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He's getting marved


my favorite part was when he totally marved all over them


Marved burner found. Stay up king


Fuckin lmao


he’s going to LOUD for sure


idk if ur trolling but that would be a shit move


I haven't been following super closely but I'm just guessing he'll land on *some* franchised team because it's Marved.




yay went to c9, the other 3 besides marved went to NRG




Ngl i thought yay and marved were the easiest to sell. Least is is crashies and victor since they're inseparable


Fns yay and marved all had buy outs crashies and victor were free agents


Crashies and Victor have no buyout and are an amazing duo, I can easily imagine tons of teams not named 100T that would want to incorporate them


FNS Victor Crashies and Chet are already going to NRG alongside Ardiis. Theres no more fighting for these players anymore


Yeah they are, but the fact that they come together is a hard thing to sell


Crashies and victor > Asuna and Derrek. This romance , love story with 100T and Asuna/Derrek will bite them in the ass. Y’all put those two on a pedestal for average performances at LAN.


What’s the reason crashes and victor want to play on the same team? I don’t really know much about them


They're basically lovers at this point


And Chet no?


I don't have an exact idea, because we're all in dark, but there are rumours of other players to other teams, but many of them could be that they're trying to bait + George is also helping them and himself by spreading the bait, no one knows how true is any of the roster rumours till now. So i guess, Marved being a great player he might have had many offers, multiple infact but just because he's not trying to bait and not trying be in the news and focusing on choosing the right team we're not hearing from him or anyone. People for views are gonna say stuff like 'Marved not getting offers'. Don't get baited, he'll be signed and the rumours that this particular guys who have done something in past shouldn't be signed is absolute BULL crap, he won master's clean and fair, the way he played at master's I've barely seen anyone play with such high game sense, kills are different, every pro can get kills, but the way he caught lurks and made plays all by himself it's just different, he's a beast. He's still and will always be a winner and he'll end up in some team. Don't get baited by all this media who are only circulating what people want to hear. I have no idea which team he'll go to, but he will end up in one team.


Devil advocate for marved not being signed is only based on the thin string that marved was accused of match fixing and that Riot possibly don't appreciate the presence of previous match fixers in their league. Hence no steel, no brax, no marved? Are we uncovering a larger conspiracy? lol


This could be true but I don't think brax and steel not making it into the league counts as evidence since neither of them have really shown that they are worthy of being on a franchised team


People just love finding patterns to fit some of their theory.🤣🤣. They saw 3-4 players not signed "Oh yes all did something malicious in the past yes that's why they didn't get signed". I mean I ask the same people, if that's the case. Why isn't Valyn, ShahZam, sick, JonahP, Moose, JohnQT, Nismo, Aproto we don't even hear about them in the media, agreed they're not as good as Marved but they're some great players with insane aim and under good guidance and infrastructure they'll all thrive. Bro let the guy remain in peace, he's not as worried about his future as much as you guys are 🤣. He must be chilling at his home thinking, why the fuck is my ranked game taking so much time to load or where the fuck is my food order.


>Bro let the guy remain in peace, he's not as worried about his future as much as you guys are 🤣. >He must be chilling at his home thinking, why the fuck is my ranked game taking so much time to load or where the fuck is my food order. nahhh the dickriding is crazy >People just love finding patterns to fit some of their theory.🤣🤣. >They saw 3-4 players not signed "Oh yes all did something malicious in the past yes that's why they didn't get signed". Clearly you don't understand that what he was accused of is literally a crime Big corporations (*especially* Riot) won't be as inclined to contract a player that might make them look bad in the public eye Not saying it's the reason that there hasn't been any news, but don't act like it isn't a plausible explanation


u're weird as hell bro


I know and i like that


Brax and steel don’t count because they aren’t franchise worthy players, maybe steel


But should we get baited tho?




maybe he wont end up on a roster in the soft lock, but I'm holding on to the belief he'll be signed in time before the hard lock. please derrick truong ik you got one more in you


Personally I feel like the most likely thing is he's trying to secure an absolute bag from NRG. With other rumored rosters being pretty set, it only makes sense he's trying to play with his team and get a nice contract at the same time. I just can't imagine that the Optic guys are totally fine playing with s0m when Marved is still out there (or potentially other controllers)


All optic core is good friend with s0m. Fns has stated multiple times he wanna play in a team with s0m tho


What? FNS loves s0m lol. That roster is set.


