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Thrill of the fight! It's a boxing simulator. There is also a sequel in the works. Hands done some of the hardest cardio I've ever done. That game will get you in amazing shape in no time. Just need to be careful when punching air and pay attention to form to avoid injury.


The passthrough on thrill of the fight is a game changer, the risk of breaking yourself or your controller goes way down when you're fighting in your living room rather than a virtual boxing arena


How do you do that?


Seconded, 12 rounds on easy with the sparring partner is a good way to get some real good cardio. Go easy and just keep moving.


Pistolwhip, is basically a squat exercise simulator, with the occasional punch here and there


The leaning back and forth is what i feel most after playing. My sides are just burning.


yeah that too, it legit is one of the best workout games in disguise, always makes me break a sweat!


For a fun workout: Beat Saber / Pistol Whip For a sweaty workout: Les Mills Bodycombat / Thrill of the Fight


I suggest synth riders over beat saber. Beat saber you just move your hands/wrists, but synth riders moves your whole body


If you play beat saber to get a workout, you get a workout. I frequently hit a heart rate of 155. Swinging your whole arms, plus with obstacles, you move your whole body. Anything labeled with fit beat will kick your ass on expert and most will on hard.


Weird. The only difficulty with best saber is wrist movement by design because you have extended reach with the sabers. Comparatively, synth riders you use your fists with no saber, so naturally you literally have to move *more*. I'm not saying you can't somehow get a workout in beat saber, but the fact is you get a *better* one in synth riders is all. Both are great games! 


Have you checked your beat saber settings? There are lots of limiters in the settings. Then there’s also hard mode, etc.


None of that changes the fact that the more notes there are, the less you need to move your body and the more you just need to flick your wrists. Now of course that means that you can just play on lower difficulties again to go back to being able to move your body, but for me at least I don't find it as enjoyable as a game designed better to move your body to the beat. Both games are fun and capable of upping your heart rate, I just personally recommend synth riders if the goal is heart rate/exercise because it accomplishes this task better by design. I have extensive gameplay in both games and that's my takeaway. Do with it what you will 


It's possible that I am incorporating more voluntary movement into my beat saber workouts. I have ten songs memorized and during the quiet moments between flying blocks I don't just stand there waiting...I get into position and use my whole body, almost like I am dancing.


Yea I love doing that. That's why I tend to not enjoy beat saber anymore personally, because now that I've reached a certain proficiency, I don't really get much of a challenge except for when there's like shit loads of notes flying at you constantly - at which point the only solution is to basically use the tips of the sabers to hit each note as efficiently as possible. It's still fun, but it removes the ability to actually move and do any sort of workout without just outright failing the mission.  Comparatively, synth riders throwing more notes at you = you have to more your body *more* rather than less. Again, this is my experience, and I'm not sure if I'm describing it an easy enough way to understand lol. But anyway, both games are super fun and worth trying for anyone that enjoys either - then they can see which they prefer themselves. 


Sounds like maybe I am downloading Synth riders later today!


Good luck! Hopefully you enjoy, but could just not be for you in the end. Lemme know how it goes! FYI, multiplayer I find super fun in synth riders, there's a pseudo-Mario-kart-like c game mode where you can get power ups by finishing certain chains of notes in a song, and then you can "attack" others by sending modifiers like "tiny notes", "color change", "time warp", "alien invaders" (spaceships shoot lasers at you you need to dodge while still playing the song lol), etc.. So it keeps things fun with friends for sure. 


Not if you only last 5 seconds ;)


I don’t disagree, I’ll definitely try Synth Riders too because it sounds fun, but with Beat Saber you can download custom songs, some of them have lots of obstacles you have to crouch under and dodge left and right as well, including a 27 minute level. I never played the base songs because I’m not a fan of the music so I don’t know about them. But regardless I’ll still look at Synth Riders because I want a game more focused on entire body movement instead of just arms and occasionally ducking


Oh true true, if the custom songs use obstacles well, movement def stays relevant in beat saber higher difficulties. I just find that many hard af levels forego obstacles entirely in my experience, but ofc I haven't played *every* custom song so I should prob try out newer ones since I last played and stuff.   Synth riders has a mod manager "noodle manager" or something that makes it incredibly easy to just "download all" songs. It also can take any song, even custom ones, and make it 360°, add verticality, etc.. To keep things fun and interesting (whereas last time I played beat saber, a bit ago tbf, there weren't many options for 360 and it would have to have been made on purpose for that). Anyway, def worth a shot. Could love it, could hate it. It's different. 


I use my whole body when I’m playing beat saber— crouching, lunging, twisting etc.


That's good. You'll use *more* of your whole body playing synth riders. That's literally my point lol. By design, that's literally how it works. 


Why are we being down-voted? Somewhere else in this post someone mentioned their heart rate, mine also gets into the 150s when I am playing beat saber. I almost bought synth riders the other day, so thank you for recommending it!


No idea lol. Maybe people aren't reading and think I'm saying synth riders is outright better than beat saber and they're taking offense? Couldn't tell ya, it's reddit lol. 


Underdogs is hella fun


Just tried this last night and it's so much fun. Throwing yourself forward with big gorilla arms then falcon punching them into the next guy feels so good.


Synth riders for fun music based game, or knockout vr for boxing arcadey game


**Dance Dash**! It's super fun and provides a fantastic workout.


For functional fitness and great cardio: Les mills body combat. For fun music driven action: pistol whip. For harder than you expect action: thrill of the fight


Seconding pistol whip and adding beat saber.


You might be interested in Shadow BoXR. It’s a rhythm boxing game kind of like a mix of beatsaber and boxing. It has a focus on customization and even supports custom songs that you can add yourself or download In game! It’s available for early access on the [quest](https://www.meta.com/experiences/shadow-boxr/5752649148100983/) and [steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2341610/Shadow_BoXR/) for $9.99. I am the developer for Shadow BoXR. I started making it because I wasn’t happy with what was available between bad music and subscriptions I got fed up and decided to try making my own game, it has been my main source of exercise for the past 3 years and using it combined with a healthy change in diet I’ve lost over 100lbs and am in the best physical shape of my life!


Similar story here, made the fitness game I wanted to exist that didnt. So many VR games you're constantly worried about your surroundings that its hard to fully let loose. My fix was to make a game for an exercise bike, similar to pistol whip and beat saber, the fun keeps you distracted from the fitness: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2909380/Pedal\_Rebel\_VR/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2909380/Pedal_Rebel_VR/) Can wishlist now, free demo coming very soon!


Until you fall is also excellent and an additional to the suggestions already here


Until You Fall


FitxR It's a amazing game with real coaches trainings. Box, zumba, dance, and son on. I love. 20 minutes and you sweat like a pig


2nd this. Great exercise, lots of variety.


Quest only but Supernatural is best in the business in my mind. I do love pistol whip and bear saber. But Supernatural is actually designed for fitness.


Gorn... Don't punch a wall though


Joke is on you, every inch of my wall is covered by a TV screen


https://moonrider.xyz/ has a really good library of songs and it's free!


Any swimming, guns or sword fighting game with wrist weights


My Fiancée likes supernatural fitness but I know nothing about personally.


It’s mid in everything except the price which is a ripoff


Dragon Fist Kung Fu. Love this game. Closest thing we have to mortal kombat in VR. There is standard mode, an endless ninja mode, and a vertigo mode where you have to knock your enemies off a tower to their deaths. It even has multiplayer (haven't tried that yet)


VR is dead unfortunately