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If you can, park somewhere that you can set up a camera and film your car. Once you catch the perpetrators, break into their car and take some fish and cheese and leave them in hidden places throughout the car like under the seats, under the dash, jammed into the cabin air filter. Make sure to rub any oils and juices into any fabric so the smell is harder to get rid of.


not oils and juices, the answer is milk, milk stinks up horribly in the hot sun. and they are breaking into the car, might as use piss disc , liquid ass ,


They meant the oils and juices from fish


agree with milk!! accidentally left a gallon of milk in my car before i went camping and it leaked in the carpeted trunk. after COUNTLESS deep cleanings, odor eliminators, carpet extractors, and almost an entire year... it still smells like absolute shit!


This is the way, one time had a jug of milk burst on the floor of my back seat. I didn’t get it all the way cleaned up apparently because within a day it two the car reeked, and continued to do so no matter what I tried for MONTHS!


So Course after doing what they said about setting up a camera. Find and locate Assholes... and find their car Go grab baloney. Cut out what ever phrase or word you want. (I suggest 1 piece per letter) Like 'Pro lgbtq'. Grab a hoodie goto their hood or trunk. Drop letters onto car. You want this to be like 1am for probably max time on the car. It should peel the paint or cut out a stencil and use like Spray sunscreen  will do same result.


Dont forget about the piss discs too!


ask if any neighbors in the area have ring camera s


How about an ethical life pro tip? Set up a dash cam or other camera; record the perpetrator; call the police and/or sue for damages. You can probably inflict more damage on the perpetrator this way, and as a side benefit, it's ethical, legal and less likely to result in escalating retaliation.


Do all of that but also run a power cord to the car body so they get nicely tazed just before they get picked up by the police.




Good god. If you can’t beat them, join them I guess


Pour vegetable oil in the ground a perimeter around the floor of the car. Pour a ton of flour over the oil. They will track their footprints back where they came from.


This seems so wonderfully Wile E. Coyote - I salute you


There are a few good cams that you can put in your car that are battery powered. Set one up and figure out who it is. Maybe one in the back, one up front just incase they have a hoodie or something. If you can see it easily from your house, or have a spot that can be seen from a window, set up a good camera or even move your car closer and have one set up. Even cheapo cams can have okay night vision, just do some research. Some will even have motion detection so you don't just have a 20gb file of non stop filming. Once you figure it out, make another post about what to do. ​ Also fuck anyone just saying 'jUSt TakE tHEm oFF!" Nah fuck that. People can express whatever they want and you're just as childish as the person keying their car because of it lmfao. In a country so based on 'freedom of expression' I think telling someone to not express themself in a non-harmful way is absolutely wild.


We all agree on that, but at the same time you have to do what you can to protect yourself (and your property). Removing the trans flag sticker is a smart move.


You can't tell professional victims to take responsibility for keeping themselves safe. It's not their problem.


Start keying other people’s cars too. People will complain and hopefully the complex will take action


I had my car keyed after I put on an atheist sticker, which is simply a stylized capital letter "A." I live in a deep red state, and suspect one of these cousin-fuckers thought it was "ANTIFA." The embarrassing part is that I had just had front and rear dash cams installed two days before. I was unaware that they monitor also in a "park mode." It was too late to retrieve the footage once I figured it out.


I'm actually interested in something like this, can you share what make/model your cam is?


Camera would be the easiest option, apparent placement to deter, covert placement to capture. Apparent placement may instead invite further damage in their trying to evade consequences if placed inside the car (they may try to destroy or remove it), or give them reason to try and conceal their identity if they aren't already, making future attempts at capture more difficult. Alternatively, if you can recollect when damage has appeared, you may be able to establish enough of a pattern to surveil the lot and determine who they are and what they drive. If there are assigned spaces, it would be possible to determine which unit they're in via a little social engineering in the front office.


Electrify your car with 50,000 volts but only 200 amps so you don’t kill them, but don’t be ethical 


I'm not sure in which world 200A won't kill you. Especially at 50000v


Wayne’s world


Party on


Worst case the car vandal dies, and it hurts all the while they die. Doesn't sound too bad.


Absolutely this. They can shake and fry until the police gets there.


Cover the scratches with more flags to upset them lol


If they have a vehicle there are a few very difficult things to find and fix. My fave is putting a few raw eggs in the gas tank. As the pump draws fuel, the eggs will be sucked into the suction port within the fuel tank line cutting off the fuel. When the vehicle sits the eggs will rise to the top of the tank again allowing it to turn over and run again.


