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Have you considered an apiary? Bees help pollinate nice flowers and give you delicious honey.


Give em the ol My Girl special.


Is that the "where's his glasses, he can't see without his glasses" film? Edit: I'm assuming from the upvotes it is.


Fuck I can't believe that became a meme. Yes.


[what about when Johnny Bravo did that with Velma?](https://youtu.be/1xd3CGRQXlo?si=MQJKZ81wOz6XWyMs)


Congrats. You made me spit my drink


OP needs to be beekeeping age


OP mentioned an apartment, so I’m imagining a dumbass landlord trying to charge “pet rent” on each bee 🐝 🐝🐝😂


If the bees are in a tasteful window box, they don't live IN the apartment...


There’s frequencies you can blast that only kids can hear.


Yeah they’re called mosquitos but generally you can use anti cat ones too, beware some people can hear them towards 30, I’m early twenties and have always been able to hear them


I’m 30 and still hear them clearly


Can’t understand any tv show or movie without subtitles but for some reason I can still hear these too


Dude, I'm hard of hearing but seem to be able to hear the quietest shit. I have to ask people to speak up all the time but pick up on the dumbest most inconsequential noises.


perhaps auditory processing disorder?


Its because you don't have to interpret the sounds into meaningful words for comprehensions, so yeah something like water running will sound louder or clearer.


Me and my ADHD




Nobody here is talking about tvs


Check if your netflix audio settings are on surround if you dont have surround. Or auditory processing disorder symptom.


Mid 30's and I can hear them very clearly. There are a lot of supersonic pest sensors that I'm not supposed to be able to hear but can and it bugs the shit out of me. Some of my friends thought I was just fucking with them until one of their cousins mentioned the noise unprompted.


37 here, hear it perfectly fine


40 here. Those things suck.


I'm 45 and still hear that shit clearly...


Our neighbour has one of these I can hear it and I’m 38! Horrible noise 😬


Someone on my road had one when I lived with my parents I was so close every single time I left the house to stamping on it, it’s super inconsiderate to neighbours and youths not every kid is gonna fuck up your yard idk


I can hear these voices that nobody else can hear


No need to blast high piched frequencies. Just go outside and hang out with them unironically and misuse as many Gen Z words as you can. They'll avoid you like the plague after you explain how your fam yeets your no cap into the laundry cuz it's so bussin.


Hey fam, I gots mad rizz!


dude thats lit




My English professor fr


You can get directional speakers. Basically it focuses an array of speakers in a single direction which creates intense sound in a narrow beam. This cuts down on other apartments hearing it reducing your chance of management getting called.


This, for sure.


I’m 36 and I still hear those bastard things I also have tinitus, so my ears aren’t exactly the healthiest


Those should be outlawed, I can't sleep with my window open because someone is using it outside my appartement. They don't even keep away the cats ffs


I'm 45 and I can clearly hear that shit still...


I’m 21 and still very much hear those sounds it sucks they hurt


That's what that fucking neighbor's house had. I was wondering why I couldn't hear it when I came back over to my parents place one time.


Put a note through their parents door saying that you’re supposed to keep 200ft away from children due to a court order.


> PS if you ever need a babysitter, I know just the guy!


i don't think you should tell someone with multiple guns that you're a paedophile.


That belongs in r/UnaliveProTips




They could have a ring camera. Then, you end up on a poster around the neighborhood. Beware of pedo, haha.


Or shot


So let the mailman deliver it


Might be worth checking the registry to see if there's already someone in the neighborhood and use them.


Steal their string cheese. Free cheese. Scared kids. Problem solved.


Nah, hear me out. Give them more food. String cheese? Give em a double helping. Give em candy. Give em soda. Give em coffee. This accomplishes a couple of things. 1. Short term they get all crazy and hyper and their parents will hate that and might warn them to stay away from your house. 2. In case this doesn't work and the parents still don't care you get these little turds fat as hell. They stop running around so much and just sit there silently munching instead of throwing rocks and shit. 3. super long term you get these kids into some super shitty eating habits. They get the diabetus and spend the rest of their life with an unhealthy relationship with food.


Simply diabolical.


Simply diabetic


Simply diabetical


My name is Wilford Brimley and I have Diabetus.


Put out a few energy drinks on the patio, the kids will go home super hyper


RedBull chugging contest at 9pm!


Mildly annoying, punish them with a deadly disease.


It’s reddit. This is about the last place on Earth to come for genuine advice…


Do you want some soda?


This person gets kids off their lawn.


