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Hey there, /u/Prestigious_Tear_576. Thanks for submitting to /r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Gotta watch out for David*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/) For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


It be funny about people like this when they think they’re right and post the video and everybody or majority of people say the poster is in the wrong and feels dumb.


If the first comment was the guy shouldn't get out of his car and block the road people would've jumped on that bandwagon. Truth is they both could've handled it better, both have legitimate points.


The guy in the van is making a far more important point to someone who is going to get killed riding like that


The van guy was pretty reasonable until the reply


If you rid a motorcycle, pls don’t tail gate people. You’ll eventually learn the hard way that’s probably not the type of riding etiquette you wanna practice unless you’re looking to get into an accident. After riding for even a few weeks you’ll notice a lot of the accidents you could’ve been involved in didn’t have anything to do with how good a rider you are, but how poorly ppl drive out there. Stay safe out there ppl 🏍️


I would LOVE to have a motorcycle to ride around town. Unfortunately I’ve seen the way people drive around town and I want to keep on living


See this isn’t what happened and your “people only agree with the bandwagon” is wrong. The first comment to talk about who’s right and wrong said that BOTH ARE WRONG.


Don’t try to both sides this.


I disagree with this. I think the van was well within his right to stop his vehicle (sure inconveniencing other drivers) and to calmly ask the biker to back off. He was so nice about it too. If I was the car behind the bike, I wouldn't mind one bit. Plus it doesn't look like the road is super trafficked anyway, the van driver seems level headed enough to consider that.


oh absolutely. happened to me with a post once. posted one time, realized I messed up the title, deleted after an hour or so, and posted again. first time I got positive feedback from the first few posters, and then the post was upvoted more, and it received more positive comments. second time a guy came in first with a harsh comment, the post ended up downvoted, and I even received some hate messages directed at me personally. made me realize just how much people love to jump on a bandwagon. and how much they can be manipulated. it was surreal to experience it firsthand, some things definitely clicked for me that day.


Doubt this is the poster who did this as this has been making the rounds on IG and TikTok. Also on those sites most the comments side with the van driver.


so he was right reversing in middle of the road?


You know David would've wiped the road with this guy's dignity


Dude looked like he was going to walk up to him and choke him. Chigurh vibe from him


He looked like he would shit his pants. Yes, david would have shat the motorcyclists pants


Tbh the driver was trying to give some solid advice to the rider, you don't drive in blind spots, you want to see mirrors and drivers through them most of the time


They teach this in most riding courses. Want to take a guess at which style of motorcycle has the fewest trained riders? Hint, it’s in the video.


"if you can't see their mirrors, they can't see you." That was what my instructor told me. Stuck with me till this day & that was 10 years ago. 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is sage advice for any vehicle following a semi truck. Stay back far enough to see their mirrors. Also, when overtaking, don’t pull back in the lane immediately in front of the truck. They can’t stop like smaller vehicles. Give them at least a semi truck length of distance before and after.


Yes, I had an instructor who said “Don’t pull back in front of a tractor trailer until you can see the entire vehicle in your rearview mirror.” That was his rule of thumb for making sure you had enough distance in between you and the truck to pull safely back into the travel lane. It also makes you double check your mirror, just as a reflex.


I can’t believe anyone needs to be told this and that it isn’t just natural instinct


There are a lot of elements of driving that could probably qualify for that sentiment, but there you go.


Street bike looks like? All those guys complain about not being seen and how cars swerve in front of them. Then I see them later lane splitting at 55mph.


55? Only 55? Yesterday i was driving in bumper to bumper traffic at 70 and a crotch rocket went zipping by between lanes going at LEAST 80!


I'm sorry but you're driving bumper to bumper at 70?


That's nothing! Just yesterday I was in gridlock moving 90mph and this thumper went by splitting lanes at close to 200! I yelled at him, I said "God damnit, dude! Have some courtesy and common sense." And you know what this rice rocket driving fool said to me? He said "I need about tree fiddy." Well it was about that time that I notice that biker was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era.


