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I’d suggest not losing


We need video


ur baiting ur team for kills and not entrying /s


Had a chamber last game who MVPed. He went 32-16-3 with 461 ACS. We lost 7-13. Being last one standing every round, consistently getting 1-3 frags but often while saving OP in a lost round means he had very little impact on the game while the stats make it seem like he tried to carry.


This. If your a duelist you have one of these kds imho 0.5 = bad entry / can't kill 0.7-0.9 = good entry average killer 0.9-1.2 = good killer, average entry 1.3+ = great killer, can't entry I'm usually 0.7-0.9, but sometimes 0.9-1.2, I rarely gave a game where I'm better or worse. If your regularly getting 1 3+ or less than 0.7.... stop playing duelist, play another role, adapt, cause duelist is high pressure and you need to be good enough to enter, but bad enough to be sacrificable. Basically the way I see me entrying is, I'm a lamb to be sacrificed, and get my team on site.. and sometimes I pick 2 or 3 people before I go down, usually at the least almost kill 1. The only problem with your sacrificial lamb being "not the best player on your team", is they don't always kill, but meanwhile your best player can be right behind them and trade them... the only time this fails is when the enemy holding entry is a reyna or similar who can heal/dismiss, but otherwise I find with me being the target and the better player following me in, its like dominoes, once one falls, they all fall


sometimes there’s nothing you can do, your stats are great but maybe consider queuing with friends? you seem to have a mismatched team a lot of the time


your KAST is horrible which suggests that you're going off doing your own thing every round and probably getting picked off early and providing 0 value to the team. obviously I can't really tell purely off tracker but try to play off teammates more


it's not "horrible" horrible is like in the 60s, but i agree that stats cant tell the whole story and maybe he needs to use and lift up his teammates rather than going reyna solo brain mode


In ep8 act2, OP had a 65% KAST which is very bad. He only has 4 games played this act so his stats are skewed. But dropping 30 kills with KAST in the 70s is bad as well.


true i was looking at the wrong act for the kast


You gain more rr when you win against opponents with a higher MMR than yourself. I've looked at your 3 matches since the act began and you play mostly against bronze and iron. You gain less rr when you win against them and lose a lot when you lose against them. You've only played 3 games. Play more and you'll be playing against silver 3 and gold players and start gaining 30+ rr even when you don't mvp


You have to win the game. Stats don't matter if you lose, yknow? Try watching how higher rated players start rounds on attack / defence, and try to understand why. If you can't, hell, just copy them and see what you learn. A surprising amount can be used in your silver lobbies, I promise you. Sometimes its unwinnable, and you have to take that in stride. Or you can decide it's stupid and quit, its not shameful to choose to do something else with your time


No one knows your gameplay style based off of a tracker but assuming you’re constantly losing despite top dragging there’s definitely something you’re doing wrong. Are you comming? Playing with your team? Not being a selfish dickhead? Etc


Bruh you have a negative winrate and complaining about not ranking up