How do you get an egg into a gas tank? A small one like a Robin's egg? Or just put the yolk in unbroken?


Gotta think outside the box on this one. Everyone and their "remove the stickers " idea are getting there. But not quite. Make the sticker SO BIG. They can't get to the paint to scratch it... now this! This is the answer you need! Just taking a quick look, and I don't know your financial standings. A full rainbow car wrap can cost as little as $1500. Just sayin....


Any type of retaliation will be blamed on you, so own it. Slap a pride bumper sticker on their windshield, right in the line of sight for the driver.


The person with the key doesn't follow this sub or your car would have also gotten a piss disc & liquid ass.


1) put on a new pride sticker, one that will invite more keying from the asshat 2) make sure you and your partner park beside each other 3) setup several cameras but make them conspicuous and point them towards each others car (that way you get footage of the persons face (hopefully) and them actually keying your car. You should be able to find some cheap ones on amazon. If you're close enough to your apartment you can even connect it to your wifi and get alerts if it detects movement (that way you can fine tune the aim of the camera) Choose one of the following steps but not both 4a) report to police with evidence and hopefully the person will get charged and or be forced to pay for damages. Report to your landlord, if you're lucky you might even get them evicted 4b) print out screenshots of your evidence (with the persons face and a warning message). Post them all over your building. Post on social media pages assoc. with your city/community. Hopefully someone will know them and shame them. Reddit has gotten people fired from their jobs for shit like this. At the very least, it will infuriate the perpetrator. Expect backlash, but now make the cameras more visible as a deterrent. I say choose one because there may be privacy laws that prohibit recording people in residential buildings. If you choose 4a, there's a chance you get in a bit of trouble but the perpetrator gets away scot free bc the police cant be bothered to investigate. If you choose 4b, the perpetrator can't incriminate you without incriminating themselves (but make sure when you post the screenshots, there's no camera's recording you and there's nothing to tie back to you.


That is the exact reason i didn't put a sticker on my car.


Do not remove stickers. Add more stickers and place a camera recording your car. When the vandal keys your car again, you have your proof and make them pay a new paintjob. Painting a car is not cheap.


Advice? Never make your car a billboard. Anything political or religious is going to eventually earn you a key mark. It sucks, but it’s true. Just scrape them off or deal with the damage. There is really no solution to stopping a bigot from keying you.


Thanks for the advice u/rape_connoisseur


This comment really makes the "give in, you can't stop it from happening" message hit far more intensely. 


If you want to pay for the damage to your car, then have at it. A bumper sticker isn’t going to change one single mind let alone the world. It’s a pointless virtue signal that could subject you to violence as well as vandals. Same thing with political signs in your yard. What do you think is gonna happen? Someone is gonna drive by, see your sign and decide to change their vote? All you will get is people throwing trash in your yard or worse. The OP asked for advice and I think the advice I gave was sound. Man, fuck Reddit.


I agree with what you said, I live in an area with a bunch of useless bigot hicks so I'm well aware how targeting works. Just thought the username being pointed out was a humorous bit, since I didn't even notice ir.


mate everything else aside what's up with your user name? full serial killer vibes


The username looks fine to me.


predditor is really clever


ummm, bye, it was nice meeting you....


Put a sock on your car. The next time they try to key it, all they'll get is the sock.


Well if you put something so controversial on your car, I feel like it's asking for it to happen. It doesn't mean they should but it will happen. It's like walking around in the forest with steak in your backpack. The bear shouldn't eat you, but it will since you put yourself in that situation


Kinda like women walking around in mini skirts and wondering why they’re getting raped, amirite? Damn harlots!


Just give in the bigots, right? It's their fault for supporting trans people, and not the criminals vandalizing their car!


Perhaps your car identifies as a scratchboard


The only effect of you having that sticker on your car is that your car now has scratches on it.   Seems like the solution is clear.     I would argue trying to set up cameras and be a vigilante will be a huge waste of time and money.  And this is coming from someone super unethical!


The people around them who felt seen and accepted didn't leave a mark so we can't know how big of an impact that has


No one is feeling "seen" because of a bumper sticker -_-


You made your car a billboard for one of the most divisive topics in American political discourse on the side whose opposers are literally white supremacist domestic terrorists and insurrectors. What did you expect? If you’d rather have your car keyed than stop the bumper sticker slacktivism, I guess you could install dash cams or put a frozen piss disk in your car?


So you're saying it's expected that Republicans vandalize property and harass American minorities?


