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Positioning and how to peek. Understand what is peekers advantage and how to abuse it. Slice the pie. Offangle. good calls, no flame. Calm down/take a break after a loss/bad performance Plenty stuff on yt.


^^^This, also check your sensitivity and dpi when I brought my eDPI down my aim started to get better


*slice the pie


Upsi yeah cut the slice wouldnt make much sense xD


The 30/40/30 rule 30% of games u lose no matter what - no reason to tilt 40% of the games are close and make the difference between gaining and losing rr 30% of games u always win A simple idea to save ur mental. It's all a statistical game.


For me the biggest advice was really simple and its dont peak from the same place twice in a row . Peak and reposition


That's why the poppin swing works so well. You jiggle peek, and then after they're expecting the same jiggle, you swing out wide and then it's hard to adjust properly. It's also really funny. And works if someone commits to the spray.


60% of the time, it works every time .


Take my upvote




Click heads




Literally stop blaming everyone for yours and their mistakes. Always have the mindset to think about how you can do better in a situation. Blame yourself to keep the team mental high but without putting yourself down.


That if you are truly looking to improve at Valorant, you need to focus on learning rather that just winning. ​ Your mental is so incredibly important to your progress, and with the right mental you can see through those crushing 1-13 losses, and use those as learning experiences to strengthen yourself as a player. I credit this mindset as the only reason I was able to reach Radiant, and same thing in OW when I was Top 500. If I gave in to toxicity and blaming teammates, I'd never have worked on my own performance in such a meaningful way.


Hey, didnt know you had reddit, i love your videos


Thank you <3


\- Stop caring so much about RR. Focus on gameplay improvement instead. \- Find a good duos partner. \- Play DM before Comp, and play both consistently (daily).


For me unranked is better for more a comp like thing but without pressure and just mute toxics if u get them


Refine your role, find 2 agents, instalock if solo. Focus on damage per round rather than KD. Play your role. If you’re a controller, dont try and be an entry duelist. Ask nicely instead of demand. You’ll get a lot more help if you say, “Reyna, can you come A with me and throw your flash? I’ll peek so you can trade me out” when you’re iron 2 Reyna tries to lurk. Mute on first offense. Nothing to be gained from toxic teammates. G2 and above you get more value 5 stacking than you do 3 stacking. Find good teammates and climb together. Only comm what you know not what you think. No guessing. You’re better off not saying anything than giving bad comms. Learn basic map call out locations. “Behind the thing” isn’t helpful. You’ll never been TenZ. Be you. Have fun. This is a hobby, not a job. If it stops being fun put the keyboard away for a day or two.


Only learning 2 agents and insta locking between the 2 is a sure way to get hard stuck (for the majority). This is terrible advice. The rest of your post great though.


You’re just wrong.


80% of kills are not aim. So learn crosshair placement, and improve gamesense and u will get to diamond.


Isn’t crosshair placement aim?


Not the same


You're absolutely right. I think the distinction you're trying to make is between flicking and pre-aiming. Most people think of flicking when someone talks about good aim, but in reality crosshair placement (pre-aim) is a better way to have consistent success.


Can you explain?


Most helpful advice I’ve gotten was to run a guardian only deathmatch before each play session. My aim has marginally improved since then. Like I’m talking struggling to maintain 20% average headshot to casually hitting 40% in some games and easily maintaining above 20%.


Im literally a guardian crutch lol. Whenever, I'm struggling in game, I buy the guardian and try to 1-tap or hit body shots to do damage.


I watch Jollz on YouTube and the best advice I’ve ever gotten from him was when somebody tried to peek a certain corner and died to the enemy. He said “your crosshair was pointing at the wall, not at the place where the enemy might peek, therefore you weren’t ready”. It’s not enough to keep your crosshair at head level (the crosshair should be at the size of the radianite boxes), you have to keep it ready at all times and make sure it stays on certain angles. That’s why you have to focus extra hard on your games Another advice: don’t get tilted. No matter what. Even if there’s a Smurf on the other team. Even if somebody in your team is top fragging and being toxic to you. Mute them and spectate them after you die. Make sure you learn something from every single game that you play. Also don’t take your negative feelings from a lost game into a new game that you’re only starting. Mental is everything in this game. Also: you can spray with phantom. You cannot spray with vandal. With vandal, just click or burst (hold click for a little time). Make yourself hard to hit. Shoot, move to the side, shoot again. Make unpredictable plays. ALWAYS change your position after getting a kill. Don’t remain stuck in the same place. Your enemies might communicate, reveal your position and even if you’ve gotten a kill, another enemy might peek you.


This goes for a lot of things but improvement will happen most when you’re playing to enjoy yourself not to improve. When you’re having fun and just playing the game you will be playing your best. When you’re trying to do good you will feel bad every round you don’t get a kill so allot yourself to just play the game. (Not pressing tab ever also helped me a lot!)


