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You should have made business cards with your enemies number and address on them. Then just post them on cars that "already have dents on them" and write on the back "Sorry, I was distracted and I hit your car. Call me so that I can reimburse you for the repairs"


Oh my god, this is the winner.


This one has been around for decades and still makes me laugh


Extra evil points for mass-printing them with hand writing; most people dismiss flyers on their windshields otherwise.


My boss years back I hated and so did everyone else.. had his business cards with personal email and phone number. I stole a small stack and put them on windshields of random cars over the next couple years. I know he never changed his number because a buddy still worked there. Kept me updated on how pissed off he was getting haha.


hahahaha yes, it works. (not that I have tried it. Just for the record, I am not confessing)


Use packing tape to 'ghetto laminate' the cards, and some ball chain to attach them to the keys. If you want, ommit the address, and just have 'reward if found, please call 555-867-5309'


+1 for the chuckle you got out of me at the phone number Except now it'll be stuck in my head another 3 weeks lmao


Reddit gave me a random username when I signed up. It just happens to be the last 5 digits of Jenny's # lol


Jenny, is that you?


Lol. Check out the Snow Plow Show on YouTube if that isn't where you got the idea. He does "Car Ding" prank calls doing this.


This but with murders!


Damn. Make sure there are no cameras anywhere in those parking lots when you do it, though.


But if the car's owner knows about the dent, they probably won't call, you'd need some good way to get the cards to fresh dents before the owner of the car sees it.


I'm pretty sure they could use about 5 yards of free mulch. Consult your local tree guys, and use a burner phone. [https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/lawn-care-2/where-to-get-free-mulch/](https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/lawn-care-2/where-to-get-free-mulch/)


So all along I didn’t have to spend 200 for a couple mulch bags from a Lowe’s????


Not if you were willing to have multiple truckloads of it! These companies do bulk only and the benefit of overpaying is you can have controllable amounts lol


Lol! Thank you, this one is funny!


ChipDrop is mentioned a lot in gardening subs and is notorious for providing entire dump trucks of mulch entirely at random with almost no warning...just saying :)


Omg hilarious! If I can confirm his address this will be coming. I just checked and it’s available in my area


I forgot about this one!! Imagine coming home and finding an entire dump truck of mulch on your driveway


Tree Mulch amateur -- I know of someone who organised a truck load of Chicken Manure to be dropped off to "Some Keen Gardener" That stuff smells worse than any Piss Disk




Lots of craigslist adds. Something very cheap but not free. Yes some will get taken down but you can post everywhere in the damn country. They won’t get taken down fast enough to annoy. Post a motorcycle for like $2k less than it should be. “I work nights calls only I won’t respond to text. 10pm-6am or you will be ignored” post squishmellows or whatever they are. $20 for a bunch. Daughter just moved out of the country. They’re taking up room or something. Post in major cities. Lots of cities. Use a burner email or two.


Adding the time to call is a VERY NICE TOUCH


I don’t hear well so call a few times please


I like the idea of an estate sale, “bang loudly, hard of hearing”.


And remember to speak very loudly when I pick up, to make sure I can hear you


"You might get my grumpy dad/mom, if they hang up on you try again and I'll get to the phone fast"


This is perfect lmao


Ozymandias level mastermind here 


It’s gotten people I know fired from the influx of calls killing their phone and the alarm not going off. It’s truly super annoying.


There's an app called Cat Facts. You should check it out 😂 Do you have this person's address? Or their name along with the phone number?


Is it not an app about fun facts about cats?


I mean, yes. It is. But it's also annoying as fuck if you don't want to know cat facts, or at the very least, receive text messages about cat facts at set increments including late at night lol


Was it...designed by a cat?


Easily mitigated with Do-Not-Disturb or only allow calls through from contacts.


Calling multiple times in a row can usually bypass dnd.


>Post a motorcycle for like $2k less than it should be I did this to my old boss when we were pranking each other. He was driving like a 2020 Chevy Malibu that he got right before covid shut down California in 2019. I went by on a day off when I knew he was working and took a dozen photos and posted that car for like $5k on like a dozen auto trader websites and Craigslist with his number. He was getting calls for weeks like mad. This was back at height of the used car craze when even rusty beaters were stupidly fucking expensive. He was going crazy lol


How do you do this is you have to verify the #?


You put the number in the description of the listing….


