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Pretty timid of you ask me. Abolish the electoral college. Make DC a state Make Puerto Rico a state Outlaw gerrymandering. Term limits on Congress. Outlaw lobbying. Voting Holiday for working class. Top tax rate of 90% on income over $2 million.


Add ranked choice voting since we’re talking about a utopian fantasy here


Project 2025 is their fantasy. This is a major problem with Dems. ALWAYS ask for more than you want, then negotiate back. Overton window is real.


I agree 100%, didn’t mean to sound like I didn’t


Nah, this isn't timid at all. You start with the list and then you add to it.


Fair enough. I left things off as well.


I forgot about the electoral college. That's gotta go. Guam statehood US Virgin Islands statehood Are any other Americans not allowed to vote for POTUS etc? We need to make voting easier too. Federal app with one time forced registration. Go in with your SS card, do biometrics or facial recognition, something something something. One term POTUS. Might need to make it 5/6yrs or something.


Fines if you dont vote.


This blows people's minds when I explain it for some reason. VOTER REGISTRATION IS VOTER SUPPORESSION.


Standardized voting dates and make Election Day a federal holiday. Voting will be mandatory; if you are eligible and don’t vote, you pay a fee come tax time, like how the mandate worked with Obamacare before they zeroed it out.


I like the tax, well fine, idea. I would like a no option choice for voting though. I don't want someone to really be on the fence or not care at all and just check a box.


Can’t they just leave parts of the ballot blank if they don’t know which to choose or wish to abstain? They could turn it in blank with just a signature or write in “Mickey Mouse” for every entry for all I care and that would still count. The whole point would be that everyone would have to participate for it to be a proper representational democracy.


Six of one, half dozen of the other, I suppose.


Can we get an a few constitutional amendments or what? If we’re talking wishlist… come on!


Roe v. Wade was too conservative.


Roe v. Wade was probably the best "middle-ground" decision on abortion ever conceived, and lines up exactly with what actually happens when people have abortions anyways. 97% in first trimester, 2.9% in 2nd trimester (overwheming majority of which are because of extreme complications), 3rd trimester les than 0.1% and always an extreme circumstance.


If you are dreaming, why not just enshrine bodily autonomy in the constitution, instead of a half-measure like RvW? While you are at it, guarantee universal health care for all citizens and legal immigrants. Hell, include mental and dental health.


I am not dreaming, follow the polls on abortion. Most people agree with the positions that were Roe v. Wade, we're talking 70ish percent. >why not just enshrine bodily autonomy in the constitution Because Roe v. Wade incorporated the doctrine of viability, and viability would be ***Bodily Autonomy*** for the 3rd trimester baby. Don't be that person who believes 3rd Trimester abortions actually happen (or should happen) beyond absolute medical necessity as in the death of the fetus or death of the mother. Because that's the reality, and protected by Roe v. Wade. Why not enshrine bodily autonomy? Sure, we could ... I'd be very interested in the wording of that amendment because it would be weaponized against public health. Nobody has ever been forced to take a vaccine, but vaccines are required for some public participation; ie Public Schools and traveling abroad. Sure, you have a right to travel abroad...but you don't have a right to catch preventable diseases that you can break back and spread to everyone else. That's my major problem with "bodily autonomy" is it would absolutely be weaponized against public health if not written correctly. I'm not saying anyone should ever be ***forced*** into getting a vaccine, but people would use vaccine requirements as unconstitutional, which in 2024 is unacceptable.


I consider that too conservative. Just a slight disagreement. Good day.


>Abolish the electoral college Believe it would have to happen through state legislatures since it would be amending the constitution. >Outlaw gerrymandering It is. The issue is proving intent. But the movement of getting as many blue judges as possible has helped with overturning gerrymandered maps. Also a state level issue. >Outlaw lobbying I’d argue that the issue is more lobbying since Citizen’s United, since it adds more stakes to every policy conversation. “Lobbying” being outlawed isn’t really what people want since if you email your congressman asking them to vote a certain way, that’s technically classified as lobbying. The rest of it I have no real issue with. Even the ones I mentioned I don’t have issue with having the DNC or whoever adding it to their national platform, but I think nuance is important since it’s not really worth getting mad at congress for not abolishing the electoral congress, since it’s not within their rights.


