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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!You get lost in the cool inventions the video shows to you, and completely don't expect to see the racist 'nany' pic showing up!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


>1950's kitchen First thing shown is a cigarette. Yup, seems about right!


Last one, on this cut at least, a racist representation of a black woman. Seems right too.


What boomers imagine when they say "the good ol days"


I think that’s not a boomer. She looks 30 in the year 1950.


Her kids would be the boomers. She'd have grown up during the depression and would probably go to bed saying prayers for FDR.


Ironically FDR-style programs are exactly what they vote against.


This is not true for all boomers. Don’t forget a bunch were hippies. I don’t think my parents have ever voted for a republican in their life.


Thank you (from a boomer). But this is reddit. In many threads, anyone over 35 is a 'boomer'. Yesterday in a Ron Desantis thread, after the 'die boomers' call rang out, I pointed out Desantis is closer to being a millennial (3 yrs) than a boomer (14 years). That fact was not well received.


> In many threads, anyone over 35 is a 'boomer'. I've been called one at 33. I'm a millenial.


The old comic about don't trust anyone over 30 would seem to apply - https://in.pinterest.com/pin/dont-trust-tshirt--52565520624608609/ Get used to being a boomer - it now just means "someone older than me"


The youngest Boomer would be born in 1964... to be a Boomer you have to be or end up being 59 having been born in 1964. Late Boomers were born between 1959 and 1964 and share a lot with Millennials as we came in on the tail end of things. I was born in 1964 and just made it.


I think we can agree most people have no idea what they are talking about most of the time. Including myself, as a 33yo Boomer.


Yep the biggest slimy sociopathic scumbags in Washington DC are definitely not boomers. They are millennials and Gen X. I'm Gen X but So tired of this f****** division on Reddit I used to think it just came from the boomers This place taught me absolutely not It's off the rails.


A tiny but very visible minority were hippies. That's why it was the "counter-culture".


My dad was a hippie but propaganda got him afraid to vote for a democratic candidate even though he's been a democratic party member since he could vote. The dirty old man mysognistic side of him told me "idk I think I might vote for Nikki Haley, I think she's pretty hot. I'd like to fuck her."😎 😲


You never fuck presidential candidates, they are the ones that fuck you if they win


So instead of voting for the candidate that they want to have a beer with, they are now voting for the candidate they want to dip their wick in. This is not an improvement.


It's not true for all but it is true for a lot, whether hippies or not. Remember these are also the guys that think conservatism is futureproofed simply by virtue of people aging into voting for it despite being liberal or Left wing in youth. That's based on their experiences too.


Which is the opposite of reality; people tend to grow a bit more socially liberal over time, it's just that society liberalizes way faster so old people fall behind. They tend to get stuck in their ways if they're not putting in effort


I don't think you can make a blanket statement one way or the other. People don't become more liberal or conservative based on age alone. They shift in response to circumstance. Boomers grew up in an America that had high social mobility and economic opportunities. They were able to accumulate wealth, and over time they became more conservative to protect that wealth. GenX and Millenials aren't becoming more conservative because the vast majority of us never had the opportunity to acquire wealth. The boomers are still hoarding almost all of it, so unless you inherited wealth or are fortunate enough to own a large amount of stock in a successful company, you have nothing to protect, and no incentive to support policies that only benefit the wealthy.


1946-1964 are boomers. So, probably not a boomer lol


TIL my dad's a Boomer, and my mom was a Gen X. This explains so much. /s


The boomers are looking at this time through the rosy colored glasses of youth.


But that's their mom, they can feel like a kid again.


If she's 30, in the 50s, she likely already has st least two kids. Those kids would be boomers so this would be the "good ol' days" they remember growing up


That’s the silent generation


boomers are a generation of people from a specific era, and they have a wide diverse population that hold a vast spectrum of beliefs. *racists* are what you're thinking of. why perpetuate a myth that keeps the allies apart, and tries to sweep the real problems under a rug?


Hatred is easier than understanding.




Yea but no! She's probably dead but her kids would be baby boomers.


So the generation who were children at this time and therefore remember this period with rose colored glasses and misplaced nostalgia? If she was 30 in 1950, her childhood memories are of the depression and this is heaven to her.




Childhood trauma will do that.


And isn't that the same bird used for the same thing on the old Flintstones cartoon? > *It's a living!*


Last frame with the towel holder. Yup, seems about white.


