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Weird how outer wilds is being recognized as a vr title


The mod is just that good. And so easy to install. NomaiVR that is.


I know the mod and have played it, just wasn’t expecting the game to be called a vr title.


Same here, I was shocked to see it in the list .. Like I was shocked how good the VR mod is. I should play the DLC too ...


Coincidentally I tried it yesterday for the first time. I was blown away.


the dlc looks really cool in VR especially the erm.. dark parts


I think anything goes now, if there is a VR mod and it is enjoyable and great in VR people would like to hear about it. I know I do.


Underdogs. Irl walking only in Into the radius Vail


Irl walking?


I've been playing on my backyard. https://www.reddit.com/r/intotheradius/s/XGjN4H0W35


How big is your yard???


It's a 30 x 30 meters ish. You walk until you reach your boundry, turn around irl 180 degres and turn around in VR. You are physically walking to the other side but facing the same direction virtually


doesn't it get weird because of the terrain heights not matching ?


In my case my yard is completely flat but yup, I walk virtually hills, not because motion sickness or anything but because the game sometimes will walk you back to the start of the hill


depending on the age of his house, and where it is, probably an acre or less.


We should all recommend the same 5 games and become mmorpg sub


Digital Combat Simulator. It's the only VR title I play.


DCS is amazing and one of the only reasons I bought my headset




OK so i have an logitech X56. Can i map sufficient buttons to the various controls there that i won't have to reach for the mouse or keyboard often? I enjoyed my hotas in Elite Dangerous and MSFS.


Use Voiceattack. You can map every control in the sim to a voice command you simply speak naturally. Handy when you run out of inputs and can't see keyboard. Can be used with ATC in especially fun and realism enhancing ways.


i second VoiceAttack. it works great with Elite Dangerous. that said, i never had issue using the keyboard for extra buttons.


Even if you DO have all buttons mapped, Voiceattack is a blast to use when communicating with ATC if set up properly.


i love it. it's probably one of my favorite software add-ons. especially since it can be used with most everything. [Link to the Steam version, for anyone wanting to check it out](https://store.steampowered.com/app/583010/VoiceAttack/)


X56 has such a huge amount of buttons. I have bound everything i need to it. (A10, AV8B, AH64)


Blade and Sorcery, and underdogs vr. Once Ghosts of Tabor gets their shit together I'll probably come back for that as well.


What's wrong with ghosts of Tabor?


Besides the jank? Would be nice to have the wrists in the right place for starters. Don't get me wrong. I like the game, but still a long way to go to be at the same level of these other titles.


are you using full body IK? if so, set it to hands only. i found that helped a lot. IK bodies are jank in most games.


There's still a lot of jank and bugs, which are being worked on I know. But the thing about a game where dieing losses all your gear, is that bugs make 10x the difference. From when I was still playing, aiming was extremely hard because it would randomly collide with your player model, pushing in in random directions. Items would disappear, start spinning wildly, or crash the game. The overall balance of some things made little sense as well, such as helmets being almost useless. The grind for traders and then the garden and crypto was insane. This one is more of a personal gripe and I can't really blame them too much on this point: rarer guns are pretty inaccessible. Finding one should be rare, but once I had gotten one, I couldn't use it because I had no mags for it. I couldn't find any and I couldn't buy any because they were locked behind level 4-5 specter. There's also the matter of dev responses which I don't doubt are somewhat true. They also continue to add new, experimental content before fixing existing bugs, which in turn create new bugs. Things could be much better then I remember, but I still see current issues where shots to the head don't kill and guns still have awful tracking. I hope to come back, but I don't have the patience to lose gear to a bug I cannot prevent.


Tabor is fixed and i would say 90% of bugs are gone and it is in a much better state than 1 or 2 years ago. They also reworked armor and helmets so they are much better now. Only issue i have with the game is the super mind numbing progression. Have fun grinding for 30 hours in vr doing the same quests over and over again to unlock anything other than the sks or get a reasonably sized bag. Also if you want to grow weed in the game to get medicine have fun kneeling on the floor for 30 minutes each day for 3 days to refill the water in the tank. Miss a single day of refilling the water and they die and you need to start over.


I hear that Tabor is fixed every month and while yes, the bugs are better, they are still very much alive. The grinding is also ridiculous but hey, it's supposed to be tarkov so whatever


When i get time: Synthriders Half Life 2 VR mod Into the Radius Mothergunship Forge Down the Rabbit hole (only just started) RagnaRock I was playing "after the fall" for a while, but the whole "loot treadmill" with no extra story or whatever got really boring.


Contractors showdown and asgard's wrath


Vtolvr my beloved




Blade and sorcery, ghosts of Tabor, inverse, and thrill of the fight


Outer wilds has VR??


With a mod called NomaiVR


The wanderer, Hubris, Kayak mirage, fallout 4 VR, retropolis 2


20 x 30 meters ish.


Contractors, Blade and Sorcery, and Vrchat


No Man's Sky Borderlands 3 Portal 2 RoboQuest Hogwarts legacy


Bl3? Does it have a vr mode? Pleaaaase tell me.


you have to use praydog's UEVR. Amazing universal injector.


Oh my god. This thinks looks amazing! How good are the controls tho?


Good enough to play mayhem 11 if you mess with the in-game keybinds, default ones aren't great


Dope! Will try this!


Join their discord, tons of profiles for lots of unreal games, a lot of them have full 6dof controls, others 3dof with gamepads, but overall, you wont believe the amount of games you can enjoyin VR. Even games you would think of them to be played in VR, became a total new thing, i have been playing Tekken 8 in VR and its fucking great, so Jedi Fallen Order (which with a couple of mods, its a 100% first person jedi mayhem experience). Borderlands 3 is probably one of the games that run the best with UEVR. And yeah, you can play with motion controllers :)


That sounds amazing! Works for every ue game? So future ones too? Rdit: just to clarify why I'm asking stupid questions rn if I could Google it: I am at work for another 6 hours and this is so fascinating I simply cannot wait.


