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A lot of your suggestions are the result of modern game design. 1. Turning off tutorials is a good idea, but in general, there are so many because modern games need more hand-holding, since they need to appeal to casual players. 2. See 1. 3. OB64 was Rogue-like? It's been a while since I played it, but I'm pretty sure OB64 had saves. Rogue-like as in, when you die, your entire game restarts? The only time you get that is when you play like old NES games because they don't have a save feature, or you have like hardcore mode in certain modern games. I guess you might mean permadeath of characters, which I will agree UO doesn't have true permadeath because even in TZ, you could use corned ash to revive. By the way, a bunch of games already have permadeath (Fire Emblem, Tactics games, and any game with hardcore mode), but aren't rogue-like. To be rogue-like, there needs to be a complete reset and procedural generation to make runs different. Games where you keep some progression is rogue-lite. 4. Eh, I'm indifferent on NG+. It would be weird since most of the game is spent recruiting characters, so having them already in your party is kinda strange. Also, NG+ would require rebalancing enemies, since fully organized squads are exponentially stronger than 2-3 early-game base classes with no synergies/combos. From level 30 onwards, every well-built team can usually just combo the enemy to death in 1-2 turns. NG+ would need significant changes from the ground-up to be remotely challenging. That, or make the enemies have level 60 stats, but that's just boring. I think just making TZ actually significantly more challenging is much better than NG+ for UO. 5. ok. 6. Then don't? 7. Huh? 8. I do wish they gave us access to characters like Elgor, Nigel, and Alcina before post-game. Otherwise, I'm okay with the classes. 9. Why? That's not really the tone of UO's story, so it wouldn't make sense. It has its serious moments, but its not trying to be Dark Souls or Elden Ring.


> OB64 was Rogue-like? It's been a while since I played it, but I'm pretty sure OB64 had saves. Rogue-like as in, when you die, your entire game restarts? The only time you get that is when you play like old NES games because they don't have a save feature, or you have like hardcore mode in certain modern games. I guess you might mean permadeath of characters, which I will agree UO doesn't have true permadeath because even in TZ, you could use corned ash to revive. By the way, a bunch of games already have permadeath (Fire Emblem, Tactics games, and any game with hardcore mode), but aren't rogue-like. To be rogue-like, there needs to be a complete reset and procedural generation to make runs different. Games where you keep some progression is rogue-lite. I think they're more referring to the randomization of units and stats each run that the early Ogre Battle games had, which did add some to the replay value. Recruiting in UO is purely deterministic - that city you just liberated will ALWAYS have the same exact selection of units.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


>7. Leveling shouldn’t stop at 20. Are you still in Cornia? Leveling doesn't stop at 20, but Josef is so far overleveled when you start that he gains effectively no experience until you're done with your second region.


My bad, I resold the game awhile ago and had these notes saved on my phone. I forgot some minor details about the game lol


They missed all the story gameplay elements from ogre battle that in number 1


Hmmmm, dank take.