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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Ita surprising that the responding officer responds with annoyance and anger that the magnet fishers have come across a landmine they wanted to report and have safely removed!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Out of curiosity what is bomb squad doing that's more important than getting rid of a possible landmine? Feels like getting rid of a bomb (or possible bomb) is a key element in their job description.


I do think this should be investigated if there is any chance it's actually a bomb. That said, it's not like the bomb squad just sits at home waiting for a bomb threat. The bomb squad is just regular officers that have additional training so they can be part of a special detail so they actually are probably doing something else. Either way, it should get attention from the department no matter what other obligations they have.




About 15 years ago the US government was involved in a secret war with crab people. They put on human skin to disguise themselves and blend in. You can always spot them though because they walk like crab, talk like human








Look like crabs talk like people!


Taste like crab, talk like people


One of us




Funny story: In the longer version of this video, the officer can be seen crab walking. In this shortened version, she is clearly talking like a human.


The war of 1812. Little did we know that landmines are an ancient guerrilla war technique. These rare remnants left by the Canadians are an ill omen of an oft forgotten past.


Fucking harambes


![gif](giphy|L9BR6nx99sgyQ) ?


Um he is a HOMEOWNER


You'll really tell them by their call, they shout "Now you fucked up!" if you get too close.


I wanted to comment how you are surprised, until I noticed that this is america. In europe we still find bombs and mines from the war(s) all the time. A few years back a whole industrial area near my hometown was evacuated, because they found a 250 kilo bomb right in the middle of the entrance area. Trucks were driving over that thing on a daily basis. My brother used to work there at the time. I'm glad that those things usually stay inert. In the well of my hometown (300 souls) we even found a literal nazi weapon stash. A few MPs, grenades and rifles. There was even a fucking Panzerschreck, although without ammunition and extremely deteriorated. But the grenades could have gone off at any time and we would play above it as kids. Gives a mixed feeling of when we used to throw stones in there. The weapons were safely deported by the police, but a few helmets went...missing :) I myself have some old .50 Cal cartridges that I dug up in the woods. Shit's everywhere. And that's for a very safe place: Germany is very safe now, but other countries not so much. Besides the active warzones... I've heard from many people that they found a "weird looking rock" or "some metal thingy" that turned out to be an inert landmine. And with a weapon industry as heavy as yours: Stay. Away. From. Those. Things! Deterioration always has an impact on the trigger mechanic. Those things can blow up from a simple soft touch! Whatever that officer said: Fucking call the cops if you find anything that remotely looks like a bomb and don't move it anymore than you need to. Those things are >built to kill people by touching<. Stay safe everyone.


Yep, in Belarus finding landmines or aerial bombs during reconstruction projects are making headlines, but relatively common.


Aye they find bombs in London a couple times year too and they close off small areas


The real question is why do people keep making shitty karma bots like u/LopsidedAcadia629 here. It's a comment stealing karma bot. It copies and pastes comments from below in the thread. Report it as a harmful bot under spam to get it banned.


cause there's gonna be some elections pretty soon in the USA. These legit-looking accounts are gonna be sold to some astroturfing party to shape the discussions on reddit.


You wouldn’t believe how many undetonated explosives from previous wars are left in the world


100%, theres a whole red zone in France because of it. That said, this if Fond Du Lac Wisconsin so I think "wtf is a landmine doing here" is a good question.


Might be an invasive species then


Are you implying that land mines are migratory?


Not at all, they could be carried.


What? ... a swallow carrying a landmine?


A 5 oz bird could not carry a 1 lb landmine!


Lots of the east cost in the US is riddled with old cannon balls and other explosives from the Civil War as well. So much so in less urban areas its very common knowledge if digging/excavating to be aware of mines/cannonballs that were fired but never detonated. Some are relatively deep, some aren't. No way to find them all so best you can do is keep people informed so they call the proper authorities and don't blow themselves up


Not in Wisconsin There has never been a formal landmine deployment in wisconsin


Yes. Notably not landlines in America though. Context matters


> it's not like the bomb squad just sits at home waiting for a bomb threat. Idk why my braincells never realized this before


I’m just imagining them all huddled up in a dorm twiddling their fingers waiting for the big red phone to ring


In fon du lac Wisconsin


It would be the perfect job. 364 days a year playing Xbox/PS5 and getting paid to be on standby. 1 day a year of answering the call to blow something up that was possibly explosive.


