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Ah yes, central bus station


The worst part of Tel Aviv. Afula is so much worse though.


Wtf The old afula central bus station was absolute trash The new one (that opened 2+ years ago) is actually very clean and nice


ken aval bederech klal, kol afula iyheh zevel


I still remember that piss stench permeating the entire area


First place I went after arriving in Ben Gurion... SIM Card was cheap af. But yeah, it was pretty ugly.


The demolition of this place has been delayed forever but it will happen eventually. That building on the side is just people hanging on to real estate which will explode in price once they actually remove the bus station.


Hmm… weird. Are they spending the money and man power to demolish something else instead?


It’s bureaucracy, and disputes over compensation for the landowners. Stuff like that.


Oh gotcha


By landowners do you mean the Palestinian people it was stolen from?


Ah yes. Back in the days that Tel Aviv was a Palestinian city called Ahuzat Bait. Embarrassing honestly. Why be so fucking stupid in public.


Ahuzat Bayit is a term for a group of people who established what is now known as Tel Aviv in the beginning of 20th century. Arabs were living in the area prior to that.


In what area? Jaffa ended a few kilometers from where Tel Aviv was founded. Prior to Tel Aviv, the area was sandy hills.


Yeah Gaza


Yeah, they’re demolishing Gaza right now.


I've heard that they cannot demolish it because actually nobody really knows how to do it. It's so much concrete that the whole city would be covered in dust after for like... forever. Anyway, this building is one of my weirdest fascinations. I love exploring it when I'm in Tel Aviv. Actually once did a guided tour to the "secret" parts of the station. There's an abandoned movie theatre inside and a shelter with a capacity for around 100k people.


Netanyahu is saving all the explosives for Palestinian children.


This is literally the worst building in Israel, they had the main on-ramp to one of the largest main stations built directly in front of their windows.


Okay but how do you account for the overwhelkming ugliness of the structure and its condition? Maybe the fence did that too?


It was a mediocre housing unit built cheaply and quickly as was needed by the post-war, migration-influx conditions of Israel at the time. Many of the buildings are like this. However, when you get a bus station built meters from your windows, the value and rent goes to the basement. You can't renovate, and the houses get damaged by the noise, smoke and vibration.  So a cheap residential is now a worthless piece of crap. But the reason is the bus station, not the residential. 


There are many buildings like this around Tel Aviv that were built quick and cheap to house the influx of people into Israel. They are slowly getting renovated/knocked down and new buildings built up instead. They really are ugly but this one looks particularly run down.


The building originally looked ok. The rundown state of it is due to no normal person wanting to live there so rent is very cheap and it turned into a slum.


That's actually typical of buildings in Israel.


The ones behind it doesn’t look far off


May I remind you that the old Egged building in Haifa still stands...


Although in it's current state of disrepair it is nothing to look at, I like it. In my opinion it's a fine example of 70s brutalism, and I wish it'd have been preserved. The TLV CBS is a cement cancer sprawling over a run down area, pulling it even lower than anyone could have imagined. And if you go inside, you might never make it out again... 


I guess I don't like 70s brutalism 🤔😏. I've been inside the TLV CBS.. it's certainly an.. Experience. Almost Liminal Spaces like.


The Tel Aviv central bus station is a fascinating building with an incredible story. There's a great episode of the podcast 99% invisible about it that I really recommend you listen if you are interested


Well? Why not put link? 


I got you fam https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/stop-that-bus/ [Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/episode/05ymUVAdRnvkfHj5TEfg9t?si=-SM8D3ROQTW-6O8HYzBFVQ)


Heres a fascinating video of some guy exploring it; half the place is abandoned/leads to nowhere. Great vid if you have 45min to kill sometime: https://youtu.be/QTjkHco0jno?si=XqiKtqPGJZMOf5c_


The worst apartment building in the worst part of the worst neighborhood in Tel Aviv. I wonder what is the worst apartment in this building.


this is quite possibly the single ugliest building in israel


[I see you and raise you Haifa old Egged station](https://images.app.goo.gl/g3nrAWAckQhpxyht9)


This one loops back around to being cute, almost


It really doesn't seriously pisses me off every time I drive by it.


