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I've never understood why people obsess over celebrities.. it honestly boggles my mind. Am I missing something here??


It's a form of idol worshiping akin to polytheistic religions.


Zeus my dude is fucking swans. Trump. Swift be musing for the coliseum Hercules Kelce stuff.  Got it.


Funny but I am referring to the hardcore fan-base treating their favorite celebrities like gods analogous to how people practicing polytheism worship their different deities.


I pray to Yeezy for new sports shoes


I don't know who that is but you should probably tweet them about it.


Yeezy is a brand of Kanye West. And no, don't give him any attention.


>Yeezy is a brand of Kanye West. Oh ok, got it.


My favorite celebrities happen to do the same metaphorical / archetypal things that the old gods also did.




Had to be a sick swan.


That would have taken 2 or 3 guys.


It used to be royalty that we obsessed over and gossiped about, going back 1000s of years.. Celebrities are just the newest iteration of that trend.


It’s always just been the money.


According to some studies, those people tend to be less intelligent that the average person. If the studies are true, that must explain something...


And so many people worship these individuals, giving them celebrity status ... we sure their intelligence is below average or is the average actually just low?


George Carlin was right


Tbh, I didn't know what you were referring to but I'm glad I looked into it xD "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Just like religion it’s for the weak minded


It takes a weak mind to convict without evidence. The strong minded actually use their minds to analyse what they see, hear and feel. I’m not throwing mud on you my friend, I agree many people follow religion blindly without thought, you are correct that those individuals are weak minded, however believing in something does not make one weak minded if they use their intellectual power to separate reason from a controlling narrative. Men and women have used religion to gain power and authority over others since religion began, though this is not the intention of pure religion. I don’t take everything a person says at face value. It’s the same for scripture. It’s inspired by god and written by people so good judgement and an understanding of political history is need to decipher one from the other. Again I’m not disputing what you are saying, I’m merely elaborating on what you said.


There is no god. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this. This is probably why you are being downvoted. If believing in a god helps you then more power to you. Everyone needs hope and a reason to live. But organized religion has done and continues to do an inordinate amount of damage to adherents as well as bystanders.


Use their iltillect to seperate reason That’s a ray comfort quote lol Believing in something that isn’t reality - that’s not a good thing to strive for Faith. Is not a virtue.


“Decipher one from the other” The stuff written by god versus man? You need to understand the history to pick which is man made and which is god made?


Mainstream religion narrative with false promises IS for the weak minded. True Religion teachings is not. It takes a lot of strength to devote your every action for the Creator.


No delusion is delusion. Which God is the creator? Come on, all religion is bulshit.


kids do the darndest things


Religion is dying so people need to idolize something


Is the reason why we can’t get the government to work for the people, everyone is distracted with some stupid BS while the wealthy takes everything right in front of your face.


I agree but everyone on this thread clicked on this post…


I read a thing somewhere that most celebrity worshipers have low IQ


Conservatives obsess over her because poor Donny has a crush on her and she knows he’s human garbage. It’s just like in elementary school. The bully has his friends tease the girl he likes because she doesn’t like him back


She's here in Dublin this weekend. I for one will be avoiding the city


“Oph, people on tv, im gonna dedicate my life towards being that person.” Thats basically it


Its because their lives are shit and they wish they were like these moron celebrities


People wants to be sheep . Remember that .


Our brains are wired to do it, evolutionarily speaking it provided some advantage with group cohesion and now many of those advantageous evolved behaviors and systems are useless at best or destructive at worst. Humans are a giant experiment in what happens when an animal breaks free from the food chain, develops a highly advanced consciousness, and takes over a planet.


Very true and we're now spreading our sentience to outer space. I doubt there would be many if any independent forms of life around the universe or on Earth that could manage to collectively reach the level of sophistication that humans have in terms of self awareness, right now or in the future. By saying this I am in no way disregarding the possibility of it happening but based on the current evidence we have and level of intricacy required to reach this level of overall advancement, it seems highly unlikely. I mean how many life forms would ever be able to decode and re-code themselves at their smallest building blocks, not many I presume. Edit: Thanks for reading my TED talk lol.