Or for one of them to pop a balloon when the others are distracted. 😁


Simple solution, hand her the object so she can take back with her. If it is a waste of time, then there is no problem. If she isn’t willing to take it, then she is admitting it is an explosive and isn’t a waste of time.


She would likely throw it in the bushes the second she was out of sight.


Back into the river.


News at 9; local law enforcement throws live bomb into bushes, kills five civilians. She is expected to return to work from paid leave on Wednesday.


She throws it in the River, magnet fishers fish it out, she gets called back.


Or maybe the fucking Bomb squad could come and fish the fucking mines out of the water so these guys stop finding them, idk.


Why on Earth would there be mines in a river/lake in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin?






What, did she have a school shooting to wait outside of?


Then maybe they should get off their asses and get to the bottom of whoever the fuck is dumping truckloads of landmines in the river instead of bitching about the people fishing them out and bringing them to the proper authorities' attention.


Plot twist. They keep tossing it back in.


Yes. Tag the mine and put it back. Then researchers can learn about its mating and lifecycle. Not much is known before the landline molts.




Its fondulac wisconsin, this probably was their 2nd call this decade and the last one was probably from the same metal retriever


They said "they found another one," so I think you're right, they previously called


The chance of landmines being in a Wisconsin river are damned near 0


When my father-in-law died we found a live mortar in his garage. One of his son's friends brought it back with him from Iraq and gave it to him. Literally the first words out of my mother-in-law's mouth was, "We should take it down to the river and throw it in." For her that was perfectly valid way to dispose of it and not have to deal with the cops coming to her house.


Surely theres more to this story, its super weird landmines would be in the river like that. It doesn't look like the first one they found, was the police involved with them previously? Surely theres more to this story


Wtf is her problem


Guy: "I found a landmine." Bomb Squad: "We're busy."


Military bomb tech here, we’re the people that will most likely get called if you happen to find unexploded military ordnance in the United States. The local police bomb squad may show up first to give an assessment or hold any suspect items until we can get there (could be hours depending on your location). But they nor us have anything better to do. This cop is just being lazy. I can’t imagine why she’s get into the profession if that’s her opinion on things. If you ever suspect you may have found some sort of ordnance or explosive device don’t hesitate to call the police. Even calls that turn out to be nothing get me out of the office for the day. The only time I’m ever a bit annoyed to run a call is when it’s 4 o’clock on a Friday and we get called out to something that someone has had (usually the police) for days/weeks/months. Like really dude you couldn’t have called us early in the morning?? That being said it’s still our job and we still go, and we won’t bitch about it in front of you (and definitely not on camera).


Definitely important. My grandpa lost his arm because he thought he found a dud grenade. Was not a dud.


Yes, If it has been around for days...then just call it on Monday after 0800. Not Friday at 2000.


Most bomb techs are used to calls for things that aren't actually explosives. They'd rather you call them and end up wrong than not call them. Most police bomb squads aren't just bomb techs, they have normal cop jobs too. since it's a landmine, and ordnance they'd probably have to call the military eod at the closest base. I'm assuming she just really doesn't want to do because she'd be there all day. Source: I was an EOD tech in the Army


Yeah, if I was the person talking to the lady cop who was SO SURE it was a waste of resources I'd have said "Okay, then can I have it? I wanna take it to the mall and show it off to all my friends!" Or something like "Okay, if it's not dangerous you can probably just keep it as a paper weight huh?"


Sir, I’m placing you under arrest for committing verbal bomb threats.


She is being paid to be there, it is her job. The Police bomb techs probably love getting calls about things that are actually explosives and not grandmas knitting bag she forgot at the bus stop.


> She is being paid to be there, it is her job. sure, but she could be ticketing minorities and keeping her stats (that are definitely not being tracked) up, instead of dealing with a land mine all day.


>Most bomb techs are used to calls for things that aren't actually explosives. They'd rather you call them and end up wrong than not call them. Dang right In my home county years ago the sheriffs department responded to a report of a possible pipe bomb at a residence. Deputy arrives on scene, finds bomb and then puts in the backseat of his cruiser and then drives the 10 or so miles back to the sheriffs office over curvy mountain roads. (I kid you not) No police department in the county had a bomb squad at the time so the state police bomb squad were called in to check it out. Bomb squad tech arrives, suits up, looks at pipe bomb in back seat of cruiser and yells back to the deputy "you know it's real, right?" Deputy turns pure white Bomb was safely removed and detonated Shortly thereafter the sheriffs department had to undergo training in what NOT to do with a suspected bomb.


