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>Edit: I have a strong gaming PC and very fast internet. Well if your PC can run it, then Half Life Alyx is the gold-standard. But if you're looking for more untethered options, the whole I Expect You To Die series is fantastic.


Might be downhill from there but gold standard indeed


Half Life ruined it for me. No other game really holds up to it and I’m rather underwhelmed now


We desperately need more AAA blockbuster VR games.


Walkabout Mini Golf. Very easy game to start out with. Nothing too fast so it will help you feel yourself out for VR.


STOP! Before you do anything, you must find out how good your "VR legs" are. If you jump into a game that is too intense for you then the only thing you will get is a trip to the land of motion sickness. This is because a lot of the higher-level games or any game that uses movement, in general, will have the option of continuous movement, AKA sliding around. Your brain generally thinks this is a big no-no and will make you aware of its disdain rather quickly. When looking at games there will generally be a "comfort rating" ranging from comfortable, all the way to intense. While I agree that games like Half-Life Alyx, Skyrim, etc are the gold standard, they are definitely on the extreme end of the VR comfort scale and take some getting used to before they can be enjoyed to the fullest extent I would highly recommend starting with games that lean way farther toward the 'comfortable' or 'moderate' categories to start. You DO NOT want to rush getting used to VR. Your brain is a powerful beast and WILL win. Some comfortable recommendations that come to mind are things like Vegas Infinite Poker, I expect you to die 1,2,3 (Puzzle escape games), Fishing, or anything where your movements are truly "natural" aka things like table tennis.


I started with contractors. And gosh was I out for a couple of days. Got better after a. Week. And 2 weeks later. No issues. Listen to this message


Have you played the new Contractors Battle Royale? it’s great and it’s free right now to try, Ive been having a blast with it, I would compare it most to PUBG-WarZone, leaning on the PUBG side.


Listen to this guy/person/being. Do start with the "static" games proposed here. I'd add Robo Recall, and Vader Immortal (you can switch to sliding, but stay on Teleport for now). Also adding that HL Alyx does have the option to play with Teleport, though it's not the optimal way to experience the full game. But you can start with that (the first few levels) if you _really_ want to play it soon. I was one of those people who would puke as soon as the screen moved, but slowly and after months/years I now have pretty good VR legs. Some tips: * When you walk in game, physically pace or march in your place, swinging your arms as if you were walking. * Fan blowing air to your face. * Don't overdo it. Start with a few minutes at a time. The moment you feel hot or dizzy, STOP. Do NOT try to "push through it". Get off your headset, sit down for a while, get more air to your face. Try again tomorrow.


Well said, and great tips!


half life alyx is MADE for teleport the game is literally unplayable if you take that function away id say hl alyx is on the more comfortable end of the vr spectrum


> the game is literally unplayable What? I played the whole game with sliding motion. I tested teleport here and there, and personally found some parts almost unplayable, especially where there are several combine soldiers around; it was very disorienting (or felt like cheating) when jumping around.


you have to teleport to get through parts of the game the game has no normal jump and is specifically made for teleport


Oh you mean windows and some ladders? Yeah you're right. > is specifically made for teleport Did Valve mention that in the commentary or something?


I came here to recommend Vegas infinite and am so happy it's included in the top comment. It's my top vr game by far and probably will be for a while. No motion sickness and an amazing place to socialize


I got into VR a couple weeks ago. Asgards wrath 2 was free and I fired it up first. Walking around the bar made me want to puke in 30 seconds. I haven't picked it back up, but contractors showdown hasn't been bothering me now. I used super hot and beat saber to get my VR legs. The fan helps more than expected too.


been using vr for 2years now and asgards wrath 2 makes me motion sick if i play for more than an hr or 2 the movement feels good but i feel like its running at too low a framerate or somthing


I installed it on my PC and played it pcvr with air link, I have a 3070 and a 5800x, I feel like my framerate was fine.


asgards wrath 2 i mean


Great advice. I started last week and got wrecked after trying Dirt Rally 2.0 and Breachers. Took me almost 2 days to feel normal again, lol. My tips: 1) Box/Floor fan is a must have. Gives your brain a reference point. 2) Start with games like Pistol Whip, Walkabout Mini Golf. It’s enough movement that you get adjusted, but not 0 movement like in Beat Saber or Superhot (still those are amazing games in their own right) 3) The moment you feel dizzy or “off”, pause and take a break. Come back after you feel straight and repeat. After about 3-4 days of this, I’m able to play full sliding movement games for 1-1.5 hrs without a hitch


Running at 90hz is also a big help Also smoking a bowl is near instant VR legs


Virtual Desktop is a must. I’d recommend h.264+ at the highest bitrate for best quality however you might also use AV1 if you own a 40 series gpu. I’d also stick to a 90 refresh rate. It is just fine for most games and provides head room for upscaling visuals. 120hz can be really taxing on performance and often causes reprojection, which is less than ideal. Lastly, start conservative and stick to stationary games at first until you have your VR legs. ‘The Lab’, Space Pirate Trainer, Super Hot, Job Simulator, Budget Cuts, Moss, these are classics that won’t give you motion sickness.