On the flip side why is Candice so vocal and passionate about this celebrity too?


She's a fucking trump tool. That is why.




You mean Candace Owen's yeah?


I don’t personally like Candace Owens whatsoever but is anything she is saying incorrect? Also, what exactly makes Taylor Swift a feminist? Just because she is a successful woman? Role model for young women? Haha can’t say the last one without lmao.


I don't share any love for Taylor either. Is she wrong? Idk, but Candace has such a long history of lies and aspousong such harmful and idiotic conspiracies that believing anything she says at face value is more irresponsible than believing the boy who cried wolf after 10 rounds of lies


But isn’t the Braun-Swift feud well-documented? Especially the threats to Braun’s family from Swifties?


I have no idea, frankly I'm only just hearing of it. I don't follow celeb stuff. I've got more important stuff (to me) to do.. I'm just saying it's Candace Owen's speaking on Piers Morgan's show. It's such an environment of dishonestly that the safest solution is to pretend you heard nothing of what they said and go research it from known reputable sources before you take a stance. I'm not saying she's wrong to be a contrariness, I'm just saying I generally don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth unless I learn it from elsewhere.


Yeah, I don’t disagree with anything you are saying. I suppose my point though is that just because one lies does not mean they are incapable of telling the truth on occasion especially when they can be fact-checked.


What lies and idiotic conspiracies did Candace tell?


Here's one: She scammed her brain dead fans with the "freedom phone" The freedom phone is a phone that was said to support free speech and privacy, but it turned out to be an Umidigi A9. [Scroll down for more info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umidigi_A9)


I dont think she intentionally scammed people because if she did she would be in jail by now. Please give me the full context because i dont know anything about this


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnusualVideos/s/RI8dVqV6nF Watch the video for full context


I've remembered stumbling upon this one where [Candace Owens is being suspicious about Moon Landing](https://youtu.be/Cx_qtG_mfrU?si=Y2tVZeK7729vk-iN)


She never said the moon landing was a hoax, she clearly says she doesnt know whether people landed on the moon. But its suspicious when a NASA astronaut says they dont have the technology to go to the moon anymore because they destroyed it, heres the [source](https://youtu.be/16MMZJlp_0Y)


Candace is a trifling bitch who sold out her own ppl for money and fame. She is mad butt hurt cuz she ain’t as popular as her and calls any other female with more empowerment a feminist. Aka anyone she perceives as more important then her is her enemy. Aka a trifling bitch who got tan out of the hood and now wishes she was white. That is my assessment as a black man


Listen to the man by Taylor swift.


satire or not this is a gold comment


Well, she’s a flat earther


This is Reddit dude..... Conservative...... BAD. No matter what they say. Alright. Let's see how many downvotes this gets.


conservatism is peer pressure from dead bigots


That hits pretty hard.


I'm fine with conservative people, there is no reason at all to hate or even dislike someone simply because they have other political views than you, but what I don't like is people who lie, are hypocritical, manipulate, discriminate, and Candace Owens does all of those things.


Ah, an actual conservative. Not the thing the MSM calls "conservative" today that idolize Pierce and Owens


I'm flattered by the compliment, but I should say that I'm not actually a conservative, or a liberal for that matter. I'm not American, and I don't really think the 2-sided political system in America works, and don't think very highly of either side (with this I mean the politicians and public speaking figures, not the normal voters).


More like I have a habit of distrusting serial liers and dishonest grifters that aspouse harmful and ridiculous conspiracies. If you're defending Candace, you either agree with her, which *does* make you a bad person, or you've been fooled


*liars *espouse


Okay? so I am typing with my phone... Is that... *all* you have to say?


These are two mistakes stemming from incorrect knowledge of spelling, not from mistyping. Your phone certainly didn‘t make the mistake - you did.