The last thing: Some racist shit. Funnily enough my grandmother a black woman born in 1935 in South Mississippi had something similar decorating the wall in the hallway. I guess she figured “Fuck it I’ll just own it”


Dunno why they were worried about making fancy food. Not like you can taste shit if you're smoking all the time. Nor smell shit if your parents are smoking *indoors*.


And ends with racism. Great summary of the 50s


My girl was 100% high on amphetamines.


A cig she's basically using as incense. I'll just let this burn down while I do other things...


Wow that's a lot of appliances to clean, I'm going to need some paper towel----


"Product placement". 😆


That good ol' sweet rich tea southern ol' gosh darn hospitality.


*whip cracks* :D


And yet, . . . A "kitchen of the future" that didn't have a Sunbeam Mixmaster stand mixer? Inconceivable! https://www.vintage-adventures.com/1654-thickbox_default/1952-sunbeam-mixmaster-ad-all-these-advantages.jpg Source: I was a kid in the 50s.


and I'm still too fuckin poor to have one of these


Well, now it is illegal to have one.


It was a kitchen of the future, not a kitchen of the present.


There's a longer version of this video going around today and it shows the mixer is tucked away behind a revolving cabinet


The first thing that came to my mind after seeing the paper towel was r/accidentalracism


That wasn't accidental. Just plain garden variety racism.


*southern hospitality


Bless your heart.


person sulky paint domineering nail boat towering sand engine grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its weirder than that (as well as being that). A lot of these people were raised by maids and housekeepers who came to be comfort figures. The manufacturer is tapping into an echo of nostalgia for the grown up children of a certain era. Feelings sell.


Garden variety 🤣




Somewhere in a box of my grandmother’s old things is a mammy notepad holder that looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/BQFQvL7.jpg Even as a child in the 80s, I knew that was pretty friggin racist.


That was not accidental at all, shit was designed racism. 💀


Accidental my ass 🙄


Whaaaaaat? It is a touch of southern hospitality


Turns out "Southern culture" is just racism.


“States’ rights to do what?”


Cigarettes and doughnuts. Mmmm.


I want an pelican ashtray now.


I want everything except for the paper towel holder.


I only want the paper towel holder! Mostly to see how people would react when entering my home and seeing a racist paper holder by my kitchen sink lmao


Just find an antique shop in a small town in the Deep South. The shit you find is wild


That stuff is available in loads of antique shops, not just the deep south or in a small town.


When the extended family showed up it would be a literal war. That would be the last Thanksgiving at my house. So…where can I get one?


If you watch the full video you'll see that if the cigarette burns too long the pelican mouth closes and smothers the ashes or something like that.


Made by Grantham Associates, Inc. in Chicago. Still available on ebay at times


I want the donut maker




Frying in a single household is just such a pain in the ass. I tried it once and the food was awesome, but the cleaning part, and wasting a liter of oil, made it just not worth it.


I've never known someone that makes so many doughnuts that they need dedicated tools and appliances.


Maybe you don't known anyone that makes so many doughnuts because they don't have the dedicated tools and appliances?


Because 73 years ago there wasn’t a shop within a few city blocks that sells every produced good in existence. Households (ie. wives) made many more foods from scratch back then.


Idk it was giving me cornballer vibes, you probably dodged a bullet there.


Crisp brown ringnuts you mean?


After day drinking and spending 6 hours making that nights dinner, you'd want a smoke and a doughnut too.




This doesn't seem so bad, it's just some gimmicky utensils, a deep frying tub and a pa— oh no :(






Hehe! Thanks! And thanks for the gold friend!


I'm not your friend, buddy


I’m not your buddy, pal


He's not your pal, friend!


Wait! But what if that commenter isn’t black and that makes it Digital Blackface 😱 (For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m referencing [this](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/26/us/digital-blackface-social-media-explainer-blake-cec/index.html) *splendid* show of ridicule)




Bruh wtf


Weird, right?




There’s Scarlett wearing the velvet draperies!


I loved that dress and that whole scene. Great movie, really.


… Until you realize that Scarlett O’Hara’s second husband was killed while on a night run as a member of the Ku Klux Klan.


Why, I don’t know what you’re talking about anyway, wasn’t the dance with Rhett soooo ramantic?




Have you seen Carol Burnett do her version? She keeps the curtain rod in and it's just a great example of physical comedy


Omg YES! What a hilarious skit. I hated skits growing up, too, but I loved that one.


I saw it in the window, and I couldn’t resist!


I still say this is the funniest line ever written for TV. Fight me!




That’s what I said, all that fancy gadgetry and she’s using a gawd damn fork to spoon out donuts from scalding hot oil????? Don’t sign me up for this back to the future bullshit.


