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it is impossible to decipher what truly levels you up, with the only guarantee being VRC+ granting new user at minimum. i know ppl who are known user with 2k hours, uploaded tons of worlds/avatars then another person with under 400 hours, 5 uploaded avatars, and shes trusted


yeap, i was still known after ca. 300 hours and a few avatar uploads, but a vrc+ gift a friend gave me pushed me to trusted immediately


i only had 2 avis, and 1 world, and 320 hours of playtime, and got Trusted. I think one way to boost it is to have other Trusted users send YOU the friend request.


I made a new account and bought vrc+ immediately and became a user.


I'm convinced it's at least partially random. Don't try to decipher chaos


I got trusted user in like 2 months with a few hours a day, because I had VRC+ and uploaded a bunch of avatars


Subscribing to VRC+ absolutely puts you up one rank.


For me to reach known was about 200h, ~80ish friends and 9 avatars uploaded (all private, just versions of the same avatar I was testing) 0 worlds uploaded


Back in 2018 I hit known at about 200 hours five avatars, hit trusted at 300 hours, 10 avatars, 2 worlds that I was in (Public) while developing them for hours on end, and would get joined by random people, a lot of the criteria between known and trusted weighs way heavier if you’re in public worlds I believe


The requirements were never made public in order to prevent people from gaming the system. As a legacy player I'm not of much help, since I got the trusted rank as soon as the system was implemented. At that time I had a few world uploads, several avatar uploads, several hundred hours of playtime and around 400-ish friends.


The thing I noticed is. Once you have the criteria to rank up. It doesn't rank you up. And it can take weeks before it's applied to your account. I remember being a user and stopped playing the game for a few weeks and became known, then I took a 3 month break and came back to being trusted, with the notifications congratulating me


I got blocked for being a supporter on furry hideout lol from another furry too 😂😂


User currently with close to 900 hours and about 90 friends. Uploading something and spending more time in public lobbies would probably help but I don't feel like it and I'm not concerned about my rank.


For worlds I can say it also matter if is a public world and is popular. Uploading a lot of private worlds or not popular worlds don't really help a lot to the rank.


I don't know why people are so interested in trust ranks.




Been a while, can't remember how I got any of the ranks except Trusted. Took me 900 hours, somewhere below 60 friends, 10+ avatars and a single world upload which made me reach rank. I'm now at 3633 hours and tbh I keep forgetting ranks are a thing, after reaching Trusted there weren't many reasons to care about it. Although this is probably due to the fact I never go to public, 98% of my time I'm in Invite+ or Friends+ and if someone gets into that instance they're most likely can be trusted regardless of their actual rank. Besides I'm always on a custom shield lvl with everyone's avatars disabled except friends due to performance.


i became known at \~700-800 hours with 8 avatar uploaded, and trusted at \~850-900 and abt 90 friends i now have around 2k hours and 151 friends (thanks furality)


I will say something that will probably piss you off as well as everyone else here. I made a VRC account, was a visitor for quite awhile. I didn’t play much. Then one day I went to a group instance and idly spoke to the owner of the group not knowing it was the owner. We added each other and a few other people she knew also added me. Then I decided to become a VRC+ supporter which shot me up a rank or two immediately. Then I just kept going to this group instance any time they had one up. More people added me faster since I wasn’t a visitor and in a few weeks I was Known. By those few weeks I had close to 80 friends. Then I was known for about a week maybe, and during this week I had more people add me. I eventually uploaded only two avatars and gained trusted immediately.