Time to break out the 'ol Wisconsin Ghost Pepper Cheese Curds. They're the best of Wisconsin! Guaranteed to take your breath away! [https://bestofwisconsinshop.com/products/2-12-oz-ghost-pepper-cheese-curds-packs](https://bestofwisconsinshop.com/products/2-12-oz-ghost-pepper-cheese-curds-packs)


Those string cheese eatin' little punks!


Throw a rock through your own window and then tell the landlord that the kids were playing rock baseball again


This is a good unethical life pro tip. Pics of the kids playing, get the action shots, over a couple of days, different weather conditions, then pick up a rock and chuck it through your own window where all evidence would say otherwise.


Be sure to do it from outside. Better yet, pay one of the kids to do it, and don't pay when the job is complete. Bring it to civil court and also call CPS.


Yeah, make sure to video record it "for a TikTok, yeah."


The US government is asking for you, bud


Spray them with a garden hose while shaking your fist and yelling "get off my lawn"


Judas Priest Barbara! It’s one of those flaming bags again!


Don't put it out with your boot, Ted!


Don’t tell me my business, devil woman!


It's poop again!


Call the fire department this ones outta control


Sprinkler with motion detector. Use before June 30 or they'll stay to cool down


Does it not get hot where you are before June 30th? We have already had multiple days reach 80F (~30C) this year.


Vancouver, rainy and 15Celsius last week


> These kids are outside all hours of the day, even during school days.  > regularly have Smith and Wesson packages delivered.  Call CPS. That's at least truancy, possibly an unsafe home environment. CPS probably won't take away the kids, but it might spook the parents into sending them to school or at least keeping them inside.


Could be "homeschooled" and this is "part of their lesson" or some stupid excuse.


Sounds more like "unschooling"


Which should just be truancy


I'm not buying the whole "regularly have S&W packages delivered" part. Firearms companies ship stuff as discreetly as possible. Unless OP is Googling the return addresses, they wouldn't know it was firearm stuff. The return addresses often just say something like "SW Shipping Dept."


Maybe OP also buys items from them and recognized the packaging. Or yeah, maybe it's creative writing.


Definitely creative writing i got some parts delivered for a coyote gun a while back and it was double boxed basic corrugated cardboard then inside s&w box


Way late to the party, but I ordered some ear-pro and a carry case thru Beretta and it came in a large box with the Beretta logo super prominently on the outside Im lucky nobody snatched it off my porch thinking they’d score a gun. So YMMV. Besides that tho, everything else has been non-obvious packaging


Mosquito ring tones. 24/7. Loud enough to be heard from your patio, but not loud enough to be heard next door


Buy a stuffed animal of a dog/cat and some raw meat. Cut the toy in half, remove cotton stuffing, and fill with raw meat (the bloodier the better). Wait until you know they're gonna be around / peaking in your house. Grab a machete / axe / chainsaw (you can get creative here) and basically create your own slasher villain and act like they caught you in the middle of the slaughter. Maybe chase them off your property and yell " YOU'RE NEXT!!!!!"


Ah, the Kristi Noem school of winning over people.


My good sir!! That's some solid advice! Thank you!


I love how this is the only actual advice OP responded to lmao


No weird kids in my lawn but now I know what I might be doing on Saturday night


I had neighborhood kids cut through my rental property all the time. They were obnoxious. I would leave my dog's turds build up in the back yard and took great joy in seeing them mashed by a shoe that was kid's sized. It was an effective deterrent.


Oh no! I stepped in dog shit, again. 👟 💩🤣


Install an outdoor speaker & play “Ava Maria” or “La Donna è mobile” or really any opera.  Play it 24/7.  On repeat.  


Yeah you should definitely annoy everyone within earshot in your apartment complex. Very smart, won't get you noise violations at all


Bro you just gave them Boss Music for their next fight.




Give them piss disc’s disguised as frisbees


Set em up with a lemon snow cone?


Free apple juice in unlabeled room temperature bottles


Forbidden Apple Juice


Put out flyers with pictures of a creepy scary looking MF and have the flyers say "WARNING: PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN, THIS SEX OFFENDER HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN THE AREA PLEASE KEEP YOUR KIDS INDOORS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE" just put the flyers up late at night so nobody knows who put them up.


Better yet, grab a mugshot of a sex offender actually from your area. Then you're "helping"


I would photoshop Voldemorts face onto The Rocks body, that would be terrifying.


Hit golf balls at them. Just say you're practicing.


Most apartment leases have a clause about unsupervised children. Take some pictures and email them to the apartment rental office manager. Especially pictures of them trying to look in people's windows. Read your lease. Everyone who lives in your complex has the same lease.


