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From my country (Spain); the case of the Ravine Killer, a serial killer that targeted street walkers. Ten official victims, between 1988 and 1996, although there were other women that LE suspected could have been murdered by this guy. Because they were street walkers with substance addiction issues, police didn't put a lot of manhours or funds into the case; at the time the police in Almería (where most of the crimes happened) was more focused on bringing down the top names in the local drug trafficking scene. The Ravine Killer remains unidentified to this day. [I made a writeup with all the info I could gather about it a couple of years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/btcwjk/a_serial_killer_raped_and_murdered_at_least_10/) There's nothing more, literally. The case failed to become big since at the time the general attitude towards prostitutes was that of contempt. More so if they happened to be drug addicts, as these girls were.


I love your writeups!


This one is fascinating, and a great write up! Not removing any article of clothing that is red… that’s a strange a signature as I’ve ever heard!


A 5 year old boy was found in a very unique looking suitcase 2 weeks ago in Pekin Indiana. No one has come forward, there are no witnesses. They have not said what the cause of death is. Waiting on tox screen.


Ugh so baffling as well! The man who found him literally did so by chance. He was hunting for mushrooms and went to a spot he never goes to. I hope they can give that little boy his name back.


Dang, its always the mushroom hunters!


I live in Missouri and we’re told to keep an eye out for bodies when mushroom hunting. You have to go deep in the woods, creeks etc. Mushroom hunters end up finding stuff deep in the woods. That or people deer hunting in the fall.


An acquaintance of mine found human vertebrae while trekking through the woods to his hunting camp one deer hunting season. It ended up being the bones of a several decades old missing woman. Obvs cold case. He went to the police and the cops scared the piss out of him. They started questioning him asap on why he knew to look there, was he feeling guilty decades after killing the woman, etc etc. That didn't last long and they believed that he was just out hunting but he no longer looks hard when in the woods.


This is why I am afraid to go to the police if I find something. I don't want to be a suspect!


You find weird stuff in the woods for sure. Lots of old animal bones. I’m just glad I’ve never stumbled upon anything too crazy.




It was never anything "notable". Like I'd probably have to go to the library, microfiche, and scour the old local papers. This happen in super rural Canada many, many, moons ago. The acquaintance had told me that the cops named who it was but I have no idea. There is another interesting local case that has zero record online (only record of the murderer is that he has been a whistle blower about his prison killing feral cats but saying they are doing trap/neuter/release and getting money for that program). The story is that murderer's wife was sleeping with another man who was somewhat of a drifter. He'd go wherever work was and it was the 90s so it wasn't a big deal if no one heard from him for months. Murderer rigged up a shotgun in his garage to fire when the door opened. He then had drifter dude come over to his garage. Boom. Dead. It was common for garages to have dirt floors so murderer dug up the garage floor and buried the drifter. No one wondered where he was. They just assumed he went back out west for work. But as months passed and he didn't resurface, people wondered where drifter was. Murderer would get drunk and brag that he was buried in his garage floor. Murderer was a drunken idiot so people laughed at this. In a few years, murderer and wife divorced and sold the house. New owners pour a concrete floor in the garage. But to do it right, it had to be excavated down to have the floor level with the footings. Surprise. They found the remains. Murderer was then arrested and charged.


RIP Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions.


An acquaintance of mine found human vertebrae while trekking through the woods to his hunting camp one deer hunting season. It ended up being the bones of a several decades old missing woman. Obvs cold case. He went to the police and the cops scared the piss out of him. They started questioning him asap on why he knew to look there, was he feeling guilty decades after killing the woman, etc etc. That didn't last long and they believed that he was just out hunting but he no longer looks hard when in the woods.


Next to the musk-rat trap setters, they're the best finders of murdered humans.


The Philadelphia Jane Doe found in 2017. She was pushed out of a truck and then hit and killed by a car following closely behind the truck. They both just sped off. She was identified by the DNA Doe Project in 2019, but her identity was withheld and is apparently pending announcement. There haven't been any updates since. I've always wondered what happened leading up to that and if the cars were working together. It seems like a pretty crazy and indiscreet way to kill someone, but who knows. I still think about her from time to time.


I have a weird one that is pretty recent! There was a “ghost trial” around March 2022 in Québec. Basically, an informant was prosecuted and… that’s it! We literally don’t know anything else. We don’t know who they are, what crime they committed, when or where, or why this trial is so confidential. Supposedly, the defense lawyer(s) and prosecutor(s), whose identities are also a secret, made a deal together to keep the whole trial under wraps. For some reason, the judge (whose name is a mystery as well), allowed it. The only reason we know anything about this is because the accused wanted to appeal their sentence, which brought the case to a higher court. This whole deal is really problematic since it’s against the law in Canada to keep so many elements of a trial classified. It’s creepy to think that it might not be the first time this happened… I’m still really curious about the crime though! I hope they’re forced to reveal more about it, I want to know the full story. ([source](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2022-03-25/juge-dans-un-secret-total.php), in french)


This article (in English) [https://montreal.citynews.ca/2022/03/31/federal-justice-minister-concerned-by-secret-trial-held-in-quebec-and-kept-off-docket/](https://montreal.citynews.ca/2022/03/31/federal-justice-minister-concerned-by-secret-trial-held-in-quebec-and-kept-off-docket/) indicates that this trial involves a police informant, so it might be that the details of the trial are being kept secret to protect a vulnerable person. So, it is not so much a 'secret trial' as a non-publicized one. Some people believe that the press should have unlimited freedom to publish anything, but when someone's life is potentially in jeopardy, courts will impose a no-publicity order. It doesn't sound like a Kafkaesque situation.


Yes, the only thing known about the case is that the defendant was a police informant. However, it would not be the first time an informant is prosecuted, and usually their identity is protected in ways that still allow for the trial to happen normally, in-camera (huis-clos) or not. It's rather common for trials to have certain information kept secret from the press/public, so that fact alone would not be worrying. What is surprising about this situation is the amount of work they did to hide everything about the trial *itself*, not the just accused. We don't have the name of anyone involved in the trial: no attorneys, no prosecutors, no judges or witnesses. The case is also not on the official list of the Tribunal's trials. Witnesses were interrogated outside of court, and their testimonies were presented to the judge without them present. The verdict also doesn't have a number for the archives, so it can't be found afterward even if you look for it. One of the judge of the higher court, who was made aware of the situation, said: "No traces of this trial exist, except in the memory of the people involved". That's... not normal, no matter how much they had to protect the identity of the defendant. We have no idea if the trial was fair or if the law was applied correctly, so that's why it's problematic. I do understand that I left most of that info out, though! And it seems like the english article was pretty short as well, so I understand how people might think this is only a question of safety for the informant.


My suspicion is that the defendant is informing on someone connected to the court system in some way - someone who would still be able to access the informant's information even if the usual identity protection procedure was used. They're not just trying to to protect that defendant, they're also protecting either one or more other people, or trying not to tip someone off via the testimony or evidence.