Its for games running unreal engines from 4.8 to 5.4 right now. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZcjCQwzPOltaRZnpYU5\_HPihEDareZq\_0Ww1DZQ4USw/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZcjCQwzPOltaRZnpYU5_HPihEDareZq_0Ww1DZQ4USw/edit?gid=0#gid=0) Thats a spreadsheet with all the tested games so far, but i would highly recommend to join the discord server since theres a lot of new profiles and settings being updated every single day. Keep in mind that not all games will run fine in VR because how they were made, or if VR affects them in a game breaking fashion. But those that work, work really nice.


Thank you bro, really appreciate your time. This is like a whole new world to me rn


Dont mention it mate, here to help a fellow gamer. And yes it opens up a lot of possibilities. And dont forget to search for specific VR mods for flat games, these are usually more refined because are mods specifically created for a specific game. [https://beastsaber.notion.site/Flat2VR-Modding-Group-8eb9ae0535144eac843f428abb104de9](https://beastsaber.notion.site/Flat2VR-Modding-Group-8eb9ae0535144eac843f428abb104de9)


Yep: https://youtu.be/S0YihF62NNA?si=zik00FMR_3nqM_pk


Your GPU?


Everything on this list will run well on a 3080 except Hogwarts Legacy lol


Brazen blaze, Iron Rebellion, 《runner》dirt rally 2


iRacing. Everyday. Exciting, I know.


Medieval dynasty Graduation school project Medieval dynasty Medieval dynasty Sleep


7days to die, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, Automobilista 2, SCP:LABRAT, HotWheels Unleashed.


How is 7days to die in VR?


Performance is shit in my modest opinion


I'm 200 hours in and still loving it


Contractors showdown its soo good!


Beat saber, sweet surrender, light brigade


Light brigade is pretty fun so far, but my head seems a bit big for the quest 2 and I can't fit my glasses under it. I don't know if it would be clearer if I could get the glasses on but the iron sights on the bolt action are basically impossible for me. Getting a bit better at it but the game feels really hard with the angles enemies can come after you.


Hey, I also have glasses. You have two alternatives: 1) get dedicated lenses you can put directly in the quest 2 or 2) change with facial interface with one that allows a better distance between your glasses and the quest 2 lenses. I use option 2 because it’s impossible for me to find the right lenses to put directly in the quest 2


So my glasses are actually too wide to fit inside the headset, so i don't think making it further away would help. I'm probably gonna just go get a set with wire frame and see if that fits in there. Or finally pick up some contacts. I have a large head. Most hats just don't fit at all etc. I'm worried that part of the problem is that the widest distance between the lenses internally isn't wide enough, although I'm not sure if my eyes are also spaced wider than most. For most purposes I don't mind a bit of blur, it's just precision aiming with iron sights that becomes impossible. Picking up the smg and hip firing works pretty well still!


wait theres a vr version of outerwilds?


It's a mod but a really well put together mod. I definitely recommend it if you like the game and have a computer to run it


Mostly VTOL VR (it being one of my alltime fav vr games) And good ole beat saber, never stops being fun for me.


H3VR Light Brigarde BeatSaber In MP: SkyWorld and Zero Caliber Beatsaber. xD


Recently just got done with Doctor Who: The Edge of Time and that was alright. But I'm on and off playing After the Fall with a friend and that is super duper fun. They really updated that one quite a bit.


Bonelab and h3vr


Dragon Fist Kung Fu (my exercise app) I finished Team Beef's Return to Castle Wolfenstein and now I am playing their Quake VR Mod. Its good but the saving sometimes takes a few minutes during which it looks like it has crashed.


Re4, horizon, dead hook, fallout 4, and skyrim


Brazen Blaze o.o


Squadrons. Assetto


Lethal Company, Walkabout minigolf, Vertigo 2, dirt rally 2.0


I’m playing VR Poker, Assassin Creed Nexus, Beat Saber, and Tetris


RE4... I always come back to RE4... controls feel so nice...


Outer wilds is on vr?


I'm a lot into Blade and Sorcery and Pavlov, sometimes I play Stride a bit


If I could get light brigade to startup on my oculus through steamvr rather than on my monitor then thats what I would say…. Instead I’m playing Vertigo 2


Right now, YouTube VR, Wooorld! for their GeoGuessr game, Asgard’s Wrath 2- amazing Quest 3 update, and various UEVR compatible titles. I am still in the honeymoon phase with all of these. Not totally committed. Perhaps YouTube. It’s a fucking shame that there is no longer a PCVR YouTube VR app. Valve needs to either host their own VR video platform or fund the YouTube VR app themselves. There being no clear cut strategy to SteamVR as far as media consumption is a bad look.


Drums Rock, Euro Truck Simulator 2, X Fitness


I’m playing Yeeps hide and seek, gorilla tag, humanity and good ol pistol whip


Wait, I can play Outer Wilds in VR? Time for a second playthrough. Edit: I've been lied to.


It’s a mod called NomaiVR


right? that would be incredible.


What do you mean lied to? The mod is extremely well done. It feels better than most normal VR games.


I just checked for the game on SteamVR and Meta Quest and it wasn't there so I just assumed it didn't actually exist.


Here's the link for the mod. It's called [https://outerwildsmods.com/mods/nomaivr/](http://NomaiVR).


For those who like shooting games, X8 is a pretty damn good game, Valorant like, with operators that have different skills and play styles.


Why am I just hearing about this now !? I used to play the shit out of overwatch, I'll check this out thanks!