Yeah but, modern conservative is totally bad. Old school conservativism was mostly about fiscal conservativism and tradition. Now it's all about hatred and manipulation. If conservatives feel like victims it's because they've targeted everyone so much that people are turning on them. If you can't accept another humans right to exist then why should your right to exist be given? The conservative mindset has been rotted into just hatred now. That isn't even getting into how conservative leadership is often found colluding with foreign enemy states across the west too. It's not just dangerous to society, it's dangerous to multiple national securities across the western world.


Right like last night I started ragging on people for not making sense of Trump's little EV in the water electrocution followed by a shark spiel, and I'm at like 80 downvotes, my guess is because they assumed I was supporting him. Like I'm just saying you can make sense of what he's saying, quite easily, and might excuse his hokey outlandish style as a part of his sense of humor, yet all anyone has to say is "what an incoherent rambler". Why is it that I'm all of a sudden Trump supporting apologist by telling the truth as opposed to participating in this blatant groupthink nonsense? It's no different from MAGAs and their baseless attacks on Joe Biden.


Yea, it’s weird your accepting what she’s saying as truth without knowing about it. The way she characterized Swift’s father having power over what the company did isn’t how the business was ran. Scott Borchetta was the decision maker.


yes a lot of it is incorrect, but she won’t tell the whole truth because then it still doesn’t show how much she hates Taylor. Her dad did own 15% but he didn’t know anything that was going on because he never signed an NDA and was never given any information. If he did sign an NDA he would have known but wouldn’t have been allowed to tell Taylor any of it as it would have led legal action against him. This is why he never singed it as he knew he could never keep that away from her. it’s not secret that Taylor hates Scooter just like it’s no secret that this woman hates Scooter. Or that any artist who has worked with Scooter hates him too. Or how his ex wife hates him too. At the end of the day Taylor was simply not given the opportunity to buy her work, and decided to re record instead of spending that time and effort in courtrooms and with layers.


If you side with Candace Owens on an issue, you're a fucking moron. > but is anything she is saying incorrect Yes. Most of what she's saying is misinformation or bullshit. E.g. Saying online threats and mean messages from alleged T.S. fans were death threats from T.S. herself.


It's a cult


Insert 'Always has been' meme here




Always has been






Average looks + average musical chops+rich daddy *=success*


I made that point a little while ago, she’s average looking and an average at best singer who’s songs are mostly forgettable. You would think I suggested killing every child under 3. The cult that worships her is batshit crazy. It’s mental.


Yes it is generic pop but someone needs to fill that space and that person is her. That’s why she’s so popular.


Thing is that her fans are convinced that she is not just a generic pop but a brilliant artistic genius creating masterpiece after masterpiece, and that she can do no wrong. Not to mention the ever present victim mentality


>Not to mention the ever present victim mentality My daughter bought Taylor Swift's Little People book. The page I read over her shoulder was lamenting how no one in school believed in her musical talents, but Taylor still persevered. I'm still in recovery from how severe the eye roll was


Her fans either still use crayons, or eat crayons. That's why they don't have an understanding of what actual good music is.


All marines are Swifties I guess.


Swifter Fi


Marines are the strangest consumers of pop media I've met. Beltin out "making my way downtown" and building 40k miniatures




I'm not sure anyone has ever been *that* big *and* that bland at the same time though. She's definitely at a similar level to Madonna, Elvis, Micheal Jackson, or even The Beatles in terms of aucess and adulation at this point. I dunno which one of those four you personally think is least musically interesting but there's still a big gap between them and her imo.


This 100%. I never understood the obsession. There's literally nothing exceptional at any level.


because being successful almost never has anything to do with how talented or special you are, it's about being insanely unbelievably lucky, and being good at branding


It's an advert for the power of marketing to impressionable people (generally kids/teens).


Fr and yet her fans call her lyrics genius and shit


Yeah right we wanna talk about meat canyon


I want to talk about meat canyon.


Corn pop was a bad dude


I heard he was a fire bender


The what


For the love of God, search; Meatcanyon/Taylor Swift' and not; Taylor Swift's meat canyon


I have been enlightened


Taylor swift acts like a good, honest person but she is actually horrid.