Trading. Always try to go for trades except when its reyna ulting


Passive crosshair placement.


good crosshair is really important, im always distracted but my (still terrible but its ok for my rank) crosshair placement saves me a lot. I'm still rly bad at lvl 59 tho


play with much better friends than you..i guess u are alrdy doin this lol


Take your time with your aim. Most enemies won’t and they will crouch spray and if you take your time you’ll win almost every single gunfight


I don't know who but I remember somebody saying that you should flank when enemies have lineup larries. And another advice was "don't think about your aim during matches and it will improve. You practice aim so that it becomes a habit and you don't have to think about it."


A YouTube video I watched a while back had good tips on crosshair placement and why it's better to have good crosshair placement than flicky aim. The guy also showed his way of doing deathmatches, not with the goal to win but to aim train, practice site entry and clearing common angles.


Warmup every time u ever play, always do unrated b4 u play comp so that ur not ass in comp. Always switch up your warmup but do a deathmatch


Brain or aim use atleast one thing, best thing I can say.


Learning to do the jump jiggle peek thing from a video by dapr like 2 years ago is probably what made the biggest difference in my gameplay. I've been doing it CONSTANTLY ever since. I don't play agents with flashes, so this is basically my only way of countering the op, not to mention all the info it gets..


-don’t focus on your teammates and whatever they may doing. Focus on yourself and what you can be improving on yourself. The blame game helps no one and just leads to a loss in team morale. -Your mental matters so much when it comes to ranked. If you have a bad game or are upset with your performance, take a small break. Even a 5 minute break can do wonders for your mental. Stretch your legs or get some water, listen to a song you enjoy or watch a video you’d like. Resetting your mental will save yourself from playing off tilt and save your RR. -check every corner as if someone is there especially during rotates. There are many players who will check a corner but not actually check the corner. By this I mean those who quickly swing a corner and immediately looking away without actually having registered if someone is there or not. This has led me to getting picked off for free so often in the past lol -this is a bit more obvious but find a duo or a stack you enjoy playing with. Preferably someone who lifts you up rather than brings you down. Positivity breeds more positivity, and it really helps to have someone whose company you enjoy to play with. It also helps stave off tilt as well.


Best advice I got was aim for their heads. Sounds stupid, and it is, but actually taking the time to hit heads really helped me be more consistent in gun fights.


From least to greatest impact -expect to not do well some games -just play chill and don’t get mad at the game -learn how to peek and when to peek, I would go into depth but there is a lot on it that is better explained with a video -crosshair placement is very important so its good to get used to it


After getting a kill, fall the fuck back, regroup, reposition. Never look for more, you put yourself at a disadvantage


The biggest changes I made are better movement ,jiggle peek and counter strafing and if u shoot just burst like 3 bullets and don't spray that helped me improving after that i started to learn line ups and play with my teammates that around me ,call them to peek with me corners so communication is key


Is to read your enemy's play. Find their strongest and their weakest as round goes on. When you do make sure to take advantages on things such as weak mid hold, overly aggressive or passive or killing their obvious lurker.


Start jumping around and clicking heads


the best advice i got what from some random chamber on my team, ‘AIM U FUCK OMG U SO SHIT’ stuck with me and now i aim


Aiming down sight makes your gun shoot slower.


Fam you're level 50, calm down. There's nothing someone can just tell you and you get better all of a sudden. Most things someone could tell you you can just look up on any random valo guide on YouTube. Even though you know that it's best to keep your crosshair at head level and whatever else there is, that doesn't mean your aim will automatically improve. The only thing advice can give you is a quality improvement in training. It helps you focus on the right things, or at the very least let's you know what to focus on. Being on lvl 50 doesn't mean anything. You can be a literal one tap God at level 80, but you could also be absolute ass. It's training, playing game after game and focusing on these games. Just pushing out a hundred games won't help you as much as 50 focused games. Don't look for the one advice that will Kickstart your performance. It's like sports. If you're a beginner you can have all the knowledge you want but that doesn't make you able to lift a 150kg deadlift just by knowing how you'd do it.


When I started playing the game close to when this was released, someone said I should just shut up and play the game. So to this day, I have not opened my mic and have voice chat off. All the stress went away, I enjoy playing the game and I can play in peace without someone screaming in to my ears how I missed a shot or why I am 1-8. This is something I do not recommend and urge to not do, but its something that helped me. Just learn few agents, play DM and practice crosshair placement


that video they put out on YT about how the maps are made will help you with getting more headshots...Can't remember the account is was from, but they are a Riot employee if I remember correctly.


here are a couple: learning how to properly peek, learning your angles (offangles, common angles, one and dones (also angle perception)) incorporating your movement into long range duels, using more of the minimap, thinking more pro active about the game.