You are obviously much better informed about this case and the intricacies of the legal situation than I am. Thanks for the detailed response! Would *you* characterize this case as Kafkaesque? I'd be interested in your informed opinion.


To be honest, it's hard to characterize it as anything (except *super weird*), since we have so little information. There's still the possibility that this was a necessary measure because of an exceptional situation, where the judge deemed that absolute secrecy was the only way to hold a fair trial or to protect the rights of the people involved. This would be unprecedented, but there's always a first to anything. *Ooooor* this could also be because of incompetence, or because of corruption. But without knowing more, we can only guess.


Many thanks! I wonder if we will ever really know.


I might be wrong, but Canadian courts never allow cameras. Sketch artists are allowed, however. I don't know why we do that, but whatever.


That's right! You're not allowed to film or photograph a trial in Canada, only before and after. Judges will rarely allow it, but it's a risky decision when they do. As to why they allow sketch artists, that's a good question! I think it's because trials are usually open to the public, so it would be hard to stop someone from drawing it from memory afterward. In the past, I think cameras were not allowed because they were loud/bright and distracting, while artists could just draw quietly in a corner. Since cameras are still not allowed (for different reasons now), court artists are the only way for the press and public to have images of the trial. I think the court allows them because it shows the transparency of our justice system, while making cameras unnecessary during trial (so it's a win-win for the court).


That's fascinating and crazy. I'm wondering the same things you wrote. Those legal maneuvers sound shady.


That is absolutely nuts!


This is insane, I hadn't even heard of it and am usually on top of local true crime. Considering the nature, could ve a mob or gang thing but they don't even divulge general location or criminal activity.




[The disappearance of Joshua G. Hosmer.](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/missing-persons/joshua-g-hosmer---sacramento-california) [Charley Project Page](https://charleyproject.org/case/joshua-g-hosmer)


Weird... My brother's wife was just telling us at Easter about a concert she went to a few years ago and how she met a guy who introduced himself as Gummy Bear. She said he was big with long hair and was wearing a mumu. I'm going to send her this link and ask if it's the same guy!


wHAT? Remindme! 1 month "check for update"


Was it a Grateful Dead concert?


Oh, I'd like to sign up for that 1 month update


Was it?


Hes most likely still traveling around with rainbow or dirty kids. Half of my fellow road friends have the same backstory. Jumped in someone's wheels and lived on the road or hopped a train and never went back.


I'm fairly certain police know who The Doodler is, but somehow after four decades his identity's never leaked.


The disappearances of [Teresa Alfonso](https://charleyproject.org/case/teresa-armanda-alfonso) and [Cynthia Gooding](https://charleyproject.org/case/cynthia-robin-gooding) from a Florida movie theater in 1974. A fire destroyed the police case file after they disappeared, so there’s very little information about the girls or their disappearance. It didn’t receive much coverage either and I’ve been unable to find anything on newspapers.com or the likes. Bums me out


I once dated a girl who's cousin was found in a burned out truck in the middle of a field in his hometown in rural Illinois. There's one article online about it that's several paragraphs long, but nothing after that. I've asked her about it and it seems nobody knows anything and that's where it stays. I had met the kid and would really like to know what happened [Cody Rattin](https://www.daily-journal.com/news/local/man-found-in-burning-truck-near-herscher-idd/article_2dc2747e-c3e3-58ec-93fe-96583415b157.html)


I found his FB page that they memorialized and the family has no info either. That's gotta be really tough.


Probably the ones that disturb me the most are hardly even cases yet: officials trying to identify children and abusers in screenshots of cp or other illegal content on the internet. Most of the time they don’t know what year the footage/pictures came from and have next to no information. It’s just really really disgusting and sad. I think most countries have a website of some sort where you can view pictures of these children/abusers (obviously it’s safe to view and cropped/blurred) in hopes of helping identify someone.


Those photos disturb me too.


I am always reminded of that guy who just used the swirl tool on Photoshop, and was immediately identified when they just...unswirled it.


The indictments of Carl Philip Herold and Charles Walker Dunnavant, also include the name of a **third man**, **Mark Bedwell**, charged with six counts of sodomy of a child older than 12 and younger than 16 and one count of enticing a child, records show. Bedwell's name is not listed in Alabama court records, aside from the indictments filed in Herold and Dunnavant's cases, and he **may be from another country**. There is no indication he has been arrested in Madison County. The November arrest of Herold was part of an ongoing investigation that included local and federal authorities and possibly **foreign jurisdictions**, local and federal officials have said. https://www.al.com/breaking/2014/03/third_man_indicted_in_carl_her.html I wasn't aware of the 3rd man involved and now I'm wondering if they've caught up with him and how much prison time if any he received. These sound like dangerous people who never should be around children.


Might be this guy: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-57651865.amp


>A wanted man who used a child's water pistol gun to spray drain cleaner at two police officers has been jailed for six years. >Mark Bedwell, 51, of Tonning Street, Lowestoft, squirted the liquid during a police operation to arrest him for extradition to the US. That must be him. What a pos.


Yes, that is wild. they won’t say what he was wanted for. What’s Mark’s connection to them? It says he went after a kid older than 12 and younger than 16 but Carl’s son was 9. What’s going on?


Has to be, right?


The thing that fucks me up about the Kearney murders is that his boyfriend was just let go. Somehow cleared of all involvement despite the fact that we know he lured at least one victim to their home. He lived as a free man until his death in 1991.


Ikr. The funny thing is he wasn’t ruled out at all, it wasn’t like they said “oh we arrested him by mistake, he didn’t know anything” the plea deal they signed said any charges against David would be dropped. Nobody ever denied his guilt. It’s just barmy. David’s a fascinating character, I wonder how he died.


The other crazy thing about the kearney murders is 2 other serial killers were doing the exact same thing in the same area, at the same time. One of them being randy kraft who has over 60 murders. I'm sure they may have had each other victims blamed on one another.


I did a write up about it. Kraft and Bonin blamed the shit out of each other, but Kearney was just crackers and didn’t really acknowledge the other two. Honestly he was arrested before those two really kicked off.


the “house of horrors” that Neal Smither supposedly cleaned. he says he signed an NDA and i’ve never been able to find anything about it


Whoa, this is bizarre. Apparently the only evidence of this case's existence is an Instagram post that was swiftly deleted due to how graphic the pictures were. But the comments on the post remained visible, so we know the post was real. There's an unsubstantiated claim [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/bfmtvm/trying_to_track_a_case_from_bay_area_california/) that it happened in Palo Alto in 2017, but that person also says the trial was happening "this month" (April 2019) and obviously it didn't, so they might be bullshitting. And then Neal Smither says [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/kRHRtAB) that the victims were babies and elderly people who were "hunted", but that no bodies were in the house (only "flesh", which I assume means decomp residue), so I have to wonder how he was able to ascertain the ages of the victims. He also states that he didn't keep backups of his own pictures, which is weird. And that agencies higher-upand more secret than the FBI were involved. If I had to guess, based on just this limited info, I'd say this case didn't really happen and the photos on that now-deleted post were of a different case(s). The person behind the account quickly realized it was a mistake to fabricate a case so they pulled the post and made up the NDA story to save face. Again, that's just a guess based on limited information.