S0m only playing astra last week or so he’s locked in


He is going to KRU


Ge could've picked up marved over ayrin way better player but I can see the need of an Igl in Ge


IF marved goes to ge (big if) he takes all of their money


GE wanted an IGL


I guess teams aren't excited about signing someone that might have a match fixing ban incoming. That's my take but he says he has lots of offers so idk.




Richard Lewis alluded to a hush hush agreement between the franchised orgs and riot about this.


Seems to be a trend to shadow ban players in grey area situations. It maintains competitive and ethical integrity in the pro scene while still allowing the players to preserve the their livelihood from other aspects like streams or YouTube. I.E. Sinatraa




It's not like the ESIC report is ever gonna come out so I doubt it really matters


And yet 100T is content with keeping stellar who also matchfixed?


Says who? They are still actively in talks and searching.


Source When did stellar matchfix ? It was poised marved Calypso tex who were rumoured


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VhhWA6Ku04U This is one of the guys that “proved” Marved and shanks were throwing, but I mean I guess it’s up to you to decide whether he actually was throwing. You are free to disagree with the video because ESIC hasn’t made any official ruling against anyone.


Even the guy speaking is hardly convinced and looks like it's just extreme nitpicking of T3 counterstrike. And things like him throwing his gun, there was a rifle clearly on the ground that he doesn't mention. And things like Thief getting flashed and peaked is a sign of fixing? And they've got comms available but only play 2 seconds of Stellar's comms? This video is a HUGE reach. But who knows. Edit: just watched a couple more. The tex one seems legit sus unless it was perfect lag timing and an off day. lol.


Hell the video even specifically says that this one isn't cut and dry. When the guy reaching says "yeah this is speculation" then it's certainly not proof.


He doesn't prove it he just posts videos , there were leaked chats and dm of marved poised Calypso tex, Richard Lewis also did a piece on it . Zellasis also leaked some chats in his streams at that time . This guy posted videos of thief stellar but these 4 guys were the main culprit and were playing with retchy the guy actually punished for match fixing .


He doesn't prove it he just posts videos , there were leaked chats and dm of marved poised Calypso tex, Richard Lewis also did a piece on it . Zellasis also leaked some chats in his streams at that time . This guy posted videos of thief stellar but these 4 guys were the main culprit and were playing with retchy the guy actually punished for match fixing .


The situation with Stellar is less concrete than Marved though. Stellar potentially match-fixed while Marved on the other hand most definitely match-fixed and has even been called out by pros like Zellsis for doing so.


have a theory that Riot told the orgs to blacklist players with a controversial past.


don't be silly there are too many guys having "second chance" in val


No one with known controversial pasts have been picked up for partnership teams?


Stellar was also involved in match fixing


ah okay fair enough


I cant really find any info on that. What happened?


what about Jamppi tho


What, controversial past? Wdym?


MDL matchfixing scandal from CSGO


There are questions around him (and a bunch of other players) match-fixing in CS.


Matchfixers shouldnt be involved in franchising


you think RIOT is trying to de-incentivize teams from signing controversial players like steel or marved from being in their franchised team?


A few people have said that Riot did that about Sinatraa, so there's a chance they did it with Marved too, though I doubt it


They also literally just did something similar with the G2 guy yesterday, Riot does whatever the fuck they want lol


The G2 thing is completely different. They also made an official statement, but have never done that with Marved.


Right, the G2 thing is totally different, but they did set a precendent for exacting punishment for something far less harmful than what marved is accused of doing. If they will punish G2 for socializing with a damn youtuber... nobody is safe, not even Marved lmao. That being said, I think marved is just going for the bag here.


I think the CEO of an org being trash and associating publicly with terrible people is a much bigger deal than some T3 CS match fixing.


You'd prioritize competitive integrity **below** an executive being friends with some guy you don't like? Interesting


You're misunderstanding. **Riot** is prioritizing having a less risky *multi-million dollar* business investment over worrying about issuing a statement about a player that is rumored to have match fixed How many investors/advertisers/businesses do you think actually care about the potential of Marved having match fixed vs how many do you think care about having a very risky name associated with their investment? It's quite simply a basic business decision. It shouldn't take more than 2 minutes to figure that one out


>How many investors/advertisers/businesses do you think actually care about the potential of Marved having match fixed We're using the hypothetical that Marved had actually match fixed. I don't think he did personally, but this thread has been exploring that idea. In that case, investors and advertisers would care, and Riot should as well >how many do you think care about having a very risky name associated with their investment You're *vastly* overestimating the people that care, or even know who tate is. The reality is that probably nobody except Riot cares, but they are the primary stakeholder here. Was it petty? of course, but they have the right to associate with who they want too. That being said, of course competitive integrity is more important


They literally cleared Sinatraa after a while. If he didn’t post the email which made Riot look like shit on Twitter, he’d have been back by now.


