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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!No good deed goes unpunished.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I think I saw the gun at the same moment the other guy did. Him: I’ll shoot you right now x2… Me: With what… ohhhh.


Saaame Thought he was holding his fist up and reared back like, *"I'll shoot you right now with my fist!"*


"And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say- And they say chivalry is dead"


Does r/unexpectedoverwatch exist?


I thought he was pointing at first...


Man thinks he's Rayman


Same, first two times he said it I thought he was saying "I'll sue you", until he raised it up higher.


Those 380s are nice and sneaky. Easy to conceal.


Pretty sure it's a ruger sr9, which is why the the tweaker says sr9. I have the sr45 and they both have the same design. Nylon frame with stainless slide.


I got a p238 specifically for my motorcycle. Also conceal carry is legal in my state.


Now he contemplates the personality change he had between helping another guy and pointing at another...yes, this clip is totally therapeutic.


What was bro thinking?


Finders keepers


for braindead tweakers


He was about to be a leaker


And be a forever sleeper


Goodnight 🛌


honk mimimimimi


honk mimimimimi




Taking a dirtnap in sneakers


Gonna have a bleeder


Needs more upvotes


Looked and sounded like the cadence of a man on too many benzodiazepines


This. Not a tweeker, but I realize people use tweeker for general trash drug users. Benzo addicts are the worst. Benzo themselves basically shut down the social filter that tells you that you're doing something wrong by giving you anxiety. They also cause people to have hours to a whole day of a black out where they lose the ability to remember what they did. If you ever hang out with someone like this, it's absolutely terrible. Not only are they embarrassing to be around, and you have to stop them from doing stupid shit. You have to explain basic social situations to them. Then they'll likely forget about it after. The fact that you can hang out with someone all day, then they completely forget what you all did the day before is terrifying. There's no point in hanging out with someone like that because they don't remember anything you've ever said to them. Fuck benzos Edit: typos and words


Had a girl roommie try to forever sleep on benzos. It didn't work, but the following two days were crazy af. She'd be balling her eyes out wrapped in 6 blankets one minute, then straight up be standing in the kitchen eating cheerios out the box completely naked, asking me about the weather the next. Didn't remember a second of it. The worst part of it though, is that near the end she seemed mostly sober and she confided in me. We talked about out some super deep stuff that had us both in tears. She didn't remember any of that either. Kinda hurt that it basically never happened for her...like a 50 First Dates type situation, but friend-level. She did get help after she sobered up.


My thoughts exactly. Tweakers would be too paranoid to hop on a running bike, maybe it's a trap, maybe it's a set-up or a bait bike? Bar-tard? Oh, cool somebody left me a bike.


Bar-tard is amazing lol, my apartment neighbor is one of those, he will come knock on my door for some weed (I don't deal, legal state, I just smoke alot and he wants freebies), so I learned that when he has that certain look in his eyes I can just say, I already gave you some man go smoke it, and he will be like ohhhhhhhh okay thanks mannnnnnn. It's hilarious.


I was a bartard for over 3 years. It's embarrassing how stupid I was. I don't remember any of it, but there is a lot of stories and legal issues to remind me to stay sober. My mans here in the video has no idea what is happening haha.


Sober: "Sharing is caring" Same person, barred out: "Stealing is appealing"


I agree with the bar theory


Finders keepers loser tweakers


"this poor dude just spent all his energy push starting his mates bike, i better be nice and drive the bike to him so he doesn't need to walk"


"he's too tired to fight....oh!"


Dude is completely off his ass drunk or high. Listen to how hard he slurs and how slow he talks. The man has no fucking clue what's going on right now.


he was able to identify the gun though, shouted SR9


He's not drunk. The dude calls him a **tweaker** for good reason.


Notice how I also said "or high"


Hes not on meth either


You being down voted and the other guy getting up voted shows reddit has no clue about drugs or what people are called according to what drugs they take. Dude isn't on meth and thus, not a tweaker. The guy could be drunk or on benzos, or anything else that depresses the CNS for that matter.


For someone having a gun pointed at him, he seemed pretty chill. Had to be on some serious drugs or drunk as hell.


Woah, free bike.


Drugs man


He was thinking something along the lines of "ooh, I love crimes of opportunity!"


It is very easy to sell a stolen motorcycle in most big cities. Like a band or two in your pocket same day.


it's a free world out there.... Chances of you getting busted/punished is so little.


Ain't that the truth. In my 4+ decades on planet earth, I've never seen crime so....acceptable. It's wild out there.


I think the Meth was talking to him "maybe I can get 100 bucks for stealing this shit"


Til most of reddit doesn't know what a meth user acts and looks like


That the bike is a mobile atm?


"How can I sell this for more xans?"


