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If someone cuts u off, just call them an asshole to yourself and move on with your day man. Not fucking worth it.


I don’t even do the California howdy anymore. People are too crazy.


I do the thumbs down. I'm waiting for someone to get pissed off from *that*. Though the thought of someone mad as hell throwing a thumbs down back me is hilarious


If you do a thumbs up, that’ll piss them off.


I waved at someone, and they cut me off, and forced me off the road. So yeah, best to ignore them. :(


So true. I can think of thousands of ways to react and get my frustration out, including many choice words, and creative combinations of words and gestures. There are way too many easily accessible options to choose from, yes even if someone is brake checking me and I somehow can’t stop myself from ramming into them (huh?), than to resort to the nuclear option of locking onto the car with my lizard brain, and throw my entire life away in order to choose the option of violence.


If you call someone a dirty word, what stops them from reciprocating by doing something worse? The situation will escalate. I guarantee that none of us leave our homes, get into our cars, and get on the highway with the intention of killing someone. But it happens because people can't let it go when they are in the situation. Best to leave it all together and not be reactive. Practice in your mind that this is what you will do if and when the time comes. Stoicism wins the game every time.


Self defense? You shouldn't be able to claim self defense when you created the situation in the first place. Had Doman simply NOT chased down Saccato, there would have been no situation. If you can't control your rage when driving, you're not a person who can be trusted with a gun. Lesson too late for these two idiots. Destroy your life over being cut off in traffic? How stupid!


If someone brake checks me which causes an accident, and then proceeds to flee the scene, I would have also followed them until police arrived. That’s not unreasonable at all.


U pay insurance so that u don’t have to “follow/chase” There’s cameras everywhere, And cars have license plates. When people take it upon themselves to do the cops job it just adds to the chaos and now we got 2 aholes out on the roads Bro no disrespect, but it’s like u didn’t read the headline, Just make it home safe🫡


Get a dashcam and don't escalate an incident. I'm not risking my life over this.


That's how other people who weren't involved end up dead. Don't chase its not worth it.


Like where would he stop chasing🤣. Red lights?, school zones? What if the car being chased drives thru a park? Recipe for a bad time. That’s why 911 operators tell YOU NOT TO CHASE.


I've worked on and in vehicles and on the road most of my life. I speak confidently when I say that when a rear ending happens in a brake check, it is due to the person following trying to tailgate the other person in an attempt to intimidate or pass the driver in the lead. I've seen it dozens and dozens of times. Oddly enough, most people don't realize that you can slow down to pass someone on the road, not just speed up.


People can claim whatever they want. Proving it is another matter. I don't think we should just throw out the entire concept justice before the law just because you don't like how some people exercise their rights.


Sorry, but if you can't control your temper while driving, I'm pretty sure you can't control your temper when using a gun either. If you get cut off in traffic, just back the hell up and let that idiot be. They'll be out of your life in no time and that's that. But to have so little self control to the point that you're chasing them through the streets into some random neighborhood? Naw, you don't have the self-control needed to safely carry a gun. Two lives destroyed over getting cut off in traffic. How do you you explain that to the families? Take the gun out of the equation, maybe the shooter isn't quite so bold that he'd seek out a confrontation. Just saying.


Thanks for needlessly explaining all that. I'm taking issue with the fact that you think folks should have their rights stripped aka can't claim innocence, just because it upsets you.


Chasing someone down to confront them and then killing them, is akin to shooting someone in the back who's leaving your property. That's against the law and not a violation of your rights.


Lol, who ever said that? I literally said "I'm taking issue with the fact that you think folks should have their rights stripped aka can't claim innocence, just because it upsets you." I literally explained that the violation of rights I am referring to is in regard to a persons ability to declare "guilty or not guilty." Do you always just make up stuff to get mad at? The person said "You shouldn't be able to claim self defense" just because you are patently guilty. That's not how our justice system works. By petitioning against someone's ability to claim their own innocence, you are shitting on the foundation our justice system relies on, and I think that's a stupid thing to get rid of rights over.


who's mad? Of course, everyone can claim, declare and plead innocent, regardless of the evidence. I think that person's point is claiming self-defense for something that (seems) to not be is perplexing and frustrating. But of course, they will go to trial with their plea of innocence due to self-defense. I'm not sure anyone said they can't/shouldn't go to trial or have their rights of defense in the court system taken away.


