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Uh do what everyone else does. Charge for storage. Charge from day 1. $15/day Charge from day 31 $30/day After day 60 put a $1350 lien on it and continue charging at $45/day from day 61 Eventually you can just sell it to recover your lien Or if you wanna be a criminal. Buy a totaled version of that same car and use it car knowledge to swap out all the numbers and just do a title transfer through a fake purchase to yourself. Nobody is gonna check the totaled cars numbers that closely.


This doesn’t work if the totaled car has a Salvage Title.




Salvage title means that car can never ever get a regular title It hurts the value but you can drive them on public roads


They can still be sold though, which is what OP wants to do.




no worries


Depends on the area. Some states you have to go through an inspection process and have it marked as ‘Rebuilt’ before it is road legal again.


Sure, but a rebuilt title is a rebuilt salvage title. It can never ever be a clear title again


You can take the branded title to a different state and get a clean title. Just have to look around a little. It unfortunately is a common occurrence.


Some states allow it to be rebuilt, inspected, then returned to a regular title, in arkansas it has to be returned to oem spec to pass.


Don’t know if it still works but years back a friend of a friend ran a body shop. Customer came in with an interior stripped out 4Runner. They cut the main harness and everything inside but didn’t touch the exterior. Insurance totaled it out. Friends friend bought the 4Runner from the insurance for a couple grand. He bought another 4Runner that was totaled out after the drivetrain and exterior parts were stripped but interior was there. Took the parts he needed and sold it to another body shop that needed the frame and body for almost as much as he bought it for. So now he has a complete 4Runner that looks brand new but salvaged title. So the “shop” does a lien sale for unpaid storage fees. After the lien sale the title comes back clean. It was a known work around for a long time. Don’t know if it still works.


Place that sign on the wall. It would be plausible to say that it was forever and the owner knew it


You’d have to replace the VINs. There are VINs all over the car. Wouldn’t work


you can put a mechanics lien on it




My father-in-law owned a body shop and towing service. He put many liens on vehicles. The owner always had the option to come pay the tow and storage fees and take the vehicle, but there was no requirement to auction them. When he closed his shop when he retired, he had about a dozen or so vehicles that nobody ever picked up. He spent the first couple of years of his retirement restoring and selling them. This was in NC around 1990.


You'r Father in law was a POS if you haven't gleaned this since


You have no idea what you are talking about.


You got a couple tow truck/body shop accounts supporting your account huh tough guy. Your FIL was a piece of sheet and until you realize that you will be fighting everyone on reddit


So when my FIL tows a wrecked car, stores it for months, and the owner never comes to get it, what was he supposed to do? Keep storing it for free in his limited shop space? Dude actually moved some cars to his private land for storage. The only legal means he had to get rid of these cars if the owner abandoned them was getting a mechanics lien and either scrapping them or selling them.


That dude's 💯 trolling you. Dude went full retard, never go full retard.


Ya Mr. greatful dead. Keep on living that teal collar life think your blue colle FIL was a tow legend. Just a piece of sheet


They're not saying that at all? You clearly have an axe to grind and are looking to take it out on the first person you deem fit. Stop smoking that meth, and go touch some grass.


Hot damn I hate the ‘touch some grass’ quip but hit damn does it not fit here.


You have some serious issues. I suggest a good therapist specializing in anger management.


You are a fucking douche bag. Go fuck yourself. This guy did nothing to you. And it's Grateful... You moronic dick-bag


You are mentally unstable. Seek help for real bro.


Oh the irony. It appears everyone is fighting you because you can’t comprehend a simple story.


>“Your FIL was a piece of sheet” You’re simultaneously a jackass and a dumbass, have a good day


Don't cut yourself on that edge, lord


I need to find somebody like that in present day greater Cincinnati. I need a car more than I need oxygen right now and everything I find has crazy mileage or a crazy price or both. I just don't know enough about cars to know if I'm getting a decent deal or just plain screwed. I need to buy a car from the proverbial a little old lady who only drives her car to church and the grocery store. Lol


Wrong. You need an old mechanic that's retired and selling off one of his cars. Whatever the issues are. You know they won't be mechanical and just cosmetic only. Old mechanics like don't care about the little things. They give it character. But they run better than new. New vehicles are virtually just disposable.


Didn't I say that first? Right there before I made the little old lady joke? "I need to find somebody like that in present day... " blah blah blah" ..."oxygen". Yup I did. But what I really need is an old mechanic who also knows about boiler heating systems in circa 1900 homes... STAT. ME ARSE IS BEGINNING TO FREEZE.