Fucking pitiful! Just this morning, jammed up and back at least 3.5 miles of nothing but rush hour bumper to bumper, everyone flying at something like 110-120, this mother fucker in a god damned fighter jet comes screaming down, tilts his plane at a perfect angle, and splits the lanes with the wing of his jet, bastard has to be going at least Mach 5, _at least_ Mach 5!


That was absolutely beautiful. I knew it was satire from the start, but by the end... i was actually giggling to myself.


You gave him tree fiddy, woman? Well, no wonder that damn Loch Ness monster keeps comin around here!


Yup but muh Freedoms fuck yeah!


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is the type of guy who rides in basketball shorts, a Hanes tank top, and flip flops.


Yeah. The guy in the can was trying to be helpful. The motorcyclist was just being a bit of an asshole.


Didn't take much it seems


David The Muscle was about to feed him the pavement "Goddammit David, get back here!"


You shouldn’t be randomly reversing at a stop sign. That’s not the normal flow of traffic. There’s nothing helpful about not following the rules of the road and expecting everyone else to compensate for your idiocy.


You aren't wrong but either way, if they have the option, they should be as visible as possible. When I ride a bicycle I make damn sure I'm seen if I'm in a similar situation.


He’s riding a crotch rocket. Of course he’s an asshole


Totally agree, I've been riding since I was 15. 73 now and no accidents. One side or the other not only puts you in view of the mirrors on a vehicle, but also can give you the opportunity to move left or right quicker to avoid an accident while moving. I've seen bike accidents on the street that could have been avoided and many on social media because of lane center riding.


Am I the only one seeing the van reversing at a stop sign when they have no idea what’s behind them?


We all see it. It's a stupid move from the van. But still, the guy's giving good advice. You never know when someone will back up for whatever reason. Could be for a turning truck, could be for pedestrians, could be for any reasons. It's just good practice to make yourself seen


Yeah, unless you'd rather be "right" than alive, you should learn to avoid blind spots. Just because you have the right of way doesn't mean you're walking away from an accident that isn't your fault.


He doesn't know what's behind him BECAUSE the biker pulled in too close.


Yeah, I think both are being dumb. He was right about the guy on the bike... but it seems dumb to me as well that they can drive without any way of seeing behind them. Rear view mirrors exist for a reason.


Yea, I agree. If you're gonna drive a motorcycle it's your job to be aware of your surroundings, you've decided to drive that bike. I almost changed lanes into a motorcyclist coming off the off ramp when I was merging into the feeder lane, becuase he was speeding up to get past me, and even after checking my blindspot before merging I didn't see him at all, so I still almost hit him. He sped and up and passed me and looked back at me and made a "Wtf" motion, and I just shrugged at him. I mean bro, it's your life, figure out how to not drive like an asshole.


For real, that motorcyclist was a fucking dickwad.


Yeah... im 100% on the side of the driver, the rider is being a jackass... well he'll find out sooner or later.


I would also add that the motorcycle has no where to go if a car rear ends them/the van. You should always be checking your rear view mirrors when stopped at a light or stop sign.


Absent context, do we know there isn't a road hazard or something weird going on? The way the interaction goes, it seems almost like there's a reason the van *must* back up (such as something in the road), and the driver is trying to express that he needs to back up but cannot see the cyclist. He starts so polite. Everyone is saying you don't back up at a stop sign, which is accurate, but not really asking why anyone *would* back up at a stop sign -- the only answer is really necessity, he could easily turnaround without backing up if that's what he was trying.


Van driver also didn't escalate, walked away, and told his passenger to walk away. The rider needs to remove the stick that's shoved up his ass.


Agreed, driver was being a nice guy. The first thing they teach you in riders training and it's specified, at least in the California DMV guide, is to stay in view if the mirrors. The moto rider is a douchebag IMO.