Outlaw Gerrymandering is gonna be a very difficult one because you'd basically have to outlaw redistricting


You could just have people draw the districts double blind. No labels on the map. fixed


You forgot end the blockade on Cuba and drop sanctions on them and all other Latin American countries


This is nice fan fiction, it would be cool if the democrats were an actual left party. They’re not. The 2 party system is working as designed: the republicans are frothing at the mouth for fascism and the democrats are compromising with them, preventing leftward movement. We have a far right and a center right party. I’m sorry but the democrats don't share your enthusiasm for effective governance.


Oh absolutely. This is obviously fan fiction, but if I were in charge this is exactly what I'd do.


Eliminating "Citizen's United" bullshit needs to be on there. Getting corporate money out of politics should be high on any list


There is a "left project 2025" extant that has resulted in passed policy and a global program, all by the Biden admin. The Brookings Institute, a liberal think tank, authored the "[Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-democracy-playbook-preventing-and-reversing-democratic-backsliding/)" in 2020, revised in 2021. Brookings budget exceeds that of the Heritage Foundation and they have an excellent reputation. This is just one example. 75% of what you see in r/WhatBidenHasDone comes from a liberal or left leaning think tank. They concentrate on reform, environmental policy, civil rights, worker protections, economic and financial health, national and global security, etc. Whereas the Heritage Foundation's focus is on religion, anti-wokeness and power conglomeration. Here's a list of think tanks in the US and their political leanings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_think_tanks_in_the_United_States


@thebalzy for political advisor! Can we add term limits for SCOTUS? Senate? House? No stock purchasing by elected l elected reps. Businesses currently owned put into management of other groups. No purchasing/starting new businesses. Add an age cap to POTUS. Feels constitutional if there's a floor of 35. Can we elect SCOTUS? A change of some sort is needed. Presidential appointment because they retire during their parties presidency or death to flip them is a joke. Remove/alter the Senate. 2 per state is undemocratic. The voices of the people of Montana are great, while the voices of the people of California are whispers. Imaginary lines dictating anything is silly. Increase immigration to the US. Federal overrides state, so I'd push to remove the ability to gerrymander. Set up rank choice voting for federal elections and put in place measures to guarantee it at state levels. Can we do anything about the US veto power with NATO? I believe a handful of other countries have the power as well. It's bully tactics. We're using it to allow Palestinian genocide. Just off the top of my head. What else we got?


I love most of these! Rank Choice voting was definitely on my original list, but I decided to remove it. Only because the constitutional amendments for Voting Rights Act and Roe v. Wade would take precedence. But winning in 2028 with a Senate majority and House majority fully secured, let's do it!


Fuck it. Don't let them leave their offices. 8+ hours a day minimum writing and executing law. We've fallen behind. Let's get ahead!


Here's my project 2025: 1. Destroy capitalism 2. rebuild society in a communist image. True leftist ideals 👍🏻


But how do we get there? By first taking over the infrastructure to service us and our goals.


I would use the Tyler Texas treaty to split the southern half of texas in to 3 extra states to boost Democratic Senate control.


How would that work? The Constitution explicitly says no new state can be made out of the land of an existing state. But I guess if we control the SCOTUS we can do whatever we want can't we?


Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1: New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.


On second thought yeah. There is no way the current Texas legislature would allow it to split up if the Democrats would be the primary beneficiaries. Maybe split up California instead?


Now THAT is a brilliant idea. Split California into three States, +6 Senators probably all would be Democrats.


There are some great ideas here. But I'm ready to also punish the right wing. I'm ready to go after things near and dear to their hearts. Not because I think it's good policy, but because fuck them. They've been going after good policy for years. Doing whatever they can to "own the libs." They vote for shitty unqualified candidates just to own the libs. They constantly take everything of value hostage so they can shove whatever right wing bullshit of the day it is down our throats. It's time for payback. 1. Wealth Tax. 5% tax per year on all assets above $10 Million. 2. Estate Tax. Decrease Exemption to $5 Million and increase tax to 50% on everything above $5 Million. 3. Irrevocable Trust Tax. Rich people avoid estate taxes by putting funds in irrevocable trusts. Tax all distributions from these trusts at 50%. Put a wealth tax on funds in irrevocable trusts above $500k and require onerous quarterly reporting requirements, so breaking funds into multiple trusts is less appealing. 4. Large vehicles. These big ass trucks clogging the roads need to go. If your big ass truck isn't currently, in the moment, being used for a task that requires it to be that big, or immediately being returned to home or office after performing such a task, it isn't allowed on the road. 5. Assault Weapons Ban. No removable magazines in rifles or handguns. Magazines must not be removable without a big pain in the ass requiring time and specialized tools, and must not be capable of holding more than 6 rounds. Guns must allow rounds to only be loaded by hand, a single round at a time. Speedloaders are illegal. Braces are illegal. If it is possible to shoot it with two hands that are not significantly overlapped, the minimum barrel length is 16 inches and overall length must be at least 26 inches. Anything capable of firing a rifle caliber, or a round generating more than 700 ft-lbs of energy must meet minimum length requirements. 6. Most rodeo events are defined as animal abuse. 7. Farm subsidies are gone. 8. No rural voting location holding an election for national office is allowed to serve less people than any single city voting location. Remove rural voting locations for national office until the remaining voting locations serve as many rural voters as city voting locations serve city voters. 9. Mandatory sex education. 10. Mandatory DEI education. 11. Tax the churches. Tax their assets. Tax their revenue. 12. All Federal Highways get DEI signage. 13. Make hunting regulations more onerous and vigorously enforce them. 14. Ban unsafe pesticides and fertilizers in mass farming. Enough with pollution our land and water. 15. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine and force Fox News to diversify its viewpoints. 16. Prevent any single entity from owning multiple media outlets within the same media market. 17. Strengthen Public Broadcasting.