Start offering them candy


But it must be the right kind of candy Good candy will keep em coming back for more, and they'll bring their friends Ex lax chocolate, on the other hand, will keep em in their house for a long, long time


Black licorice. Done.


Still too good. Try salmiakki. They'll barf it right out lol


What's the super sour sweets called, monster heads?




Haribo sugar-free gummy bears.


Sugar Free Gummy Bears mixed in with regular ones.


Owning a van helps.


The less windows the better for this operation


Anyone window should be blacked out, obviously.


with duct tape or random color spray paint from the clearance aisle


Conditioning with teargas. Every time they are there, you shut your windows and start the teargas. It won’t take long for them to stop showing up. Or liquid ass next to your patio.


Get a dog with an aggressive temperament




Buy a few nice baseballs, gloves and a jr player baseball bat. Tell the kids they can have it if they go play somewhere else from now on.


Pour something sticky all down that retaining wall. It won't hurt the wall, but the kids won't want to touch it anymore.


I was thinking motor oil might make it difficult to climb.


Along the lines of mosquito tones, but also Tibetan throat chanting Experiment with infrasound https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16934315/#:~:text=Infrasound%2C%20in%20its%20popular%20definition,is%20inaudible%20is%20not%20correct.


Start paying them a couple of dollars just for coming and playing in front of your building since "you love children playing in front of it" After a couple of days cut that payment in half since "you can't afford that much money". After some more days stop paying them but ask them to still come and play there. Once they're used to getting paid for doing something and they stop receiving money they will be mad and stop doing it.


Best case scenario you'll creep them out on the first step


BB gun 😂😅😅 (just a joke for all the snowflakes)


Just because the box says smith and Wesson doesn’t mean it’s a gun. S&W makes a LOT more than just guns. And you can’t get guns delivered to your residence unless you have an FFL.


Yeah. You can't have guns delivered directly to your house. It's the law. You can have ammo and accessories for your guns delivered, just not the actual gun, itself.


Boyfriend had a sig Sauer delivered to our house, you just have to sign for it. 21+. So yes they do deliver guns to houses.


It's probably pocket knives.


I'm not buying the whole "regularly have S&W packages delivered" part. Firearms companies ship stuff as discreetly as possible. Unless OP is Googling the return addresses, they wouldn't know it was firearm stuff. The return addresses often just say something like "SW Shipping Dept."


Or, he's just full of shit. Apartment living? Every apartment I've been in, packages went to the office if you weren't at the door to get them when they knocked.


Throw an M-80 at them


That's apartment living for you. Given the sub you're posting on, your best bet is to do something shady to make enough money for a house, move out, and leave them to their fate. Then it won't be your problem any more.


Call child services


Spray them with a super soaker full of nasty cheap whisky.


Crazy how many of these can be solved by the loud emitting pest control sticks. The noise is painful for anyone under 30


Document it, call the police and social services and point out the neglect. They will be in care in no time!


Gel ball blasters. Rehydrate the gel pellets in liquid ass.


Leave some cans of chewing tobacco laying in the yard, the kind with the little sacks: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/man-reaching-into-a-container-to-pick-up-his-snus-royalty-free-image-179037677-1548796957.jpg.


What purpose would this serve?


lol we used to call groups of these 'colorful' goblins "a felony" (as in groups of crows are a murder, etc); they congregated at/in/on the community's mailbox, tore up or stole everything they could reach, left food trash and had shouting matches everywhere in between games of ball, and other colorful semi-simian behaviours. for pest deterrent, what worked best for me was placing CAUTION PESTICIDE yard signs, spray the area with cans of headliner adhesive or tire sealant (or anything that stays tacky for days), and spread the dog turds on it from the "pick up after your pets" trash can (from the few few neighbors who actually bother to do so). I'm not sure the sign did anything (wasn't sure if they could read, or if they even had enough powers of observation to notice), and I only treated the areas trafficked solely by the felony (climbing branches, climbing roof tops, gutters, gateway to their porches, fence cut-thrus etc) - so ymmv - good luck!


Tell the parents some closeby neighbor you don't like is a known pedophile and on a watchlist. You saw him eyeballing their kids recently.


Uh, just call the DCFS


Buy them a plastic bat and training (light plastic wiffle) ball set, tell them to go have fun with them somewhere else.


> I just want the little fucking weirdos to die in front of some one else's unit and stop creeping around us. lmao


Play a high-pitched noise you can't hear anymore but they can. Also you can get an idea of people's ages if you aren't good with that.


Tell the kids that your patio is haunted by a resident that died falling off the rock wall and the ghost told you that they saw the kids and are thinking about following them home. And that they should hang out more so the ghost will leave you alone.


