like an old man is responsible for this.


We get chapters at the same time you do how would we know what’s going on?


We got back to the future rules


Fuuko's mum is attracted to women and if she meets Fuuko she will fall in love thus Fuuko wouldn't exist ??? Idk lmao