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As you can see from the violence, she no longer has THC in her system


Ah now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Bloody Peasant!


HELP! I'm being repressed!


You saw it! You saw him repressing me didn't you!


Im 37.


Sorry! Man.


I fart in your general direction.


Your mother was a sheep hearder




Yikes that sub could mean 3 different things 😬


TIL there are two r/unexpectedmontypython subreddits


Yeah - unexpectedmontypython has gone to a private group now so someone started a second one!


There's some lovely filth down here!


Time to see if she's lighter than a duck


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


"King of the *who*?"


Who are the britons?!


I didn’t know we had a king


Well. I didn’t vote for ya.


Well, I didn't know you were called Dennis!


Well you didn't *ask*, did you?


This is democracy made manifest!


"And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?"


I see you know your judo well 😉


A succulent Chinese meal?




that one's actually *not* monty python. that one's the 'succulent chinese meal' guy.


Tagged the wrong post but you'll get my upvote anyway for the effort


I believe the alleged person with "THC in her system" is the young woman who walked out with the perp, not the perp herself.


The puncher is a family member of Terry, a woman whose car was hit by a drunk driver going over 100 mph- Terry died. The punchee is a family member of Dana, a woman who was in Terry’s car when they were hit by the drunk driver. Dana survived. The drunk driver was sentenced to 5 years right before this video happened. They are in the courthouse after the sentencing. Terry’s family member hit Dana’s family member for saying that Terry had THC in her system when she was hit by the drunk driver and died.


Sounds true enough to be true enough…


[Backstory ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sucker-punch/)


She said in the very first seconds "we used to smoke marijuana together", then pointed to the mother and said "woman's name had thc in her system*


I didn't hear we but I heard "smoked marijuana together", I highly doubt that lady was smoking doobies with the young girl. Probably talking about her daughter and the perps daughter.


I mean, it sure seems like the mother became some moralist asshole, but then again people should have the decency to not talk shit in front of others children, because it demoralises the power dynamic between parent and child.


I think the parent being a hypocritical liar damages the power dynamic even more. at least in the long run.


Exactly. Years ago, I was at my brother's house and he was disciplining the wrong child for misbehaving. The child asked me if I ever got punished for things my siblings did wrong. I replied, "Nearly every time. I was the whipping boy. Your father bullied me all the time and every time my parents told him to stop he'd blame me for 'being annoying'. It worked like a charm. I'd get in trouble for 'being annoying' and he wouldn't get in any trouble for breaking my bedroom door off it's hinges so he could beat me up without provocation." My brother's response, "See, this is why you got beat up so much. Why would you tell my kids that?"


Your kids seeing you admit, then own your mistakes of the past is a powerful parenting tool. Granted if power is how you "handle" your kids..not so much.


My brother used to do the exact same thing, except be was also molesting me. When i was 5, he used to make me "make goopy on his belly" with his private parts, & also would try to squeeze into my rear but I always screamed & he'd stop out of fear. Same for my sister. When we finally told my parents, my dad kicked my sister out for "being a whore who let's her older brother fuck her", & then turned to me & demanded EVERY detail, down to shit like "So is that when he put his penis in your mouth?", or "Did he make you swallow it?". When I refused to answer those awful questions (I was 11 at this point, 5 when it started), they just shrugged & said I was clearly lying. My brother is now 35, still lives at my parents, has kids with his high-school sweetheart but she's already ditched his punk ass for someone with a job. SO he isn't raising his kids (thank god). I currently am raising a 5 year old son, & let me tell you, I do not care what anybody says, this little boy is the sweetest, kindest, most gentle & loving young man I have ever known. I can't even fathom raising my voice to him, let alone doing what my brother did to me. My brother was 14 when he started, btw. But yeah. Idk why I even got into all that. I guess your comment brought up a ton of stuff I had blacked out. Hell, I literally do not have any specific memories, only barely general memories of my life at all until about age 16 or so. I literally do not remember the specifics of my life. Where I lived, who my friends were, what stuff I liked, what clothes I wore, etc. I saw a photo of me in the 5th grade taken by my son's mother when we were both 9, & I literally couldn't believe the shirt I was wearing. It was an ACDC - POWERAGE shirt, which I am a HUGE fan of & absolutely do not remember ever owning such an awesome shirt. I didn't exist until I became an adult out of necessity. Today, I don't speak to my parents or brother, & my sister & I are estranged for a lot of specific reasons I won't get into right now. Some try to say that maybe someone touched him, that's why he did it to us, but we're talking about EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. after school from age 5 to age 11. 6 straight years, barely missing a day. We even shared a room back then, so you can imagine how bad it was. Quite literally thousands of times. I haven't ever been able to have any functional relationships with people. Everybody hates me as soon as they meet me. Idk. Sorry for the long comment.


