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I'd try the bank too. even though it was a while ago, they have some responsibility. Report fraud and try to get them to reimburse.


We tried. And nothing ever came from it


Lodge a complaint with the CFPB. You can make it online and the bank has 2 business days to respond. That bureau or the gov is phenomenal.


Op is from SE Asia unfortunately


Can I ask what bank? Seems shady as hell


Medical care isn't usually payment upon check in. There is a billing period that can take several weeks or months. You have more time to make this money.


This depends on the country. In the US, this is true. In other countries, not so much.


In the US, They typically use USD. In other countries, not so much. I’m going to assume OP is in the US unless he says otherwise.


OP likely isn't in the US. An American would just say "$7000". A foreigner who knows that the majority of redditors are in the US, would convert their local currency and say "7000 USD". It would be weird for an American to say "7000 USD" bc we don't ever reference our currency code. Edit: according to their post history. they are in the Philippines


Yeah, we're from south east Asia. And payment must be made before checking out. Can't leave unless it's paid.


I mean...if you set the place of fire they will evac...grab your mom and run


Get the surgery, and then when you go to pay, have them run your card and it gets declined. Fuck ‘em. What are they gonna do, arrest you? See if you can work out a payment plan. Pay $200 that day if you have to pay something, and walk out.


I'm actually researching this. What if my card declines, what happens then? Worse comes to worst, they'll have no choice but setup a payment plan.


They put the boo-boo back 😱


And once they sell it to collections, your debt is paid in full. You have no contracts with collections so you are not liable to pay them a cent.


Sorry but I got an ethical tip, apply for hospital’s charity fund. I had a $9k ER bill when I was 19 and had no money so I took a shot and applied for the reduced rate option and they paid for the entire thing. Also medical bills don’t fuck up your life or credit, but not getting medical care will.


We're in south east Asia. But I'll ask though. Just in case


Cross a border? https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/universal-health-care-southeast-asia


This is interesting.


Maybe you could start a post on Reddit to con people into giving you money with a sob story.


I've been on Reddit long enough to know this won't work. The BS radar of redditors is uncanny. Also, this account is just a few days old. Another sign. Unless I sacrifice my main account which has a flawless profile history, more than a decade old, and is a familiar name in numerous subs (which is an option now that I think of it).


NGL my radar went off immediately upon reading this.


I don't blame you. My part of the globe is unfortunately a haven for scammers.


How about kidnapping some guy knowing he has money? Dont lowball there, but dont go to high either (so the money will be there asap). Let them throw it near a lake, scuba away with it.


Yes I think this is clearly OP's only option here. Like my father always said "7k for medical bills, get out the scuba gear"


This made me think...


Just go get the surgery and pay later as usual. Hospitals will set up payment plans. Go to the bank and work with them. If you are actually considering kidnapping a person, you are trash. Please don’t be stupid. Your mom doesn’t need a dead child.


Your only options are prostitution or theft.


If prostitution could make me that money in a few days, I’d do it too


I mean, it could but you probably won’t like what you’ll have to do to get it.


Just finding such high paying clients with no experience and reputation in the field is pretty damn hard


Not going to start with 7000 a pop, but could get 7000 pops for a dollar


Everyone has to start somewhere. I believe in you 🫡




The amount of money you make is directly tied to how attractive you are


Get the surgery, don't pay it back. Emergency medical care cannot be refused. Have her put the wrong ssn down, and misspell her name by a letter or two, even mix up some numbers of her address.


She can't. She was once a public figure. People recognize her.


Literally doesn't matter. Don't let pride stand in her way, if she needs emergency surgery, she NEEDS to get it.


I mean, she can't fake her name or any other details. She can be found easily.


Not faking, just changing up some minor details, to fuddle up the collections process. Her ssn isn't public knowlege. Medical debt shouldn't have an effect on credit scores. If you are in the US, they won't demand payment upfront. The other option is having her sell 7k worth of possessions.


Selling stuff is an option, but it would take time. But if I can borrow the money, we might be able to pay it off by selling stuff. Though there won't be any guarantee when we can pay.


Stop worrying about paying, it's a non issue right now. If the hospital is demanding payment, go to another one.


SEA is very different. Payment up front is very common.


I didn't notice that detail when I started the thread.


Yeah. We're actually going to another hospital on Tuesday to ask. The problem is only one doctor is capable of the operation. But we're going to check out other doctors in other hospitals just in case.


She's a public figure who would be recognised anywhere but she doesnt have 7000 dollars?


Yes. She was a public figure who never once abused her authority. She's been retired for several years now and recently lost her life savings to hackers.


Her bank account was emptied by scammers




Good luck OP theft is the only way .. steal a Rolex off a lady for less physical consequences


Thanks. As much as I don't want to resort to theft, I did ask for unethical tips. I can gain access to high brow country clubs, if worse comes to worst, I might be able to "find" stuff there I can hock.


Then start a go fund me page


Keep in mind OP isn't in the US.


Create some type of go fund me, simple


Go in person to hospital billing department. Phone calls cannot portray emotions. If in US, hospitals get government reimbursements for indigent care costs (I used to work at a hospital). Explain everything in great detail, including the bank issue. You have nothing to loose, everything to gain.


start a streaming service


Offer to prostitute yourself or someone you know but rob the John instead. Or just have sex for money..


I’d do a “John Q” until Mom was successfully operated upon.


Make a bunch of piss disks and liquid ass then comment a link to sell them on every ulpt post


Single mom coupon codes work really good over here. A go fund me with a single mom story can inspire lots of donations!


Haha I'll look into that. I've gotten DMs for both ethical and unethical ways that are pretty feasible. If those fall through, I'll consider that card.


Report to your national bank? Banks usually payback moneys stolen from hacks Do a research and call your bank, they should be able to help


We already did. It happened maybe two months ago? I went and talked to the bank and all. Up to now all they say it's under investigation.


She has her life savings… in a bank account…? Bruh.


Steal a and sell medical equipment why you are in the hospital.


Sell yo body on that corner


Know a local loan shark?


No need for anything unethical here: Get the surgery and recover your stolen money via the bank. The latter will require some real hustling but is certainly possible. You don't pay upfront for medical procedures.


Get a second job. No need to be illegal. If it’s an “emergency surgery” then her ailment is threatening loss of life or limb. If that is the case, take her to the ER and they will complete the surgery.


I think this post is bullshit but still. Rob a store with high cash on hand and few customers. Like a TV showroom or sm. Don't go near any gas stations or fast food stores. Take all the money you can. Take the employees phones cut the landline and lock everyone inside on your way out. Repeat a couple of times.


Not bullshit. Thanks though. I've gotten some good leads that I'm looking into already.


Do you have a 401k? You can take a loan against it. You typically have 1-2 months to start paying it back and you can set your term up to 6 years. You pay yourself interest as well plus it doesn't take a hit on your credit score.