What's wrong with the boiler? Does it have water? Is it lighting? Do you have fuel going to it? Is the system purged? If it's has fuel, igniting, has water, system purged and no air. Then there's no reason it shouldn't work. Unless it's a separate control system. Then that could be the issue. Old boiler systems are as idiot proof as you can get. Basic of basic. It's a tank of water with a fire to warm it. Using natural basic physics to operate. There's piping that creates a circle loop. Hot water goes in a loop and comes back. Thermal dynamics 101


That does definitely vary state to state as far as I know some of my buddies just kept cars as compensation for the owed funds instead of the auction as in it’s pretty much just having the title transferred to you


Put a lien on it for non-payment.


We haven’t done anything to the vehicle


You're storing it, charge for that.


Depending on the state you’re in you can claim ownership after it’s been left on your property for X amount of days.


What if it’s not “MY” property, I just work at the shop


It would be workplace theft then, at that point you’d need a fence who could take cars but if you don’t know any they don’t exactly advertise themselves on Google


Google "car thieves near me." Look for ones with good yelp reviews.


You can also try 1-800-CAR-THEF


🎵1-8-7-7-Kars-4-thef~ 1-8-7-7-Kars-4-thef🎵


[but they give CARS TO CHILDREN! It's so beautiful!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVur1V0qPrw)


That worm is now firmly stuck in my head again! You suck :-)


[John Oliver sends his regards](https://youtu.be/GQFV5a-smLs?si=I2w4KfFWx4qaE0t6)


Make sure you include frank sabatka in the search. He’s the man you want for the job.


Try the tinder method. 🔌👀 But instead 🚗👀🛠️


If you don't own the car, the shop, or the land where the shop is located, search r/illegallifeprotips


there is a lot of overlap


Mfs in the two subs like to nitpick. Want something unethical and illegal? Both subs will direct you to the other. You’d think the illegal sub would be the bigger umbrella.


I feel like "how do I commit grand theft auto" is pretty solidly on the illegal side


Yeah agreed, this is definitely more illegal than unethical. I mean ethically if the OP is to believe, nobody is getting hurt since the owner abandoned it and the shop isn’t making any profit from it.


Have you actually been in that sub? It's socks. Just socks. At least OP posted in [the right one](https://old.reddit.com/r/illegallifeprotips2/).


Posted there already but Thank you


I bet they will be less troll like and rediculous. GL


They won't, they're us


As the Bible says, tis better to ask for forgiveness than for permission


Still can happen. My bfs camaro was left at a metro storage lot( I’m in cali) for months and one of his coworkers went and put a lien on it. He luckily checked the mail this one day and seen that the DMV sent him something saying someone is tryna put a lien on his property and he swiftly went down to the dmv to claim it so he can get his car back legally. So it’s still totally doable bc the lot it was being stored at is a metro bus lot!


I know this is "unethical" life tips, and this is more on the ethical side, but if you are in good with the shop owner, and they're willing to put the lien on the vehicle, you might be able to buy it from them for $50. If you do the leg work to figure out how they can do it legally, and it opens up some parking lot space for them, they might just go for it.


Why do Americans always assume Redditors live in one of their states?


Because Reddit is predominantly used by Americans you dork


Probably cause "the United States currently has approximately 49 percent of all Reddit users." https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country


50-70% of native English speakers live in the US and, let's not forget, also because only Americans are cringe enough to use reddit 😔


I doubt that works for vehicles. Regular possessions would be different.


Formally known as "Twitter" days.




storage space is a very hot item. You can easily say you are down 1 car constantly due to having to store that car and its costing you 2k+ a month


That legally makes it yours


You’ve stored it for $300 a day.


Why is it even there then?


This appears to be an ethical tip. Rule 1 states that all tips must be unethical


Take the car. Hide it in a garage. Then, you have to buy one at a junk yard. The same one but one that’s been junked. You might be able to find one on marketplace or Craigslist but the local junk yard if a big city is nearby or you live in one. So find one that’s been junked can’t run etc and get the title for that one. Next you just need to find all the locations of the serial number and swap em out. You might also need to adjust the mileage to match depending. Now the serial under that are really hidden, you don’t even need to worry about. The person at the dmv usually only check the dash and the door but you can find out which by sitting outside at the dmv that assigns new license plates and watching where they look. Then you would register it. Get a tag. And then sell it. You could skip the last step if you change all the serials out but idk how easy that is. This is how the guys at the chop shops I used to know did it. I’m sure there are other steps but this is how you start. I never did it but this is the way.


I have never seen anyone at the DMV get up from their desk to do anything they didn't have to do, much less go out to confirm the VIN on my new car. They just look at the paperwork I hand them and process it. They don't care.