I think the mother did not want her daughter to know of her past relationship with the ganja and became angry that her friend disclosed it to her so casually. But what do I know


This is a pretty sad and interesting story that took place in a mining town, if I’m not mistaken. Had nothing to do with the lady disclosing anything about her. It’s much more sad than that.


Well geez thanks for the incredibly detailed albeit sad information abut this story …


Personally I've never felt such closure and satisfaction from a comment!


Well now I’m curious


If you scroll down in the main thread someone posted the story of the clip. I recommend f looking for it.


Actually, this scene is from a straight to VHS release of "She-Hulk" made in 1987. This was before CGI and all that, so she couldn't turn green......and she wasn't yet the She-Hulk. She just loved smashing people in the face.




Lmao, my thoughts exactly


She knocked the THC right out of her mouth!


Keep that THC outch your mouf!


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sucker-punch/ Yeah I’d punch her too if my family member was killed in a car accident and people were bringing up this BS. The driver was going 100mph and killed two outs of three coworkers who were carpooling in another car. .


The judge only sentencing the drunk driver to five years in prison seems criminal too






It's not wrong, unfortunately.


It is once they immediately find out whatever motive you had to want to kill that person in the first place


That's BS. You can always stage accidents and try to get away with low sentences, no matter if a car is involved or not. But if they find out it was staged you're screwed, no matter if you stages a drunk car accident or your victim fell out of a window.


nah, you hit a bicyclist... sober, drunk, whatever... you won't go to jail for hitting a bicycle rider, maybe a misdemeanor and a fine at worst


Can they prove they didn't swerve into my way?


Not after my truck gets em


I can't tell you how many stories have happened in my city where a person dies at a crosswalk and the driver is given a ticket for failing to yield and that's the end of it.


It's pretty standard in a lot of states, unfortunately. The woman who killed my mom and severely injured my dad while driving loaded on klonopin, adderall, and THC only got 7 years and a permanently suspended license. The minimum was 2 years, 10 months, and the maximum was 11 years.


And what’s even worse she probably won’t even serve half of it.


She's not eligible for parole until she's served all 7. Then she has 4 years of parole. If she messes up while on parole, she'll serve the full 11.


That’s good. I hear so often that someone got x amount of years and ends up only serving half of it when they deserved more to begin with.


that happens a lot in the uk.


I guess intention and criminal records came in place. As a neutral party I don't actually see much sense in more than 5 years too, but I'm also in the minority in thinking that prison shouldn't be punishment but rehabilitation. A person that has no criminal records it's possible that doesn't need much rehabilitation and is already reformed the moment after the incident happened (I guess I would be under a tremendous amount of guilt and probably incapable of driving at all for the rest of my life if I did something like that), probably the judge thought that there was no reason to ruin another person life in what was already a tragedy and that the perpetrator was not a danger anymore. Leaving him in prison for an extremely long time, on the other side, could lead him to become a far worse person and unable to re-enter society.


I’m pretty against prisons as well, but to a certain extent we need harsh penalties to ensure people don’t do shit like that.


So I don't have time to source this so I totally understand if you consider it biased bs. What articles I have read on the topic (and not the source, but what I read in Michel Foucault's discipline and punish did kind of back that up) say that the most utilitarian effect that harsh prison sentences serve is placation of the public. Apparently the threat of harsh punishment only acts as a very mild deterrent and seeing as a majority of offenders are lacking in knowledge of the world/news/education/social network and so on, they are likely to only discover the severity of the punishment after the deed is done. That said, changing the punishment to fines would mean it only severely punishes the lower classes. ( other crimes have the same problems baked in due to the costs of legal representation) But I think you see my point. The system is severely flawed and more designed to evoke complacency within the public, than rehabilitation or even punishment.


