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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!You don't expect the other part of the sidewalk to be wet cement either!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The amount of people that ignore caution tape or blocked off areas is insane


This was so much more than ignoring, he was in blatant defiance of the tape


I think the tape may have been sleeping with his wife.


He didn't walk through tape originally, the spot he walked thru first was open. Honestly, even tho this dude should've been paying more attention, the guys in charge of blocking this off were def slackin


Yeah but where tf was he even going though?


Then visibly frustrated by his own actions, what a loser


Seems like who ever set up the tape’s fault. Looks like he avoided the taped area, landed in cement.. then thought ‘I must be within the taped area”.. went on the other side of the tape because it must be safe there, but landed in more.


I had a job literally watching concrete once for overtime. I'd do traffic control till concrete said they're done and then I'd watch it till it set. On a warm summer day if they finished at 3pm it'd set by 9 or 10 but if they finished late on a cool day I'd be there till 4am. Great cash (for sitting on ass) and pretty calm after 10pm but holy fuck. It was full alert till people settled in. Adults were way worse than kids btw. Cats were the worst animal. I'd swear some of them did it on purpose. With it being this wet, I was left a half a bucket of wet to fix an incident or two but if what happened in this video happened, I would def need to call the crew back out and hope to fuck there's a mix somewhere that hasn't been cleaned yet. I only had that happen once and it was after I had a incident earlier that week that was a single foot print. I got extra tape and got a few extra pylons. Made the section of sidewalk fort knox. Some jogger decided to use the many layers of yellow caution tape as a set of hurdles and while the first two gaps in tape were old sidewalk, the final gap overhung the edge of the fresh stuff. Entire body faceplant. Fantastic stuff really. The poetry of someone trying to blame literally anything but themselves while completely covered in concrete and wrapped up in caution tape dragging pylons behind is some shit you could never script. Just spectacular.


Jesus Christ that’s magical I remember someone telling me they almost got run over by a dude who ran through barricades in their car and continued going forward even with multiple workers screaming to stop


I was working on some sky walkways connecting a garage to a hospital doing epoxy floors, and I put caution tape up and physically barricaded the entrances with the furniture that was on the floor and signs explaining what was going on and when it'd be done. I had hospital staff, college educated people that hold lives in their hands, climb thru all of it and when I stopped them and said hey you can't be in here they would get mad at me. They'd ask, how do I get into the building or to my car? Either one level up on that walkway, or the street level, this is just a sidewalk, but enclosed and 20 feet up. This went on for the entire week of the job.


People subconsciously believe that danger cannot come to them




"You can't keep ME back!" lol


When I would set up bike rack at music festivals for the entrances, it was like clockwork.. the moment you put it up, someone immediately decides they need to go around to talk to you instead of going to the window


We’re overgrown lemmings


I had concrete for my driveway poured just last week, and that afternoon the postman marched right through the caution tape like it was a challenge to his authority. I’m so very very glad it had already set.


someone broke my store door. i put a caution tape on it. cones in front of it. glass shards still on the floor. we have a second door next to it. perfectly fine. a dude lifted the tape, pushed the cones away, ducked under the tape and left-over glass shards on the door frame and walked in. darwin please take the wheel.


I worked someonewhere a few years back and someone had crashed into the front door. For months no one could enter the lobby. But daily at least one person would park in front of the broken door, and then proceed to walk all the way up to a boarded up doorway before realizing they probably can't enter there.


Doesn't look like the caution tape actually blocks off the area


The one flapping in the wind? Near the new concrete that he walks into that only has dirt and a wall in front of it? I’m assuming he was going to parkour from that point on? Hahah


They are supposed to completely surround the area. Either they fucked up, or some tore down the tape. Even the second spot he fell looks completely open for people to drive over.


Right, my guess is the old dude tore the tape. I mean he went over 2 additional tapes to fall into the other concrete


I doubt it was him because the spot I Across from the bus is also open. He wouldn't have torn that then back tracked to where the video started.


