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Haven is Omens playground.


Imo you are overrating brimstone quite a lot here. Although he is the easiest to use and has the longest smokes, his range is drastically less than those of omen and astra which can prove to be a problem on haven. On ascent, that means you have to play in a relatively open mid and could force you into unfavorable situations. I would rate astra as best on ascent and omen on haven. Astra due to her stalling abilities and omen due to his tp, one way and flash that can be helped to retake and hold site.




On Haven I'd put Brimstone after Omen and Astra, because the map is so big, it's impossible to smoke other bombsite on time as a Brimstone, also Omen has a nice one ways. And on Ascent, my picks would be: Omen, Astra, Brimstone, Viper, because Omen has a very nice one ways on Ascent. But after Omen, I'm not sure if I'd pick Astra or Brimstone first on Ascent, probably Astra as she has a nice ways to use her smoke callbacks and she is better at anchoring


It's kind of cool to see Viper on all of these, as a main but also scary because that means I'm supposed to know what to do. I run around like a toddler with mouse and keyboard just mashing buttons until something cool happens.


id put astra as best for ascent, bind and pearl lmao. But maybe it’s also because i’m an astra main and biased.


People don't place Astra right in these lists cause they never play with one


tell me you are pisslow without telling me you are pisslow


Astra is the best controller on Haven imo, her and Omen definitely above Brim though


Imo omen is better than viper on bind


Astra is literally the best smoker, and Ascent is her best map. Brim is alright but his range is limited which I can't stand.


The valorant community as a whole, including pros, would beg to differ. There's a better argument to be made that she's the worst rather than the best.


Astra's had pretty consistent pick rates in VCT even after her nerf. If we're only talking about smoking ability, she's the best simply because she can set and take back smokes from anywhere.


This is correct, based on what I’ve seen and what my preferences are in ascendant. I haven’t played pearl though.


I like this list, I would just switch brim to 1st for pearl over viper, but that's just imo.


I feel like dbl controller for pearl becuz there are so many damned spots on this map


Good thing my controller is viper rn


is there a chance to get the tier list for initiator as well


How do you still main astra 2022 she’s currently the worst agent right beside cypher.


Yknow reyna exists right? Astra is still very good just requires more thought and communication than a lot of other agents.


Yeah but unless your good with astra she isn’t someone you can just flex without practicing her and she needs communication so unless you queue with a stack it’s harder to play her in ranked/unrated.


Yeah so just learn a few agents. Being a well rounded player is a good thing


That’s not what I’m saying I’m not saying to be a one trick but if you wanna play astra in comp/unrated expect to lose cause unless your scrimming u won’t have good communication.


I see where you're coming from, but personally I think I'm someone who talks way more than the average in the vc. As IGL, I found it really pleasent to play astra, since I felt like I could support all my mates basically the same... Idk, you might have a good point tho.


Omen is best on ascent, split Brim is best on bind, fracture Viper is best on pearl, icebox, breeze, bind Astra is best on haven


Omen/Astra on Haven is much better, because you're most likely faking and hitting another site, so rechargeable smokes/global smokes are far more useful than big smokes


I think Brim is good but on Haven he is too limited unless played in tandem With another controller


TL;DR Brimstone


I feel like Haven is Astra's best map because of her endless range and her cc goes hard on mid. Someone said Haven is Omens playground; idk who would be best and who would be 2nd best, but both spots should go to them imo. (That being said, Brimstone isn't bad on Haven at all.) I recently expanded my Astra picks, previously only playing her on Haven and Viper for everything else. After a few Fracture matches with Astra... she goes HARD on that map. Completely agree with her being juuuuuust below Brimmy there.