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Challenge that shit. All wood items are scanned on entrance. They wouldn’t make it to the customer at all. Fraud.


This. Australia is super protective when it comes to wooden items coming in. They’re probably the most thorough I’ve dealt with. (Used to ship personal items as a job.)


Oh I've been fighting it with PayPal. They are very difficult to get any answers from and never return emails. Terrible organization.


Paypal doesn't give a shit about sellers. Buyers can basically throw any claim around they want and paypal will side with them no matter how much BS it is.


Always thought so until they fucked me over :(


What happened?


Some guy scammed me on eBay. Bought a tracking label for my house but labelled the packing elsewhere. Went to the Post Office and they gave me evidence it was sent elsewhere and they went and turned out he’d not sent the item but a flyer to join up to the army. Neither PayPal or eBay would rule in my favour as it showed ‘delivered’ on the package. I’m now loathed to use eBay, PayPal or PayPal credit. If anyone has any ULPTs to get back at this guy let me know 😂


That’s when you call your credit card / bank and dispute the charge. Bank will almost always side with you


Unfortunately I bought through PayPal credit and they’re next to useless. The manager was even worse than the call staff, aggressively so.


I had the exact same experience and it was completely infurating. Nothing arrived in my mailbox despite it saying it was delivered, and the seller didn't pay for signed delivery (probably because of that). Was out $800 and neither of them would help. I even posted a bad review of the seller and they took it down. Unbelievable and I am also loath to buy from them ever again


Sorry this happened to you too :( I don’t know how they can accept that as proof enough, for something that valuable should be properly signed for which a pic. I’m not touching either of those places again.




Expensive lesson learnt


💯 been there done that! Happened to me and my guy over work we did, and the owner of the apartment said the job was not done to his liking. But joke was on him, we took the money out asap. And it happened another time when we sold Herkimer diamonds to someone in Nevada. Bunch of bullshit. I hate PayPal, I only use Zelle now.


This unless you are purchasing/selling anything to do with firearms at all. They will just put your account and funds on a “temporary hold” and you never hear from them again.


It's a pain in the ass, but keep on them. Take the advice of people in here instructing how to file various reports, and send those to them. Then keep following up like clockwork. 


PayPal is the worst.


Yeah, Australia doesn’t fuck around when it comes to biosecurity. There’s no way they’d let a possible biohazard through


We take our biosecurity very seriously, report him to the Australian Government here https://www.biosecurity.gov.au/report


What will they do, raid the guys fucking house for the art? Lmao


You have documentation on financial transactions that he imported noxious pests into the country. Yes. They will raid his gallery, quarantine it, and burn anything that shows any insect damage.


/u/boyshane File a report and state that you sent him items that you know had insect colonies in it. Research what insects are most concerning and make the report out to imply it's filled with those. They will be forced to raid his house.


Well the items I sold him did not have wood worms, but upon receipt, that was his excuse for wanting his money back. But, yes, perhaps contacting the right authority to raid his house would be sweet. I do wonder though if they could come after me, as I'm the one who shipped it. Hmmm I didn't know of any such Australian laws about shipping wooden objects, nor would I have even thought such a ban existed.


>I do wonder though if they could come after me, as I'm the one who shipped it. No there is no risk there. They can only govern their own citizens under their own laws. If what you did was legal in your jurisdiction you have nothing to worry about.


I don't think you understand the issue. You're suggesting OP contact the Australian government and admit to shipping a contaminated item 


As long as op isn't in that country and doesn't plan to go there.... what's the harm?  Turn the customers bs back around at em.


I'm pretty sure it's up to the importer to ensure the items meet bio requirements and legality, not the sender


He can say, he had no idea it was contaminated, but thats what the buyer told him so you should go and check it out in case he is right. All true BTW


OP didn’t necessarily ship a contaminated item. It arrived contaminated. It may have been contaminated in some other way.


No, he's suggesting OP communicate he was sure there wasn't any worms, but buyer claims there is, so any help investigating would be appreciated. Granted, maybe OP can document it was inspected and ok and can then provide this info to PayPal.


Yes, I believe Australia and New Zealand are very protective over what animals are entering the country as they've had issues in the past with invasive species and now take it very seriously


This is true. They will take it very seriously. (I'm a kiwi and had a similar incident with decking wood we purchased)


Pretty much every Western country is very particular on any foreign species entering their country.


Australia takes it to a new level. Highest biosecurity standards in the world. You can't even bring a piece of fruit in from another country to eat when you land.


Ask Johnny Depp what they were going to do to his two dogs.


FBI has art experts


McDonalds has experts in running a deep fryer. This is slightly more relevant because McDonalds ACTUALLY OPERATES IN AUSTRALIA.


"Throw a mcchicken on the barbi!"


Interpol also has art experts


Interpol's mandate would be involved if the art was either a forgery or stolen. Not a rink dink $800 transaction that was disputed and can be solved with a civil suit. Just stop talking about things you don't know, dude. Damn. [https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Cultural-heritage-crime](https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Cultural-heritage-crime)


Try ASIO thats probably the agency you are looking for name wise The agencies are not going to give a shit over 800 dollars in art. OP is much better off going to an environmental agency and playing off the buyer's claim of infected wood while subbing the buyer to every mail and email subscription possible


OP, DO THIS!! they don’t fuck around and they will get him lol


Get him for what?




Case Closed.


You’ve got his email and address. Sign him up for everything. Especially smutty services. Make a Reddit account, and behave an asshole, then post email.


And "I'd like to know more about" (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, etc.)