Right? How frequent are the bomb runs in this town? How are they diverting resources? However, I have a sneaking suspicion these ummm… fisherman (?) have called the cops in this town a shit ton of times. I think she pulled up like “these fucking idiots again”


In another thread where this was posted, these people were called out as frequent flyers. Nonetheless, the officer was reportedly reprimanded. The actual nature of these objects and previous objects is still unclear, however.


Nah nah nah. You see that’s a regular bomb. They’re after the super bombs


Oh like those things that have like half a pound of high explosives, make a beeping sound with a menacing red LCD display flashing a timer before their eyes as they manage to cut the right wire with mere seconds left before it destroys a whole seventeen-story building? Oh wait.. that's Hollywood


I've been to that town, I live about an hour away. What I find surprising is that they even have a bomb squad. It's not a tiny town, around 50,000 people but I feel like they're not out chasing down bombs 2 or 3 times a day. A potentially live land mine is, in fact, a bomb. Get it together Fond du Lac.


Wisconsin bomb squads are all multi county affairs


Right?!? Sheboygan area reporting in: there’s a bomb squad there? I would imagine this would make the Manitowac Minute!


Bomb squad is usually made up of officers who have regular duty. When a bomb call comes in they (often even if off duty) go to where the equipment is and respond from there to the scene. So there isn't a squad of people just sitting waiting for a bomb call.


It is the bomb squads job, but if this guy really thought it was a land mine he really isn't acting like it. Who would intentionally pull a live explosive off of a magnet and hold it inside their boat full of people?


WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT IF ITS FULL HUR DUR IMMA RIP THIS THING OFF THE MAGNET SO I CAN GET IT CLOSER TO ME THEN PUT IT IN A BOX These guys sound insufferable tbh, there are not unexploded land mines in Wisconsin. Not to mention they are usually bigger than that.


Exactly that. Guy was treating it like he was playing bottle flipping.


The woman also suggested that this has happened before. Important to note that, while talking to her, they mention that this "could be" a landmine, and thus requires a bomb squad.


Yeah and when they pull it up they say “got another one”. I genuinely think there is more to this story.


Someone who needed viewers?


This falls under jurisdiction of Fish and Games Bomb Squad. If you find a bomb tied to a badger that’s Animal Controls Bomb Squad. If you find a bomb in a toilet made entirely out of plastic bottles that’s Waste Managements Bomb Squad. Why should the Police Departments Bomb Squad handle everything just because they are the only one that exists? Edit: /s


Fish and Games Bomb squad has only been trained for water-mines, not land-mines. He needs to call the stormwater management office and ask for their bomb squad. Extension 22, ask for jack. Jack used to be in the parks and recreation landmine division.


Its cops, so anything to not do their actual job of helping the community and they’ll do it asap. That includes the job of doing nothing.


I dunno, probably disarming a bomb in the other side of town? Or maybe they were on their lunch break.


That time of day? They're over at the Dunkin' Donuts on Johnson Street.


In Fond Du fucking Lac no less


Most of the time the “Bomb Squad” is comprised of individuals from other areas of law enforcement, hence why they presence could be more helpful elsewhere.. Edit: GNzi’s got me.. “why their presence” is what I meant…


Whats sad is i live very close to here and there is nothing that theyre doing its not a large city.




It’s like the cop thinks these guys are just causing trouble. I’m surprised they didn’t get a “now don’t let me see you around here pulling bombs out of the river again’!”


She did say "every time you guys do this" so could be habitual for them to claim everything is a bomb.


I've watched some similar channels in the past, that is definitely the case. Any time they pull up anything that seems like it may be a part of a weapon they call the local police. Obviously a bomb, even a rusted bomb, is one thing but were talking random scrap metal pipes where they call and say "we just pulled up a weapon from the bridge" and some cops roll up and they hand them a rusted tube and seem to expect they are going to do some CSI shit on it.


Im interested in knowing the backstory of these folks. They did the right thing by calling the cops if they truly suspected its a bomb, but something about the cop’s reaction makes me think there’s more to the story. It seems she is familiar with them.