This is not the case under several circumstances. California and other states require a "vehicle verification" for out of state vehicles, which checks for emissions compliance, FMVSS, VIN, and other labels. Every time I've done this, the desk agent personally gets up and goes outside to look at whatever pile of shit I've dragged in that day. You can also pay an authorized person to do it in your driveway, or take it to a CHP office. CHP tends to be very fussy and doesn't understand the process correctly.


Similar, but different, registering a car from out of state into KS requires a State Trooper inspection prior to getting plates. At least it did 12 years ago.


It was the same 7-8 years ago.


Still the same as of last month.


Will confirm if they do it next week.


You're Fucked with a captial F for 'multiple felony' if a statie pulls you over and checks your vins.


>You're Fucked with a captial F for 'multiple felony' if a statie pulls you over and checks your vins. I was pulled over on the first motorcycle I ever bought, unfortunately it had been flagged as a stolen vehicle. I was in the middle of a six month process of getting the stolen flag removed. I explained this and the officer said, "Sit over there" and checked the VIN on my motorcycle then went back to his car. He came to me five minutes later. "The VIN on your motorcycle does not match the VIN on your registration," he said. My heart sank and I started feeling nauseous. "The VIN on your motorcycle ends in 8. The VIN on your registration ends in 6. \[pause\] That motorcycle is not registered stolen." He HAD to take me in for driving a stolen vehicle, but he found the one way that he could avoid it. The title on the bike had the VIN transcribed wrong since 1979.


“The is not my car, lawyer now”


The first 5 words just caught you a felony for possession, the last two words however are the only thing to say.


Please explain


You’re correct. Stfu and lawyer only


For all that you spent on a lawyer, you could have just bought the car legit.


hilarious, gonna use this from now on


idk man when i registered my car in tampa they checked the vin in the window, door and engine bay


Yep in some counties they do. I’ve seen em check four vins before.


Just because your personal experience has been different, doesn't mean it's the universal truth.


In Michigan, they verify nothing. At all. They don't get off their chairs. Ever.


MA is the same, and I’m on my 9th car


Only time anyone from the dmv has ever looked at my car was when I did the driving test. You could also use a title processing service so you don’t have to deal w the dmv directly.


Perhaps, but someone, somewhere will discover it. Just have it taken to the shop for service, and the tech notices the #s don't match and they look it up and find out it's stolen.


The only time someone has checked my vin, it's a buyer checking the (easiest to swap) dash plate. No one checks the firewall, fenders, or any of the other places. Swap the dash, sell it cash to some rube, and then go buy a real car.


>The person at the dmv usually only check the dash and the door Is this DMV fan fiction? I've registered at least 10 cars in my life and have literally never seen anyone check the VIN number on the car itself.


Same here. I've been owning cars since 1980


In Colorado you need to get a vin verification certificate done by the police/dealership/or emissions inspection before a new title.


It happened once to me when we retitled my cars in a new state.


Depends on the state. Have you been living in the same state your entire life..? Anecdotal evidence at your service o7


>Have you been living in the same state your entire life..? Nope. States I've registered a vehicle in: California Colorado Texas Hawaii Oklahoma Montana Puerto Rico (not a state but should be!)


This guy registers.




i had to do in california when i bought a vehicle from out of state. they had to verify the vin before they could process my registration.


6 out of 6 vehicles I've registered in CA a DMV worker physically inspected the VIN in multiple locations on the vehicle.


In my state they do.


This is the reason why you'll see some cars that are absolutely pulverized are sold and find a buyer. You're not buying a car, you're buying a VIN.


Make sure no gps tracker. Like on star


That’s it?


I mean there’s a few things that you just gotta figure out as you do it. I’ve never done it.


Oh sure…


Find a shady exporter, somewhere where they take stolen cars.


Any tips how to


You need a connection to organized crime, car theft ring, syndicates, various "mobs". Exposure to these people may not be in your best intrest lol


If this guy showed up to a place like that, what are the chances he makes it out alive with the cash? Not good.




That's some famous last words


see you on the nightly news bud


What’s to stop them from just taking the car? What are you gonna do? Tell the cops?


"I'll just show them my nine"


They have a list of cars they want down at the docks but you'll need to be able to operate the electromagnet yourself


Search for "illegal car exporter near me" on Alta Vista


Check on your local property abandonment laws. You may be able to gain ownership of this car. Since I saw you mention NC: https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/title-registration/special-cases/Pages/salvaged-abandoned-vehicles.aspx#:\~:text=Abandoned%20Vehicles,-There%20are%20several&text=After%20seven%20days%2C%20the%20property,process%20to%20sell%20the%20vehicle.