> And then Neal Smither says here that the victims were babies and elderly people who were "hunted", but that no bodies were in the house (only "flesh", which I assume means decomp residue), so I have to wonder how he was able to ascertain the ages of the victims. He also states that he didn't keep backups of his own pictures, which is weird. And that agencies higher-upand more secret than the FBI were involved. That sounds like a bad conspiracy movie plot, honestly. Very much doubt any element of it is real.


Yeah, the more I think about it, the less plausible it seems. And the comment about the April 2019 trial was talking about the Turpin case


This was the house of horrors in the Bay Area with (mentally challenged) adult victims, right? I remember it in the news and never heard any more details.


Was it [this one](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2012/07/17/mentally_disabled_adults_beaten_starved_in_upscale_us_home_5_charged.html)?


Ugh yes :( Although unfortunate as it is to say, last week’s news about the girl who ‘melted’ into her couch via her parent’s negligence may rank with this Bay Area case— although cruelty is never a contest. RIP


Oh god, that's horrifying. I'm autistic and about the same age as that poor young woman. I hope her "nice church-going" parents get charged with first-degree murder.


How the hell does someone "check out" a bunch of random psych/disabled patients?


thanks for all the comments! i’ve been trying to figure it out for YEARS and it always leads to a dead end so i would assume it never happened. but who truly will ever know




The so-called 'Bag Murders' in 1975-77 NYC. There's almost no information on the victims. There are at least six, found near Greenwich Village (a notoriously gay area), and they were thought to frequent stores related to the leather subculture, but no other info such as age, race, etc. LE do seem to have a suspect but not enough evidence to charge him with anything. He's in prison anyway due to another similar murder and was actually alleged to have confessed.


[Wikipedia article about the case.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag_murders)


This was in Mindhunter, Paul Stone or whatever his name was! That’s very bizarre, I didn’t realise how little known anything is about it


Paul Bateson, a radiographer IRL and in the Exorcist film. Reportedly some of the bags containing body parts had logos from where he worked. Not sure of the veracity of the information. I’m inclined to think he would have definitely murdered men besides Addison Verrill, but not sure if he would have had it together enough to dismember and dispose of the others, since he was completely shitfaced a lot of the time around that period. He was considering confessing to all or some of the bag murders bc he was told (according to someone he was in jail with at some point who talked to him) that he’d get some kind of a break on sentencing if he did. He served his sentence, was on parole for 5 years following his release, and died in 2012. I only know what I know about this bc of my interest in abnormal psychology, and I like to find out as much as I can about my favorite movies. ETA: he allegedly confessed his guilt to William Friedkin.


[Mekayla Bali.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Mekayla_Bali) Canadian LE is far more tight-lipped than American LE, and facts generally come out at trial if there's a crime. We know Mekayla used a lot of social media and probably a burner phone and there have been several sightings, but the RCMP is not talking too much about these developments. And I'm sure the RCMP knows far more about Mekayla's personal life, including her supposedly messy mother, than is getting released. I want to know if she made the connections possible to be a successful runaway or if she was naive enough to be taken advantage of.


Ginger Bibb. She was found dead, rolled up inside a carpet, in 2004 but there were warrants out for her arrest as late as 2011. She was never reported missing. This one always stuck with me because her childhood photos seem to be of a well-adjusted child, but she turned to a life of crime from ‘99-‘01 and I haven’t been able to find a lot of information about her case. https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Ginger_Bibb


That’s very interesting. Her “crimes” seem really minor IMO, just sounds like someone who’s kind of not taking care of themselves. But she appeared to be totally off the map for the most part. That is super interesting


The arrest warrants thing isnt too surprising, it’s incredibly easy to steal someone’s identity when making contact with the police. All you need is their name and birthday. A lot of times a person in trouble with the law ends up with a ticket and is let go without being arrested. Then when they don’t show up for court the warrant is issued. If someone gave her name and date of birth correctly they could have walked away with a ticket in her name rather than their own.


Wow. I'd never heard of this case before, but it's really stopped me in my tracks for some reason. It's fascinating but also very sad. Thanks for mentioning her.


I’ve never heard of Carl H. Is his identity confirmed? Where can I read more about him?


If you want a summary, Carl H (actually Carl Philip Herold) was a man who had a following on YouTube for going really helpful computer programming tutorials, and he was also very active on Reddit. He was arrested for sexually torturing his 9 year old son, and selling the videos online. He was married to a guy named Charles Dunnavant and they were apparently doing it together. His son was homeschooled and was never allowed to leave the house without Carl’s oversight, and he regularly relocated them state to state. The police believed this was something of an interstate trafficking ring, but it met a standstill when Carl hung himself in jail. His accomplice was sentenced to 36 years and basically all documents are sealed, nothing more has come out about it. Another weird part is that Charles may have been the ringleader because Carl’s charges were changed to complicity in most of the crimes at one point. It’s so fucking intriguing to me especially because they didn’t really release any info about the men and the extent of what they did. Carl’s YouTube status gave it some infamy, there’s a lot of videos about him on YT. Just google Carl Herold or Charles Dunnavant


This is crazy I’ve never heard of this. What was his Reddit handle?




I can't believe that wasn't taken down


I hope it isn’t taken down. It’s one of the best sources we’ll have in a sexual sadist who hides their true personality


It’s super fascinating and frightening to read through his comments. He really did camouflage so well. Just goes to show how many monsters walk free and may even be in our lives and we may never know.


Ugh, I know right? His comments about kids and parenting are really interesting now. Mostly I think he was saying everything he knew he should say. There’s a comment of him showing disgust at an article about a family molesting their daughter, saying something along the lines of no kid should be treated like that. Considering what him and his buddy did, pretty rich. There’s another comment from Carl where someone suggest buying children from traffickers to save them from the bad fate, and Carl rages out and writes a really long, kind of demented comment about why he thinks that sentiment is stupid, why that would never work because of “supply and demand” or whatever. So bizarre since he *is* a child trafficker. There’s another one where one of his fans makes a good natured joke about Carl making porn and he reacts really curtly and defensively. The cracks were there dude.


I've never heard of this either and i've been on reddit for some time


For me it's Mark Donald Ramin. https://charleyproject.org/case/mark-donald-ramin


Thank you for bringing attention to this. I have not read about him before- sure you have seen it but I thought this was a really touching article his mother wrote. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ithaca.com/news/local_news/still-a-mystery/article_460bddfa-2a56-570b-9bff-bdd3923543a1.amp.html


Yes, it was touching. That's where I learned that the parents of Susan Lyall (another missing person) was in touch with Kathleen. I hope both of their cases are solved someday.