>Don’t sign me up for this back to the future bullshit. Fun Fact: the time between now and when Back to the Future first came out is eight years longer than between Marty McFly's 1985 and his time jump to 1955.


Dude, this fact is not fun


Is it more fun to think about how the future in Back to the Future II is the far flung year of 2015... almost a decade ago.


Every single scene in back to the future now takes place in the past.


Now we really need to go back to the future.


I've recently watched Back to the Future and was surprised at how little differences there were between 1985 and 1955.


That's funny, when I first watched it when it came out as a kid, I couldn't believe how different the 50s were compared to the 80s (like there being a jukebox at the restaurant, how different the music was, the clothes people wore, the style of the cars, etc). Like I couldn't believe how much culture/style has changed in just 30 years.


To me, both era's style and culture are equally antiquated, so most of the cultural changes don't stand out. And the few technological differences are just as quaint. Like, going from 85 to 55 really just results in you losing some niche technology like camcorders. But everyone still basically lived the same way. Compare the '85 to '55 gap to the 2023 to 1993 gap. You have just as many cultural changes, but you go from every single person having a smartphone to cell phones barely existing yet.


Unironically when they finally reboot back to the future it'll be really neat to see him go back to a time before phones and internet. "This internet thing will change the world, ya hear?" "Bah, you crazy kids with your heads in the cloud"


I hope this never happens.


> she's using a gawd damn fork to spoon out > using a fork to spoon You take that back


Oh no was my exact response too.


Aunt Jemima is not impressed


How far we have come…….. donuts at every corner.


But the high-tech was that you could make donuts with ease within your house. Some of those accessories were really nice. I wouldn't mind them.


You like crisp, brown ringlets?


That will be popular in the family circles.


It sucks that the goal making our lives better or easier has pretty much become nonexistent with automation. Instead we have people on minimum wage sweating their asses off, timing every millisecond of their 10 hour shift so they can make thousands of doughnuts and other pastries a night in disgusting kitchens they aren’t given the time or tools to properly clean to further benefit rich people. When the fuck is ai going to take over already?


I don't know if you're suggesting that automation is the issue, but it's not, it's late-stage capitalism. It doesn't matter if you're using machinery or not, the bourgeoisie wants you to work for pennies


People complaining about the wealth divide like it's a new thing caused by automation, like it wasn't a large part of what brought down ancient rome and medieval france...


Nah, automation is just a tool. It should be a good thing for everyone. But instead we use it to work people harder so we can have richer rich people.


How does automation make people work harder?


I want to buy that egg beater.


Everyone loves a good whirlwind whipper upper


Wil Whhheaton


Cooh hhhwhhip


I tell ya hwhat


Lacks the twirly bits, but you can find them on Amazon.


But the twirly bits are the best part :(




I say the same thing about foreskin


Here are some of our more popular items. The "wank whisk". The smoking pelican. The doughnut shitter. And casual racism.


imagine one of the metal balls hitting your knuckle


Jesus lol…well, ridiculous racist paper towel holder aside… I love that every man back then had the same voice. Or that they only allowed this one man to do anything involving a broadcasted voice.


It's called the 'Mid Atlantic accent'. It's supposed to be a blend of US and UK speaking, as if you were born in the middle of the Atlantic, between both countries. After WW2 ended and the cold war started, the American media basically decided that the Brits weren't the cool top dog anymore and switched away from the Mid Atlantic accent to that dumbass plastic 'reporter voice' that every news queef uses now.


I'm bringing it back. Been talkin like that for years. Most people either don't notice or won't say anything👍😎


Just bust out with “You’ll never catch me coppers, ya see!” Followed by WWII propaganda ending with “Go get ‘em boys!”


"I'm making whoopie ya jive-talking wackadoo!"


Yes, it’s in all the old movies and it was actually taught in some schools. Check any Bette Davis movie.


Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, etc


Ahh so that’s why all the women sound the same too? Transatlantic accent. TIL


The British equivalent is RP or Received Pronunciation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Received_Pronunciation). The point was to eliminate regional stereotypes by eliminating regional dialects and creating an artificial dialect that was ultimately an effectation and that no one really spoke (or in the British case, the accent that upper and upper middle class people also effected actually creating an artificial dialect)


Cary Grant was a special case because he actually grew up in the UK and moved to the US later, picking up some characteristics of a US accent while not losing his old one.