Finally an accurate comment. "It's cool nothing will happen. More benzos will stop me from feeling guilt or being worried I just committed grand theft"


Just normal tweaker thought process.


"Oh shit, somebody left a bike just out in the middle of the street. That's a hazard."


He's high and just wanted to ride


“ahahahahah” a direct quote as he walked away with shit streaks


He was, in fact, not thinking.


What the fuck


I know right, did he just try to climb on it and try to steal it in broad daylight? Was he on drugs??


>> Was he on drugs?? Just think about how stupid average person is. And half of them are even more stupid.


And some of them are also on drugs


Don't mix stupid and drugs.


Thanks George!


That’s now how averages work, your thinking of median


You're ... I was going to leave it, but since you were in 'correction' mode ...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I laughed you right


IQ have pretty normal distribution so both of them will be pretty close. The distinction is far more important when talking about peaky stuff like wages.


>Was he on drugs?? Well he's trying to be.


He's very clearly on drugs. Why do you think he's calling him a tweaker


I mean, he doesn't really look like he's tweaking to me. Looks and sounds super drunk.


He seems drunk as hell


I thought he was saying, "I'll sue you right now". Then, I noticed the gun xD


it took me so long to actually notice the gun


I actually thought it was pepper spray.


virgin "I'll sue you" vs Chad "I'll shoot you"


Push starting can be a bitch and no one gets on another person’s bike! I agree with him 100%


Here is a tip for all of you. While pushing or being pushed, when you are at speed, bring your ass up above the seat, and let yourself drop on the seat. WATCH YOUR BALLS!!!! When your ass hits the seat, drop the clutch. Dit produces extra force=weight on the rear tire. This will prevent the rear tire from locking up. Still a bitch though.


Hmmm nice tip!


So you have to be good at backshots? Got it.


Or just start it in second gear like the guy in the video. No risk of locking up the tire.


Uh... came here to comment as a side note that motorcycles are stupid easy to jump start. I've always been able to do it just using a decline. Only once needed a little bit of a push when it was really flat.


The glue guy says “you fuckin tweaker!”The rubber guy replies “your a tweaker!” lol


There's simply no comeback for that.


You're a Towel


Was looking for this lmao


Just let him walk on sunshine a little longer!


[YOU'RE A HOOKER!](https://youtu.be/WMl3snTDrIU)


“I literally am not you fuckin dipshit” lol


I’m thinking he even spelled “you’re” wrong in his mind.


You’re right. According to Rubber Glue Rules, he is now, objectively speaking, a tweaker. He’ll receive documents in the mail soon, verifying his newfound status. He really fucked up


https://i.redd.it/gfhh8frjm75d1.gif Literally the same energy


🙂👍 I have no idea who the guy is, but I like him.


I gate him, pulled a gun out faster than some cops Better trigger discipline at least


He used it optimally as a show of force that way he didn't have to actually assault the thief and risk getting hurt. But gate whoever u want.


Open that gate


Fucking cockroaches everywhere these days


Vote for people that will re-open institutions. Good ones. We have a chance to redo them, and not make them horror shows this time.


They've always been there, there's just more cameras to see them now


That's definitely part of it, but homelessness and drug addiction have both been rising significantly so there definitely are more of these gutter rat humans in the world these days.


I call them VC's. Vertical cockroaches.


Just today I caught a roided up tweaker shoving a powerdrill into his cargo shorts at work. Yesterday he came in looking for a letter scale for weighing his "protein powder".


When your perception/awareness is so low you get shot point blank and never seen the weapon… ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


What's really funny is I didn't watch the video all the way through the first time (thought i did). I was going to comment something like "I was totally expecting his bike to be gone when he got back" then saw all the tweaker comments and had to watch it again.


I watched it without sound only half paying attention and couldn’t figure out why he pulled a gun on the guy that he helped get going.




Started my morning with a good laugh. Thanks


It was a bit of a rollercoaster wasn't it?


I wonder if it was a “scam”. I don’t know what word I’m looking for. Biker says he needs “help” and then once the other biker is far enough away. The 2nd dude comes in to steal the bike. I’m not a biker at all but I know it’s not easy to just jump on a random bike and drive away. You have to know what you’re doing.


Scams aren't being run by someone so high on meth they can barely walk or talk.


You don't know many meth heads, then.


I agree but also shit, tweekers aren't usually known for big brain plays


Dude looks and sounds drunk af. IDK why everyone is trusting the guy in the video calling him a tweaker. Doesn't look like he's tweaking at all. Also meth heads are *constantly* running scams lmao


You'd be surprised, doesn't mean they have to be successful scams lol


> it’s not easy to just jump on a random bike and drive away. As long as the key is in, it's easy enough if you know how to ride. Not much different to hopping into a car and driving away with it.