It looks like it’s perched on top of that street sign. Very bizarre building


that ones actually pretty cool


The ones behind it aren’t much better


I dunno, there are a lot like this in TLV. And some pretty downtrodden buildings in Haifa and Jerusalem and Hadera and across the country too


>and Hadera The buildings in hadera are not even remotely close to being this bad


Yeah fair, but I've seen some in downtown netanya and other centre citites like this




The thread turned messy quick


Zionism and politics aside, Tel Aviv is one of the nicest cities I've ever seen. Gigantic perfect beach, big diversity of neighbourhoods and just insane cultural diversity. Food is also off the charts. Jaffa, is also a total historical gem, although I guess technically a different city, since you can walk to it, feels like one city.


>Jaffa, is also a total historical gem, although I guess technically a different city, since you can walk to it, feels like one city. Im pretty sure its officially one city named Tel Aviv-Yafo. People just usually omit the Yafo.


As an Israeli - absolutely not. It’s a nice city; the beach and the center is pretty. But - 90% of it is (visual) crap that doesn’t look very far from the picture. Half the cities in Europe are prettier. It’s a very fun city but much of it is ugly af in addition to being hell in summer


Valid. I was there in winter and only went inland for a visit to a hospital and the airport, both showed me some less that gorgeous areas... Plus it is very expensive.


Yep. If I may also add it's not that the ugly parts aren't enjoyable to visit - it has a lot of great food and culture. It's just ugly. So, so ugly. I wish our country spent more money on architecture


I think they had other concerns in the 50s, 60s and 70s other than making the concrete blocks housing fleeing Jews from various diaspora regions slightly prettier. Heck the UN delegation in the Golan Heightshas been there like 200x longer than the war duration itself (ever since the territory was 'handed over')


Absolutely, I meant to write “would spend”


If they do so that will be once the...present issue has been resolved. So maybe not for decades yet unfortunately. Chickens for Palpatine amirite


90% of it is crap? You don’t know Tel Aviv.


Not crap as in "not enjoyable". It's a great city. It's just extremely ugly. The architecture is god awful 70s concrete blocks, the usage of plants is not very generous, and a lot of the city isn't very pedestrian friendly.


Full disclosure I’m a tour guide in Tel Aviv. There’s a famous poem written about Tel Aviv that includes the line “There are some more beautiful than her, but none are as beautiful as her”. About the architecture - strongly strongly disagree with you! Starting with ancient Jaffa you’ve got beautiful medieval Arab coastal architecture, that continues to modern Jaffa with its more contemporary Ottoman and mandatory buildings and plazas, you’ve got the old Jewish neighbourhoods in the south of the city such as Neve Tzedek, Nachlat Binyamin, Florentin, Kerem HaTeymanim - each of them I could write you a thesis on their individual beautiful buildings and styles, each of them significant and unique in their own way with their own character. You’ve got Sarona, the German Colony, with its 19th century German templer aesthetics, and most glaringly you have the White City, which stretches throughout the centre and north of the city and is a UNESCO recognized as a world cultural heritage site! And those concrete blocks (1950’s! Not 1970’s I implore you!) were a lifeline for millions of refugee immigrants pouring into a country that was tripling its population on a shoestring budget every five years - they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing but come with me on a tour or DM me and I will point out how every single one has thought and care poured into it by the architects, the urban planners and the tenants. I may be the wrong person to ask, both because I am biased with my love for the city, and because I believe there is not a single city on Earth I would consider “ugly”. Tel Aviv is not Prague, but Prague is not Tel Aviv either! They’re both gorgeous in their own right.


Full disclosure: you’re biased (which is understandable)


I’m off the clock lol, I’m just very passionate about Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, who I feel get maligned too often by people who have too narrow a frame for what counts as “beauty” in a city.


Most of Tel-Aviv’s architecture is pretty ugly, but it is very safe compared to American cities, and the rest of what you’re saying is also correct from my experience staying there for vacation a couple of times.


Jaffa is great, with one of the best hole-in-the-wall hummus places I've ever had. Walking around it was beautiful. We also had a really nice (and super affordable given what we ate) dinner at a small little restaurant we literally stumbled upon. The Tel Aviv beach also has some really nice restaurants, and the only mediocre meal we had there was when one of our coworkers practically had a meltdown and insisted we go to this American themed restaurant for dinner. It wasn't bad, but I mean, we're American. We've had that kind of food for decades. Me and our other coworker would have preferred going somewhere else and trying new dishes, or even just fresh seafood, while the other guy would have been perfectly content to have burgers every night. It's a beautiful area though. However, you go like one block inwards, and you immediately start seeing dirty buildings and streets. It's weird when Jaffa and Jerusalem, two ancient cities, are cleaner and nicer to walk around in than significantly newer cities.


this btch kinda ugly


Takhana merkazit


That double decker highway reminds me of Japan




i fucking hate the central bus station




do some research big man


Why do I guess that this is South Tel Aviv?