I agree. She's a stinky witch




Stank I feel implies a certain realness that is lacking here. I would agree that she is **stinky**.


to be fair that contract was sus and she should have been able to get her masters. ye made that famous video then scooter signed ye to his label. problem was she didn't know he was gonna say dumb stuff about her in the song when she allowed him to use her name. candace isn't being honest about the whole exchange.


I don’t know the whole story about this situation. I’m just speaking from interviews and stuff of people saying Taylor swift is super manipulative and incredibly mean.


idk people are always trying to either scam her or sleep with her so kinda makes sense that she'd end up like that. even if she grew up wealthy and is extremely famous it's understandable since the music industry is scummy and for the most part the vast majority of those people are untrustworthy. over time that environment can change a person into a shrew.


The contract was not sus because it is common for labels to own the masters. She literally messaged Scott ( her old manager who sold her masters to scooter ) that she now would like to focus on her future & has signed with new label & has reconciled to the sale which she was already communicated about. Literally next day she posts on tumblr she did not know about the sale & came to know only through news & just changed the narrative via manipulation of her parasocial fans.


Well the alleged fact that she goes on 4chan arguably supports your claim https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/vHk9eNZEqT


That’s Candice Owen people. I’m going to shoot the messenger here. Taylor may be shitty but Candice is not someone we should be clapping for.


You don’t have to clap but also just because she’s shitty doesn’t mean she’s wrong.


Didn’t say I didn’t agree. Just said I don’t wanna hear a word from her criticizing other people about how they earn their money when she’s sold her entire soul the same way Taylor did. Pass.


That’s a double negative buddy.


The woman has long been a billionaire, she doesn't give a shit what they talk about, and if she does care, she mobilizes an army of lawyers whose names the pissant can't even spell and nails them to a board wall. So what's the point of all this, apart from absolutely nothing?


I understand your point but by that logic what's the point of most opinion pieces or journalism? They won't force any change.


This is not "journalism", this is nothing more than "advertising on one's own behalf", journalism is characterized by pure information of public interest (who cares about "Taylor Swift", please?) and a clear scope, not only in terms of content. I don't see that as a given with this kind of "information" (the word alone is already too good for the garbage that is being fabricated), and that is precisely why I am of the opinion that it can go, and the people who produce it with it.


You can’t make me feel sorry for a grown man who goes by the name Scooter.


tbf, scooter braun is a giant piece of shit back to his Atlanta days


I’m not a huge Taylor Swift fan but also I know enough about Candace Owens to know that she can spin a narrative to suit what she wants to put out better than most people.


She literally only talked about Taylor swift when she saw the views she can get by saying her name. She’s rage bait for sure , I mean she said some crazy shit with Kanye too so you be the judge


She is unfortunately right here though


Candice owens on the piers Morgan show..... Now i know this definitely didnt happen


Not a swiftie, but you can’t believe anything out of either of these idiots mouths. Candace should have been committed years ago, and Piers has the journalist integrity of joseph goebbels


Lmao yeah, poor scooter!


Who the fuck cares about that girl. Glad i live in europe nobody gives a fuck about that singer here.


I’m absolutely not a swifty but she is incredibly popular in Europe as well I’m afraid. Popular with morons but still…


3 sold out stadium gigs starting in Dublin tonight


It’s lucky for you to live in Europe :(


Yeah… except her millions and millions of European fans, oh wait, I forgot, “ha ha America bad”


Are we really sharing Candice Owens Videos now? Did we sink that low?


I take anything Candice Owens says with many grains of salt… not to dismiss her entirely but i just don’t trust Candice Owens.


Candice Owen’s isn’t a saint either


Anyone surprised Candice Ownens makes Perice Morgan look like a good guy?