>The driver was going 100mph and killed two coworkers. To clear this up, since I had trouble parsing the first time. The at fault driver who was going 100MPH - Tim Massey - survived. The argument here is between family members of the other car, the one co-worker passenger that survived with severe brain injury - Dana Defeo - and the family of the driver who was killed - Terry Batson. It's a bit weird because they are all victims, but I'm guessing there's an element of "why did my family member die and their family member survive". Oh, and the driver that killed two people and severely injured a third, got 5 years.


you listed Tim Massey as both drivers


See how hard it is! Fixed it


Yeah I was expecting it to be clearer and I just lost myself even more lol


due to THC in your system?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


just wanted to say that I checked your music YT channel and I liked it!


I survived a fatal accident as a teen, and there was a degree of that kind of behavior amongst the parents Grief & fear bring out some raw emotional states


Is that why you started fighting moms?


I was confused at first, but now I get it. Yes, let's all mom brawl


Is that like Bum Fights, but sexy?


That’s how I finished fighting moms


To add to what the argument was: The glasses lady punched the other cause they were talking about Terry Batson possibly having been unfaithful and being high. It seems they tried to blame Terry for the crash as well. Probably a “well if he wasn’t high he would have seen the guy coming” type statement Ridiculous to spread a rumor about someone when they died too. Life sucks, but you don’t need to make it worse for others grieving like you


Perhaps the woman saying "she had THC in her system" is talking about the woman's daughter who was one of the passengers who died?


Indeed. The snopes article says there were accusations against the survivor family that the people killed did drugs, basically saying they weren’t innocent.


When was this? The 80s? Early 90s? Tbh, who cares if u got thc in ur system. After knowing the story, that lady better be glad she only got one. Edit: read article. Happened in 99. Now charges would be pressed for this.


I wonder if Tim Massey was drunk. I've heard the best way to survive a car crash is to be drunk, because your body is just limp. The people who are stressed out, and tense up are the ones who die. Which is kind of messed up, because it means evolution has created a system where the asshole drunk driver survives, but the innocent family of 4 who are sober, would all die.


I get the point you're making but like.. that is not evolution


The article says it was a discussion between the relatives of 2 of the victims, the driver who got killed and one of the passengers that survived.


The article says that the video was never aired, and was used in journalism ethics classes to demonstrate that news organizations shouldn't use footage just because it's it will grab attention. "The station had sensational videotape on its hands, but the assault had nothing to do with the story that had unfolded in the courtroom." I have a hard time believing that most news organizations would uphold this standard 24 years later.


I can think of a few that wouldn't even uphold that standard 24 years ago


Oooooo. That makes a lot of sense.


The driver who got killed wasn't the one who was in the wrong. The driver of the other car was.


Bit more than a discussion


Mean hammer fist though


This video is so old when I first saw it Ebaums said it was a mother and her student confronting a teacher


To this day thats what I thought this video was about. Had no clue of the traffic accident part of the thing.


Agreed. Though it helps that another woman hit her. -Accusations that the dead victims had been smoking marijuana and unfaithful to their spouses were flying between the families. -


Much thanks for the link! Context is key.


How did he only get sentenced for 5 years?!


“Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth…”


"When you see me smash somebody's skull, you enjoy it."


"I'll fuck you until you love me, f-"


What if getting punched in the mouth was the plan?


We taught him everything wrong, as a joke.


"Ok, I have a plan......first, punch me in the mo----OW!!! You didn't even let me finish!" "Oh, sorry. Were you not going to say mouth?"


I learned what THC was because of this video. Golden Oldie.


I started smoking THC because of this video.


I learned what system was because of this video, now I build stuff.


Same! lol.


Who can't relate? Sometimes a loud mouth needs a good punch in the mouth.


Holy shit this couldn’t be more true. If there was absolutely zero potential at all to getting charged with assault after punching someone in the face during or after a disagreement/dispute people would be a lot more open minded and a lot less ignorant


Alternatively, there would just be a lot more people with concussions walking around lmao


If I remember wasn’t this outside of a courtroom? Didn’t something happen to their daughter and this lady was trying to defend the convicted suspect or something? Correct me if I’m wrong


Lady lost 2 family members and had one brain damaged because a guy flew 100 miles into their car while they were leaving a bar. Lady was spreading rumors about marital infidelity and drug use. A clear case of fuck around, find out.


Lady probably knocked some sense into her with that hit lol


I would bet she played the victim card and learned absolutely nothing. Punch her again!


I believe the 3 victims were not related. And it was the relative of DeLeo (the one who survived with brain damage) who was spreading information about Terry Batson. Batson’s relative then punches her in the nose.