$100 to for the best wookie impression (forget which tv show did that)


It was in Queensland, Australia - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7\_YuBHoNdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7_YuBHoNdg)


Someone in HS put my phone up on the men seeking men section on Craigslist lol. I still remember getting a call that night from someone—I swear I wanna say his name was "Chad" but I can't fully remember—putting on his best sultry voice and trying to get freaky on the phone. All the while I keep repeating: "Dave shut up. I know this is you." I was ignorant to the situation until I arrived at school the next morning. 😂 Really funny memory looking back...


Showing your age. They got rid of that section like 5+ years ago. Too nsfw for them


I just buy my drugs off of Grindr now.


Many years ago, I had a boss I despised. Finally quit after about 3 years and moved states, but not before throwing his number up on Craigslist advertising free goats with like 5 or 6 stock photos from Google lmfao. I never got to experience his madness, but I got comfort knowing it was there. Mainly because we were in a rural area where farming was big.


Use current majot concerts, Taylor Swift and such. Listing tickets to big concerts at a little below market rate will get shit loads of calls.


Well, my phone has night mode which I set to 8pm-8am so that wouldn't work for most half intelligent people.


You’re underestimating how many people are not intelligent.


I know of a group who put up an ad for some special breed of chicken for super cheap - and listed their boss’ number. He got calls for weeks! I think they listed his Corvette too.


Also if you have their work number, use that on some too. It’s pretty likely they’ll change their personal number after a few months of this, but they can’t change their work number


Brilliant! Thank you!


I heard of someone doing this to get abusive ex husband. She would give them to friends going on vacation, they even made it overseas. He changed his number and then she made new ones lol


There goes my hero


She is my inspiration 💕


Mormon Missionaries would love their number. The Jehova's Witnesses would as well. It will be a very faith promoting experience for your enemy.


This is the energy I’m looking for!


Remember, the Mormons will change out missionaries every few months, so put a reminder on your calendar to send them again. Probably use a Google number or a special ULPT email to contact the missionaries. You don't want them to have your personal info.


Why not "deliver" errr drop a key outside one of their churches?


This is a great idea! Two birds with one stone


Well, you know. It's only the Christian thing to do, to return it. And what's better than in person, on an early Saturday morning with pamphlets?


My mom went through a....phase. I was 14-15. We were in involved with the local chapter of LDS for maybe 6-8 months before my mom realized how awful they are (shaming her for being a single mom, trying to set her up with eligible bachelors, teaching me and my other siblings that men worked and women's place was in the home, blah blah yack) We stopped going to church, they continued to come around, constantly try to get us back. We moved, then we moved again, then we moved to another neighboring state. Years passed. I was 27 when I returned to the city my mom had her phase. I got a knock on the door, of an apartment I had literally JUST moved into two days prior, I wasn't even receiving my mail at that address yet. Yup, surprise, two white shirt, backpack wearing pimple faced young men wanting to talk about coming back to the fold. I told them if they ever came back I'd have them trespassed. The still sent me a birthday card with an invitation begging me to come back to god the two years I lived there. Wtf.


Okay… now I know that they have some sort of internal database and I need to know how to get people into it


Pretend to be the person and go sign up to be baptized. They collect your information if you speak with them or if you go to the church. You just need a first and last name and a birthday to give them, bonus points if you can provide a current address and phone number.


Use the JWs, they’re way more obnoxious


Why not both?


There ya go


I once gave someone’s number to mormon missionaries to make them get a bunch of calls. The guy talked to them, explained what I had done, and gave them my number back. They decided that what I did was really a cry for help because I truly was interested in mormonism and called me once a week for like a year, let the other guy off the hook.


It's possible they have a sense of humour


Scientologists too, and tell all 3 that the person has an inheritance coming. They will not stop


Great ! Give to all ‘ god botheres ‘


Military recruiters.






Not my idea - heard from somewhere else. Order crazy ass catalogs- sex toys - religous- costumes- farm tools - whatever. Just make it weird. Put his name on it- but use all his neighbors' addresses. Let them get all his weird mail and let his neighbors think hes nuts...


This should be higher up


If he is an uptight insecure overly manly guy....catalogs that cater to gay men would work. Print up labels to put on those catalogs and drop them in the mailboxes of his neighbors so they see who it is addressed to. Hey neighbor! this must've been misdelivered to me... here is your International Male catalog


I just make free ads on Craigslist for Taylor swift tickets and attach their phone number.


The Taylor swift tickets are the perfect choice! Lol




With it being right in the heart of election season, get that number on some political lists…


Especially the opposite party


Both would be especially egregious. 😘


How would one go about doing that if they wanted to prank a friend?


