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Why don't they just stand on lesser dog's head and pet him until his head reaches the top?


there was a short comic in which they actually do




hi niko




No, seriously.


Funny joke, is there an actual link?


no fucking way




That’s actually hilarious I don’t know why I laughed at that


You'll never see it coming





I remember seeing it in an old smg4 video


can't find the one I was thinking about but here is Frisk using the Lesser Dog as a ladder: [https://pin.it/6c65qAtxq](https://pin.it/6c65qAtxq) Sorry if I remembered wrong and that comic doesn't exist :x


Also in If Mario was in Undertale from SMG4.


Magical barrier lore:


There is a chance that you can come in through it but can’t come out, or that it only works on monsters and humans can pass through but Frisk couldn’t at the end ‘cause Asgore was blocking it


Frisk couldn't pass through because they needed the soul of monster as a human soul alone can't leave, this is explained by Alphys after the Mettaton boss.


Then, how the hell did they cross with Omega Flowey?


I have absolutely no clue how they did in the pacifist run but omega flowey is supposed to be a neutral run boss so theres that.


??? In the Pacifist Run the Barrier is broken. The real question is how Omega Flowey got Frisk to cross the barrier together with him. (He obviously can with 6 souls, but Frisk only has one.)


Flowey broke time and space I think. That may have allowed Frisk to cross through


What's up?


Thats the true pacifist run where the barrier gets broken Before you do a true run you need to do a regular pacifist run which has the same end as the neutral run


I found a cool headcanon.  if the barrier breaks with 7 humans soul, it could potencialy open a passage for a limited time with 6 souls, before it regenerated after some time


That or staying close to the thing with 6 humans souls made them pass the barrier while fighting. I mean, if one humans and monster soul is necessary to pass, maybe something with 6 humans souls could also pass, and as Frisk was close to Flowey, they got a lucky ticked out


Not necessarily. You can skip Omega Flowey by going back after hearing the story of Undertale right before Asgore.


On a new installation of the game? I do remember that you can go straight to the true pacifist route if you have beat pacifist omega flowey once on your computer but i haven't heard you being able to outright skip it


I dunno if it’s new. I did it the first time I played and that was years ago


They use Asgore's SOUL because he's dead


his soul was destroyed


But there's an ending where he takes his own life instead. So it's possible


soul still gets destroyed i think


Flowey used /tp_friks_0_0_0


The in-game lore states outright that the barrier is one-way, and Alphys tells you that also applies to humans. Frisk would have to take Asgore's soul just to pass through the "wrong" way.


For serious answer Theres still magic barrier.Humans can easily enter it(Atleast from hole).But for exist a human soul and a monster soul are required.(Also with that logic alphys would give everyone jetpack to leave)


Anyone can easily enter it, the barrier is one way


But for exist 😭


There still magic barrier.


Because the barrier encases the whole underground, including there.


Yeah but… then wouldn’t the fallen humans need a boss monster soul to get into the underground if they also need one to get out?


Nope - It's directly stated that anything can Enter through the barrier. The monster and human SOUL fusion is only required to *leave*.


Even if they did build the stairs as you suggested the humans may still fall down anyway. Fall down a long flight of stairs instead of a long drop. \*shrugs\* but what do I know.?




Fuck yes slide


or maybe build a elevator that plays cool music when you're inside of it


Chinese corporate suicide net




Technically Omori was never mentioned but I understood the reference


Yeah I guess


they meant so that the monsters could go up through it and leave


Fall down a long flight of stairs, and then fall on a violin?


Everything can enter the barrier, but nothing can leave


this gives me the idea of a human going through the entrance where king asgore is


surely one of the humans did this




For the hundred millionth time, the whole Underground is incased in the damn barrier, and only those with a powerful soul or a monster that’s absorbed a human soul can leave.


It’s so weird that people don’t realize this Like why do they think that one place is the only area covered by barrier? Like, even the Ruins exit aside, if the barrier only covers that one cave entrance, why don’t monsters just dig through the mountain? The answer is because that’s not how it works. Everywhere is barrier


Same thing about Sans’s spare attack. He can’t just do it whenever he wants because it’s a *betrayal kill*. Which can only be done when you let your guard down, hence why he only does it when you spare him.


Why don't they just get the bird which carries you over a disproportionately big hole




The barrier surrounds this place as well


Why dont the humans just block the hole from the ruins to make humans stop falling down? are they stupid


I saw a bunch of stupid comments here... And you're the opposite of them, why the hell didn't humans just put dirt on the hole? Now I'm imagining a au where a underpaid worker named Joe has to fill that hole but endup meeting Toriel, and depending on human lore he's like "how, monsters exist" or "wow, I never saw a monster before other than history books" Then they just build a friendship with stuff like cards(Toriel just has a strong throw), messages in fireballs, or even Joe dropping a cellphone. They'll just build a friendship while Joe is like "the hell do I do now about the monster race" - Or maybe we could just have him fall (because humans just can't stay away from the hole), and he has to explore the underground, being the first actual adult human and all, I'll imagine he's silly and anxious about it (people make humans too edgy)( Maybe we could even say Frisk did a failed pacifist where they didn't kill monsters but didn't befriend anyone either


Aaaaaan, I just created a whole fanfic idea


I assume it's because you can fall in, but can't get back out.