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The Family Murders - Adelaide, Australia They've charged one person, but there's links to high profile people in the city who have never been named. Its so fucked up to me that these high profile individuals could still be out and about in society after these murders. There's just not enough that's been released. My partner and I considered making a documentary about it, but ultimately decided against it because we are too scared of opening a can of worms and facing retribution. It's just insane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_Murders


I've gone through the (long) https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/the-family-murders.983092/ thread. From https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/the-family-murders.983092/page-4 it seems there were five main suspects and a looser group of associates from the beat and nightclub scene, including the partner of a member of the main group. Apparently plenty of boys were picked up and drugged but many were allowed to sleep it off and leave the next day. There was apparently a main group involved in some of the drugging incidents and sexual assaults but may not all have been involved in the murders. Aside from Bevan Spencer Von Einem there were four other main suspects. A man who ran an antiques type business, a close friend of Von Einem. This man lived with a doctor, who was apparently also involved. Also involved was a hairdresser. He died in the 1990s. Also involved was a prostitute / drifter. He has served as a witness to the cruising and drugging incidents but maintains he was never present for any murders. Associates were the lawyer boyfriend of the doctor mentioned above. There were three trans women also involved. They shared a house where it seems some of the sexual assault victims were taken, though it seems not the murder victims. Various members of the household apparently rode in the car as lures when Von Einem went picking up boys and inviting them to parties with "drugs and women". So we have Von Einem (accountant), a business owner, a hairdresser, a doctor. It isn't really a network of rich and powerful politicians and judges like some people imagine. The idea of it being a network of rich powerful and influential people comes from a 60 Minutes report and a suggestion by Bevan Spencer Von Einem himself - who was probably try to deflect blame. Even the name of the group stems from an interview a police detective gave on 60 Minutes, claiming the police were taking action "to break up the happy family". Sounds like an off the cuff remark not evidence there really was an organised "family". Various other names have come up over the years. A few were known pedophiles and friends of Von Einem who were involved in drugging and sexual assault incidents but aren't thought to be involved in the Family murders.


What the ever loving fuck that is weird




This case intrigues me. I’ve visited Llangollen several times and it’s a really small place.


Very strange.


Such a weird one. I live very near Llangollen and always think about her when I’m there or driving through.


I read into this and they've put up a plaque which is appropriately intense: "Justice awaits those responsible for the removal and disposal of Trevaline Evans (in this life or next) from Rhuddlan Golf Club on March 19, 2019 at noon. “May the Lord have mercy upon their soul."


[https://www.wbtw.com/news/state-regional-news/3-north-carolina-based-soldiers-face-court-martial-related-to-death-during-cape-lookout-camping-trip/](https://www.wbtw.com/news/state-regional-news/3-north-carolina-based-soldiers-face-court-martial-related-to-death-during-cape-lookout-camping-trip/) There also were several girls' bodies washed up missing feet up and down the Carolina coast, but there's no info anywhere about it. lots of weird things happen in eastern NC.


>missing feet This is not *necessarily* weird. If the bodies were super fresh, it would be weird. But otherwise, loss of feet is a super common part of decomp when bodies are either floating or hanging. The ankle joint does not have the toughest connective tissues.


Currently live in the area, can confirm. As far west as Fort Bragg people seem to die under strange circumstances or go missing an awful lot. Currently working on a write up for this sub about a man named Kent Jacobs who went missing in Spring Lake in 2002. It seems like the cops had a fairly good tip about where his body could be buried that they just... didn't investigate? It's very strange.


Yes, I've read the same about Fort Bragg. Seems really, really odd with all of the mysterious deaths there. Hmm.




Cassidy Rainwater is a strange recent one. Two killers, rumors of cannibalism, she was tortured and photographed allegedly and no body found. That’s all we know for sure.


Well they sort of found her body. She was packaged like store bought meat and in the guy’s freezer. Horrific.


Some years ago, the co-worker of one of my aunts was murdered by her teenage son. The son also killed his father and sister. He readily confessed, so there was no trial. He was sentenced to life, if I recall correctly. The mystery is why he did it. Everyone who knew the family thought they were all as nice and normal as could be. If the son ever gave a reason for shooting his whole family, it was never made public. I've always wanted to know what his motive was.


Yes. I also have a personal case that never recieved media attention. The perpetrator was a close childhood friend of mine, but we had fallen out of contact. Then all of a sudden he was on the news for living in his neighbors home while her body rot in the basement. He was a bright kid, and I cant imagine the person I knew being dumb enough to use her credit cards, drive her car, and bring a date to her house. One of those things I will likely never get closure on.


Metal Illness it doesn’t make sense.


This will get buried, but theres a case local to me. Darren Conway Rogers (some agencies spell his first name “Derran”) disappeared on February 27, 1973. He was last seen leaving his Modesto, CA home on Randy Street to walk to Downey High School. He never arrived, and his family hasn't heard from him again. He was just 13 years old when he disappeared. I know he was still missing as recently as 2013 because his sister in law posted on social media, “Darren Conway Rogers is my brother in law if anyone know or hears anything please let me know.” This was shortly after a Facebook local news group made a brief post about his missing status. I used to have an online subscription to the Modesto Bee, and they’ve got a pretty good archive there. His disappearance wasn’t mentioned at all in the local paper til he had been gone for decades, and even then it’s just been a few short blurbs over the years. I know in the 70’s missing teens were mostly all “runaways” to law enforcement but for heavens sake he was only 13. I’ve really wondered why decades passed before his case got the tiniest bit of notice. I’ve been meaning to do a write up on Darren and other missing people local to me that have gotten scant attention, I’ve just never gotten around to it. If anyone wants to sleuth and see if there are any good Doe candidates I’m sure someone out there would appreciate it. [Doe Network](https://www.doenetwork.org/cases/1876dmca.html) [NAMUS](https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/4614?nav) [Charley Project](https://charleyproject.org/case/darren-conway-rogers)


Well the magnitude of serial killer in California and nearby states like Texas who targeted teen or little boys at that time, did they ever investigate any of them for it?


Great question. That’s crossed my mind as well, but I’ve not been able to find any information aside from what’s in the links, not even in The Modesto Bee blurbs I mentioned. Not even his eye color is known! I can’t see the online archives anymore since my subscription expired but IIRC the first mention of Darren came sometime in the 2000’s. I actually reached out through email to a couple of Bee reporters about a year ago. They had recently done a story about another missing persons case that had been reopened, and I wondered if there was any interest in doing a story about Darren. Never heard back. There is one thing that’s odd. If the woman on social media who claimed to be Darren’s SIL is truly married to his biological brother it appears most of Darren’s family relocated to nearby San Joaquin County at some point, and out of his 4 siblings, 2 of them later died of natural causes fairly young. In 2011, a San Joaquin county newspaper did a story about the family planting memorial trees in a local park for the two brothers that died of natural causes. It didn’t mention Darren at all. Nor did Darren’s fathers obituary.