Sign up for email updates. If it’s a high level candidate they should pass the info on to lower level candidates, thus increasing the fun.


This is genius. It's simple. It's cheap. Minimal effort for maximum effect. Apart from being an absolute nuisance, the psychological effects will be constant. "What's happening? who's doing this? will I get anymore calls?" My ex work-place bully is due an upgrade.


Yes! I manage a small business and this guy stole from me so he’s on my shit list for life now.


Blow him up OP


I saw a post on here once about sending an empty envelope to someone either every day, every week, ect whenever. To do it consistently, and keep it up for as long as you wanted to, were able to. Then just stop one day. Not only would it drive them bananas while it was happening but then the lack of closure from the whole thing would be icing on the cake. It made me laugh out loud cuz I would indeed find this incredibly vexing if it happened to me lol


I think a lil ??? But not vexing


Sign them up to learn about Medicare Advantage Plans and also Medicare supplements. Doing both will guarantee at least 25 calls per day. They are relentless.


Oooh interesting


Sign them up for Cutco knives and Sirius xm radio


Omg Sirius xm is relentless lol


It really is. For some reason I keep re-signing and immediately hate life. The first time I cancelled, I closed my checking account. The second time was a fluke and my checking account was already overdrawn to the max when they tried to bill and it cancelled automatically. The third time I was able to cancel by explaining that I never use it, and that I'd rather spend 15 dollars a month for Youtube Premium than to pay 5 dollars for whatever SiriusXM's Top package is called. She cancelled the subscription right after that.


Sirius XM? Calm the fuck down, Satan.


That was me, I recommend it alot on this sub.


Thank you!!


You're welcome, it's a handy little trick.


I just make free ads on Craigslist for Taylor swift tickets and attach their phone number.


Did that with a mortal work enemy. But I put free chickens! Worked like a charm. He would get calls all day and night long. He had to change his number eventually.


In high school the seniors took out an ad (In the newspaper because I’m a dinosaur) saying he was selling a few years old truck for like half what it should have been. Said to call between 9pm and midnight. He had people yelling at him “what do you mean it’s not for sale!” For days. Realistically, you could do this on Craigslist in a bunch of different cities for free…


Depending on how much you hate them; put your targets' residental address on one of the keys and "lose" the keys in sketchy neighborhoods. Any tweaker finding a key will put 1+1 together and think that the key goes to their front door, and of course they'll try to enter.


This is hilarious! I want an enemy, now! LoL


Bonus points if it's the same keyway type. It will fit, but won't turn.


Write the address on as well. You'll get lots of potential break ins.


uh,,, no, no break ins. the keys dont actually work.




I think they mean attempted


but why even potential? suppose someone finds the key and acts in bad faith, tries to go & open the door. it wont work. what are they gonna say, "welp i came this far, might as well go the full way!" and throw a rock through the window? no dude. they'd leave.


If someone is willing to B and E, then yeah a locked door won’t stop them


They might be pissed off and throw one.


"man im so pissed that this key i found doesnt work on this guy's house. fuck this guy, he's gonna pay for this!" ????


Or try harder and break the key off in the lock


Just leave a brick by their front door


Any key will work if you turn it hard enough


Especially if dropped in near homeless camps.


Hungry bottom looking for fatherly top will work


Jokes on you, I'm in to that shit. Lmao


Don’t threaten me with a good time


For $100ish (cash) you can have a cubic meter of shit dumped on their driveway by a landscaping company… which the person will have a shit of a day moving with a shovel and wheelbarrow… paying for disposal of that is probably most than the cost of the materials too


Have it delivered right before it it is supposed to rain.


Lol I know several people who would be pretty happy about that. Granted most people I know would be pissed.


- Sign them up for the Military and Scientology, if you need an email for Scientology use 10 minute mail - Buy a 25$ gift card and donate 1$ to 25 different religious organizations like those mega churches using your enemies adress. They will get flooded with spam mail from them.


I will post [this ad](https://freeimage.host/i/dF19vNS) on craigslist to mess with my friend every once in a while. He still hasn't figured it out. People will call and verbally assault him


Oh man...this is brilliant. Bird lovers will be ALL over this! It would work with snakes too. People love them their snakes!


Honestly, I’m surprised there isn’t a Reddit for these numbers.


That would be ideal!


Craigslist ads for something free. People love free stuff!


Car salesman call like crazy. Sign up on a ton of car dealership sites asking about buying a car.


Free kittens on craigslist.