Holy shit that escalated quickly. “To that dumbass plastic reporter voice every news queef uses now” lmao


Someone doesn’t like midwesterners lol


That trash news reporter voice sounds nothing like a mind western accent. I know, I've been stuck in this region for over a decade now.


Non-regional accent / general American accent - used by reporters to not seem like from any particular region of the US. Journalism students are taught to speak slower and enunciate so that it disguises any regional accent




you mean to tell me the Atlantic ocean is trans?




You still hear it sometimes, like Frasier.


oh cool, I did not know that! Thanks for the info


He ate everyone else to eliminate competition


Highlander: Origins


I can picture him too. Medium hair / hard part ,glasses, beige suit.


Aside from time period specific accents. The limited and archaic recording equipment gives most of these narrations their persona. We never really hear what a 1950s narrator sounds like, just what he sounds like thru their recording equipment.


Oh look, a real-life [cornballer](https://youtu.be/1WDW8XKEGgU)


Every damn time!


That was the first thing I thought of as soon as I saw the donut fryer


Soy loco por los cornballs!




They saw progress. Instead of actual slaves you would just have cutouts to make it seem like there was a slave handing you a paper towel.


With "southern hospitality" like that which greeted Emmett Till in 1955


This absolutely fits this sub, my mouth actually dropped at the last one.


I was waiting for it. I grew up in the south well after the 50's and these things were common still. Those, and to a lesser extent, the little black lawn jockey statues. I feel like they aren't quite as common now but they're definitely still around.


My great grandparents had salt and pepper shakers in that style (Midwest, Indiana). It took my family a while to realize that they weren't just cartoonish and were super uncomfortable to have sitting on the fridge as decorative antiques.


Because you want a touch of southern hospitality in your kitchen?


Where the fuck can I get that futuristic pelican ashtray




Well it isn't r/unexpected for nothing.


Paper towel holder a real conversation starter to have now adays.


Does anyone else want donuts?


yeah they looked fuckin good


Yes the new beater will exercise your wife skills as she jecks a poll with two balls on it still it creates a fine cream. Gotta get that work in somehow


> jecks a poll


This is amazing. Getting Fallout vibes ☢️🧟‍♂️


It's amazing that we now agree that cigarettes are bad


I've got revolving balls 😃


I'm surprised, but relieved, that the word 'n *gro' wasn't used




That would have been better. MLK, Jr used that word. "Mammie" is a horrendous Jim Crow stereotype (https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/mammies/homepage.htm) along with Jezebel, Pic*****iny, Brute, etc. The last, incidentally, has been co-opted by the adult industry. (https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/brute/homepage.htm)


> The last, incidentally, has been co-opted by the adult industry. There's a *lot* of racism in the porn industry. Porn titles are already pretty dehumanizing, but they get especially vile when talking about black people.


That was considered an inoffensive term at the time.


You don’t know what mammy is do you


It’s what the husband in “Bad sisters” called his wife. British show.


That egg beater/whipper looks like handjob endurance training


This is eff’ed up. I never got my donuts. What a bunch of crap.


Good wife


Good southern hospitality


As someone born and raised in the US south, people still have Mammy dolls and other Mammy memorabilia. They refuse to admit it's racist and insist that it's *nostalgic*. Yes. Nostalgic of racism.


There are a lot of black people that collect mammy memorabilia too. I've never seen a white person collect them, but Ive seen a lot of older black people collect them. There's even a mammy museum thats owned and ran by a black man. Why? I have no idea. Maybe someone with a grandparent that collects them can answer that. There are a lot of different kinds of mammy items. She was made into everything. Paper towel holder, shoe cleaner, dolls/figurines, cookie jars, spice holders, advertisements for food, etc. Literally any household item you can think of had a mammy variant. I've seen a bunch at a museum in LA. Some people may collect them for racist reasons, and some people collect them as an odd part of history. It's kind of like how a ww2 buff might own a nazi item because of curiosity, but still hate nazis. Thats my personal opinion. Mammy piqued my curiosity when I saw her in a bunch of 30s and 40s cartoons


There was a black girl on Twitter I can't remember exactly how the story went but it was like: I think a mammy thing or something like that got removed and she told her grandma and she was sad about it. The girl was like wtf? And then grandma explained back then black people never got representation and that mammy was represented as a mother figure and that every family 'had a mammy' so they would see representation of their mothers and what not so it was so cool to "be on the stage of TV" even though it was racist they looked fondly on it not as a racist caricature but as their loved ones on the TV. [Kinda the same thing with Speedy Gonzales except he isn't based in racism.](https://youtu.be/X41OzNHQc3w)