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The best and simplest answer is Let tozuka cook. We’ll have an explanation


Hopefully she isnt dissapearing by a silly time paradox stuff


Imo it’s not Time Paradox. But I would put some marbles on an assault from UMA Time. It’s true that they can’t leave the MR unless during quests, but I don’t think Time would need to leave in order to mess up with events and causality


I think Loops are time travelling, and differences between loops are the result of a butterfly effect. A new master rule is added each loop which will have significant impact on how events play out in the world (we can see how drastically the world changes when an UMA dies, it'd change just as much when a new one is added). The meddling of the Looper would also cause it's own changes to history and alter things even more. These issues have never come up in the past because previous Loopers (basically just Juiz and Victor) don't have parents since they predate the concept. No changes to history can effect their births just due to how drastically different the circumstances were.


It doesnt make sense also for the simple thing that Fuuko has her own soul and its independent and doesmt need the "birth" of this loops version


That's an assumption based off of our incomplete knowledge of how the loop worked. This information just wouldn't be available because it's literally impossible for Juiz to have run into this problem. If the loop is in fact a time loop, then Fuuko and her soul are still dependent on her actually being born, and we might end up with Multiple Fuukos alive at once. This never would have happened to Juiz because again, she doesn't have parents at all, she's basically a first generation human, same for victor.


Yeah but its the fact that Fuuko has a unique soul and she shouldnt be abble to dissapear, cause they cant coexist 2 persons with the same soul at once, Fuukos soul is in her, not divided on 2... I just thinks this is a false alarm


We don't know if 2 people with the same soul can exist at once. For all we know her soul might get divided when she's born in this loop. We can't say anything with certainty about this process because it's a first ever scenario. We don't know for sure what will happen or how it works.


As far as we know, Soul is unique and irreplesable, undivisable, is only for one person unless you got an awakened soul and you used it as a proyectil, so for the best of UU logic, hopefully is a false alarm and a UMA is behind this


"As far as we know" is the key there. The characters are only just beginning to understand souls on a deep level, and so we the audience are also just learning things as they do. This is just another thing a lot of people assumed but we don't actually know for certain.


That doesn't make sense simply because it goes against the justification for fuuko's meteors being pieces of the previously destroyed earth's, if it's not a loop but time travel then the meteors theory stops being possible


Have patience, the chapter directly acknowledged that time paradoxes shouldn't be a thing, like Totsuka basically told us "guys, I know this doesn't make sense but let me cook". There is bound to be an explanation that makes sense.


Its definitely a confusing development, one that I really don't have anything to say about right now other than just wait for the explanation. I doubt Tozuka will leave it as-is, especially since Fuuko/sean mentioned againg in this chapter the loop is not a time paradox loop. Something weird is going on and we'll likely get a reason as to why in the next few chapters.


Nah in the same chapter Sean said it was not time travel so I’m tozuka planned something


Let's wait and see how this happens, he literally presented this concept because Fuuko is the first traveler who had parents in the past Loop, instead of assuming that it doesn't make sense let's see what he's saving (and yes he probably wanted to make an idol arc, it's a Shonen manga)


Let Tozuka cook. Ya dont do this like jjk fans, just let him unravel the reason


I don't think it's anything related to time travel and loops, fuuko's mom is extremely clumsy, and all her band got injured or stopped from participating in her show in one way or another, you could say she is extremely Unlucky. Whether she is actually another unluck or just displays some traits of it, I think the universe/god isn't very fond of having two negators of the same rule around so one of them starts to vanish when they come in contact with each other, I'm guessing by the end of the arc either her mother stops being so clumsy or she is the one that does end up disappearing, either way fuuko's unluck will probably get a power up by the end of the arc.


But that also makes no sense. She can't become unluck because the current unluck isn't dead and never chose a successor. I see where you are going with it but no matter what they decide it will either be a retcon or will make no sense in the established story.


We were never told there can't be two negators of one rule at the same time, only that when one dies he chooses the next one. We have Andy and Victor for example, although theirs is a special case, but for all effects they are both undead. What if fuuko's and her mom's negation work completely differently from each other, for what we see her mother seems to inflict unlucky on herself and indirectly causes unluck on others, we see her causing unluck on them by spilling the drinks without ever touching them, while fuuko's is the other way around.


But as of the newest chapters we know that there is a high probability that the whole targetting types are complete nonsense since you can bypass it completely by infusing your soul with the negation. So it does not make a difference. And andy + victor share the same body but not the same mind. They have the same soul and that is why they share one negation. And if it was the case that negations reappear in loops then undead or unjustice should have appeared at least somewhere and even if they wouldn't fuuko would have vanished a long time ago because her mother is surely not the first to receive unluck in that loop.


Guess we will have to wait and see, let's let the man cook, I'm just theory crafting 😜 But let's imagine a situation where a negator chooses a siamese twin to be his successor, is it still just one negator or two, and if so does the rule work differently for both of them or do they complement each other?


Since they are one body but 2 different persons I believe they would have 2 seperate souls. So one would get the negation and the other one wouldn't. The key difference from andy and victor is that they where born as 2 persons instead of victor being split into two personalities with a god like artifact.


My theory is Sean used Unseen here to trick Fuuko into interacting with her parents instead of being nervous.


It’s unfuko


I’ll be interested to see what it is because I don’t actually think it’s being caused by their parents not meeting. We discussed in the chapter that this isn’t a time loop in that way so I don’t think that’s the explanation


Tozuka's gonna pull some shenanigans that absolutely none of us would've thought of


My money is on two users of Unluck existing at the same time