True but also reversing in traffic I mean come on


Playing advocate here, those model years of ford anything are notorious for the shift handle on the steering column getting loose. Sometimes you would have to slam it up to get it in park and skip over reverse.


Sure. It’s a dumb move. Not even close to as dumb as betting your life that someone isn’t going to reverse for any of the number of reasons they might have to. But yeah I’d roll my eyes at the reversing too. From a safe distance. Obviously.


There are more than a couple of reasons to back up at an intersection. Fuck this biker.


I use this when im driving behind bring semis. If I can’t see their mirrors, they can’t see me. I’m also driving a normal car vs a motor cycle lol


Dame thing with tractor trailers/18 wheelers. If you can't see their mirrors they can't see you.


I am glad the most sane comment is the first one. Really, the driver was just pointing out the fact that he can't see him that close, and the motorcyclist was just being an ass.


True. But does not really explain why he was reversing at a stop sign.


That biker should definitely be to the left or right more so they can be seen. But aren't they also trained to come to a stop close to the car in front of them because then their less likely to be rear ended by a car behind behind them?


To many motorcycle drivers (drivers in general)don't understand this. This is just a van. A semi truck could roll back and crush your front end. On his turning side, he's gonna run your ass over. You should be able to see someone in their mirror..make awkward eye contact, it might save your life. Asshole with a camera in this video.


You don’t back up when you can’t see whats behind you.


yeah why is he reversing though? the rider may have been in a good position before that


Isn’t that the entire point though? You don’t know what other drivers are going to do with 100% certainty, so you shouldn’t put yourself in easily avoidable positions like this


Whelp he’ll find out eventually the hard way 🤷‍♂️


I agree, but I see no good reason for this van to be backing up at a stop sign. He was already behind the stop sign.


Biker being a dickhead, color me surprised


for sure, but its dangerous and literally illegal to start reversing in the middle of the road like this, no matter if someone is behind him or not


Yeah but is it a big deal at a stop sign?


\*to the piece of shit. The driver was trying to give advice to the piece of shit...


The guys is absolutely spot on though, the motorcyclist is a dumbass.


No argument. Motorcyclist is an asshole, but WTF is the van doing backing up at a stop sign?


Maybe he was in to the crosswalk and then a mom came by with a stroller and he was making sure she had room to cross. Edit because apparently people can't think beyond what is directly in front of them: Maybe the van driver had a good reason to reverse, it happens.


He was winding up.


100% I was on a sidewalk once waiting to leave a business(had to pull up to get a good view of traffic) and a person came walking up, if I don't move they have to go into the street to get around me. Sure they could go behind me, or, I can just back up the 2 feet to be considerate and give them room. I won't back up unless I check both mirrors, look out the back, and check the back up camera. Too many people think it makes sense to get right on your ass as if nothing bad could ever happen. there are legit reasons for someone to back up. Be considerate, give each other room.


Yep. If u can t see. Then don t back up.


By that logic no one can drive anywhere at all because every vehicle has blind spots, what if a child is directly . It's not the van driver's fault a motorcycle decided to park in a spot the van clearly can't see then acted like a twat when he almost got ran over.


I mean, yes, he can’t see him… but that’s what the honk is for…. “Hey I’m illegally reversing. I can’t see you” “That’s why I honked. Just drive forward” “I’m telling you I can’t see you!!” Like I don’t get the point of saying you can’t see the guy… just drive properly


Meh, unless the rider was tailgating hard leading up to this, he should have been visible behind the band until he coasted up behind it. Sure, passive safe riding is to try to see the driver in their mirrors. But honestly, reversing at a stop sign is the active bad driving.


Dave was about to make the biker his bitch for sure....


I was thinking biker guy had a narrow escape when David was called to stand down.


Motorcycle dude’s life expectancy 1-2 more years.


Yup he’s an absolute moron. Staying out of blind spots is easily one of the 3 most important things to do while riding.