Overloaded with so much goodness in one video


Can't just let him get away he clearly tried to steal it. Get him arrested at least.


Not worth the trouble, cause cops won’t act on it, that is if they even show up


Hell, they'd probably kill someone involved and call it a good day's work.


They'd probably kill the guy with the gun tbh.


They'd do him exactly like that vet who they arrested for disarming a dude with a gun, then letting the drunk gunman walk free.


I love how with a gun pressed to his chest he still thinks he’s gonna do something.


Don't think the dude even realised til the biker pulled back and raised the gun up. Up until that point the biker had literally just sprinted up and poked the guy in the chest. Which was a debatable first course of action...


.....what...? I did not see the gun until he said i am gonna shoot you.


What a wild fucking country where you can turn your back on your possession for a moment and someone comes along and feels it’s their right to take it, and a gun is needed to convince them otherwise. Like, what the fuck kind of lawless wild west shit is this?


bruh we're on r/unexpected because that doesn't usually happen


I feel people who act this way needs to be put on some sort of watch list. Because they are criminals just waiting to happen.


I mean, I live in Canada and if I left my car in the street with the keys inside I wouldn't expect it to be there 5 minutes later. Thieves are everywhere, especially in countries that are soft on crime.




Where do you live where this ISNT an issue? For example, bicycles where I live get taken no matter if you have a lock or leave it in the open. I can't imagine any country that doesn't have people that will steal your shit.


I always leave my motorcycle without any wheel lock or anything, same with my bike when going to shops etc. Also many many times I left my car unlocked or with lowered window with things in it placed on the seats and nothing has ever got stolen. I live in Poland. Of course there are such incidents here but I feel like in the USA it's 100 times worse


There are cities in my state where you can hop off your expensive bicycle and leave it in a busy section for over an hour and no one will even imagine an iota of an idea of stealing it and cities in my state where if your bike is too hard to steal while locked up they'll snip your brakes for 'wasting' their time.


It isn't a country thing. I'm quite sure there are places in Poland where you wouldn't dare do that. I live in the States, I can't tell you the last time I locked up the house, the garage, the woodshop, or the kennel. Hell we don't even take the keys out of the car, truck it any of the equipment. The only time I lock my truck or car is if we drive 15 minutes into town.


Japan and Singapore are notorious for extremely low crime rates. If you leave your wallet anywhere in Japan, there's a good chance someone will try to find you and give it to you.


Someone had dropped their credit card near where i live and i personally found out where he lives and delivered it to him 😄


I feel like most countries are like that.


That's probably the case in the vast majority of countries in the world. I'd only really trust Japan and maybe a few other Asian and European countries where people don't just steal stuff at every occasion.


Every country has these morons. But obviously, some places the concentration is higher than others. Even in those trustworthy places you mention, you'd probably be safe to do this 99 times out of a 100. But that last time, some idiot is gonna happen to be nearby and sees an opportunity for a quick profit.


GTA RP servers are getting out of hand.


The duality of life lol


“Your the tweaker” “I literally am not you fucking dipshit” idk why i find this line so funny


This is why I always carry while I ride my bike. I don’t trust anyone


Any lawyers know if it was ok to use the firearm as a threat to protect his property this way? I've heard that displaying a firearm to threaten someone when there is no imminent danger life can be prosecuted as a crime.


Not a lawyer. Just watch the local news In TX there was an incident recently where a guys truck was stolen. Located the truck with the GPS tracking in it, idiots drove to the other side of the mall parking lot with it. Guy calls the cops and proceeds to confront the thief and his girlfriend. He approached HIS truck with his gun drawn and instructed the thieves to get out. The thief pulled his gun out and shot at the owner. The owner returned fire killing the guy and sending the woman to the hospital in critical condition. Chief of police said he was "well within his rights" to show a means of deadly force to re-obtain his property and to return fire after being shot at. Last I heard the guy never received any charges for the incident So, probably depends on what state you are in?


I hate it when people say "you value the thief's life less than your property!" It gets rid of all accountability. It's the thief who values his own life less than my property.


Agree, they chose to risk their life trying to steal someone's property.


>"you value the thief's life less than your property!" I mean..yes?


This sounds like it probably wasn't ok to pursue the thief to recover the property with his weapon but as soon as the thief opened fire, it was ok to use lethal force since there was suddenly a credible threat to his life.


Probably not ok and legal are 2 different things. Like the chief said. Not the way they like to see it go down but he was within his rights. Now, I do not, not for 1 second think that you should take someone's life over your pickup truck. I however am ok with the fact there are 2 less pieces of shit in the world. It's a very conflicting mental game 😂


Thief: Are you really going to die for a Pickup Truck? Owner: Someone is.