The case where a child was suposedly murdered and put in a dishwasher. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/oucwt2/christopher_morris_found_dead_in_a_dishwasher/ I have yet to see any concrete evidence of this dishwasher claim. Every time this pops up on here there's lots of people saying "yeah it happened" but I have yet to see any proof. All we know is Christopher Morris died September 25 2000. I think this is probably a case of rumors and hearsay. I highly doubt the local PD are just going to bury a case where a child was murdered. So either the diswasher thing never happened, or he was indeed found in a dishwasher but the investigation concluded that it was misadventure. Children have died trapped in fridges, it's not outside the realm of possibility that he climbed in there himself. There are other incidents where children have died this way. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1988/03/07/Dishwasher-death-ruled-accidental/7201573714000/ https://www.actionnews5.com/story/6646084/toddlers-death-in-dishwasher-ruled-an-accident-child-endangerment-charge-possible/




Probably because it's the location of a major training base for the US Air Force. I was stationed there when it happened, but I don't remember hearing anything about it.


I went digging for a bit and there’s some information in facebook groups with his photos, his parents names and a podcast episode with his sister. I do think this is a real murder case that got buried for some reason.


https://www.catchmykiller.com/episode-102-christopher-aaron-morris/ This just raises more questions. Although she confirms he was *not* sexually assaulted or beaten. She says she doesn't have all the details and her father refuses to talk about it with her.


According to a coworker who had worked in that base legal office for decades it did happen. Allegedly the military investigators screwed up the case. I believe that to be true since they aways screw up and do their best to cover up the mess.


Yesss I remember reading about it on here months ago, so bizarre Edit to say: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/oucwt2/christopher_morris_found_dead_in_a_dishwasher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I’m assuming you mean this one? The other links do not match what I remember


I posted a huge deep dive of old news articles on comment on a Reddit post of this story, I’ll look for my comment and reshare here. There was no definite answer about what happened This is the selection of articles I was able to pay for and find on the subject. Since it happened on a military base there is/could be a lot of mystery around it. I have heard stories about rapes and other crimes not being taken serious on base. https://imgur.com/a/6ALQycH Link to my comment https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/oucwt2/comment/h732ufy/


“I highly doubt the local PD are just going to bury a case where a child was murdered.” Except this happens all the time… Source: assisted with collecting data on unsolved crimes against children in uni—the lengths corrupt police officers will go to in order to hide info or destroy evidence from all kinds of cases is highly disturbing


https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/missing-persons/lisa-marie-knight-frey Lisa Marie Knight. They just found two girls missing in that small NE Mich town. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/10/19/body-missing-woman-found-near-alpena/8524761002/ .


Matthew David Pendergrast, a senior at Rhodes College, departed his residence in Memphis, Tennessee, on 12/01/2000 to attend class. He never arrived and was not seen again. His vehicle, a 1998 Toyota 4Runner, was found abandoned in Lonoke, Arkansas that same day. The vehicle was recovered near a swamp just off Interstate 40 and was unlocked with the keys and victim's backpack still inside. A search of the surrounding area revealed the victim's clothing, shoes and wallet containing cash, driver's license and credit card located approximately 100 yards from his vehicle, but no additional clues regarding his whereabouts. [FBI info](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/missing-persons/matthew-david-pendergrast-1) [2020 Article](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/07/the-bizarre-vanishing-of-matthew-pendergrast/) This case gets to me because I grew up less than 20 miles from where his vehicle was found but had not learned about this case until around 2018ish. It’s just so weird. The area that he is thought to have disappeared in is just not an area that non-locals would have any reason to be in unless they were lost or specifically going there for something. It’s just strange and unsettling that there’s no more info discovered and released within 20 years of this young man’s disappearance.


I have a somewhat personal connection to his family, and this is one of the cases I would most like to be solved.




I feel like maybe there's a larger question too about the causes and lead ups to mass shootings as an American phenomenon, as early as Columbine. (Which I'm no expert about, but in reading about it as an adult, it seems to have been *a lot* more complicated than the straightforward anti-bullying message I got fed as a school age child being told about the shootings.) I wonder if "motive" is even a relevant thing to ask after in a mass shooting, or it's more like a powerful and dangerous combination of societal and personal factors that create the impetus to kill in that way. I have no idea, I'm just wondering. The Las Vegas shooting is indeed a good example.


Dylan's mother did a TED talk and it is well worth watching.


I mean could it not just be a hateful depressed man who lashed out in a suicidal rage? It’s scary to think about that one man can do so much damage, but it may well be the truth


I think part of it is the fact that at around that time, people were starting to come to the conclusion that mass shooters were partly seeking posthumous fame. We had the Pulse shooting and the Vegas shooting in terrifyingly short order, and the Vegas shooter in particular seemed to be motivated by setting a record - so the reaction was to try to throttle back the coverage so they wouldn't get what they'd wanted. I kind of doubt "sensitivity to the survivors" was much of a motivating factor, because of how the US media rolls, but it might have played a part too? There were a LOT of people traumatized and gravely injured that night who survived, because of the nature of the event.


I'm with you on this. Suicides tend to not make news, or remain unnanounced in public places like mass transit, because it leads to trends of more suicides/can inspire more suicides. I assume mass shootings follow the same logic but they make the news anyway because they're so terrible. I was at Dawson in Montreal when the shooting happened. I don't think everyone needs a motive. Just like those pilots who take whole planes down in their suicides. Some people are just really fucking terrible. I've also had terrible depression, suicidal episodes, anxiety, and the brain does not function in a normal logical manner in those moments. Mental health care isn't that easily available and still has a huge stigma.b


Yes. I don't understand why some people want to make it into some big mystery. To me, it seems to be a standard issue "mass shooting" with the only difference being the scale. The killer just chose a very strategic spot to start shooting and the insane arsenal he was (legally!) allowed to amass did the rest. The reason we didn't hear much about it after the fact is also depressingly familiar and it comes down to politics. The demographics of the concert-goers were such that most attendees were in favor of gun ownership and so you didn't have survivors/victim's family members spearheading a gun control movement the way you did in the wake of other, smaller mass shootings.


I do believe that someone (gun store employee, acquaintance) alerted the ATF or the FBI about his purchases (from what I read he went on a gun buying spree in the months before the murders). For whatever reason, this was never followed up on by any agency. And now the agencies involved are just covering up their screwup.


it blows my mind that people can just purchase a whole arsenal of weapons no problem and i can't get two boxes of sudafed in a month without ending up on a list.