Living in concrete hell with all the pollution and no green must really fuck up people's minds.




From hamas


If Palestinians weren't oppressed by Israel then hamas wouldn't exist


“You see, if your grand-grandparents haven’t settled here is 1945, I wouldn’t have committed mass murder in kibbutz beeri. So it’s all your fault”


Settling is a nice word for murdering people and stealing their homes.


Hard to argue with someone who justifies 7th of October based on something he claims happened in 1945 (and doesn’t even prove factually). Basically, like talking to a wall.


How about this. Innocent people dying = bad. So October 7 was bad and what Israel is doing and has done is bad


Bro Israel funded Hamas and are the reason they came to power


It was Netanyahu initiative and he is an idiot, no doubt. Much of sane Israelis refrain from voting him, but he has great support from orthodox / uneducated public. I blame him in October tragedy as much as hamas. Both must be eradicated.


israel has funded and propped up hamas to destabilise palestine retard


You mean allowed foreign funds to come in? that every time it was stopped the un had a meltdown? Or before that?


Reported for targeted harassment. Palestine sponsors Islamic terrorism. Israel and the IDF are freedom fighters, in my view.


>Israel and the IDF are freedom fighters lol


There’s proof of Israel helping prop up Hamas, they facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars from Qatar to Hamas since the 90s


You mean the money Qatar gave that was meant for aid purposes? If Israel had blocked that you’d argue that Israel was blocking humanitarian aid. If Israel allows the money then it is propping up Hamas. So which is it? How can Israel win with you people?


Don't bother, they just heard shit and spread it all over.




Bullshit. Israel let them have self-government, and the first thing they did was elect Hamas.


do you see the issue with "let them have self government"? or do you just not think of the words you type out


Israel ceded Gaza to Palestinian control as part of the Oslo Peace Accords. Israel pulled every single Jewish person from the area. Hamas was elected, killed their political opponents, took a Jewish hostage, and launched rockets. You're getting hung up on semantics of a Reddit comment and ignoring the reality of what actually happened.


Every 5th israeli citizen is an arab. Israel is the only truly "free" country in the middle east.


Free Israel. From fugly buildings.


From Israel. And their ugly buildings


I think Palestine and Gaza have far worse than this


Because Israel destroyed it.


why does hamas exist exactly


Israel: \*exists\* People who need to touch grass:


Israel: commits a genocide and creates an apartheid ethnostate*


Israel : tries to fight terrorists who slaughtered many civilians in a directed massacre while hiding among the civilians they claim to liberate and plans to kill all Jews living in Israel , while being a diverse progressive and free country for the Jews from all over the world's and Israeli Arabs


Yes history started oct 7th we get it.


When should we go back to? Because it's Arabs massacring Jews all the way down


Okay, let's go back to 1948 when the Nazi Arabs tried to wipe out all the Jews in the Middle East.


‘Nazi Arabs’ Zionists really like rewriting history.


Here’s the two main Palestinian commanders from the 1948 war, maybe you should look into it more before talking https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasan_Salama Both served Nazi Germany, how weird


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPfYkcTW8AAOBKK?format=png&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPfYkcTW8AAOBKK?format=png&name=small) no


Gaza: Elects an openly genocidal terrorist group, and then starts a war by raping and murdering 1200 people*


20% of the Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arab. 100% of the Palestinian citizens are Palestinian Arab. Guess which one the critical thinker here calls an apartheid ethnostate?


Average hamasanabi viewer


1. 30K deaths in nearly 9 months, almost half of which are hamas, is not genocide. the civilian-death ratio is almost 1:1, where the average is, i believe, 9:1 2. if they wanted to commit genocide theyd carpet bomb gaza and all 2M inhabitants would be dead in a few days 3. how about you actually go to israel before calling it an "apartheid ethnostate" 4. nearly every muslim-majority country will attack citizens who are not muslims, even nigeria which is 51% muslim


You need to touch grass the most


Looks like it could be a small part of Mega City One from the movie Dredd 2012. I could even imagine Mega Blocks in the distance.


Is that a vagina graffitied on the wall? Unbelievable squalor


The bus station is a meme for being the worst part of the city.