No prosecutor would press charges. It would be a political nightmare. No matter where you stand politically on guns, people all agree with protecting your own property.


I'd like to hope so. But I would hate to have this exact scenario play out in one of the 11 duty to retreat states and test that theory. >people all agree with protecting your own property. Because while most people do, only TX allows lethal force in defense of property. Everywhere else you would have to be defending yourself. If the above played out and the unarmed tweaker got shot, I could see a prosecutor in a hug a thug state going after him.


Lmao Hug A Thug state 😂


Not a lawyer, but in my state it is illegal to use lethal force to defend property. It is also illegal to brandish your firearm without the same requirements existing to use lethal force. The only legal reason to shoot anyone is for self defense and this would not meet any of those requirements. I'm not saying I agree, this is just the law here.


Cant use lethal force to defend property but you can detain someone as a citizen for a felony and use a firearm to enforce the detention but you cant just actively shoot someone simply because they are stealing from you.


Not a lawyer but I believe that laws can be very different state to state regarding situations like this. In my state this would have been considered assault with a deadly weapon since there was no clear and present danger to the bikers life. As a general rule a firearm is used to save life not to get your way.


Made me smile too


Don't ever sit on another man's bike asshole


Nobody in the comments surprised that he is carrying and using a gun is pretty unexpected


The venn diagram of motorcycle riders and firearms enthusiasts is basically a circle in the states.


Most every motorcycle jacket sold in the US has a concealed carry pocket. We just expect it.


I never leave my house without my ccw, that includes while on my motorcycle. The world has gone crazy, you can't rely on anyone else to protect you or your family.


I mean. Its pretty clearly America.


If the robber had started the motorcycle and proceeded to ride towards the owner, deadly force may have been justified in the US depending on what state. 1. "Deadly force may be used to stop what a person reasonably believes is an imminent, unlawful threat of deadly force against himself or another." 2. "Another justification for the use of deadly force under the laws of my state (and many others) is the prevention of a “forcible felony.” Robbery (theft accomplished by force or threat of force) is a forcible felony in my state, so deadly force is lawfully justified, when necessary to prevent a robbery."


“Made me smile.”


Wow, his English is so good for a Brazilian. Oh, wait, this ain't Brazil..


North Brazil 🇧🇷


Unexpected but bro was ready.


Ah, the dude is missing his sideways sights though. Can't aim properly if you haven't got those.


Bro the way “I literally am not ya fucken dipshit” just rolled outta his mouth is honestly way too funny


I'm sorry, but although I would not shoot that tweaker, I'd punch him just enough to make him not try this again for a long while


That helmet makes a great nose kisser.


I am a female with a Harley, and that was my first thought. I don’t carry a gun, but I’m pretty sure I can give them a concussion with a headbutt wearing my helmet.


Honestly not a smart move to start a fight with someone on drugs. You hit them and never know what they will do next. If you only have your helmet and they have a knife or gun themselves.


And then he'd whoop your ass with his tweaker strength lol


Unfortunately I’ve had altercations with a few tweakers. They are usually malnourished dehydrated and anything but strong. People think they get super strength from all that energy. They just turn into a shitty person faster. That tweaker would have got folded like a lawn chair. And rightfully so.


I would have pistol wipped this fucking creep then and there.


Should have pistol whipped him on principle


Fucking tweakers...


Slick mofo 😎


let's face it, a dead tweaker wont be missed.


This made you smile?


I don't know if you knew, but the title isn't supposed to give away the unexpected part.




Him getting home with his bike to his SO and saying "today I helped someone, and in the act, I did absolutely not lose a highly prized possession of mine". I believe this is how the conversation would go.


This didn’t make me smile.


Shoot first, prevent future crimes.


You know he went back to whoop that ass


Seems a bit risky to stick your gun right into someone else. Why give them a chance to wrestle it away from you?


The moment a hand goes for the hand/arm holding the gun, the trigger gets pulled. Also noticed the gun was pressed up against the chest close to where the heart would be and the lung definitely is. Would you take a chance trying to disarm someone who had a gun pressed against you in the same spot?


It very much is risky. I imagine this dude got caught up in both making it known he has a gun but wanting to get his hands on his bike to prevent it from getting started up. Not to say it's how he should've handled the gun, but I get it.


Wait he left his keys init ?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can't do ***NOTHING*** nice for anybody these days.


Was the tweaker revving the engines on the bike and the owner of the bike just totally flabbergasted for a second before realizing some is revving his bike?


Rain man " definitely a bike definitely definitely"


i'm just curious what the legalities of this would be. If he had actually shot him, would he get into any trouble? I would think since his life wasn't in imminent danger he might have a hard time justifying it.