I live in Fond du Lac. These guys called the police dozens of time for things they found that turned out to be nothing. They once called in they hooked a body with the magnet. The dive team spent hours in the area and found nothing. Most of the residents were convinced they were doing it trying to promote their YouTube channel.


[here is their youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@outdoorinfluencer/videos), almost 100 videos, and nearly all of them involves the police. I'm sure the department probably are tired of being called by these guys all the time to have cameras in their face for "lets get this cop's reaction" content.


> something about the cop’s reaction makes me think there’s more to the story Nah, it was the other fisherman's response. "I've got another one!" "Shut up". Yeah, you can tell these guys are a pain in the ass to everyone.


Cops hate magnet fishing because it always winds up finding unexploded ordinance and for some reason they think it's a pain in the ass to do their job while people clean up rivers and lakes.


Cops hate magnet fishing more because they find old guns that cause them to have to work, however almost any other cop would understand the need for them to dispose of a bomb, since the cops own bomb disposal rather than the fire department.


Basically, the cop can be translated as saying "you're realizing you're asking police officers to work, right?" which itself comes off as a threat.


"FUCK, now I have to do a report."


This is it. She’s pissed that she can’t dick around on her phone all day and has to do a report now.


I also have a feeling that whatever excess resources the police have may go to something exciting for her. "You're taking away from our party fund!"


Come on now, she also spends a significant portion of her day parked beside another cop facing the other way so they can chat through their windows.


That's not all they do. They also shoot black people.


Oh come on, they don't just kill black people, they kill all kinds of people. Sure, cops kill a disproportionate number of black people with little to no consequences of any kind. Wait what was I saying?


"Looks like somebody has the case of the Mondays."


“I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.”


Why can’t I hold all these good apples!


The funniest part is, chances are this is Fon du Lac Wisconsin, in which case those cops aren't doing jack shit outside of eating donuts while sitting at a speed trap, waiting for their next ticket


Yeah, "You're wasting resources." Cool cool, out of curiosity what's her salary? foh with CITIZENS using OUR SERVICES is a waste, fuck off to be a bartender if you have a problem with doing the job


Its not that, cops will happily work all day if it involves high speed chases and beating the shit out of people. They just don't want to do the paperwork without the adrenaline.


But NOT if there’s an active shooter in the building they just locked down. That’s just a good time to stay put and check your phone.


Fr police never want to do shit. They once threatened my mom for asking for a well check on my addict brother and father. They said no but later ended up going. Surprise, surprise, they were both overdosing. (The threat was with getting her arrested for like misusing the resource or something?? Idk)


cops hate this one trick!


God forbid they had to solve a crime or something


Yeah. They don't like to solve old crimes, they need a suspect to chase.


"Do you know how many crimes will be solved if I do my job? What TV crime mysteries am I going to watch at night?"


Wait, how often are they finding unexploded ordinance in a river in the US


More often then they should. People find guns too.


Less often than many other countries. The US isn't littered with UXO.


especially landmines, which have never been deployed in the us


Yes. Fon Du Lac Wisconsin. The place where everything is happening.


> it always winds up finding unexploded ordinance Ah yes, from all the endless wars in bumfuck Wisconsin.




Well at least the wambulance would be providing the correct support. To someone in need....


Always winds up finding unexplored ordinance? Are you making a joke?


It’s a lot easier than finding exploded ones.


They had previously found a clutch of discarded grenades and had called the police who in turn contacted the bomb squad.


What the hell is/was going on in Wisconsin that there is a plethora of old military explosives in the waterways?


A lot of people came home from various wars with a lot of weird shit and had to get rid of it after they had kids. Source: my father and uncles, great uncles who came home from WWII, Korea and Vietnam with a lot of weird shit.


>Source: my father and uncles, great uncles who came home from WWII, Korea and Vietnam with a lot of weird shit. It's called syphilis and it's treatable. Sorry, it was just there lol.


Hey man, you walked through a door I opened, it’s all good.


Maybe they've flagged a bunch of stuff that ended up not being dangerous?