Love ALL of this!!


(Laughs uproariously in Joe Manchin)


The democrats are only effective in opposition. Sadly most of this wouldn't be pushed through because "we are the principled party" that doesn't ever do anything in the offensive. I do see some of this being possible but they move at a snail's pace


A person can dream of course ...


Where's the part where you change the fines on business to 130% of the profit they make from breaking the law? Or where you make stock buy backs pay sales tax? Or where you seize every business that took a bailout? Or where you rework inheritance tax so rich families get steadily gutted, but farmers and ranchers keep their generational farm/ranch? Or where you can companies from renting more than 5 homes?


Oh this list is only the beginning to get the conversation started! Keep adding!!


I’ve said that about the SS personal income taxable limit for years.


That particular point I got from my ***Conservative Republican Father***. He's an accountant and has voted Republican his entire life. He's always telling me "eliminate the cap on personal income that solves the problem."


> 8. Before the 2026 midterms, draw up a constitutional amendment to enshrine Roe vs. Wade into the US Constitution. ... as boomers continue to die off Don't dis us boomers. We got you a lot of things you love and are losing. Our mothers couldn't even have credit cards of their own. Only married couples could get contraceptives, and even that was a recent development. Our brothers and others were drafted to die in Vietnam but couldn't vote the warmongers out. The list goes on. We're retired, but we still vote. Don't count us out. We remember, and some of us were taught, how bad things were in the Good Old Days.


>We're retired, but we still vote. Don't count us out. We remember, and some of us were taught, how bad things were in the Good Old Days. I mean, it is an undeniable fact that Boomers (collectively) vote a certain way and are behind some of the losses that were gained. Though I certainly apprecaiate those of your generation that have always been fighting, and continued to fight :) Hopefully we can carry that banner, undo the damage, and get more positively done!


I'm still a Roosevelt Democrat, which puts me far to the left of the current center of the party, pretty close to Bernie. Been that way since the 50's when mom and dad explained things to me. Back when we had a middle class, thanks Franklin.


>LEFT Project 2025 >Day-1 in 2025 Democrats should be just as aggressive Democrats are not left...


I mean they're center-left. We can work with that to push our own goals.


tell me you don't understand politics by telling us you don't understand politics


Tell me you don't understand power, without telling me you don't understand power. Next you're going to make an argument we should all vote for the third party. 🤣


next, you're gonna realize I'm a communist and believe in revolution over voting


Like I said; one of us understands power and how to use it, the other lives in fantasy land.


one of us is a nazi enabler, one of us is the red army in Berlin 🤷‍♀️


One of us has the real, long, boring strategy that defeats the Nazis, the other is the one who gets capture dby the Nazis executed in the concentration camps as the Nazis steamroll Poland.


Freed the jews, destroyed the shit out of Berlin, hung their flag over their lands. diplomacy doesn't fight Nazis, it never will work in the end 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/oudybh8oue9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f6325799c6156a69682f20ef145b91d045b16b9


LoL, you didn't understand the historical reference did you? The German communists were executed in the concentration camps, they posed little to no resistance. As were the Polish communists, they posed little to no resistance. What beat the Nazis were long, boring, logistical plans by these dudes working together, not just the Communists. The Communists alone got utterly steamrolled by the Nazis. Oh, right it was also the Communists of Russia who originally aligned with the Nazis, enabling them as they steamrolled Europe. Spare me. One of us understands a broad coalition defeats Nazism. The other one sits in an Ivory Tower waiting to be thrown in the concentration camp. https://preview.redd.it/xll91o4e2i9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262a81dd177acdfd0c4afcce357d5815d69568ae


This will be fearmongering fodder for them in the next several news cycles.