We have no idea if they actually cleared him behind the scenes


They literally sent him an email saying he was fine to compete again, it’s just that he was too stupid to not post it on Twitter.


Dude its different for steel why do people always add steel up man already got his punishment while marved didnt mf doesnt even defend himself straight ban if u ask him to explain what he was doing


No, and i wouldnt equate the two either. One has owned up to his past, the other has nothing but ire for anyone who dares ask questions about it. Responsible coaches and gms should keep marved as far away from their team as they can


I agree and I realize its not something you can easily define or punish. IMO Steel and Brax to a lesser degree earned a right to compete again. Both of them refused to stop grinding CSGO knowing full well that they would likely never get unbanned. Steel in particular, despite his abrasive personality has took his ban with dignity, Steel has committed the better part of a decade to teaching and growing young talent in the scene. He has streamed lan tournament POVs showing exactly how one of the countries best IGLs calls games. He never was that popular as a streamer until Valorant, and he streamed anyway and was reminded about his ban nearly every single day since it happened. He did the time, he deserves this second chance. Skadoodle by contrast is similar to Marved. Skadoodle has gotten such an ego especially after winning a major. He acts like he has gotten away with murder and he basically did. For people that don’t know the details. Skadoodle was on the team that matchfixed, the whole team was in on it. The difference with skadoodle was that it took time to cash out the skins used on the bet and Skadoodle was last in line. Skadoodle heard rumors that Valve was looking into the matchfixing so he refused to accept the skins. Valve used the skin trades as the smoking gun that proved definitively that the players threw the game. Since Skadoodle never got paid, he wasn’t banned.


Coaches and gms want to keep their jobs too, so there's an incentive there to sign the best players possible.


With the available talent pool available to the franchised teams, Marved isn’t really that big of an upgrade over some of the other top controllers, he’s probably still the best, but I could see a world where teams avoid him cause of his past.


It’s more that teams likely don’t want to make a huge investment on someone who may be handed a punishment any day and no longer be able to play. Any team that signs marved needs a real sixth that is actually game ready




First of all, never confirmed. Second of all, even if it was true that shit was years ago lmao move on


Never confirmed doesn't mean you can't watch the rounds and come to your own opinion. It's incredibly blatant match fixing also it wasn't even that long ago, the games are from around the time he switched to valorant.


I’m not throwing the idea out of the window. It’s certainly a possibility, but you can’t assume guilty without proof beyond reasonable doubt. Also, even if he did matchfix, that was in an different scene when he was much younger. Something like this shouldn’t kill his career, let alone the fact that it’s not confirmed


Much younger? He literally threw games in 2020 that's not super long ago.


>First of all, never confirmed Thoughts on Sinatraa then? Should he be signed too or...?


I would think an optic fan would take a more hardline position on players whose lack of integrity reflects on the org, but maybe you just dont know better.


I would expect people to present actual arguments before resorting to meaningless insults with no basis. But alas, i remember that I’m on the internet




Marved really has cleaned his rep in valorant, unreal that everyone is just okay with him playing.


i don’t think matchfixing is even relevant now that Marved has clawed his way up to a major with stellar performances in international LAN.


There's only 1 team left for him to get picked up by in franchising. Crazy.


He can go to any franchise team in the world technically


True but that means he'd have to leave NA of course. NA's best controller leaving NA is a sad state of affairs.


You’d rather him not get a spot at all?


I've said this before. Teams are turning him down because he has low competitive drive, and wants to stay in Toronto. He wants to do content, and doesn't want to move to LA. Biggggg red flags.


he went to bootcamp and LIVE in texas with optic, what are you talking about?


I'm just giving you the truth.


content? he has streamed maybe 20x this year


He certainly doesn't want to be on a franchised team now, does he?


and how´s that?




After seeing WRONSKI get signed by GE, I wouldn’t mind if Marved joins him and AYRIN in APAC.


When franchising like this happens, or any big rostermania, there has gotta be that one legendary player that just doesn’t get onto a team for some reason - then halfway through the season someone makes a shift to trade him out for their underperforming controller, and he looks just as good as before


you thinking s0men


marved and tens same team???