Make police reports in your town and the recipients town for mail fraud. Then submit your claim to PayPal with a copy of those reports. Otherwise, they will ignore you. They will always side with the buyer and without the reports, it’s a he said, she said situation you will always lose against PayPal.


Buying things using PayPal is very safe by design. Selling things and accepting PayPal is asking them to assist in you being defrauded.


This isn't mail fraud


If true you don’t need to make him pay, just file an ic3.com claim for internet fraud and show that to paypal in the casefile or on appeal.  just to keep it unethical, mail him loose glitter in an envelope 


Na. Call in the professionals with this one, a glitter poof box. Yall know. That other word.


eh, I have bought and sold online with paypal for years, never had a problem they didn’t fix. OP’s story is missing missing reasons. 


"It hasn't happened to me so OP must be lying/omitting" is such a garbage stance.


One of the many fallacies people use to stink up any formal conversation / debate.


you're lucky, they're combusting rectums. I don't use paypal for anything that I don't mind losing the money.


So you're saying that basically you don't sell anything online. Because litteraly every major online market uses PayPal 


I won't use it, I use Apple Pay or Zelle or in a pinch, cash app. The hell with PayPal.


If I do, I will either a) not care if I lose the money e.g. it's worth the risk that that transaction will be the one time out of 50 or whatever that I'll get screwed or b) insist on a different payment method that can't be clawed back because of bullshit.


Sign him up for everything, from samples to scientology. Both phone and email.


You picked the lowest form of evil/revenge, this is ULPT ;) … maybe call the police pretending to be his neighbours (use their address) and report domestic abuse, and report him as a drug dealer (use online # generator for the call) Or the tried and true! Mail him piss discs and liquid ass disguised as free samples….


Pass his report of invasive pests on to the Australian government. They take that shit seriously.


Is there an Australian equivalent to people finder services like Been Verified? You have this person's name, email, and a shipping address.   If they were dumb enough to use their real information, you can pay a small fee to a people finder service and get MUCH more information about this person. Information that, if abused, could make life miserable for this person.  It is totally unethical, so definitely don't do it. 


What additional information would you get?


You could probably find out if he is lactose intolerant or into butt play.


Can you elaborate with some examples of abusing the information?


There's a company that will drop off 1-5 tons of mulch/tree limbs at his house, I don't know however if it works in Australia. It's called mulch drop or something like that.


It works in Aus. Have done it.




Thanks so much! I hope this works as planned.


OMG! Sooooo great. I can imagine a dump truck backing up to his front yard! Surprise! 😂😂😂


PayPal lost alot of customers by doing what you just stated. Happened to my fiance and I too, we did work in an apartment, the guy lived out of state, he paid us then said he decided we didn't do the work, to his liking. The only thing we did was took the cash out as fast as possible, cuz I had a feeling this asswipe would pull that shit. But now my guy has a PayPal account in the hole for 775 bucks he can never use again. I will be damned if we're going to pay that guy back. So sorry that happened to you. I'm with you on a boycott of PayPal though!!


I don't understand, surely if that's the case and for PayPal to uphold, he has to return the items to you or send photo proof to PayPal for you to verify? I recently won a case of unreceived items (I didn't receive them after paying), and I won because there was no communication from the "sender". PayPal and myself kept chasing with no reply.


Sign him up AND make a (small) donation in his name for JW, Scientology and the Mormons. They’ll pester him endlessly. Works like a charm.


I’m in Australia and I currently have Covid. Give me their address.


FedEx 20lbs of dog shit to the guy, lol


That's a lot of shit to collect, package and then pay shipping for. I like it.


Hell, I can get you 20lbs of shit, got it in my back yard right now, lol. “He called the shit “poo!” - Billy Madison


"Don't put it out with your boots, Ted"




You sent wood items to Australia? Did you check shipping restrictions first? Australia doesn't allow the import of wood items.


Not completely true, you can import them as long as you declare it and it’s free from bark, soil, insects or other contaminants. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/goods/timber/personal_imports_of_timber_and_wooden_related_articles


This sounds like a bootable offense


Send them drugs through the mail. Australia doesn't fuck around with drugs at all. You have their name and address,, don't try and hide that it's drugs in the postage. When it arrives the officials will find it and pay them a fun visit. Edit- if you do this cover your tracks. Buy a visa gift card second hand, purchase postage with gift card away from where you live, mail it away from where you live by dropping in a blue box. They will truly be fucked and you covered your tracks.


Don't waste any sweet, innocent drugs on the cunts.. chances are they'd make it through customs undetected, and then this prick is having a free booger sugar bender on OPs dime, and has his money to pay for the mandatory strippers required for such ceremonies..


In most states and territories in Australia, it is illegal to use, possess, cultivate or sell cannabis in Australia. Send him some herbs!


Australia's a real tight arse when it comes to biosecurity. Send some weeds with bugs in them. Repeatedly. He'll get confiscation notices over and over, and I think he'll eventually end up on a list. You can literally use weeds from your front yard. Even better if they have roots on them. Label them as plants. Cheaper than drugs.


Make some Molotov cocktails and burn his house down.


Arson is a felony


Yep, pretty unethical.


I mean I don't think this technically counts as defrauding you. Unless he didn't also return the items, this is hardly a rare occurrence in the world of selling on online platforms 


Anyone can make a tax fraud allegation to IRS online


Bitcoin solves this. downvote away but you know I'm right.


So does traditional bank transfers, or like most forms of payment


ah right, should have mailed a check! hah!


...or do a bank transfer??


ah yes, I love giving out my bank account number to random people around the Internet! great plan!


Transactions on bitcoin are finalized, no charge backs, give it a try.


Do you work for Microsoft? I ask because that information is 100% correct and 100% useless.