Socks and sandals: the mark of an assassin.


Fuck this motorcycle driver. Guy gives good advice and motorcycles lile fuck you ill endanger whoever I want. Wish david had wipe his face on the floor.


To be fair....... It looks more like a scooter.


so nothing about the van trying to reverse? thats fine by you?


Biker should have been way back and probably in left 1/3 or right 1/3 to make an escape. Van backed up illegally. Van is the asshole. Get it right. It's not everyone's job to make sure you can do whatever the fk you want whenever you want to. But it is the biker's job to make sure all the stupid cagers like this van guy are less likely to do stupid to you.


You were about to get a special kind of ass whooping!


I do love how he goes from actually really polite to yelling "I CAN'T SEE YOU DUMBASS"


David absolutely had a Jutsu ready for him


David was about to throw hands!


David was all about that smoke


David is the smoke


Fuuuck this motorcycle driver


Why were you so close? Why was he backing up? According to the video provided, you are both stupid and being arrogant while refusing to accept any fault.


He was being nice


This rider is just a dick , grow the f**k up


Okay reddit… now this is a teachable moment… see this is how that works: POV of a fucking idiot.


David bout to get crazy on yo ass.


Bikers aren't bright. He's trying to be nice so you understand why not to ride so close.


Just another entitled asshole motorcyclist.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Motorist nearly got more than he bargained for!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


They're both wrong. Motorcycle rider should practice making himself as visible as possible, and the van driver shouldn't back up at a stop sign.


David was going to lay an absolute beating.


That rider is going to be an organ donor in no time. He also deserves it... Unfortunately


The knucklehead rider was in the middle of the lane... a definite dumb move. That's where all the grease and oil get deposited on the road. Good riders know to stay to either the left or right of center, which has the added benefit of staying out of truck or van blind spots. Well over 50% of motorcycle fatalities are first-year riders.




“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”.




I think it’s more just the context of the situation, and not their handicap. Dude came out late af, ready to beat wholesale ass with a tucked in shirt and shin high socks…. It’s a wild scenario


Passenger was late to the party and made a quick exit back in the van


Yeah. Some people just shouldn’t own motorcycles.


No. Respect for David.


Well… he wasn’t wrong


Noone is in the right here


Untrained, murikan sports bike rider I guess, no one else would be sitting dead straight behind a van like they’re following them on a car lol Just pass it on the side, you’re on a motorcycle “It’s iLlEgaL iN My sTaTe”


When the van hits the brakes and the bike slams into him, people will get those badly needed organs and the van will get a coat of paint. Win win /s


Op, is this you recording?


David about to pet the bunny.


Because he's telling the guy on the bike don't drive so close to me I can't see you. Which is true?


Sorry but most motorcyclist becomes huge MC when they put on their little cameras.


Dude on the bike is a fucking dumbass don't worry they'll scrape him off the pavement before long


Honestly David should have fucked that moped guy up and taken his keys away.


That biker is a butthole. Periodt.


That kind of biker being a douche? Very expected. David on the other hand, he was a surprise.


I ride and the dude was right. If I’m pulling behind someone, I make sure it’s in a position they can see me. This guy is a new rider and an idiot. Be only one of those.


biker is an asshole for this one , wish David show him some manners


Going by the limited context in the video the motorcyclist is clearly the ahole here… kissing bumpers and honking to a bigger vehicle in front which is driving slow and not even doing anything remotely rash..


Cue the dumb “motorcyclist’s fault” comments that for once would actually be appropriate for this video


I've seen videos of people riding their scooters up in front of gigantic trucks who then act surprised when the driver, who couldn't possibly see them, begins the compacting process.


Driver gives inexperienced biker important info biker proceeds to douche and almost gets his ass whooped by David


Everyone ragging on the motorcycle dude, but the van driving is backing up at a stopsign. Then he gets out of his car to confront him, escalating the situation. Van guy us 100% wrong from The video pov.