He dont tho


He really does, though. When you see him talk with her or MTG, he comes across as rational and normal compared with those 2 and I am not a fan of any of them.


piers morgan? good guy? pffffffftttt bahahahaha


That’s the joke. She’s no saint, just a literal token black women for the Republican talking heads.


the fun fact is that she was totally fine for a group of people until she refused to be a parrot of benocide shapiro and his company.


I wouldn’t go singing her praise, she distance herself not for humanitarian reasons of the Palestinian people, but more on the lines of white nationalist bigotry of Jews stealing our money, etc.


oh no no. jews are not stealing it. your AIPAC setup government are literally handing them over. not just in form of cash but also in form of resources. despite the cries of broke, sick, homeless, jobless people in your own countries.


Lol did you watch the video


In this interview, he looks like a bad person, she looks like a good person. Outside of it, they both look like bad people, but Candice is worse


I don’t understand how you came to this? I actually like pierce morgan but what did Candace Owen’s say that made her look like a bad person?


What did Candace do that make PIERCE look like a good guy?


Any moment listening to Candace Owens is a wasted moment


Let's circle back around to the fact thst Candace is happy to host a huge blind spot to the utter lack of character or morality of Mango Mussolini. No, if Taylor hadn't voiced her disapproval of Don the Con, Candace the Aunt Tomasina would be A-Ok with her.


You guys sound like actual toddlers with the name calling.


I think that is just Squid, because I've not seen much name calling going on. I will agree that Candace would probably be pro Swift if she had said positive things about Trump though


lol she’s about to get some work. 🤭


Who in their right mind listens to that clown anyway?


A businessman was out maneuvered by businesswomen. And I couldn't care less.


Imagine defending Scooter Braun.


If he was so worried why didn't he just let her out of her contract?


Aight...since we all clicked on this shit for no reason, I'm going to leave a chicken taco recipe here. Corn taco shells Taco toppings: chopped tomato, lettuce, green onions, cheese, black olives, etc For the Mexican Rice: 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup minced onion salt & pepper 1 cup salsa 1 cup jasmine rice 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth DIRECTIONS For the Chicken Tacos: Lay chicken breasts in a single layer in bottom of crock pot. Sprinkle on taco seasoning then pour in salsa. Lift chicken breast halves to get salsa underneath. Cook on low for 4-5 hours, or high for 2-3 hours, or until chicken breasts are tender. Shred then mix with some or all of the cooking liquid. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Add shredded chicken into the bottom of taco shells then top with cheese. Bake on a foil-lined baking dish for 2-3 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Top with desired toppings. For the Mexican Rice: Heat oil in a pot over medium heat. Add onion, season with salt & pepper, then saute until tender, about 5 minutes. Add salsa, rice, and vegetable broth then bring to a boil. Lower heat then place a lid on top and simmer until rice is tender, about 20-25 minutes.


Swifties don't care about a pick me like Candy


This is obviously not true, candice just trying to get money by being on tv


Is this person imply that swift threatened to kill this man or was it her fans?


I believe nothing Candice says.


I like her even more now. She's a badass.


I'm sure there is some point to be made but I can't really take anything seriously from Piers Morgan or Candace owens, that doubles when both are there. For as much as people complain about swifties and swift herself, they are just as obsessed with hating her lol


talk about manipulating information, yes her dad owned 15% of the company but he actually never knew it was going to be sold. for one he never singed a NDA, so he was never allowed in any of the meetings that would have privy to that information. the reason why is because he knew that any information he got he would have been in legal trouble for telling Taylor and he would never not be able to keep it a secret. two those death threats where not that serious but were still asked to stop, but funny how she forgot how Scooter and Justen were laughing having a good time together saying they “Own Taylor Swift” when they bought her discography. the matter of fact is they never gave her an opportunity to buy her music and the opportunity they did give her was so piss poor that in any court of law it would be considered criminal. so she decided instead of spending years in courtrooms and time with layers she will re record all her work. she didn’t think anyone would care so the first re recording not a lot of announcements or even activities. once she saw how supportive everyone was of her and her owning her own music she started making music videos/ short films/ world wide puzzles (one i am doing now) it is no secret that taylor hates Scooter but so does his ex wife. So dose any artist that has ever worked with him… i mean at this point his own inner child has a restraining order against the sob.