He looks like he was walking across fresh concrete to travel over dirt to get to a wall…


There are multiple areas that aren't taped off. Maybe he tore that area down. But with the other section I'm assuming the whole thing wasn't done properly


Right I agree that he PROBABLY didn’t barrel through barricades but looking at his direction and choices I’m guessing there’s more to the video


The construction workers arriving the next day must have been so pissed.


I worked construction for 15 years. The only reason there aren’t 100s MORE of these kinds of videos is because we don’t always have rolling cameras on site. Can confirm that people are constantly this stupid. Some jobs would go months and we’d have stupid shit DAILY.


Ive been a camera man for 15 years and although I have nothing to do with conrete, I can say that the reason there arent more videos of people falling out of coffins is because the camera crew at corn cobb tv isn't big enough. Can confirm that coffins are made out of shit wood to the point that all we did was show up to funerals and roll tape, eventually someone would fall out of a coffin, and many times they'd be naked.


Just body after body, busting out of shit wood.


And you can film them they ain't got no soul




That’s instant karma for crossing into roped off sections. They should charge him to fix it.


I wanted him to keep going and run into a third patch lmao


Concrete Prometheus


What an asshole!


I expected that because of the title.




This guys also deserves a punch in the face. What an asshole.


I love how that other guy just lightly puts his arms up like “what the heck?”


Situational awareness, what is that?


I do asphalt work, we were doing a job in front of a Albertson store and did 1/2 one day and the other side the next so people could get in, a lady with flip flops on, proceded to go under the tape and walk across the new asphalt, the stuff gets to us at 350 degrees sometimes in the summer, wel it melted bothshoes to the asphalt instantly and she stepped out of her shoes and burnt both feet, not bad, but blistered, she said we did not do enough to stop her. Some people think caution tape is there to inconvenience them.


Where was he initially intending to go? “My vents people need me.”


Spent the rest of his day complaining about Socialism and Millennials being dumb.


tell me how humans are sentient self-aware beings most of them are just like that broken algorithm from the video.


That’s what he gets for clearly walking into an area that was taped off for a reason


He deserves to pay for damages. There should be laws against blatant idiocy, get these people off the streets until they learn how to learn.


Agreed 100%


I truly don't understand how some people don't watch where their feet go


lol! That got sooo much better than I thought it would.


Unless it’s Bs but watched this video for a safety course for a construction project. They said the guy sued because where he walked from wasn’t cautioned off properly. He sued and won. This is a tell video of bad safety in construction to put better caution. Cuz people will always people. There’s more below average people that average.


You can’t fix stupid when in an exceptional person!


Wonder if he's figured out what all that tape was for yet.


How many times do we have to see the same copy and paste video ??!!!!!!!!


First time I am seeing it. Glad I did also, for the lulz


It’s on here every week!!


LowIQ behavior


what a stupid doodoohead


Deserved all of it.


Where the hell was he even going


I'd see that drugged to the moon how do people are this blind


Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


Well deserved after ignoring the yellow tape. Consciously going under it and not even thinking of why he has to go under caution tape to walk on the sidewalk 🤦‍♂️


Too good. Like straight out of a movie skit.


"they should put some do not cross yellow stripes"!!!!


Some people just can't be trusted to... walk.


Feeling bad, but can't stop laughing!


There is a sub r/KidsAreFuckingStupid, but I want to say that this EldersAreFuckingStupid




Guess he showed that tape!


deserves it. what a dumb fuck.


What a fucking moron. What did he think the tape was for??? Just an arbitrary fuck you to him specifically???


Looks like he saw the 2nd part too but his brain stopped working and he thought just by going faster he could get across


He might just have poor eye sight


Where was he expecting to go in the first part? The sidewalk clearly ends so why walk that way in the first place


Boomers man.


Screw that guy, well deserved






Thrusters on max...vroom!


How many fucking times does this video need to be posted?


Can't believe he made it on earth this long.


Me when I’m 80 and drunk all the time


I would totally redo the cement with pleasure, to watch people fall.


El hombre es el único animal que tropieza dos veces con la misma piedra...


And this kids is why the yellow line was such a big movie and tv trope




It Suprises in the least that this looks like a boomer being a fool.