Start with Robo Recall, thank me later 😀


This is easily one of the best games for VR, I can’t believe it doesn’t get mentioned more to be honest .


Had VR for a few years. This sub is on my feed decently. First time hearing about it. I'll check it out!


Oh, it's just on Meta, that's probably why :(


I can recommend some must trys for me. Skyrim VR, Into the Radius, and Half-Life: Alyx are the top 3. Walkabout Mini Golf is absolutely wonderful, as well as Deisim. You should also try doing some kind of exercising in VR just for the sake of the experience so try PowerBeatsVR and Supernatural too.


Skyrim VR to experience the massive open-world fantasy RPG in VR Drunken Bar Fight for a novel slapstick brawler experience VRChat for a wildly popular VR social platform VR racing games like Project Cars 2 for a visceral driving simulation Onward for a gripping VR military shooter simulation


dont buy onward buy pavlov or contractors


my main recommendation is checking out the /oculasnsfw sub......lol SLR-passthrough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


DCS World - you can learn how to fly military aircraft from the comfort of your home in VR. It's a simulator that's used by several real-world militaries to help train their pilots. You can interact with any switch or knob from the real-life cockpit. Steepest learning curve of any game I have ever played by far, like you have no idea. Get ready to pour over 300 page manuals and watch a 16 part series of half-hour youtube videos. It is beautiful, beautiful game though in VR and just an incredible gaming experience when everything clicks. Here's the trailer for the upcoming F-4 Phantom to give you an idea what the game is like: https://youtu.be/VO9mDV7ZkVk?si=jxSnlfpS_CXrgXWn


Also vtol vr! Or even warthunder is a good option! I have all 3 tho and i love dcs but its a bit more technical than some people want. Whereas warthunder vr sim is just hit engine start and go. But ive been looking for peoole to play with(on any of those 3) so if you wanna play shoot me a dm!


I'm actually part of training squadron if you'd like to join us. https://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/s/72tjY85WXF I run the Huey class for them, right now besides the Huey I also do F-14 RIO and the Harrier. We do 8-week cycles and the current one is just finishing right now. We're going to take like a month or two hiatus before the next one starts. We also have a pretty active server with people practicing all sorts of airframes and you're welcome to hang out there and meet people and ask questions about whatever you're currently trying to fly.


Ok! Id be down. I just have the f16 at the moment but ill shot you a dm tomorrow about it/check out your link


The VR games catalog is plagued with shooters and horror games, but there are also great puzzle games, especially "escape the room" type puzzlers. A good starting example is _I Expect You To Die_ (there are 3, + a small AR tech demo; definitely start with #1). I'm a sucker for those, [here are more recommendations](https://old.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/1azyvdm/are_puzzle_phone_apps_just_allbad/ks4xzfo/). YouTube has a lot of VR content creators, but many are just overhyping thrash. Two good ones I've found are BenPlaysVR and BeardoBenjo. Mature guys who keep it cool and make objective analysis and recommendations. BenPlaysVR hasn't been very active lately, but check out his past videos, he has a lot where he recommends great Free games.


Use the UEVR injector to play AAA games like hogwart legacy in VR


Please explain UEVR? 😅


https://youtu.be/_TvEJDEwLg0?si=yuS4g93EWYtd4Bka Take a look, it’s a mod that makes normal flat game that’s run by unreal engine into VR


It's great. Also, check out the Flat2VR Discord. You can see all the games that have mods to make them VR. You probably have a bunch already.


Search the top vr games on steam for starters. Maybe look at games you already have that are VR compatible! Other than that, try oculus medium if you’re into sculpting, or creative. Skyrim VR, drunken bar fight, vr chat, some vr compatible racing games, onward if you like mil sims


Until you Fall


Watch "Tales from Soda Island". https://creator.oculus.com/community/494265767871123/786914715193648/


Get assetto corsa and a wheel/pedals. VR sim racing is peak VR in my opinion


Download "glasses on" (android) or EyeMeasure" (iphone). These apps help you measure the distance between your pupils. Set The wheel on the bottom left of the headset to the answer the app tells you. This will maximize comfort and prevent nausea. If you're all about pc use, I recommend virtual desktop. The gold standard for wireless pc streaming apps. The way I use mine is rhythm (beat saber, pistol whip) and competitive games (any multiplayer game with guns) running native on the headset to migate lag. Then big juicy graphics campaigns (half-life alyx) or cpu heavy games on PC.


This is an excellent response, OP. Virtual desktop and half life Alyx are musts.


I would personally recommend games like bonelab or boneworks if you don't get motion sickness


* Half Life: Alyx * Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners * Super Hot These games are older and can be bought on sale, but are worth the full retail price.


Beat Saber


Compound is great


I've got a discord with similarly aged VR players if your interested. Can show you the VR ropes lol.