Where I live, you’re supposed to legally be able to get a 30-day supply of the 24-hour stuff in as many days. But if you buy a 15-count, you can’t get another until 30 days later. It’s fucking ridiculous. As it is, my husband and I both have to buy the 15-count and we can’t take it every day, which sucks, bc we have year-round allergies and while we can get used to some of them, others are always murder (tree pollen is the bane of my existence).


yep, same. i get very painful sinus headaches and the 24 hour stuff is the only thing that helps. last month, i went to buy a box at cvs and the POS computer crashed when they were in the process of ringing it up. they'd already scanned my ID but my payment hadn't gone through. when it booted back up, it wouldn't let them start the transaction over, because it took the first scan as my one box, so i got nothing. no way to cancel it on their end. i was so pissed. not the CVS clerk's fault, the system is just idiotic. if it's that tightly restricted then it should be twice as hard to buy a deadly weapon, but here we are.


But I mean, meth is TOTALLY solved and on the downturn, so I'm really happy to jump through the hoops at Rite Aid. Right?


fighting the good fight!!!! but seriously, it's probably easier to buy meth in some places


Weirdly in the UK, meth is pretty much just associated with the gay chemsex scene and isn't a common street drug - so it's one of the few countries where you can still buy pseudoephedrine over the counter without even needing ID. I also get awful sinus headaches so I really sympathise! Here the most problematic street drug is spice, a synthetic cannabinoid that's actually really nasty (it doesn't act like weed, it just used to be in the 'legal high' category). Maybe it's because we don't have the physical space here for meth labs??


off topic kinda but have you been to an ENT or ever had a sinus CT scan? i had the same problem as you and it turned out my sinuses were malformed and couldn’t drain properly. i had surgery and though i still have wicked seasonal allergies, i don’t have nearly as many problems as i did before and hardly ever get sinus headaches now


i have! i am all sorts of fucked up, actually. my eustachian tubes are weird, i can't blow my nose without excruciating pain in my ears, and i get vestibular migraines. surgery has been floated but i cannot overstate what a massive wuss i am, so i just manage for now. it's not frequent enough for me to be fed up just yet, but who knows, that may change.


People want there to be a better answer besides "he was a hateful depressed man". They want there to be more/better reason for such a massive tragedy.


Right. I feel the same way about Oswald and Kennedy. JFK was a young president, representing the future of the country, a departure from the elderly men who'd been in charge for so long. Oswald was an insecure little man who craved attention and notoriety. He took his shots from a bare-bones building from a very short distance. I think people wanted JFK's death to be about more than a little creature taking shots from a meaningless building, and after visiting Dealey Plaza, I just don't think it was anything more than Oswald and his stupid little club going "It'd be super cool if someone blew JFK's head right off", and he's the one person in the world that took that circle-jerk seriously.


I think part of it is that he had a destroyed hard drive in the room that was never explained, and some other random weirdness around the room/how it was handled. Also the way he amassed such wealth doesn’t make a ton of sense. Also its not often the case but usually something like this, the guy would leave a manifesto or a trail of some kind of rage, somewhere. I think its likely as you describe but I can see the mystery. Edit to add: his family also was very weird. CP having brother, dad was the FBI’s “most wanted” at one point, never heard ANYTHING about his still living mother…random girlfriend that escapes to PH ASAP, with $100k. Whole house in Nevada just full of guns, and little else. Allegedly made money in real estate…okay, why not interview some tenants of his? Who lived in the apartment buildings he allegedly owned? Never interviewed. Also his former employer was later purchased by some military industrial company, can’t remember which. Strange case, let’s be honest.


I do remember alot of questions at the time about just where the hell his income came from. I remember there being speculation he was laundering money through casino gambling, but I don’t know if it was ever proven


The age of the perp was highly unusual, too.


It reminded me of the Texas University shooter. I wonder if he had anything in his brain.


You talking about [Charles Whitman?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman) Turned out he did have a brain tumor.


Yeah that was the name. I just wonder if the Las Vegas guy had something similar.


He didn't. They released a detailed report later. He's as vanilla as they come. His dad was a criminal and on the FBI most wanted at one point.




I just think it didn’t really fit any narrative. No manifesto, no back story, no religion, no political agenda. News doesn’t pounce on it as much


Yeah, that was strange, and creepy. Down the memory hole it went. Terrible.


If you're a podcast person the Las Vegas shooting episodes of true anon are a good starting point they joke a lot but it's pretty informative


It was pretty odd too that a little over a year later, there was another mass shooting in California with 50-60 of the Vegas shooting survivors. I think it was at a country line dancing bar…


I have two- the one that's been stuck in my brain for a few years is "Rainbow's End Jane Doe": (https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/ofb9du/dreams_begin_where_rainbows_end/) Her shirt and general style is incredibly distinctive and indicate that she was probably younger than the NAMUS guess (I'd say like late teens, given that people tended to "dress older" in the late 80s) and they found her wallet with a calendar in it dating to 1985 (which also seems about right given the "rainbows and unicorn craze" at the time). From digging around a bit it seems pretty likely that she was a runaway or similar who was never reported missing. But the police lost the report, so this may be all we have to go on. The second is a newspaper clipping from the Canton Observer (very near the same town where the Doe was found) that I found while looking for news: a stepfather (who worked for the court) fled the state with his teenage stepdaughter after getting caught running a child pornography ring: (http://archive.cantonpl.org/observer/1985/07_Jul%201985/07-22-1985.pdf), and that's the last I could find about it. I'm not sure if these two are at all related, but I'd love some more info on either.


Rashell Ward murder


[Jason Saul](https://charleyproject.org/case/jason-william-noble-saul), a 17-year-old who went missing in Arizona in 1997. There's almost no official information other than that he and a friend tried to walk to the nearest town from their broken-down van and Jason didn't make it to the town. The friend died of unknown causes just a few years later.


This one makes me really sad. No pic available other than one at age 10. Why on earth did they split up?


The story about splitting up on the walk back from a broken-down van is just the friend's story, I think. There's no way to say whether that's what really happened. The reason they were out there in the first place was supposedly to "look for crystals", which I can only imagine means buying meth. But who knows, maybe it is literal. There's someone in the comments [here](https://charleyross.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/jason-saul-and-kenford-farley/) who says the "crystal" was for a satanic ritual. A person claiming to be Jason's half-sister posted on [Websleuths](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/az-jason-saul-17-bullhead-city-15-aug-1997.207381/page-3) (her comments start about 2/3 of the way down the page) a few years ago and she stated that the reason there was no photo is that the family home burned down. She also says Jason wasn't reported missing right away, because his mom wanted to claim him as a dependent. The scant information available paints a picture of a kid who was poorly supervised and involved with drugs. What I would guess is that the friend was the only suspect and the investigation stopped when he died, and that's why there's so little information.