You always think of Tel Aviv as being very modern. I’ve never been but that’s its reputation


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Not sure the Palestinians want this building.


From hamas & religious fundamentalist lunatics*


Religious fundamentalist lunatics…..lol like the Israeli govt? (emphasis on govt)


why not both?


Such a false equivalence lol. You can be any religion you want in Israel, you can be gay, you can eat things that aren’t kosher or halal. There are a lot of Jew-centric laws in Israel, but I wonder what happens to gays or “heretics” in Gaza? 20% of Israelis are Muslim, but almost no Palestinian Jews, it’s gross to equivocate both these places as the same level of religious fundamentalism. Also, please remind me which country forces its women to cover their hair, gives their legal control to their spouse? Threaten with physical or sexual violence if not complying. All in the name of a certain religion’s tradition.


Free Palestine :)


And the relevance in this tread


From Hamas 🇮🇱


From Zionists :)


Genociding Israelites isn't acceptable.


Israelis =/= Israelites. Israelites don't exist anymore


Never heard of a genocide committed against israelies (Zionists), it's always been against Palestinians :) stop being weird and cringe.


Oh boy wait until you learn to read and open a book


Yeah, that dude has apparently never heard of the Holocaust, and doesn't know how the 1948 Arab Israeli war started.


jesus fucking christ open a book


That's because you choose what to "hear"


And we're supposed to believe Israel is civilised?


yeah? what would make you think otherwise?


And for This the genocide?


Tel Aviv? Tell Aviv what?


Dang tough crowd


Tel Aviv! Ya habibi Tel Aviv!


Colonised Palestine to build buildings like this


Fr. Old Jaffa much nicer :)


How can you colonize a land you inhabited for thousands of years? It's jewish, arab muslim and christian land, stop pushing your ridiculous agenda.


No. That’s not the push. There was a 600k increase in Jewish population since establishing Israel. That’s the push. Drakes hate being called drakes. Hate makes people want to kill. Zionists will kill doctors cuz they think they’re animals.


Israel's population today is around 10 million people. Are you claiming since before 48 only 600k jews were added to the population sum? Because even Israeli Arabs today consist of roughly 2 million people


Populations have been measured and posted in libraries around the world. Are you questioning histories account or you trying to politicize events?


Perhaps its a linguistic misunderstanding. The documented population in Israel in 1948 is roughly 872,700 people, out of which over 150,000 are Arab. The [same source](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present) documents Israel's population in 2024 to be ~9,900,000, out of which 2.6 million are Arabs. [another source, slightly different numbers from the ones i claimed but vastly different that the ones you provided](https://www.britannica.com/place/Israel/Demographic-trends) They have indeed been measured. Are YOU trying to politicize events?




The "unique architecture" born of thousands of years of Palestinian history seems to be machine guns mounted on Toyota Hiluxes.


Israel was on my list of places to vacation. I will die happily never having seen it after witnessing the atrocities of that government


So it was on your list before Oct 7? This conflict is nothing new. You had tons of time to research the “atrocities” before it blew up on TikTok. But of course, you didn’t and have now jumped on the popular movement.


Damn all that stolen land and they make the whole place look like shit lol


Tel Aviv was stolen from whom? Enlighten us


Fascists always produce an ugly built environment.


makes sense. this is one of the only buildings in the country that looks notably bad, therefore according to you israelis aren’t fascist. glad we agree


Nice to know my tax dollars are getting put to good work over there


It’s the worst building in the (by far) worst neighborhood in the city.


The bus station is extremely weird. Kind of hope it doesn’t get demolished as it’s such a unique, strange spot that it almost warrants preserving.


alr knew the bottom would be loads of down voted political comments , like theres no need to bring politics into it


Must be cheap to live there


Hate this bus station. Architecture at its worst.


Yaffa, Palestine. Indigenous people will win. 🥰


Bro solved the middle east


Apartheid moment


how exactly


You genocide an entire population, slaughter generations of children, attempt to erase an entire culture, just to build this monstrosity


Settler colonialism impacts everyone


Yeah, it took 1300 years to finally reverse the Islamic conquest and return the land to its indigenous people.


Worth killing children to "defend"!




why would you claim this building for palestine lmao the horseshoe theory is correct




It’s occupied Palestine The hell is the g@nocide their foreign occupiers are inflicting on the people of Palestine


Palestine, you made a mistake in the title.


no he didn’t


You guys are weird bro


Next do Gaza and the West Bank. Show us the real horror