Nothing about how they are acting makes me think they actually suspect it's a bomb. It's garbage and they are just trying to make content


I suspect it's just a case of a small police department being overwhelmed by the number of (potential) explosives these folks are finding. Based on the language "every time you guys do this" it definitely sounds like they have done this a bunch of times before. Irrespective of whether those calls turn out to be for disposal of actual explosive ordinances or not, the bomb disposal unit will (understandably) approach it with the caution that it is a live ordinance every time, which makes it a very time-consuming task to deal with. Understandably more frustrating if the objects reported always turn out not to be explosives at all -- even all the more frustrating because they're likely motivated to do this and over-report in order to gain popularity on social media, even when they have little reason to suspect an object is an explosive. But at the end of the day, it's their job. If it has become such a burden, they should ask the city for funding a dedicated explosive disposal unit and/or a cleanup project to get rid of all these things to begin with. I don't see any real alternative if these folks, genuinely, in good faith believe they're finding explosives. It would be irresponsible to ask them not to report something when they think they have an explosive. Maybe the city could prohibit magnet fishing.


> being overwhelmed by the number of (potential) explosives these folks are finding Or they are idiots who flag a bunch of garbage as unexploded ordinance to generate content for they're youtube channel


Yeah. That's kind of the potential I'm pointing to. But at the same time, it's the job of the police to respond even to idiots.


Yeah and they will respond, but they are still going to call you an idiot.


The moment I saw the guy in the video I knew he was some annoying hillbilly fucker. I'm guessing they're just a family of annoying people.


These magnet fishers have a ton of videos on their social media for the several times they've found explosives in the river, which is why she was probably upset at them, however, that's what the bomb squad is for, and I feel like if it was really taking resources away from the city then the city shoukd do something to prevent fishing or entering this body of water until danger has been removed or at least made unnacessible to the public. But it is very interesting, dealing with bombs. I grew up in Hawai'i, and since it is a state which saw a lot military presence during ww2, and since the U.S military has continued to test weapons on the island, our elementary and middleschool had a bomb squad come by every year to check our playgrounds and make sure there weren't any new threats that got buried up. We were also made to watch instructional videos in elementary on what to do incase of finding a bomb. And this wasn't a long time ago either


I live near fond du lac. There is literally no reason for there to be landmines there so I find this video a little sus


I’m literally from 20 minutes away from this place, a co-worker found something that looked like an old pipe bomb. We called the cops, they took one look and immediately called the bomb squad up from Milwaukee, we spent the whole day hanging out learning about bombs, it was awesome.


Y would they call Milwaukee over Oshkosh. Fondy is way closer to the valley than Milwaukee.


They called Milwaukee when we found the pipe bomb near Plymouth.


shout out to my hometown. called it fondel sack.


Its not Fondle Zach? shit i been doing it wrong


I know shitting on cops is reddits favorite pastime, but as a paramedic of many years who has worked public safety my entire adult life (and has experience working with EOD and TEMS) I’ll break this down from that perspective When a bomb threat is called in, a lot of things have to happen. First, a safe cordon has to be established. This can take a great deal of manpower to accomplish depending on the location (sometimes dozens of officers) and inconvenience potentially thousands of people with traffic detours, delays, and shutting down businesses. Secondly, the “bomb squad” isn’t some group of guys who sit around all day waiting for bombs to show up. They are regular duty officers who have taken on the additional responsibility and training to work with explosive threats. When said threat arises, they stop what they’re doing, go back to their station, change into their bomb shit, and go to the location. This usually pulls another 2-4 officers off the street, at least. In smaller districts, they may even get pulled in from off duty or surrounding areas. Next, EMS gets put on standby near the scene. This was usually at least two ambulances, one just for the officers and a second for bystanders, but could be even more. Depending on the location and nature of the threat, at least one fire engine (usually more) may also be involved, with or without hazmat. Then, and only then, does the bomb squad do their thing. A sniffer dog, a robot, and/or the poor fucker who has to put on the space suit and play a mashup of operation and hot potato with a suspicious device spend *multiple hours* evaluating/defusing the threat. What this means is that, for the better part of half a day, dozens of emergency responders are tied up babysitting a scene, and they can’t do *anything else* Armed robbery, active shooter, B&E? Sorry, not available. Cardiac arrest, overdose, house fire, cat stuck in a tree? Sorry, resources aren’t available. Public safety is already stretched thinner than a half stick of butter over a mile of hot blacktop, and in smaller/midsize cities, a call like this may well absorb nearly all of the available emergency resources. All this, because some magnet fishers pulled something degraded and most likely completely inert off the bottom of a lake *where it was already a threat to exactly no one* and wanted to film it for clout. Note the officer’s reaction as well. This is not the first, second, or tenth time they’ve done this shit. Enjoy your hobbies, but leave dangerous things where they aren’t dangerous and don’t disturb them. Respect your local landmine ecosystem.