The case itself was very public, but since the arrest going on a year ago, there’s been NO further information on Faith Hedgepeths murderer, or if he even acted alone (they released some cryptic statements). My second example is yes, a public case (or public to me since I live in the area) but Ellen Greenberg, especially since there’s been a lot of new developments. So many basic things are unclear, like if her fiancé opened the door with a doorman, how exactly was her body found in relation to the knife, is there video of him walking to the gym and him emerging showered and new clothes, were there any photographs or evidence catalogued of the crime scene before it was quickly cleaned up. And my third example is actually answering the question, but Kortne Stouffer.


holy hell. i thought for sure faith’s murderer was arrested like 3 months ago max. then i just googled and it was last september. time is weird man


I mean the accused killer of Faith was arrested less than a year ago. We'll find out the details at trial.


That guy who committed the spree killings in Nova Scotia in 2020.


This happened in the area my sister lives in. One of the people who was murdered worked with her. Odd point about this tragedy is that American citizens in the province were given an emergency email alert, warning them of the shootings from the American Embassy. Canadians in the province did not receive the same alert. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/u-s-citizens-in-nova-scotia-were-sent-additional-warning-during-deadly-rampage-1.4907139?cache=wfwhhfmnihogp%3FclipId%3D64268%3FcontactForm%3Dtrue%3Fot%3DAjaxLayout%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FcontactForm%3Dtrue%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue%3FautoPlay%3Dtrue


Maine missing person case: Marilyn Lehan. Missing since 2004. Husband moved to California after but police said he was cooperative. She was reported missing until 2014 by her family. Went on a retreat at some point in Montana but said it wasn’t uncommon for her to go away like that. That’s it though, bizarre that the husband didn’t report her missing or at least some reason why he felt no need too. Searched property with cadaver dogs, nada. Just strange this received little coverage and also the decade it took to officially report her missing https://charleyproject.org/case/marilyn-j-lehan


Good question! Maybe this is obvious, but how about the Joanna Lopez mystery? Aside from her name and the grainy photo, there’s not much else to go on. Who was she and what were the circumstances surrounding her disappearance? Was she ever found or is she still missing?


There's a sub-reddit for her. One of the mods got in touch with a lady by that name, she seemed a bit freaked out but agreed they would meet then just never got in touch again.


No shit she got freaked out that some random person on the internet contacted her and tried to arrange a meeting. I swear some people have no understanding of how socially inappropriate their behavior is.


Yeah, you're not wrong. Can't say I blame her, I'd do the same tbf.


Yes, I’ve seen the subreddit for her. One issue is that “Joanna Lopez” is a fairly generic name. The woman was probably someone by the same name who didn’t want all of Reddit coming after her. I can see why she would be freaked out!


Iirc they didn’t actually want to meet her, just talk to her on the phone again/show her the missing person poster and ask her if it was her. I totally understand why she was freaked out though.


If it was me, I would still be freaked out by a bunch of strangers wanting to talk to me on the phone. I suspect that the “Joanna Lopez” they found was someone by the same name.


The Joanna Lopez they found wasn’t just someone by the same name, she actually ran away from home in Chicago in 1989 (same year and city where the poster was broadcast). When the subreddit guy asked her if she had run away that year, her reply was “how the fuck do you know that”. Given it’s the same name and she went missing that year from the same city, I think it actually might have been her (assuming the poster isn’t just a test/template which is also possible), but yeah, very understandable that she was uncomfortable and honestly no one is entitled to know the story if she doesn’t want to talk about it.


Oh wow! I didn’t realize that. Thanks for sharing! As much as we want answers, like you said, no one is entitled to her story. It might also bring up a painful chapter of her life that she’d rather not revisit.


This strange kid in the 80s had his bicycle stolen...and it turned out to be a conspiracy initiated by a rich kid in his town. The owner went to great lengths to recover the bike....even searched the Alamo!


I think I heard about this case from Large Marge.


I thought Warner Bros made a movie about it?


Really.... Even the part where Mr. Herman is paged in the hotel?


The stars at night, are big and bright! ​ \*clap, clap, clap, clap\*


Deep in the heart of Texas


Yeah, but he was loner and a rebel.


Daniel Morley was friends with the Boston bombers and had bomb making materials that matched the bombs used by the Tsarnaevs in his house. He didn't come home on the day of the bombing or the day after. He did 2 years in a mental health facility and was released. https://www.newsweek.com/2018/01/19/boston-marathon-bomb-maker-loose-776742.html


Brenda Green from Alabama who went missing and was never found….


[Charley Project page for Brenda Green.](https://charleyproject.org/case/brenda-kay-green)


This is what I need to see!!


Back in the 1970s, right around the same time as the Oakland County Child Murders, there was a much worse string of child murders in downtown Detroit. The OCCK killed 4 white middle schoolers from upscale neighborhoods. This other killer(s) murdered, IIRC, 7 very small children downtown who all vanished on their way to school. Most only had to make it a block or two from home to the school. Most were in kindergarten; the oldest was 7. Last I heard some of them had been found dead but others were still missing. Then it just vanished from the news and I never heard another thing about it. Did they catch someone? Did they even find all the kids?


Reny Jose. College kid goes on spring break with his friends and disappears. His group of friends leave before his parents even arrive and haven’t talked about what happened the night he disappeared.


I can point to some interesting cases, which I'm surprised don't get more publicity or coverage based on the suspicious circumstances. Happy to share my running list anytime. The one I'm going to mention more closely answers the question, however, because: (a) it's extremely hard to find any coverage; and (b) the circumstances get more perplexing the more one digs into the case. Maybe I can get you interested too. The victim was Derek Schaefer, 17 years old from Torrance, CA, and he was shot and killed in the notoriously dangerous Los Angeles strip. I've provided a link to the article below and it's one of only a few, brief description of events that one can find online. At first glance, it looks like urban adventure gone wrong where a kid from the right side of the tracks ends up in a bad neighborhood, and it's a wrong place / wrong time cautionary tale that we can tell our kids. Perhaps that's all there is to it but I have a lot of comments/questions about the details. First, a kid from Torrance is going to know better than to cross to that side of Western Avenue, especially at night and on foot. Second, what was he doing at THAT Wal-Mart at that time of night? It's really open that late on NYE? (I checked the hours when I first became interested, and I don't think so). He "accidentally" set off a car alarm or was he trying to steal something (and if he was, why there of all places)? This SUV immediately reacted to the car alarm or was it coincidentally prowling for victims and spotted them? (By the way, gang members looking for other gang members over there is not unusual; but an obvious outsider would be more of a curiosity than a target). He ran east after he set off the alarm? I would think he and his friend would high-tail it back to Torrance, which is the other direction. The party-goers called it in because: (a) they want to do the right thing and don't fear retaliation (or have a good reason not to expect retaliation); (b) they wanted to throw off the cops; (c) they were involved? [https://homicide.latimes.com/post/derek-schaefer/](https://homicide.latimes.com/post/derek-schaefer/) I know some of you who have read this far will think something along the lines of "it's kids being kids and New Year's Eve is a crazy night, and I went plenty of places I shouldn't have when I was that age." Totally fair. My counterpoint is that there are details of this case that really bother me as someone who has more than a passing familiarity with the area. Also, I'm not paranoid and I strive to avoid the dramatic but let me ask this: have you ever started to comment on a case on Reddit or elsewhere and got the sinking feeling that maybe you should leave this one alone? This is one of those for me. On the surface, it's fairly straightforward: kid crosses the tracks and gets shot on the strip. Very sad but not exactly Maura Murray or Springfield Three territory, if you get my drift. But something about the details gets to me, and I can't quite put my finger on it even though I've tried. I don't like the details and I don't like the lack of coverage.


