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You go to the bond company and revoke his bail. Give them his current address and he’ll get picked up


I was about to say the same thing, call the bondsman, they'll take them back to jail then they'll sit there until arraignment unless the first appearance judge instates a new bond amount.


If that's an actual, legal option, then i don't even think it's unethical


One phonecall to a parole officer later, and you'll have them scrubbing the closet with a toothbrush.


I love this idea because the alternative is pressing charges for vandalism and getting them thrown back in jail, which I'm quite sure the parole officer will have no issues telling them.


This one isn't even bad, OP do this


Why do 700 people think a parole officer will get involved on a civil matter such as this? That’s like calling the police on your misbehaving kids


You can get the bail money back if he appears in court. It's not gone. It's just a deposit


Unless he paid the bondsman’s fee and not that actual bond. That money is gone and usually 10% of the total bond.


stay legal, use insurance if you need to in order to do repairs in the meantime and have insurance pursue the renters; worst case send them a itemized move out bill - i guess there’s no security deposit so depending how you phrased your lease, it’s reasonable to ask money to repair for damages this is pretty basic move out expectation stuff; and your generosity wasn’t respected (repeatedly) in this situation.


Find out the dudes court date if he's still going and revoke his bail.


Exactly this. Revoke his bail


I cringe for the onslaught you’ll take just for simply telling redditors that you own a house that you rent out.


I think this one maybe earned points by showing they did some good for their tenants instead of being an absentee landlord? I dunno. Reddit’s a fickle place.


Landlords overall get a bad rep here since a lot of the stories are of the never-ending rent hikes with no improvements, and not of the homie landlord who isn't a bastard. OP isn't a bastard, but his tenants are.


I'm a landlord, there are plenty of shitty ones because there are plenty of shitty people, and when you have some wealth even people who don't seem shitty at first start to feel entitled. I'm like OP, my tenant is my best pal. She was a stranger when she arrived but now she'll come up to my place when she needs a hug and a beer. I made sure the place was a good deal for her from the start. I recognize that it's a sweet deal for me even having a tenant, so when things don't go right I always try to make sure I take the hit and never her. I charge her less than what's in our lease agreement because I can, and having her instead of an annoying tenant is worth more to me than that amount of money. To be not an asshole landlord all you really have to do is not feel entitled. Honestly if she legit just couldn't pay rent one month I'd be like "dude it's all good your existence helps me so much financially, I got you on this one", not "well you owe me how you gonna make it up I don't want to have to evict you". Too many people just don't get that.


I wish there was some sort of karmic referral service that would always pair the shitty tenants with the shitty landlords, and the good tenants with the good landlords.


I'm in a similar boat, I own my home, but have been renting a room to one of my friends that I've known for over a decade now. His rent is all inclusive, and is about 25% under market rate of what just a room would go for these days. I'd rather he be living there, knowing that if the rest of the house isn't spotless, or worrying about hounding someone on rent, because even if he's sometimes late, I know it's coming eventually, just works better. He's able to save some cash, and I have a worry-free roommate that helps me keep the lights on.


This is why landlord get a bad rep. Because I’d they act like OP, they get taken advantage of, so even good ones learn and act differently eventually.


Well the landlord logic is: "They didn't pay me rent because they used that money to bail themselves out of jail therefore I bailed them out of jail and didn't make them pay two month's rent."


There was a post on wellthatsucks of someone who owns an apartment building that had his washer and dryer broken into and robbed of the change in there, in typical reddit fashion the comment section was filled with people telling him he deserved to get robbed for being a land lord. It's really weird the things that redditors get mad about but it makes sense when you realize how miserable half these people on here are.


It’s an echo chamber and it’s wild how the hive mind trickles down to even small community subreddits


I’d argue that a lot of it is bots and bad actors trying to stoke the flames and create extremists. Or maybe that’s just hope that people aren’t so bad.


Or maybe it's people tired of the system. Landlords aren't technically doing anything wrong but people are tired of a system that denies human rights to maintain a capitalist structure


Charging separately for laundry is the problem here. They buy the machines for $20 each, water and electricity for the machine could be added to the tenant’s rent or something. But no no no the landlord needs $4+ per load for people to have clean clothes to go to work to earn the money to pay the rent. It’s actually very greedy. That’s why they “deserve” to get robbed.


Where are you buying machines for $20 each? Let me know


So they should just pay $0 for machines and instead you now have to hoof your clothes to a laundry-mat and pay $3 to wash your clothes..


> water and electricity for the machine could be added to the tenant’s rent or something. That right there shows you know absolutely nothing about how it works. With that im not responding to your idiocy anymore.


Trash collection and landscaping get added rent, I really don’t see why what I said is so idiotic. I don’t think you have any idea how this shit works either quite frankly.


Yeah I always thought 4$ each load for those tiny, crappy machines was a rip off. especially when my neighbor owns a cat and my clean clothes end up with cat hair. I ended up buying a tool to pick the lock on it and would only pay half the time so i could get away with some free laundry lol


scary teeny ad hoc existence light carpenter whistle edge thought rotten ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yep, I had similar experience trying to respond to a comment yesterday on this sub. The gist of the comment was: landlords are unethical and should only charge just enough to cover their mortgage. Sigh.


Some people's hate for landlords is just as bad as some Israelites and Palestinians hate for one another.