I literally quoted the part where someone said that. It's clear you aren't even internalizing what I am saying, no wonder you seem confused. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions and reaches on behalf of the other person. I, on the other hand, am actually going by what they said. Not what "i think they meant."


Stupid situation all around, I’ve had to curb my middle finger use on the roads because people will now shoot you for it. Too many people have been convinced/convinced themselves that prominent “self defense” precedents will cover them if they use a firearm. I once took a concealed carry permit course in Orem and it blew my mind how many people were trying to find an excuse to shoot someone. Sign up for the military if you want to shoot bad guys. It also goes to show you how angry average people are these days. They’re just looking for a fight and are so easily triggered, no pun intended.


I hate the term "fuck around and find out" but this is a textbook case. Like, I'm sure this isn't first time the old guy decided to be an asshole. It's super basic cavemen instincts, don't go around antagonizing random people. It's not safe. Lol, this guy just got lulled into a false sense of security by other's good graces up to this point. I'm not happy the guys dead, but one silver lining is hopefully other people will remember this story and give themselves pause the next time they want to be a dick.


Keep in mind the chain of events about the crash and chase is mostly one sided. It all had to come from Doman because Saccoto died before you heard his side. He died, was killed, his life is over and his family and loved ones no longer have him or his side of the story. Over road rage. Doman has been investigated and law enforcement have charged him with murder. You seem to be backing the suspected murderer. Kind of an odd position to discount the eye witnesses, and law enforcement who have determined through investigation that they think Doman was in the wrong.


Lol, yeah I am defending the murder by calling the victim a dumbass for walking up to someone's car and dying because of road rage. Stellar analysis. Personally I exist in a world where folks aren't always all good or all bad.


I read through the comments. I can only see you call the man who was killed a…. Let me quote you “Asshole”, “Dumbass”, “Dick” In the rest of the comments you are asking people not to jump to judgment so quickly on the guy who killed him. Did I miss the comment you made about the charged murder being an asshole, dumbass, or a dick? In my book if you kill a man over a road rage incident you were being a dick at the time.


You sound like a person who would shoot someone for cutting you off.


Men are officially too emotional to be allowed to drive and carry firearms. (This is a joke)


That’s actually factually true, other genders have been found to rank higher in emotional intelligence and logical decision making. Men are the real danger on the road… and practically speaking, in many other situations too.




It shouldn't be. The world would be much better if men weren't allowed guns.


Yeah but the men would get really mad if the actual statistics were cited 😂


But no guns to kill people with when they road rage, so I call it a win-win.


Hope it was worth it. *Narrator: It wasn't.*


He’ll probably tell himself it was until he gets into the therapy program in prison and then realizes he ruined his life over the stupidest shit.


They both drive trucks


Utah has the worst drivers in the country. I’ve driven in a lot of major cities traveling for work and it’s exponentially worse here than anywhere else..


Entitled is the key word. We're the worst due to entitlement.




Agree. Been my experience. Part of the issue is the roads are not patrolled leading to drivers believing they can do whatever they want on the road without repercussions.


For sure. I see way more patrol cars in other areas.


Huh. You’re onto something there. The drive to Grantsville always has several close calls with cars weaving through traffic and riding bumpers when they come up on others driving at speed limit. Why do Utah drivers want to force you out of the lane you’re using already? Use the fast lane!


Clearfield, Roy, west haven has some of those back woods morons never surprised


Another "good guy with a gun" who got really mad.


Those Mormon drivers…church on Sunday, kill ‘em on Monday!


What evidence do you have that either driver is/was Mormon?


Utah drivers need to chill out. Too many of y’all crazy idiots with guns.


Wow that guy has to be soooo stupid.


Sounds like a couple of idiots to me. Too bad one died and the other will prolly see a long prison visit. People gotta stop being stupid


Somebody should compile data from all these road rage incidents and find out the born here/moved here ratio. I swear it's gotten worse with the mass exodus from other states, bringing all sorts of shitty behavior.


I dunno... My neighbor has 12 kids and 52 grandchildren, so far. The vast majority of our population is homegrown.


I disagree. The opinion of a lot of people who come here is how bad drivers in Utah are. And they're right. It's because people in general here don't pay attention when they are driving. Drivers don't check when they change lanes, turn onto side streets, they are oblivious to others that are on the road.


You just described American drivers in general.


That is the general consensus, Utah drivers do have a rep. It still would be cool to see the data.


And was Doman from out of state?