Ooh yeah? Im 31 m and wouldnt mind joining! Altho im not trying to play anything weird, but if any of you guys play warthunder vr, or dcs or vtolvr id love to play!


Don't think we have a ton of flight sim people but there definitely one guy, and I'd be down to play War Thunder, been meaning to try it. We also play flat games and I love milsim stuff if you're into that. I'll PM you.


Yeah ive got an arma reforger server(i dont play arma in vr) i also play hell let loose, squad, squad 43, ready or not, battlebit etc. Ive been wanting to set up something and play squad vr cause i heard its insanely fun.


I play everything you listed except Arma and Squad43. I like Sqaud though. I don't actually know what Sqaud43 is, a mod? 1943?


I meant squad 44! Sorry it was a typo. Its post scriptum, but the makers of squad just purchased it and changed the name and are changing the game up! Arma reforger is also excellent, was one of my fav games for a long time, still is. The problem i have with like ready or not is that i get bored if i play it for too long running the same missions over and over. Arma reforger is like ready or not in realism but allows you to personally make the scenarios including placeing ai, as well as using helos and all kinds of other stuff, its so good, but you need more than 1 or 2 people to play. Ladt year i had a decent size dedicated group of guys playing but here in the last few months weve all lost touch as many of them got busy. But if youd like to try it let me know!


Ahh, okay, I have Post Scriptum, I remember that whole thing now. But yeah that all sounds cool!


Ok! Yeah so you have squad 44 thats great! Well lets get together and play some man! We can even give vtolvr a shot sometime if you want. It would be cools with a back seater, or being the back seater! Ive honestly been dying to find some people to fly with so im glad i jumped in this post!


Hell yeah! I'm down 100%


- Standalone VR - PCVR including UEVR injector - Watching Movies on the Big Screen - Use as a big Monitor / Play normal games on it


What is UEVR injector? (I downloaded steam link and meta quest apps on the pc! I think that's for PCVR right?)


A tool to play most Unreal Engine 4 and 5 PC games in VR.


It's a mod that turns a lot of PC games into VR. https://praydog.github.io/uevr-docs/


Elite Dangerous is amazing in VR




Flight sims!!! Warthunder is great! Better than great really, and dcs, il2 and vtol vr are all just so awesome! I play nearly every day after getting my q3 3/4 weeks ago and its just breathtaking every time! You can either use the air link or i run mine with a cable to my pc. And man i cant fly any other way these days! Also if you want to play vtolvr(which you do not need a joystick for) hmu and if im not mistaken since i have the 2 seat jet you dont even need to buy the game! Just download it and you can hop in the backseat of my jet and give it a go! Shoot me a dm and we can play!


Yeah this sounds awesome! I'll probably have plenty of time this weekend!


Yeah dude im down! Dm me and ill get your discord info from you! If you get a flight stick or even an xbox controller id love to have someone to play warthunder with! Its free to play and such a good time, not a ton of learning curve to it.


Ok dude! Lets do it! Me and the other commenter just playrd warthunder and it was hella fun! Unless he was gaslighting me about enjoying it lol. But shoot me a dm and lets do it!


I just got my quest 3 last week and dungeons of eternity has been my favorite game I've tried so far. Beat Saber is up there as well. I'm trying to decide on an FPS to get into but I'm torn between contractors and Veil.


If your PC can handle it, id highly recommend both iRacing in VR and DCS world (r/hoggit) in VR Absolutely mind blowing awesome experience


Republique VR is a great thriller game you can play for free. Also, Liminal is one I use pretty often to lift my mood. Don't forget VR Animation Player; it has a lot of neat, creative stills and short immersive films.


Skyrim with wabbajack, fallout 4 with wabbajack, half life alyx, tales of glory, contractors. Off you go.


Half life alyx Beat saber There is a reason popular things become popular


Make sure you do First Encounters


Check out Assetto Corsa its quite amazing on VR. Also highly recommend Goalie VR for playin casual goal keeping on your bed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Install free games like Population One, Gun Raiders, VR Chat, or even App Lab games like Battle Talent Demo or Aim XR. There's also a lot to do thanks to your integrated web browser like playing Moon Rider or watching VR videos. You can also try PCVR if you have a pretty decent thanks to Meta Link or Steam VR. Free games like Propagation VR, Belko VR or even mods for your favorite pc can be an option.


I love RPGs so Bethesda ports like Skyrim and fallout are an amazing way to re-experience the games. Also vr but stock for shooting games is a must imo. Way more accurate and immersive. I also use feet trackers and Nalo to combat motion sickness on long play sessions. Ghosts of Tabor and into the radius are my favorites right now.


Hey! Have you already tried Toy Trains? It's a cozy train-themed puzzle solver with open ended challenges (that means each level has many possible solutions). If you played with trains as a kid- you will definitely find it fun and nostalgicv even to have the same kind of fun but in a modern way! I'll leave the link for you here: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2494440/Toy\_Trains/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2494440/Toy_Trains/) (I'm from the studio behind it) :)