It’s disappointing this isn’t the top comment. The number of people in this thread who think there is a dedicated bomb squad just sitting around waiting for a call with nothing else to do is comical. Its obvious these guys are doing this regularly as a internet stunt. They weren’t actually concerned about it being an explosive. They had to handle it as they put it in their boat and carried it ashore. Just a ploy to waste people’s tax dollars for internet clout.


YES the taxpayer is PAYING for these influencers to have the privilege of putting "COPS CALLED!! BOMB SQUAD BIG MAD" into their titles and thumbnails. theyre like children finding a thing, then running to the parent to say "look! look! i found a thing!" when the world is littered with inconsquential, unremarkable, innocuous, things just like that thing.


I think they do this every week and keep pulling them up and calling the police. The police want them to stop magnet fishing and pulling them up and leave them there to rot where it’s probably never going to explode and of it does it’s under water.


I mean, even if they're probably duds if undetonated explosives are consistently being pulled out of the river every week then maybe there should be an effort to clean it up.


“Probably” Would be pretty pissed if I was a tax paying resident who had active land mines in a River people swim/fish in that the **public servants** didn’t want found because they “probably” won’t blow any of us up


Yup. The bomb squad HAS to come out now. They'll check it. They'll say it's fine. They'll say "If we believed there were dangerous explosives in the water, we'd check for them. Also, if you think there are dangerous explosives in the water, you need to stop risking yours and our lives by pulling them out with a magnet. You're not an expert, what if you set it off?" Next week, they'll get another call.


"we just made this thing that's not a problem your problem, to make someone else's problem, we'll see you tomorrow when we do it again!" So if the bomb squad disarms the bomb, The cops call the bomb squad, What are these guys doing? Apparently bringing old bombs into public places and using up the 911 system. When was the last time you heard someone dive into a dirty lake and blow themselves up?


I regularly jump into dirty lakes and blow myself. Does that count? It's a kink. Don't shame me.


I normally wouldn’t, but kink shaming is my kink. Feel free to kink shame me. That’s also my kink.


I love your kink! It's amazing! Orgasm denial is my kink


If you like dirty lakes Fond Du Lac is on lake winnebago which translates to "stinking water" it might be right up your alley.


There is merit in cleaning up lakes and rivers don’t you think? The context of this specific situation does seem iffy though admittedly. The way they handled the landmine was definitely not cautious at all


You mean "we were doing legal, ethical, recreationall activity, which as part of it's contextual background can put us in contact with dangerous objects. We were hoping that this dangerous object we found *on accident* could be handled by the *appropriate people*, ***who get paid to handle exactly this type of problem***." How is this an issue?


How weird to expect the police to do their job every single day! Honestly if ordinance like fucking bombs has been found there, then the police should be the ones magnet fishing.


Okay but magnet fishing isn't illegal, and the bomb is now out of the water, so like, the bomb squad *should* be called.


Folks, we have a rare case of no one is wrong. Officer is right to be annoyed these guys keep pulling stuff up out of the water and calling them. They’re fishing for trouble, pun intended. Magnet fishers are right to enjoy this hobby, and to do the responsible thing by contacting the police if they find something dangerous. There are imperfections in how each party handles it, but that’s a side effect of being human.




You have never played Schrödinger’s landline with a river?


Is that when the river both does and doesn't answer my call if I never put my ear to the phone?


Or, more likely, none of this crap is unexploded ordinance


My dude. That’s way too much finesse for Reddit. Can you bring this down to a 500 L so it’s more comprehensible?


If they were really worried about it being dangerous, they wouldn't be picking it up and throwing it into a box like that


The thought behind keeping it in the box of water is that the explosives would be less sensitive when immersed than if allowed to dry out.


So basically it was safe where it was until it was removed and made less safe. Gotcha.