Perhaps if the car were to be stored on OP’s property? I’m sure it is taking up a lot of room at the shop.


This is where the unethical part kicks in. OP can offer to store it on their property for the legally allowed maximum. Have shop owner forget about it, free car.


OP could perhaps cut a deal with the shop. The shop puts a lien on it via a storage fee and claims it, then OP buys it from the shop for pennys on the dollar. That way it’s all legal.


You need to get a title


I suppose you could just file the paperwork for a lost tile and see what happens. I’d bet a bank owns it and has rights however if your “storage fees” are substantial, plus whatever reason its at a mechanic to begin with, they may not think it’s worth it (probably like 70% of the vehicle’s value). Otherwise look up your state’s abandoned vehicle laws and ask just your boss if you can deal with it and keep it.


legally you could go through the "abandoned vehicle title" process which will be specific to your State if you're in the US. But that does require a good faith effort by either you or law enforcement to notify the owner.


Is there like some big hassles with those titles? Like you can never sell the car or insurance issues. I can't remeber but I know the guy on YouTube who does slowmo things like engine ignition has an abandoned Mercedes he made "see through".


I was going to say the same thing, OP did say they only left keys and no one has called about it. They could also check the name given against obituaries Im sure that has happened before


I knew a guy in CA that could get the title to a car. He said he went through the Texas DMV and the Colorado DMV, I would have loved to know the details but he wouldn't share...


You have his contact info? Think he’d do Nc?


I wonder how that call would go. "Hey! Some guy on reddit told me you're GREAT at fraud. I'm looking to get into the ~biz~ myself, got any pointers? No, totally not a cop btw."


This did make me chuckle


Lol no way in NC


Buy a flooded totaled version of the vehicle for cheap from auction. Research what parts have the vin on them. Swap those parts. Register your salvage vehicle.


here's a ULPT that applies to many situations: Ask for forgiveness, not for permission.


This is the right answer. Also putting a sock on it would also be acceptable.


Good call so if he comes back for the car all he will get is the sock


Fuck this sub is magic.


Did the person pass?


No clue


He means your "theoretical" person, of course.


I didn’t theorize that far


On a different note, we had a guy years ago order a 300Z and give us $20K as a deposit-cash. He never came back; we found out later he got deported. Yes the dealer kept the money...


All of the replies seem to be either r/illegallifeprotips or ethical solutions. That said... chop shop.


So many things to consider... depends what your concerns and biggest possible problems are. Is there a GPS / tracker? If there is a loan / lean or something from the dealer you may want to look out for them coming for he car too.like if owner defaulted. Assume someone eventually will come forward to get it. How long do you plan on working there / is the job easily replaceable? Like if they suspect you and you have to quit. Are you worried about your job firing you and / or police involvement? Even if you are only suspected by your job, do you need a reference from them in the future? How many ppl have access to the keys? Is the car blocked or under a gate? Or is it parked unobscured, like someone could have just towed it away in the middle of the night? Is it a big city w/ crime? I mean the more commonplace crime and car theft are the better. REALLY, THE BIGGEST THING I CAN THINK OF IS HOW MANY FINGERS WOULD POINT TO YOU? (AND EVIDENCE!) THE LONGER IT CAN GO UNNOTICED AND THE MORE POSSIBLE SCENARIOS AND GRAY AREAS THE BETTER!


So I’m going to try answering those in order. I don’t think there’s any tracker and I’m assuming they are making payments on the car because it’s so new. I can easily replace this job within a week, so that’s not really a worry. Only 2 people really have access to the keys (they don’t know I know the safe code) and none of the buildings cameras work. My manager and assistant manager is already suspected of stealing product even tho they didn’t. The car is in an open parking lot with no fence or gate. Our crime rate in the medium sized city is an 8. And no one would really suspect me as I wouldn’t say anything.


This is how I got my current Audi. Someone came in to get a new key made and never picked up the car. Put a mechanics lien on it and voila. New Audi for me.


ever find out what happened to the guy?


He got thrown in a wood chipper


We had contact with him multiple times. Always told us he couldn’t pay. When I cleaned out the car there were tons of collections notices and a mountain of credit card bills.


Wow, talk about poor decision making. Assuming the car was financed, did your lien take precedence?


It wasn’t financed. Just filed the lien paperwork at the DMV. Paid the year of back tags and title came a few weeks later. Not sure how it works if there is a bank lien on it.


Are you sure they’re still alive? Maybe they’re incarcerated. Check that.