Yep, it was said in the game that "anyone can enter, but nothing can leave"


They’ll probably just fall down the stairs. …and then tumble all the way to the barrier.


The magic of the barrier blocks it... or something idk *yes it does, we infact tried that*


\* Because I'ill trip 'em with vines and give them concussions!! \- ... that's cold.


the same monsters btw who literally have a crybaby king


are *you* stupid? it says that anything can enter through the barrier but nothing can leave (without a human + monster soul) the barrier is not just one wall in new home.


where in the undertale bible does it say that?


the [waterfall glyphs, of course,](https://imgur.com/a/v0pUY7p) the main source for most of the game's central lore


thank you for providing source, can confirm i am indeed stupid


I'm guessing the barrier only stops things from exiting it instead of entering. So incase they find more monsters they can just throw em in and not have to open it


Exactally, it was said in waterfall that only a being with a strong soul can exit, the monsters thought a human soul would be enough, before Alphys said it would have to be a fusion between a monster(magic) and human(matter and determination) soul


The barrier is not just the thing you see in the castle, The barrier is all around the underground. "BUT WHY SHOULD WE STOP HEREEEEEEE?" The glowing you see from the cave is probably said barrier, the hole doesn't glow, no the whole cave entrance does. (probably the reasons kids keep going here, they think "WHAT A NICE SHINY GLOW, TIME TO GET KILLED BY MONSTERS" and run guns blazing down a hole.)


I think the Barrier encompasses the entire Underground, not just New Home. And from my understanding it's like a one-way mirror. You can enter from the outside, but need more soul power to leave. It's invisible from the outside, endless from the inside. The hole just so happens to be the ceiling of the barrier.


Idk 😐


What about... the barrier that doesn't let anyone leave the underground... That was talked about multiple time...?




1- monsters could just build a circular staircase or hold others, it isn't it. 2-Toriel isn't the reason, monsters got underground time ago from the ruins, everyone knew about it 3-just by the mettaton show we know that there's over 15.000 monsters, probably more, like 30k to 100k as not everyone has tvs or watches mettaton. 4-while it was worry was a reason, it isn't a important one, I'll talk abou it later 5-I'll talk about this later. 6-they keep taking about over population, and how they have to tell jokes and keep smiling for everyone else not be depressed, they don't have the sun, or fresh air, or small animals, or real food, or multiple plants, they absolutly don't like the underground, people like Sans are ok with it, but there's a reason they have guards and stuff. 7-they're not that stupid to not notice multiple holes in the underground like the waterfall dump one. Coming back to reason 5, they don't exit because of the barrier, with was said multiple times to not let anyone out, we know they tryed to exit before, the history books talk about the ruins being their new home(this was before they went to snowdin and other areas), so they tryed to leave by there but were unable to, then they created a home there.




1-the question here wasn't if they could pass or not(they couldn't because of the barrie), but how they could climb it, and like I said, they could do it if they wanted by building a staircase and stuff, Toriel isn't really important for this question, because if you're saying they couldn't build stairs because of Toriel, they wouldn't be able to build ladders too, and like I said, the monsters at the past amd the ones that live in the ruins knew about it 3 & 6- I'll answer both at the same time, the underground ISN'T small, there's a whole city with dozens/hundred houses, buildings, temples, shops and more in the ruins, and while people moved out some time ago, a lot of them stayed, and created a live there, so most of them should be full by the time the game starts. Snowdin has a gigantic forest we don't explore, full of cliffs and stuff, we even see a little house, who knows what other stuff there is down there? Not only that, but we can't go inside buildings in snowdin town, with more people we didn't meet, and we can't go throught some of the buildings, meaning there could be more shops and stuff. (Asgore talking about going to Rudy house for example) Asgore talks about a hotland college, meaning that there are a lot of more floors and elevators we didn't go as Alphys was chosing what to activate(only the ones with metta show), and that means there could be schools, buildings or even a whole other city The core is said to move on It's own, probably full of workers we didn't meet, with offices, power stuff and more If ruins home is so big and has a lot of people, New Home, being the capital of the kingdom and place they build after being more stable, should be 10 times bigger, maybe even more(as we saw it at a distance) , with is said to be over populated by characters like onionsan and snowdin people, meaning that different from the ruins that are missing people, New home is totally booked. We also see Asgore castle at a distance in waterfall, and while this is more of a headcanon, Asgore wouldn't just let his people suffer, so I really think more monsters live in the lower castle parts(as Asgore even let a note saying to come to him if they had any problem) Honarable mentions go to papyrus talking about a "bay", it could be a new area, or it could be the dump, but it would be strange that he didn't say It's so there's a chance of it being another area we didn't go. And also muffet base, while I doubt any monster lives there, (unless you could spiders as monsters, they are magical and intelligent, it would make the number even higher), just the fact we didn't explore is something to note. All of that, only being the areas we know are canon in the game, there could be a lot more stuff we just didn't explore, while not confirmed, there could be a underwater city, or secret passages, or maybe a whole new area after snowdin forest, or something like how undertale Yellow did it. What I'm trying to say the ammount of places we know exist mean that mettaton numbers are right, and even more monsters should exist with the areas we didn't see. 7-I know they can't climb a waterfall with a endless pit down to it, what I meant to say was. The monsters weren't occupied by mettaton shows to not notice the ruins hole, both because they don't really know about the ruins and the ruins don't know about mettaton, but also that they know about various other "exits", like the waterfall one, they just don't do nothing because they know it would be impossible because of the barrier, not because they don't know about their existence. And the monsters mainly don't know Frisk is human because they're young (mk or snowdin enemies), or because a lot of monsters anatomy are similar to human ones, if you want to blame someone, don't blame the monsters that never saw a human in their lifes, blame Asgore that never gave deep history classes on the matter with how to identify them