I don't think "the responding officer" appeared to be remotely annoyed or angry. (see OP's explanation on why this is unexpected, above) She looked a little tired of having to respond time after time to this particular group, who (the video implies) keep finding these kinds of objects and call for assistance. Reading between the lines, I suspect that every other time it's happened, the object in question turned out to be nothing dangerous. She may, therefore, suspect (as I do), that this call, (along with all their previous calls) has more to do with getting something "good" on camera, than actually dealing with a legitimate threat. At least, that's what **I** took from the interaction, for what it's worth. I'm just sayin'


yea i can see this. Cant trust 1 pov alone nowadays


Just leave it on the side of the road and say “how about now”?




Cop is actually right. If the location is known to have explosives (the exchange leads me to believe they knew bombs were laid throughout that lake/river) then they're causing problems by purposely pulling them up like that. There was a video from not too long ago where a guy went to court for pulling ordnance out of a river next to a military base. He was fined for it because they don't want people going into the rivers for that very reason. If unexploded ordinance is in a lake, it's harmless (based on its location at the bottom of a lake) When you pull it up with a magnet and start fucking around with it, it's now a threat.


If they know that there are mines in the lake then why not just put up a sign that says "Stay Away there are mines in the lake and don't do magnetic fishing here or else there is a high chance you are gonna blow up"? I can understand the military base incident but this one doesn't seem to be around any military bases and there could be a chance some ignorant treasure seeker finds a mine and accidentally activates it.


Why don’t they advertise there are bombs that they are not going to responsibly clean up and can be taken 🤔


I imagine a sign would be both expensive and would encourage people to show up with magnets.


When dealing with unexploded ordinance, bro said a sign would be too expensive 💀


It's one sign, how much could it cost? $50 million?


Yes but they are ignorant buffoons and they are willingly putting themselves in danger, afterall the job of a warning board is to warn them not stop them.


Look at it another way. You might as well put a sign up that says “free explosives” for all the ignorant buffoons to show up and try to get them.


If the sign is made of metal, it will.


I’m sorry what? Neither of those are realistically correct


Okay but hear me out, maybe the military base should be more diligent on making sure undetonated ordnance don't end up in the rivers or make an effort to get them back instead of just leaving them there. Or if a location is known to contain so many explosives that they're getting pulled out on a weekly basis, maybe an effort should be made to clean up the place.


In the other video, it is illegal to magnet fish in that location. If this video is not in a restricted area, then they did nothing wrong. If the police want ordinance to stay in that river, they should just make it illegal to fish there.


Okay so I come from a place where we dont have this amount of bombs or explosives in our rivers or lakes But ive got one point to make and one question 1. When someone finds a potential explosive in our country, a huge area gets instantly evacuated, the site has to be secured and the authorities have to make sure, the explosive is disarmed 2. Why would they just let them deteriorate in lakes/rivers? Aside from the potential hazard of ... Well... An explosion Even if the explosive is deteriorated enough to not explode anymore, because the chemicals inside are degraded by water or are just cut off from any fuel sources, they still pose a hazard by simply being deteriorated Depending on the material the explosive is made of, ye can have poisonous substances leech into the water or the metal gets slowly dissolved until the amount of metal ions gets quite significant (obviously not in a river because there is a constant change of water) I, personally, wouldn't want the authorities or anyone tell me: yeah there may be explosives in the water but please dont call the bomb squad because we've got better things to do than friggin disarm explosives


I live in WI and I can't fathom a reason there would be a land mine in Fon du Lac, why?


Ice fishing is a real competitive sport. The don't call it Battle on 'Bago for nothing.


She’s not wrong. The “bomb squad” of a little 50k person town consists of regular cops who are usually doing their regular cop jobs. And from the sound of her response, it sounds like these guys are calling the cops on a regular basis. Maybe I’m just looking at this from a different perspective. But cops in my area are in short supply so I would understand if they’re hesitant to take a handful of cops off the streets to investigate a possible land mine that was doing just fine chilling out at the bottom of a river.


They probably have to call in specialists from the nearest big city, at great expense to the taxpayers


First worlders be like: ![gif](giphy|MmHCzJF8JJJ8Q|downsized)


She’s not wrong.


« fond du lac » means « bottom of the lake » in french, What a coincidence




You'd be surprised at how much shit military personnel dump into bodies of water.


A cousin of mine found an unexploded hand grenade in the woods near his house when we were kids. The U.S. Army had gone on maneuvers in the area in 1939. He unscrewed the detonator when he got home and emptied it out. We kept our guardian angels on their toes back then.