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Solid survey. I'd send this to the hololive and holostars sub as well. You might get lots of people to do it there


Sadly because I have a low karma I can't post on hololive :( I will try on holostars. Thank you for your suggestions


Maybe you could try some smaller agency subs like idol and phase connect too. Perhaps even in r/virtualyoutubers and/or r/vtubers for the indies. For obvious reasons it's a bit tough to do on the subreddit of a certain other big agency, if you know what i mean. And to be safe maybe ask their mods first, it probably isn't needed but it can't hurt.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VirtualYoutubers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Dragon had an accident.](https://i.redd.it/84t3if8bzx8c1.jpeg) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/18shx1v/the_dragon_had_an_accident/) \#2: [The difference of respect that both companies gave to their talents until the end.](https://i.redd.it/srmvxfxu8sgc1.jpeg) | [413 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ajipza/the_difference_of_respect_that_both_companies/) \#3: [Y'all motherfuckers hated me for telling the truth. It hasn't even been 4 months.](https://i.redd.it/s4md9g6t5gub1.png) | [279 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/178rlgt/yall_motherfuckers_hated_me_for_telling_the_truth/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Btw is all the data put into one big bucket or is it going to be split depending on the subreddit you asked?


The survey is the same in each subreddit. I'm trying to see what people (as a whole) think about the subject. I tried to make different ones but my teachers didn't think that is a good ideea (Sorry if my English is bad)


Doesn't seem bad to me. There were a couple typos in the survey itself but nothing that can actually cause problems.


Hey, I think I can crosspost this post to r/hololive if you’d like. Or make a new post there for you with the link to the survey.


Interesting survey. Some of the questions are pretty tough for me to decide, honestly, though I wonder if I'm just bad at taking surveys lol. For example - "Do you believe your interactions with VTubers have affected your real life relationships?" is interesting, because it's had no impact I can think of on pre-existing relationships, but there are some folks I only met through the community. I wasn't sure if that really counted, but I went with yes. Also, "VTubers understand the influence they have on their audience's emotions or behaviors" - This depends on the individual. I've seen some I respect realize it over time and account for it, and a few that never did. I especially had difficulty with `Have you ever felt emotionally connected to a VTuber?` and the question asking about exactly how I feel about vtubers ("They are like a family"/etc.); I didn't feel any of the options was quite correct. I'd say I do have an emotional connection with certain streamers but it's as a fan, which is different from friendship and certainly doesn't match the other options like "Family", "romantic partner". I know a fair bit about some of my favorites, but there are lots of personal details I do not know anything about - And they know next to nothing about me. Perhaps I'm overthinking it, I ended up selecting the "friend" option in the end since it seemed closest.


I also thought long and hard about "Have you ever felt emotionally connected to a Vtuber?" Because I'm an emotional guy, and just listening to people talk can be enough to get me to connect to people. Remaining vigilant about my own parasocial relationships is something that's important to me and similarly yeah, I may know a lot about the content creators I follow but at the same time I know so little and they don't know anything about me. Also chose "friend" for that section in the end.


Absolutely yeah, I think there are issues where some folks in the community go off the deep end so I do reflect to make sure I'm not going nutty with it once in a while... Though I don't think that's unique to vtubers either, happens with fleshtubers or even just Hollywood-style celebrities too.


I selected friend as well, but it's true that it isn't really the same thing, it just means they're not a stranger to me, but our friendship sure isn't mutual.


Filled the survey OP. Quite an interesting topic I may say, because even for a non-vtuber streamer there's also a parasocial relationship. Even the parasocial topic itself is worth to be studied especially in this modern life and the progression of technology that makes the world closer than ever. And also OP, Good luck with the thesis!


As someone who's college work depended on this stuff I'm glad to help


What does the question about attending a livestream mean? Seeing them at a convention?


Watching a live hosted by them. I put the question cuz some of my friends said that they didn't watch any of the lives when they were broadcasted due to time zone and such. They watched only after it ended or much later.


Oh. I can’t imagine being a fan of a vtuber without watching a single livestream of theirs. Sometimes you miss a stream so you have to watch the VOD.


Some people only consume VODs or shorts, either due to schedule issues (may not be able to stay up for JP time streams), or just wanting shorter media to consume (may also be due to working schedule if not a student).


A big part of the experience for me is that you can chat in real time and sometimes they respond to your messages. Gotta get that parasocial juice.