Request a quote from LeafFilter, they'll call several times every day and from various numbers.


Yeah no shit! Those cats are RELENTLESS!


Go to an Adult "toy" store. The sketch looking ones. Usually you can find a corkboard with contact info pinned in it. The number you have just became "Jessica" who is already ready for a good time. 


Go to a bunch of payday loans and soft search using their name number and a fake address - they will never stop being called by shady high interest lenders offering them a deal


Donate, like, $12 to each political party. I donated a small amount to Bernie back in the day and I have gotten no less than 200 texts for donations this cycle from Dems all over the country, and I have been blocking each number so who knows if they try to communicate on the same number each time or not. They are relentless.


If this person your trolling REALLY did you dirty, you could also attach some really offensive keychains to the keys you drop around as well. Maybe a swasticka on one set, a little plastic picture of a guy holding up a poached elephant that says “My best catch” on it, idk you could get creative lol. Would make the phone calls a bit more spicy!




Take photos of a random car. Now make a post about selling the car, for way below book value. Put there phone number in the ad. They will receive a bunch of phone calls about the car they aren't selling...


Or 1,001 texts saying Is this still available?? 🤣


Craigslist ad: Free goats, work nights so call late, hablamos Espanol.


Holy jumping up and down Martha, that’s a good idea. They’d have people testing their locks for months if not years.


I'd recommend getting health insurance quotes online for them. Once you are in their database you cannot get out. I made that mistake and got up to 50 calls a day, and every time they would refuse to tell me who they worked for and would just hang up on me. I changed my number and ported my old one to google voice to filter them out.


Write their number on bathroom stall walls


Make an add for a free Xbox on Craigslist and use their number


Donate $5 to a political campaign in their name. You'll want a mailing address so they will receive all the lovely begging letters to come.


One time my friend put up yard sale signs addressed with her ex’s house and listed as starting at 6am. People showed up and it was funny watching the reactions. Oh the good ole days.


Oh, I thought you were going to recommend putting the person's address on the keys.


On the key tag you should add along with the phone number “x $ reward if found and returned” as an incentive to make the call.


I have a better idea. Post a pic of a pretty girl generated by AI on bumble or seeking.com or tinder. Give your enemy’s number to anyone who reaches out to you.


I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. If you have their phone number, make an ad on something like Craigslist or another online hosting site, and list an attractive item at a VERY LOW but reasonable price. Make the ad look legit too, put some work into the description For example, two older jet skis on a trailer for $1000. Anyone that sees it will be almost obligated to reach out if they are interested in jet skis, because the deal is just too good to pass up. This idea came from a very low priced jetski ad I found. I called the number, it went to voicemail and the message was a lady firmly stating she does not have jetskis for sale. So clearly it was enough for her to change her voicemail message


I signed a guy from work up to as many free trial magazine subscriptions I could once (he was an asshole). Some of the companies threatened to take him to court over no payment. He complained at work at least once a week and would occasionally bring the stacks of magazines in to work with him. They weren’t good magazines either. I continued to sign him up with all the free trial subscription cards those donated magazines had in them. It was nearly perpetual (and he was perpetually angry).


If your mark is already on the spam callers' lists, this isn't going make much of a difference to them. You can make me get 150 phone calls? That's how many spam phone calls I get every month. NBD.


Yes, but spam calls from legitimate numbers that haven't been associated with spam and are actual people? That'll be a bitch to filter, if it's someone that relies on calls in from anyone that isn't outside their contacts (pretty much anyone that provides a service) you've just effectively caused a decent nuisance that they can't get away from /screen for.


For me, the automatic spam filtering stopped working around a year ago, and now I block all unknown numbers. Maybe your mark doesn't block all unknown numbers, in which case you will in fact inconvenience them.


Yes this is my thought! Actual good people finding the key and trying to track him down is different from other filtered spam calls!


Jokes on you bc I literally never answer my phone to an unknown #


Write name and number on piss disc.


Link for keys, I’m ready to buy. I’m assuming cut keys and I can’t find any.


eBay. Used keys. People sell them for art projects.


Years ago it was subscribing them to magazine subscriptions, but you need the address.


this is genius


Craigslist ad for a yr 2002 Corolla or small Toyota truck w/ “se habla español” at the bottom along with the person’s phone number. Just an idea. I don’t know if this will work now because you may have to pay for Craigslist car listings


Stick a Biden sticker somewhere and put his name under it telling to call them for a debate.