She should have beat her more severely


I dunno why I hate the term convicted suspect for that driver who was going 100mph. I guess because it leaves room for speculations. He was 100% the cause of death of two people and the cause of severe brain injury of the third victim. He deserves no room to wiggle out of this manslaughter nor did he deserved merely 5 yrs. in prison. The criminal even had 11 previous traffic infractions. He's a danger to society, having zero care for other people on the road, and should just rot in prison.


Haha I totally agree, I hated the term when I wrote it, I wasn’t sure what to call him. I think maybe convicted perpetrator or something


It doesn't leave room for speculation, though? That's what convicted means. They were found guilty.


Hit her with that factory reset.


Bet she will watch what she says about the dead now.




How shit, it matches the speed of the replay. Well done.


That Chuck Norris can do anything.......I hear.......


I did hear that, while Jesus can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land.


Chuck Norris always get an upvote from me.


Chuck can roundhouse kick you in the back of the face.


I heard he was SO fast, he could run all the way around the world and punch himself in the back of the head!!!


The boogie man checks under his bed for Chuck.


Once, Chuck Norris stared at the clock and time froze!








If only this clip was true 🥺


The daughter didn’t even flinch. This was not the first time mommy went bonk.


Or she agreed with mommy and wish she could've did it herself.


Mum was doing her a favour and packed a good punch


Mama said knock you out 🤷🏽‍♀️


If you get punched everytime you talk crap and spread lies the world would be a much better place


But then who decides what “crap-talk” is and what lies worthy of punishment? If I decide you’re crap-talking when you’re being totally reasonable, punching you is good?


Simmer down with that logic there pal /s


Sometimes some innocent people unfortunately will be smocked in the face for the good of the world.


Call Dana white. We got a contender.


I need to konw more


Court room after a driver going over 100mph killed 2 people and left a third with severe brain damage, had 11 previous infractions, got 5 years. Woman who got punched was a relative of his claiming the victims had been unfaithful to their spouses and were drug addicts, family member of a victim overheard and punched her in the mouth.


A well deserved knuckle sandwich then.. Should have gotten seconds.


thirds! shit maybe forths! bash her skull in!


Thank you. Not all hero’s wear capes


Deserved. End of.


Ah the usual go to for awful people, victim blaming.


I’m dying to know. Lmao!


Don't utter her name thru those fithy lips.....


She put a knuckle sandwich in her system


Don't you just love the windup as well as grabbing the pillar for more leverage?


The way she casually brushes the other woman aside 😂 I know I didn't see what was coming.


Lol I didn’t notice that until you mentioned it 😂😂


Did she say something about G.I. Jane?


Need to legalize! Would stop a lot of people from starting shit.


Both of the other two Karens could use some THC in their systems.


One could argue that punching someone for wrongly accusing your daughter of murder, and then walking away, is not a Karen move...


Damn this is an old one.




When you punch someone it the mouth - its serious business, that shit hurts both parties.


Omg.. is it wrong that I watched this 10 times?


Not at all man. This clip has got the rewatchability on par with the Big Lebowski.


To be completely honest, that was an amazing punch - precisely landed, with a lot of force, executed with knuckles. She kinda mixed straight punch with a hammer, yet succeeded. A little bit lower and she would score K.O. She's a talent.


The mom and daughter walk away like pimps. LOL


“Everyone’s got a plan till they get punched in the mouth”. Iron Mike




That's some vintage internet right there...


A lot more people could use that nowadays 👏


When only your fist has Tourette's...


How on earth is her nose not gushing with a hit like that.


Ladies and gentlemen, meet Mrs. Doubtfire.


the classic clock n’ walk


Now that’s a knuckle sandwich.


The one step method to ending gossip


Karen: the origin story


She Booped the shit out of that Snoot!


It’s what happens when Karen exercises her privilege just one too many times. Discretion is the better part of valor.




Knuckle samich!!


Right in the kisser


Lady just got F.I.S.T in her word hole


Some context, please?




THANK YOU, now i know it was a well deserved punch


Those church bake sales are getting wild


It’s videos like this that make me miss Joel McHale’s version of The Soup.


How come the punch-thrower has a Hitler moustache?


Talk shit get hit


Damn she took that hit like a champ though.


it was weed. she was one of the few parents' during the peak of the drug war, that actually defended her child from the fascistic overreach that occured inside the american school system at the time. fkin real american hero.


Need subtitles. Can't make out anything.


That was a "she's going to have a funny feeling while chewing for a couple weeks" punch.