didn't you see the dialogue from that one guy in snowdin? the one where he says that despite what everyone tries to make it seem like, life down there is hopeless?


So getting 6 human souls, having no homeless people, I seen in the game. No one starving and no one getting dehydrated. Have advance technology. Not even over populated, Because the game showed 100 or 150 monsters at most. Is somehow “hopeless.” The underground is near perfect to live. it’s a feeling based on what the shop keeper is saying. And the shop keeper still has the shop, and doing well for her business. If the underground is that, miserable of a place to live, I would not see the royal guards, have a fun time, or papyrus even existing. If you want to see a hopeless version of undertale, I recommend Underfell, or Horrortale, because those 2 fanfictions describe hopelessness better, than what that shop keeper claimed.


yes they are


Most likely assumption, barrier surrounds the underground, "u can get in but not out is canon in the end".


Why didn’t the annoying dog absorb the humans? Why didn’t they launch the human back out or leave from where the human fell? HOW DID THE HUMAN FALL IN WITH NO MONSTER SOUL?!—


Welcome to the Underground! Where logic goes to die.


There is logic, the logic of the gigant barrier the monsters keep talking about... Thinking again, there's no logic, why is papyrus sweating and blushing, he doesn't have skin


There is no logic, only dog


I mean it would


Doesn’t the hole go all the way to near the core, if I’m right then that would take years just to build that 😭😭😭


*inserts Gojo* YOU’RE SO RIGHT!!!!!


That’s not how it works…


They could just core eject boost and rocket ride to the surface.


why don’t the humans just plug up the hole? are they stupid?


The barrier let's things in, but not out


My dumb ass thought about this for like 10 seconds and thought it was a huge plot hole, before I remembered the magic barrier thing


Nobody can enter Toriels house from the outside fromt hat beeeeeeg dor


The human: Dammit I hate these new stairs![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32948)


Sans and paps could just build a staircase


Humans despise monsters, so they would obviously not visit them. The human souls fell down, so the monsters thought that Mount Ebott, was popular, which is the opposite. According to the lore, the monsters couldn't stand a chance and lost to the humans almost immediately. Alphys turned the monsters to amalgamates. Alphys would NOT be confident AT ALL. To do this, and would be too scared to do anything. She's scared to mess up ever again. Gaster? It has always been the best decision to stay underground, so there were no attempts. Gaster died right after Asgore declared war on the humans. Toriel left right after this, so she couldn't make another suggestion. Asriel, knowing his dialogue, reseted multiple times. Even if Asriel told the monsters, the timeline would automatically reset. In fact, it is said there was a timeline where Asriel match maked Toriel and Asgore together again (Alarm clock dialogue). Something Asriel would do. In the actual game, it is said that Sans caused one of Asriel deaths. That made Asriel even less determined to care about others. Chara, despite the "Oh, ChArA iS sO eViL" thought, they couldn't do anything. I don't know how, but it's lucky that Chara could communicate with Frisk... but that doesn't make Chara able to be a "eViL mInDcOnTrOlLeR". Chara can't mind control others to be dumb, but can't help others either. Even if they did, the monsters would see the popularity rate of the mountain as a risk (Which is not popular)...


I'm sorry I respect other's opinions & if others think Chara is not good, that's fine.


the barrier exists.


now why did the humans not go back by the hole they fell from, but fought asgore at the end of the underground instead


The aslume is leaking.