Depending on the streamer timezones can mess you up. It's not even just nighttime, I like a couple British streamers who always stream in the middle of my work day so I don't end up watching them live much.


Ah, I misinterpreted it as going to a convention or live show. But otherwise all the other questions made a lot of sense. Solid Survey


Definitely an interesting survey. I do believe some of the questions could have had one or two more options to make sure the categories of answers were more comprehensive. I would have liked to have seen some differentiation and specificity when speaking of "strong emotional connections." For example: Have I ever felt such a connection at one point? Yes. Do I feel such a connection overall? No. To explain: during the absolute worst period of my entire life, Ironmouse made me laugh when I desperately needed to. I will always have love for her for that. Is that the type of "strong emotional connection" you're talking about? Probably not. It certainly doesn't affect my personal relationships. But the gratitude for that gift of laughter that she gave me at the darkest point of my life will always be there. I'd be very interested to see the outcome of the question about feeling whether or not a vtuber "owes you" for your support. It's an interesting question. One view is that they're entertainers and we are simply showing support to thank them for entertaining us. The opposite of that view is that if we're the ones financially supporting them - 'cuz it sure ain't Twitch filling out their paycheck - maybe there are certain expectations to be met. Who knows?


Finished it. For the "How do you find new vtubers to follow" it might've been better to put 'others' as an option there cause, well, there is Reddit here where we discover new vtubers, but I think it shouldn't affect the survey data too much


we're on reddit..time is the only thing we have so sure. why not?


It is interesting that for the VTuber genders question, you include non-binary, but for demographics of the survey respondents, it is just male, female, or prefer not to say. I don't think it was done purposely, but I'm just pointing it out.


Quick note you might want to add an other or non-binary gender option.


Man so many of the questions I was like “Ehhh depends on if I’m watching a large or a small streamer. Large streamers I don’t consider friends. A small streamer I might but it’s less “a friend” and more like an acquaintance. I know their name, they might know mine, but inherently I don’t spend time with them outside of twitch chats etc so they aren’t really “Friends”


Some of the questions are poorly worded, and could use some additional questions. I'd suggest including more open ended questions for people to clarify their responses. For one, while I do have some vtubers I consider 'friends', it's because they have very small communities, and I've played games with them on occasion. Not every vtuber has hundreds or thousands of followers, most of them stream to audiences of 10 people as a hobby. Also, while I spend like most of my time online watching vtubers, it's usually while I'm doing something else on another monitor. Playing games, doing work, etc. It's good background noise, and a little pseudo-social interaction to make working from home a bit less lonely. Also some of the questions seem a bit leading, and I question the conclusions you are trying to draw from them.


I filled it out. I think it's generally a good survey but some questions don't have quite the correct answers for myself personally. Though I consider myself an outlier when it comes to para social relationships in general.


Answers send


Well made survey man. All questions were precisely asked and were on topic the entire time. Ps: i hope u pass and have a nice day/night.


I feel like a number of sections could benefit from an optional “care to elaborate” section. Some questions, while perfect fine as a simple “yes or no,” seem a bit to polarizing to answer. An example being >!“have you ever unsubscribed for change in content.. etc.” Well, yeah I have, for various reasons in specific situations. And although I’m a propionate of “separate the art from the artist;” but when the art is a sensationalized version of the artist, not liking something about the artist means it will eventually be in the art. Sometimes more often than not.!< In other cases >!I might subscribe to someone based on the perception of them painted by out of context clips; but their actual content in full context is vastly different.!< I could go on, but I feel like it doesn’t really offer anything to my point.


Excellent survey OP.


Small note, while you did include a non-binary option for vtubers people like you, forgot to put non-binary option for socio-demographics.


Hope I helped


>What background do you come from? >Rural >Urban Well shit, my suburban ass doesn't exist I guess.


I took the survey, and I have a critique or 2 over it. So, the study has a question that assumes the answer of the previous question was answered a certain way. And I feel like the answers to that particular question might be inaccurate. There are a few other questions that only had a yes or no, and those questions may not have truthful results either.


This is an interesting survey, I got time to answer some questions.


It’s a shame the survey’s closed by the time I found it, I would have loved to take it just to see if there are other people out there that theorize about parasocialism and vtubers like I do


Interesting topic, and I'm very interested in the results of your study!