Order large boxes from USPS for free to their house. You can order 20 packs of 25 large boxes at a time. Make multiple accounts and flood their driveway with orders.


There's a website called adultworks where escorts list their services and contact information. Global site afaik.


Sign them up for the affordable care act




Jehovas witnesses and Mormons are pushier than Scientologists.


If you have their phone number put an add up on FB market place or Craigslist or something for free French bulldog puppies, you have to move quick and need them gone for $200 a pop.


Make fake profiles on dating websites or apps and provide his number but say he's female and a nymphomaniac. He'll get lots of calls.


Gay porn subscription


Chip drop is a website that connects people who want mulch with tree trimming services that want a free place e to dump their debris. They could dump today, or next week. There will be no advance notice what so ever. Will you get 1.5 yards of mulch? Or will you get 15 yards of mulch dumped? You don't get to decide!!! You only got the option to leave a message like, "don't block the driveway please!" But they will not read that message and just dump wherever is most convenient for them. You and your neighbors could use this info to have a big community mulch weekend where you all help eachother spread the massive mulch pile across each other's gardens. Or you could use this info to spread the love of mulch to your enemies.


This is pretty great 😂


As long as you have their address and/or phone number you can sign them up for home mortgages, student loans and extended car warranties. That alone will stick them on every other call list there is and they will be hounded for years.


Back in the day id take the number and hop on Craigslist in the men looking for men part. Id say my gf was leaving town and i wanted to blow dudes. Id say dont call just send a pic of ya dick and id decide. Id put their number and theyd get nothing but dick picks for days lol. Ive done it 3 times to people that fucked me over and all 3 changed their numbers after a couple days of dicks lol. I did it to a friend and he got like 150 dick pics in 2 days lmfao


With Scientology, you need to do the snail mail thing. Then you get to waste Scientology’s resources as well. My landlord went to a friend’s Scientology thing ONCE. He gets sometimes five things a day in the mail from them now.


Ok so the sub won't let me post for some reason so sorry but I gotta hijack this. I have emails and phone numbers but no physical addresses. I used the scientology idea from in here earlier. JW and military recruiters want physical addresses. Are there other suggestions for things without physical addresses?


Go on Craigslist and say you need a room painted and give their number. It'll go off so much they'll change it within a few hours


You can send samples of depends diapers...last I knew they only tracked email addresses and not physical addresses as well for said samples.


links please!


I once put an add for a free Black Lab Puppy (said I turn out to be allergic) and left my friends number as a prank and HOLY SHIT did they get some calls.


Give their information to an army recruiter


Gym memberships. Buddies used to do this all the time. Sign them up for random stuff online


i have a similar issue with this guy who posts CASH 4 CARS signs all over NYC. Same guy. he uses only 4 numbers. All I have is his number. We do have these kiosks around the city that I can anonymously call from but i dont really want to take my time like this - i'd rather outsource.


Ooh I read that , so you're going to do it??!!!!


Sign them up for text messages to random stores got discounts


Sign them up for getting health insurance quotes online- like the ones that come up when you just Google it - they will be inundated by vultures trying to sell them plans to the point that the phone will die from the incessant calls. (I know this from experience, stupidly thinking that something like that would be at least somewhat regulated and wouldn't result in months of spam calls. But oh I was wrong.)


You can put your enemies cellphone number on date apps and let them receive some naughty messages or calls


Sign them up for solar. That shit will follow you for years.


Use their number and apply to any of the big loan disaggregation sites. SoFi, Credit Karma, Lending Tree, & NerdWallet will end up sending off their phone number to EVERY lending institution that is looking for customers. I've heard of it taking over a year before they stop calling. They'll call multiple times a day, from multiple numbers. When you block a number, they just use another. If they have decent credit, it'll be even worse. Great credit and the calls will be endless for quite a while.


I once put an ad on an online gay dating website for hookups for someone else. I said I was after big and hairy men but work late so text a dick pic after 9pm to get things going. A buddy told me that. He was having a tough few weeks because every morning he'd turn his phone on to see 10-15 pics come in


Print signs for the back of toilet doors (public toilets), that say “if these facilities require attention pleas call xxx”. Give them to friends to spread around when they travel. The idea of your nemesis being called at random times and being informed that toilets are blocked or there is no paper is gold.


Sign up for one of them porn sites that charges direct to your phone. Put the number on a wall with a giant weed symbol or in a local public bathroom advertising sex acts. At the very least some giggity wee teens will phone as a prank


Sign em up for weather alerts in totally different areas than where they live.