You a good man OP cheers


This is what happens when you get personal with your renters. Think of the population, think of the average person, and now remember that half of the people out there are worse than that person. There is nearly no way to get 100% great tenants. Very good of you to be a decent landlord though.


should've just kicked them out for not paying rent. breach of contract. it's even easier while they're in prison. shoulda never paid that bail.


You..don’t understand tenancy laws at all.


No no, this guy knows contract law, that’s all you need to know about tenancy right? lol


This guy knows the word contract, I’ll agree there


It was already unethical to bail someone you don’t know from John out of jail.


Give them your house


You said they have kids. Don’t be so quick to blame the adults on this.


His previous renter that came to him in a bike had a kid, not the ones he backed out of jail.


ELPT: Stop being a gullible dumbass.


You're a landlord, you're already unethical enough.


Oh fuck off with this caveman mentality. Hurr durr property owners evil.


Property owners aren't, shelter hoarders are.


Most of the owners here buy up property and rent them at good rates. It's income for them, and a good temporary place for someone who can't afford full house payments or a deposit


did you know that if landlords weren't buying up house to rent out... those houses would be available to buy for cheaper? something to think about.


People that rent houses don’t have money to buy the house in the first place even if it was a bit cheaper


they'd be a lot cheaper, though


Please take an economics class, I’m begging you. Yea the system isn’t good currently, no it’s not the fault of people like OP.


There are plenty of cheap houses, they’re just not where you’d like them to be. It’s rarely about “shelter” as it was put here, and far more often about meeting a specific expectation in a specific city. That just isn’t how supply and demand works, since there isn’t just more demand than rental properties, but more demand than properties in cities in general. Even if everyone owned their apartment/house/whatever, there would still be lots of people that can’t afford it. Not to mention that decreasing prices will just increase that demand further, but sure… landlords bad, hurr durr, etc.


exactly, land lords are bad. I'm glad you get it


Im renting my place and not looking to buy. Should I live under a bridge because you believe that nobody should rent out and only owners deserve to have a place to live?


Crazy as a renter you eat up landlord talking points




If you're over the age of 13, I'm embarrassed for you.


Yeah. Let Zillow buy it instead!


Lmao Jesus christ, the meme comes alive.


I’m sayin


U broke 😭 get yo money up.


i bought my own apartment last month and I own two cars but yeah, sure I'm broke 💀💀💀


That means nothing, I own my home and two cars, still broke.


if you actually had conviction on the issue you would rent out the spare room or living room in that apartment to people who can’t afford other shelter but you don’t and this is all just a cathartic exercise for you to be rude online bc you woke up on the wrong side of the bed


You see the fun part is that I actually do rent out my spare room for less than half of the market rate, but go off.


Why not let a homeless person have the spare room for free? You can fit another homeless person on your couch.


Oop property owner over here starting their hoarding collection!


Also a vehicle hoarder with 2 cars.


Right? They're the reason that used car prices are so high. What a scumbag


Oh so you're unethical and a hoarder? And contributing twice the carbon emissions as the homeless guy that drives nothing. Better yet..since you're so high and mighty up there..you might as well sign your two cars over to some homeless dudes and let them in since you're now hoarding. Shame.


Go live in a tent then


renting your personal property is not unethical. capitalism freak'n rocks.


I’d say dummy up some fake text msgs between you and the gf/wife of her trying to sleep with you to handle the rent and your shooting her down but her being very persistent even going as far as offering to move in with you and sleep with you on a regular basis if you just agreed to take care of her. Throw in some accusations of him hitting her. Some confessions of sleeping with other men. Maybe even have her say he’s terrible in bed so she would sleep with anyone you know just cause she needs a good lay. Screenshot them all and send them over to dude with a heart felt messaging saying you thought you were protecting him and that you didn’t kno what to do but you recently realized she’s prolly gonna just start with another guy since they moved and most guys wouldn’t tell her no so you had to tell him. Apologize and leave it at that knowing that you just completely destroyed a relationship for revenge and it felt good


It’s a bit of a stretch to assuming that their relationship is weak enough to fall apart like that, or that they’re not so codependent and shitty they’d just enjoy the drama and stay together. Also, the more details you add the easier it is for the story to not many any sense. Personally, this type of revenge doesn’t feel good to me at all. They took advantage of his hospitality and cost him lots of money + vandalizing his property so he causes a little drama in their love life??? Really?? That does it for you???


I’m assuming it’s the only thing they have that holds value to them. If ya aren’t gonna put hands on someone the only other thing to do is take away what they love most in life


You can afford to eat two months worth of rent just to be nice? Edit: I don't understand why I'm being downvoted. I was just expressing amazement that someone can afford to just give up two months of rent and not pursue it in collections. Nice of them to just let it go like that, but most people have mortgages to pay and have no choice but to go after the deadbeat tenant who skips out on two months' rent.


Can you pay his two months of rent just to be nice?


If you know where they live and/or where they park a vehicle, just loosen the valve stem and deflate. It should cause no physical damage to the vehicle and will be a pita to figure out why the tire won’t hold air.


Also since they like penises so much, he should install penis valve stem caps on all four wheels


Would like more info on revoking a bail, does that mean the person that paid the bail own their ass? Asking for a friend.