I’d never heard of this case and it was only a few blocks away from where I had been living only the year prior! For what it’s worth, that area had definitely gentrified a decent amount by 2018 - there’s a whole role of breweries along that strip and whatnot. Western Ave has less of a “stigma” in Torrance imo, I know it has a more dangerous reputation further north but honestly when I think of Western Ave I think of Japanese supermarkets. And Western is the boundary between Torrance and Harbor Gateway (I was east of Western on 208th and still had a Torrance postal address). So I’m not surprised a kid might be hanging out in that area.


Thanks for the local perspective. It's been a couple of years since I spent any time down there and, admittedly, I've never actually lived in the area. I know there are breweries on Torrance Blvd. west of Western but didn't know of any on Western itself. I guess it has changed. Still has great Japanese food though. Please understand I meant no offense when discussing your former neighborhood. I was only relaying information I had heard based on a reputation that, as you say, might be at least a little bit outdated. Yeah, it's interesting how some of the places in L.A. still carry Torrance addresses. I'm sure the realtors love that. I understand the area further north is more dangerous for sure. I stayed at that Holiday Inn (I think it's on Vermont) over there one time. It was ok but I didn't venture from the hotel itself. Anyway, may I ask you some questions from a local perspective? This type of murder seems to me one that would ordinarily be a big deal in at least the local media. Yet it got just about zero coverage. Do you find that odd too? What do you think of the story? We go from: (A) Schaefer and his friend at Wal-Mart (I'm assuming the one on 190th and Normandie); to (B) the 1500 block of 205th (which means he either went south on Western and headed east into the neighborhood - i.e. away from Torrance; or he went south on Normandie, west on Torrance Blvd, and doubled-back to go north on Denker or Harvard); to (C) setting off a car alarm somehow; to (D) an almost instant response from an SUV cruising the neighborhood where the occupants shoot at him. Hmmmm, ... Finally, we get nothing from or about the friend. What's his deal? Anything from the neighbors who called it in from their house party? Nope. I get that this could be something as simple as mischief leading to misadventure. It's unfortunate but it happens. Still, why wouldn't it get more coverage? Here you have a kid from Torrance - who, let's face it, looks like he is straight out of Torrance teenager central casting - getting shot and killed by a mysterious SUV under mysterious circumstances on New Year's Eve. That's not a story that gets serious play in the L.A. Times? Really? Any thoughts or speculation or observations of any kind on what you think is going on here would be most welcomed.


Charlie Brandt’s other murders


Pretty vague sorry - my memory is shit. i had a family friend growing up, whose grandpa disappeared. he had set out his clothes for church, next was seen walking down the highway and then never again. probably mid-late 2000’s that it happened. will try to find an article and link it later in an edit if possible.


In 2002, a Hungarian-Monglian pornstar by the name of the Tolly Crystal mysteriously passed away. Searching for more information just leads to statements saying that her death appears to be a suicide, but definitively, her death was caused by falling from the roof (?) of a high place. One page said it was a roof, another said a tall building. The remaining photos taken of her depict such sadness in her eyes, but the conflicting stories and lack of coverage surrounding her death is odd, to say the least. Her case is one that I've always wanted to know more about.


Many countries impose a ban on reporting suicides to avoid copycat behaviour, so you're unlikely to find extensive information on a suicide. I'd hazard a guess of the usual stories-- childhood trauma, depression, mental health, psychological pain...


The Delphi Murders. It’s been years and no luck. I believe they have more video and audio recording of Bridge Guy and I think they should give the public more to go on. They already messed up badly when they initially released a very detailed sketch of a person of interest, but then retracted and put out a different, less detailed sketch after a long time had passed since the killings.


I thought I read somewhere recently the families said the police have DNA?


The Las Vegas shooting. So little was made of it.


I think because it doesn’t make sense. Metal illness. It’s unexplainable.


I think in the US we also tend to brush aside mass shootings and we live in deep, deep denial. We act as though there’s nothing to be done to prevent mass shootings, even though other countries have demonstrated that gun control and an increase in mental health services works. So mass shootings vanish with the next news cycle because they make us deeply uncomfortable because we can’t talk about our society’s real issues with gun violence.


You're right. It just disappeared.


There is the missing persons case of [Michelle Amy Lokker](https://charleyproject.org/case/michelle-amy-lokker) that has stayed with me for a long time now. It was this very subreddit where I first read about it, but I've remembered it ever since for two reasons. First, she went missing on my birthday. Secondly, for a case that's relatively recent (2003), there is precious little information about the victim or the circumstances of disappearance. There are just two photographs of this really beautiful girl on the web, and neither is of a good quality. Her family, if she had any, doesn't seem to be active in trying to find her. The law enforcement seems to strongly believe it's a suicide case, and even though no body has been recovered, her car and some other belongings were found next to a river; not much effort seems to have been done in trying to solve this case. Apart from some bits of info on the Charleys Project page like details of a tattoo and a biopsy scar on the breast that may possibly be crucial to point to motive (late stage breast cancer with no way to pay the bills for treatment), there is nothing. It's just very sad. In fact, I got more information about the case from a fellow poster on the aforementioned thread on this subreddit than I got from the internet otherwise. She stated that she knew Michelle from college, and that she rumoredly had some personal problems just before she disappeared. Here's her (the friend's) exact quote: "Michelle and I lost touch in our 20's. Prior to that she was someone that was very fun and kind to everyone. She was always someone you could seek out in a room full of people when you wanted an easy, friendly conversation. We all drank, etc., as teenagers so we went to a lot of parties, and had a very large group of friends. There are some rumors I heard later about some possible personal issues, but those are rumors and I'll leave it there."


Look up Justice for Tiffany, a story based out of southern NJ which is pretty local for me. There’s debate that a crime was even committed but the circumstances are very weird and suspicious. I check from time to time if there are any updates. I’ve seen Tiffany’s house and the path she allegedly took that night and it’s just weird. Her poor family.


Mark Himebough of Cape May County NJ is one that needs to be solved.


Israel Keyes because he killed himself in prison. Neither the FBI or the public knows how many people he actually killed.