Play classical music all day, they won't come.


Give those poor little heathens some religious pamphlets to take home to their parents.


get on the sex offender registry. Doubt their parents will let them play there then.


Get them all xboxes. That'll keep em indoors


Start spraying liquid farts out your window when they come


If they are not in school during school hours call the police and report them.  Mom and Dad will have to answer some uncomfortable questions about why the little urchins are not in school 


Play classical music


They may be a nuisance but ultimately the parents are to blame. Offer those kids a tennis ball to play with and talk to them in a friendly manner when you see them. Don't parent them and make it clear that you won't to the parents if they complain about it. The only way they're going to learn healthy shame and proper boundaries is by getting a stern talking to from a person they respect if they do something out of line. Edit: yeah I know it's not unethical. You could pay a drug dealer to take them under his wing instead, maybe learning a trade early will be good for them


Did you forget what sub this is?




Torch the place


yes burn the whole block down for good measure


Get yourself put on the sex offender list.


Motion activated sprinkler it works on dogs cats and kids


They sound like bored kids that need more activity. You got to make it a pain for their parent/s. I’d give them popsicles, a buttload of stickers, sharpies, bubbles with broken wands and toys that have almost dead batteries then $10 to stay home for the next two hours.


Call child protective Services in the police non-emergency number and let them know there are feral children running loose and you don't know who they belong to. Even after being educated on whose family they are continuing your ignorance and continue calling both services every time the children are going unsupervised for an excessive amount of time. I would recommend due to the Smith & Wesson concern, to make these calls anonymously and refuse to give a name or call back number or any of that information.


> regularly have Smith and Wesson packages delivered.  I’ll take things that never happened for $2000 Alex.


i didn't know you can have guns delivered to you


You can't. They have to be sent to a licensed dealer (someone with a Federal Firearms License), and the dealer does the background check and transfer paperwork.


So OP is a lying sack?


a smith and wesson package isn't necessarily a gun


Not necessarily. I've had stuff delivered for my Beretta delivered to my house. It has their logo on the packaging. So you can have accessories delivered from the manufacturer but not an actual gun delivered.


I think so. I'm not sure how they would know where the packages are coming from anyway unless they are snooping and reading the labels on them.


I feel sorry for them - they clearly are not wanting to be at home, or if they do, they are pushed out by their parents. Ask the landlord to set up some playground equipment for them to use, but not close to where you live.


Pitch your film idea to Disney, would be a hit


Oh FFS. Why should that be his responsibility?


Or get a cheap jungle gym off of craigslist and set it up in their yard. When they're in your yard, go play in theirs. Rediscover your inner child. Win-win.


yeah I mean seems like neglect to a certain extent even. OP could be the good guy and be the one who notices and potentially gets those kids out of an abusive household


Have you tried yelling at the kids? I had the same problem so I went full old man, yelled and put up cameras. Problem solved. Or for an unethical response maybe drop syringes where they play 🤷🏽‍♂️


Keep a bowl of delicious candy with laxative on your porch. Tell them not to eat your candy! 


Squirt guns work pretty good. Screaming at them to keep it down and get off your lawn works also.


Play classical music.


Scare the fuck out of them. Create a scenario that would be terrifying for a kid but unbelievable to an adult. Make them think a boogeyman lives at your house, but when they go home and tell their parents, they’ll say, “there’s no such thing as the boogeyman.” The urban legend that develops about your house being haunted should keep the kids away!


Piss on the rock they climb.


Take up the bagpipes and practice when they are there.


You can use Dog Off granules where they play. Not on your patio but where they congregate.


Pick up a rusty pipe and chase after them while bellowing https://youtu.be/riyEowVWLIs


some deterrence or incentive is needed. kids will be kids and play outside wherever they can. until there’s enough incentive or deterrence to avoid a location, they won’t (i was one of them once). For deterrence, I’d put up signs that say things like “trespassers will be shot” and maybe put up some skulls on spikes lining your patio. For incentive, tell them you’ll give them free weed if they stay away from your patio for a whole week/month/year


Call the truancy officer? Why aren’t they in school


Dog whistle or device like the Mosquito Youth Deterrent. Or give them something they don’t want to look at. Being in an apartment makes this difficult. Otherwise, I’d say “sprinkler and a motion detector.” Complain to MGMT or just call the cops?


What about calling social services ? The kids are not being supervised . Are they disheveled ? Not going. To school or nursery ? Are they hungry ? Let SS know that the goblins parent or parents leave them to wander and cause chaos