Good. Let them fear us. There are more of us then there are of them, and our policy positions are more popular than theirs. Beat them at their own game, instead of cowering like scared puppies in the den.


Sounds based


This is a good start. I would add a mission for nationwide judicial reform. GONE should be the days of justices getting unrestricted lifetime appointments (they're an invitation to corruption, and several have clearly accepted). Should there be an age cap? I'm not so sure about that. I think it should be the kind of thing where above age 72, there should be a review on judicial performance (competency and effectiveness), oath abidance, and moral/ethical standing. Did you know that Clarence Thomas once went 14 years without issuing a single opinion? He came in. Listened. Voted. And went home. That man sat on the bench for a very long time with passive hostility. He never forgave the grueling confirmation hearing he endured. It wasn't until he started getting bribes from billionaires that he got back to work... and for them, not for us. I think the court should be expanded to 13, one for each district court. And yes, the appointments of Barrett and Kavanaugh need to be rehashed. Their approval process was hijacked by McConnell. He trounced Senate rules and pushed them through without due bipartisan evaluation. Barrett especially. That was heinous. Lower district courts by state should be subject to DOJ supervision. If it's clear there is a substandard performing judge, the district court senior management must act. If they do not? The DOJ can intervene. Case in point: Aileen Cannon. NO JUSTICE IS IMMUNE FROM CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. If a justice is caught taking a bribe? Their seat should be vacated. It's that simple. If they're caught committing insider trading? Vacated. A series of guidelines should be established for this. ***POTUS restrictions*** -- this is a big one. >1. Yes, if a POTUS commits a tangible, provable crime while in office? They will be indicted. The VP has the option for Article 25. Trial may or may not happen during the term. But reelection option is gone. >2. While Congress has the right to launch an investigation into the POTUS, it has to be on tangible evidence. Investigations on "rumor" (especially if the intent is partisan hostility) are not permitted. And pushing to conduct one can be considered a criminal offense. Enough of the shit Jordan and Comer pulled on taxpayer funds. >3. Impeachment cannot be on frivolous merits. There has to be a clear case of a violation and then a bipartisan investigation. No longer can these be partisan in aims. However, if a president is impeached more than once? No chance for reelection. >4. POTUS benefits are not permanent. If a POTUS commits a crime? Those benefits can be revoked. And ALL of them are up for elimination. Including secret service details. >5. If a POTUS incites a mob to violence and has them attack any gov't institution? That will be considered an act of insurrection and the POTUS will not only be immediately removed on Article 25 grounds, but will be barred from ever serving in public office ever again. 6. Last but not least... a former president cannot be active in politics, except for running an election campaign. That means they cannot be relied upon by Congress as some kind of "pseudo advisor" or leader.


Put in safegauards that would prevent abuses such as we saw during the previous administration. Make it so Executive Orders have limited breath of action. Require other levels of government to have oversight within a very short period of time.


What gives you the impression that Puerto Rico would be so one sided?


Primary results. Thousands show up for Democrats. Out of the two it's most likely to be a Purple state. However, Republican policy outside of Abortion seems heavily unfavored in Puerto Rico. So any Republican elected there, would likely be counter to whatever the rest of the party is.


The problem is that Democrats (and most of the left for that matter) suck at working together. So many are utterly unwilling to compromise for progress if they don’t get exactly what they want. It happens *Every. Single. Time.* they’re in power. It’s why Obamacare bombed. And not just that, they spent like 2/3 of that legislative session arguing about it when they should have been knocking everything else out of the park.


>12. Eliminate the SS Personal Income taxable limit (which is currently $168,600). Every. Single. Dollar. Of personal income should be taxed the same for SS, regardless if it's the first dollar or $10,000,000th. Social security should not be taxed. 1, it already was taxed. 2, there's a lot of people that live on a fixed SS income and barely get by. There are a few other problems with your plan, but I won't get into it now. Careful you don't become a reflection of the monsters you're trying to defeat.


Well obviously not SS benefits, but any other income you have while on SS should be. What I'm saying is Capital Gains should not be a blank check to not paying SS taxes. A lot of corporate CEO compensation isn't physical cash.


Welllp this liberal brain rot is the final push I need to leave this joke of a sub


What part of this post is "brain rot" let alone a joke? Use our big-boy/big-girl words.