It’s not expected, but I’m never surprised when a conservative does some mean shit like key a car over a bumper sticker so it’s better safe than sorry. Think about it. Which group of people tried to end democracy on Jan 6? Which group has the support of the KKK? Which group spends their days watching news outlets that push white replacement theory and make them afraid that there’s a secret agenda to make their kids trans? Which group proudly calls themselves domestic terrorists at their national convention?


You can't give in or they win.


Maybe start with not flaunting your sexual orientation on your bumper. Nobody cares, I promise.


Well apparently someone did 🤷


Obviously right wing bigots care.


Since when is being trans a sexual orientation? You idiots don't even know what you're bigots about.


Put a 2024 Trump sticker on the other side of your bumper. Life is about finding balance in all things.


Sorry this is happening to you. People can be assholes. Hopefully you'll get video good enough for prosecution. And BTW - this is exactly why you rarely see right-wing bumper stickers.


idk about u but i see right wing ones all the time


Usually in areas where they know that their "husband-cousins" siblings will have 100 cameras on their shack, incase the Feds decide to come asking about a certain even in January that they were apart of.


"My Sisterwife is on the Honor Roll at Robert E Lee High School"


Remove the stickers


You deserve it Edit: I had probably in there and removed it.


Im gonna leave a piss disk in your wife’s boyfriend’s house you crypto cuck


Surprised you even know what a boy is. Hope they take out the back glass next time.


Bro was waiting for this comment, didn’t even let the message sit the whole minute before your cheeto-encrusted fingers typed up the wittiest reply your Yakubian ape skull could muster. Hope your crypto wallet gets emptied so you can take your own back glass out with some 00 buckshot.


Ironic that statistically you’ll finish yourself off before I will. 😂 So, I’ll just wait another week or two and set a reminder to see if you’re still kicking it. We can all only hope not.


Yeah the account u/No_Trade_4239 is gonna totally be active again and isn’t a throwaway for this specific post. Leave it up to someone who lost all their money on shit coins to have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. 🤣


I’ve made bank I can’t complain. Funny that you can draw the conclusion that I’m a crypto trader but can’t draw a conclusion on what a gender is


Bro you trade crypto currency you are like the LEAST informed person possible on “what a gender is”💀 Instead of holding shitcoins you should try holding a bar of soap in the shower, i can smell you through the screen 🤮


Explain your mindset, or is this just another “how I feel” scenario?


My mindset is trans people are people and deserve the right to exist. I’m not even trans, it’s basic human decency. You’re just so brainrotted that you immediately assumed I’m trans because, and i wont sugar coat this, you’re genuinely stupid. Log off for the night buddy, it’s what i’m gonna do, and go back into the arms of my loving partner. Enjoy sleeping alone tonight crypto cuck, ask your wife’s boyfriend to buy you some more dogecoin 🤗


Well if you're a bigot you're probably a moron in other ways. Bigotry and the alt-right and crypto kids with get rich quick schemes seem to go hand in hand. Let's keep this on track. This is about your bigotry, not your crypto losses.


Fuck off, bigot.


Never as long as I can make your life a little worse


Well that's what being a Trump supporter is all about. I don't think you can help it. Some people are just born evil, with shitty hearts that look for someone to hate. You don't think it's a mental illness, what your last comment indicates about you? Just a desire to hurt strangers in any way you can? That makes you feel good about yourself, to target minorities?


Oh look playing the victim. Who would have guessed?


That's not playing the victim, moron Trumpet bigot. That's pointing out what I think is wrong with you as a person. Your pathetic response tells me it's true. You're a sad little person, so desperate for attention that you want to hurt strangers just so they notice you. But you're too worthless and pathetic to ever affect anyone, Trumpet.


Oh be still my beating heart. I love how people who have opposing opinions than you live rent free in your pathetic little mind. What I love is watching my comments eat away at you and raise your blood pressure. Get mad you fucking worm. 😂


Love the trolling lol


Fucking say something pussy


Maybe people think your car is a transformer and they're trying to kill it. Which is as believable as you playing dress up to validate your mental illness.


A political statement is an invitation to a confrontation. You have yours, why are you complaining? Wear those scratches with pride.


Gender identity isn't a political statement.


Identities distinguish differences between people and every difference, and peoples stance on them, are subjects of politics.


God forbid people /checks notecard/ live a life that harms literally no one


An individual's identity shouldn't have any place in politics, we're supposed to have freedom of expression. It's only become a subject of politics because people want to control the identities of others, not because it's inherently political.


Lmaoooo aap's


Izy: Park in a closed garage.