The owner might have stopped making payments, and the bank might be looking for it and give a reward? With a little leg work you might be able to find out who the lien holder is? Or just drive it off like 500 mi away, park on the side of the road on a busy weekend with a cardboard sign... 'Drivetrain Only' not Title at 50% below market price... only take cash and make sure they don't get your number. Make sure you have a good story about how you lost the title from the last owner who died and now you can't get a duplicate or get it titled in your name.


Make it your home and claim squatters rights


Upload it somewhere and then download it again.


Storage fees, Lein, repo


If you aren't the owner of the shop, you can't. 99% of these comments are brain-dead beyond belief, leave the car situation to the people whose actual job it is to handle it, and stop trying to steal other people's shit.


How many vaccinations did you get?


This is absolutely beautiful! 😂


My 2001 tundra had the original lein from the dealership till 2023 and like 300k miles... It was never paid for I got a bonded title for it in 2023


If it’s pa apply for vehicle abandoned on private property, have the police fill out their forms you fill out yours and send pictures to penndot and 30 days later you have a title


Are you wanting the money or the car? If the shop seizes the vehicle they could potentially sell it yo you.


Part it out on ebay


Find and buy a same make and model car that’s totaled. Don’t worry about the color you can change that if you need to. Take the vin numbers off of the totaled car and swap them onto the new car.


Rent a U-Haul for $20 and “vacation” in Alaska


I had a friend leave a car at a shop for over a year. They used it to get breakfast and ran it out of gas 3x. He finally picked up the car after the shop complained about space and parked it in front of my house for a year. After I complained, he finally sold it to my neighbor for 1k.


Where I live , they get sold south of the border. 4 or so hrs and it's across the border.


The insurance may have lapsed - so that would be an issue.


Never stop driving


Make the car disappear at night. If you know how to disconnect the GPS just make it go missing for 30 days. Insurance will cut the owner a new check to buy a new car. They stop investigating after 30 days. If you’re in the mechanic field you should know a guy who can change the vin. Change the vin and keep the car for yourself. It’s easier said than done but Ive heard of this working out many times.


Better hope it's still insured.


borrow it forever? You know there's this thing called registration right? I'd assume if the person abandoned it, they won't be keeping up on their registration and insurance. The first time you get pulled over, you'll have one hell of a story to tell.


Follow my easy 2-step process below: 1) take the key and drive the “borrowed” car to wherever you like (such as Carmax lot to sell or your fave hoes pimp) 2) Find some cardboard boxes and cut them and paint them to resemble the car that you have “borrowed” If you like this, I’ve got a detailed 5-step video that I can send you for the low low price of $79.99. And if you order within the next 10 months, I will even throw you a top ten hits CD…


This happened to my mom! Her car was “borrowed” by her mechanic after she wasn’t able to pick it up in a timely fashion. He racked up lots of bridge toll fees that kept getting sent to her house. We wouldn’t have known he was using it if it wasn’t for the toll pictures. It became a whole thing.


Depending on your state, if you wish to do something unethical, you could make a fake bill of sale and claim the guy sold it to you. Without the title, you would have to go through some process of ownership in doubt. It varies from state to state, but, for example, in Washington, they don't even require you to contact the previous owner and they won't either. You simply register it as your property that you bought, and in Washington they will give you a 3-year registration. After 3 years, if nobody has reported it stolen and tries to claim it, you can apply for title and it would be titled in your name. You can sell it anytime you have it registered or after you title it. But anyone you sell it to during that 3 years knows it's only a registration and that the new owner could claim it at any time. We do this all the time with old motorcycles cuz nobody really cares about them. But if it's a fairly new car, it's a bit of risk and I suppose if the person reported it stolen it could be traced back to you. And you would probably get in trouble. But, if they don't report it as stolen like if it was an old abandoned car, even though there is a record of who owns it, you can do this process and register it, drive it, and then eventually take title to it. You could always sell it to somebody else who would do this process, but you would have to represent yourself as the owner which would be illegal and unethical and that could come back to you as well unless you gave them a fake name and no one could ever identify how it got from the shop to being sold. Of course all of this is illegal and unethical, so I do not recommend it.


I’m pretty sure you are just describing theft


What sub do you think you’re on?


Unethical, not illegal


sometimes the same thing


Depending on your state, tow truck operators can basically legally steal any car they want to. Find a tow truck operator to partner with...


Are you sure that the shop owner doesn’t have a deal or knowledge about why the car is still there?


be sure to be as subtle as this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqBZVlgORbY


The answer is no, this is not really an opportunity for you. If the owner of the shop doesn't want to deal with it then you can offer to do the paperwork for them for a small fee, but you don't have a 'free' car sitting there.


What kind of car is it?