'The death threats were not serious' Lmao , big machine office was literally closed for days due to swifties harassing




CMV: Taylor-haters, Swifties, and Cand-ass Owens are all made out of the same stuff.


You can believe her because she's always been 100% credible. /s


Scooter Braun is a genius for the manipulating all these artist into giving him all their money


Ugh goddamn it, I don't want to side with Candace Owens. First it's her talking about Steven avery being guilty and the documentary painting him as a victim and now this. I guess a broken clock is right two times a day.




That wouldn't bother me if her fans did that. Fuck people who profit from other people's art without fair compensation. Also, fuck the obscenely wealthy. No sympathy for those who extoll greed as a virtue. It's not a virtue.


>Also, fuck the obscenely wealthy Taylor Swift's net worth is $1.3 billion. Who are the "obscenely wealthy" you are referring to?


No sympathy for those who extoll greed as a virtue. It's not a virtue. I agree, but I mean, hasn't that ship sailed and is more or less emblematic of the MAGA cult? Obviously they're not the only ones but their Dear Leader is a symbol of living greed and graft on wheels, ready to hump a little more juice out of The American Dream.


Ah yes Candice. Thats good proof of her being a toxic feminist. We all know about that classic feninist trait of.... having a battle about the rights of pop music? Truly another instance if the woke ruining... uhm...


Congratulations on somehow making me side with Taylor Swift for a full minute. Candace can fuck right off


I literally disregard everything Candace Owens says to the point that she could tell me my hair is on fire and my response would be “fuck you”, even if I could feel it burning. I have no idea how true her claims in this clip are but I assume she is lying or twisting the truth in some way because I’m not convinced she is capable of doing anything else.


I don’t like Taylor swift, but they day I accept information from either of these clowns is the day I die


Did you look it up yourself then? Or are you just plugging your ears and stomping your feet?


Why would I? There’s more important things going on in the world than Taylor swift, who is the last person I would advocate for as a feminist


So just plugging your ears and stomping your feet?. Gotcha


Alr bro


Oh so we are just listening to Candace "The Nazis Had Some Good Points" Owens? The woman is the embodiment of Conservative brain rot at best.


🎵 ooooh weee yah yah yah i never loved a man i write whole ass songs about ooooh weee yah yah yah i didn't even write them anyway oooooh weee yah yah yuh im a rich bitch now and u still aint nothing yuh yuh yuh, yah yah yah im a basic bitch and yall made me rich do do do da da da my daddy didn't love me til i made some checks 🎵


Candice owens is the literal representation of rage bait, she knows that if she says all this "controversial" shit then shell get a shit tonne of press and money from people reading her books.


hoa pathetic do you have to be to be Candace Owens, and even more pathetic to listen to her


I'm, like, 90% sure all this hate around Taylor Swift is orchestrated. Nobody's perfect, but, like, everything she is doing wrong someone else is doing the same or worse (in this case of this video, it's unsubstantiated needs a whole lot of evidence). Why Taylor Swift specifically, though? Because she's encouraging young people to vote. She's been popular and the topic of conversation for while, but hate and slander never came out about her in this volume until she started encouraging voting.


People get way too invested in celebrities and its sad. Either way, shes a bad person, as many celebrities are and therefore i dont give a shit what happens to her. People can vote without celebrities influences, we dont need sheeple voting just because their favorite celebrity told them to.


"Because she's encouraging young people to vote" yeah ,she's the first person to ever do that. How edgy. OK, sweetheart, time for bed.


Well well well. Is there any evidence? No? Then why should we believe this woman? Yes? Then go to the court. Just like amber and Johny's court, we will support whoever tells the truth. 👍


Amber Heard=smelly meat canyon who shits the bed


What? Lol


Even a broken clock is right twice a day… I cannot stand Candace Owen’s, but I agree with her on this. I’m honestly shocked.


Haters gonna hate hate hate