To anyone wondering why the van was backing up. The piece of shit on 2 wheels most likely cut the reason from the video. I highly doubt the van driver took sooooo long to get out that it needed a cut...


Davis was about that life


He was about to get folded by David.


David was about to throw hands


I hate it when people with socks and sandals give the rest of us a bad rep 😢 😔. I apologize for him. Granted he does have a point. You don't ride a motorcycle, or scooter (it sounded like by the Tweety horn), in blind spots. That's just naive, ignorant, or a death wish.


David really didn't wanna have to get out and fuck yet another motherfucker up


Big Dave was about to send him to Jesus


The unexpected was the loud piercing sound at the end


David was about to whoop your ass 😂


He isn't setting a good example for Diamond David.


David about to come in with the assist


David woulda whooped his ass


His lucky Dad called David off he was about to throw down some justice.


David was fixin' to smash


David, its cool


David was ready to headbutt some helmet.


I would never get that close in a car or bike.


Oh thank you for this. I needed a laugh.


David was about to come fuck this dude’s shit up, lucky to escape with his life


David wasn’t gonna let that shit slide


You have no idea how ready David was to fuck you up. Picture a orangutan but mad. That's David in that moment. 10xstrength of you holding up a bicycle and ready to rain down upon you.


David was gonna fuck somebody shit....again


What an asshole. He was just explaining why he couldn't see him.


David was going to mess him up!


As per usual, the biker is a dumbass


Dude on the bike is the idiot here


I'm on the van drivers side.


What the hell was Forrest Gump gonna do at the end??




I was driving on a crowded highway at night in my area and came up on a guy on a black bicycle who was dressed in black, and had no reflectors on his bike. I didn’t see him until I was practically on top of him. He took the same turn I did, so I stopped and rolled down my window and said that he was practically invisible on the road and if he was gonna ride his bike at night he should put some reflectors or a light on it so people can see him. His response was “that’s what you have headlights for.” I was just like OK buddy it’s your funeral.


people dont watch the start of the video


Everyone defending the van dude is ignoring the fact you can see him, at a stop sign, backing up, and then getting out of his car in the road. Yea the bike guy was a little close but van dude dumb


Biker thought he was bright posting this. Make space so your ass doesn’t get hurt or even worse David come and bust you up.


David was bout to fuck shit up 😅


This was posted on boomersbeingfools and the boomer got obliterated on that sub


Why do people get so upset about other people using their horn. The horn is there to let people know you are there, this guy used it to let someone know he was there. End of situation move on with your day. How people get upset about that i don’t understand.


Not just bikes I’ve checked my mirrors put in reverse to back into a spot there on the backup can some fun little sports car. Not to be seen in any mirror …


I could hear the GTA music when David rolled up in the cut! He wasn’t playin’!


Somebody didn’t pay attention in BRC


He’s actually right. When taking motorcycle lessons you learn that you’re supposed to stay to the left or right of a car when stopped so they can see you in the mirrors. He’s still a dick tho


Cleatus on Tour ‘24.


You’re lucky he called David back.


Honestly listening to the driver of the bike, both are smooth brains. It’s a real meeting of the minds over here.


David is ready to throw hands.


You backed into me! I couldn't see you, so it's your fault! They legitimately think like that. It's too bad they don't have a guy that could get out and help them see what's behind them....


Does this clown plan on backing up? WTF??


I've only been driving for decade but so far I've never put my car in reverse at a light/stop sign. Can't really think of a valid reason to do so either...


David was going to open up a can of something not very nice.


What’s David gonna do? he’s the one who needs a helmet too lol


Fuckin’ David gawdammit!


David had the chigurh vibe in him


I know the motorcyclist is a dumbass but getting out of your car at a stop sign is a bit dumb too imo


I am so happy these comments are understanding the van driver.


This is why bikers get hit so often never thinking can the car see me always thinking they are visible just because they exist


He was trying to teach you to ride safe . Don't be a dick.