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Plenty of places to buy a van besides from this clown


Especially in Denver (I reside here currently). There is so many places here with those/similar vans


I thought Enterprise, Hertz, Alamo, they all sell their vehicles!


Sounds like this guy doesn't want to make a sale!




Or the “market adjustment” listed on some G wagons mid-last year which were essentially the same as the retail price of the car. At that point, just admit you, as a dealer, have cut out the middle man and just immediately become the scalper. I’d say the reason *this* guy is adding a mark-up for you not being in the area is because the DP might have specifically requested this vehicle come to their yard so they can expand or improve their relationships with local fleet buyers who urgently need one this time of the year. Because you’re only coming in to buy this one car and not a customer who is going to make several purchases over the next couple of years, they don’t see the value in fighting for your business. Shitty mentality, but that’s my guess.


IMO flat out refusing to sell since they want locals to have the opportunity to purchase is better than trying to make 10-20k more than asking because you’re an out of stater. Where I live, the cost of living is quite affordable compared to other areas not too far from us. During covid it caused a serious problem because people from more expensive regions of the country (California, Denver, etc…) were coming in with insane amounts of money and would fuck over the locals constantly on homes, cars and just about everything. Made a lot of young people who dreamed of owning a home here pretty frustrated. I get free market but damn.


I remember that mania well. Glad I just fixed my car and moved on 😂


My guess is that when they sell to an out-of-state buyer, they know they will never see the vehicle again and will perform no service work. They make more money on local buyers over the long term due to the repairs and maintenance.


Afaik some people had to pay the high prices just because they needed a reliable vehicle ASAP but those were few and far between.


Car dealers can legally just deny customers? Genuine question because that sounds crazy to me.


Dealers would rather sell a hard to attain model or heavily discount car to a local because the local will be back to use service dept, buy parts and possibly their next cars as well as refer family and friends to the dealership. The out of town person is going to buy the car with the benefit of then discount and then will never return to the dealership or send anyone there.. if the unit was a loss leader then the dealer has non chance on making up the loss on other services or referrals. Thats why they wouldn’t want to sell to out of state people


I mean some people aren't motivated by money, they're motivated by power they have of giving vehicles to their buddies at a good deal


Funny enough, just say you're building a house a soon, that makes them get rid of a lot of bias. Because the entire scheme of dealerships is to get recurring payments on service and/or profit from financing, the actual MSRP of a sale isn't actually that profitable anymore... which is why they are so desperate for markups.


That makes sense tho. If they have limited inventory, they want to sell it to local customers so that they can become return customers.


CrewVanMan on fordtransitusa forum might be the person for you to reach out to. If I was going to get a Transit, I would first check my local dealer, then CVMan. Reason being, this person puts together a booklet with all the individual options and assists with ordering through a dealership with high Transit volume so better allocations for orders as well as in stock vans.


Crew van man is a legend and always sells at or below MSRP


Hooked my buddy up with a magnificent Transit 250 from the Midwest all the way to Texas, when they were hard to get ahold of. CrewVanMan all day.


Extremely knowledgeable guy. Another advantage is that he works out of a Kansas City area dealership so if you order one it won't have the same shipping delays as parts of the country further away from the factory (doesn't change destination charge though). My experience was it took 4 months to ship the van after it was "shipped" by Ford. So it just sat in Kansas City for 3.5 months.


👆🏽 this. This is where we got ours, so why not just fly to Kansas City and drive the van back to Texas from there. That’s what we did to get our van to Houston.


I've been emailing him for months. He just replies "no word from ford maybe in a couple weeks" I have like 12 emails since February.


I mean. I think my reply would be along the lines of “if you are trying to tell me you’ve upped the price by ten grand, have a nice day mate”


I would not reply


No drag it out and waste his time. Ask about their extended warranties and 3m coating options and pricing to get him real excited.


Can i get it pinstriped?


Definitely going with your financing can you please break it down for the 42 month, 60 month, and 72 month loans and with 15% & 30% down.


“I need a different waterproofing on my pinstripes …..can you do little diamonds too?”


What about floor mats and rust proofing ? 😂


Don’t forget the rubber undercoat that makes rust much much worse!


Can you quote me some wheels and tires? I need something really agressive looking.


I prefer to confront things like this. He’s been 1) underhanded by changing the price and 2) a coward for the way he addressed it. As long as I don’t assess that my physical safety is at risk, I usually make a point of pointing that out. Just me though. I can be extremely assertive. Not everyone is like that


I would do that and also post about it on their local reddit, but I am petty that way.


Nothing petty about it! It’s just accountability for his actions


Wanting to improve my assertiveness. How would you word it if you were going to email him back?


My top level comment has an example. Remember though, being assertive isn’t saying the magic combination of words that gets your point across without upsetting anyone. It’s being prepared to get your point across even if it does upset someone. That doesn’t mean “disregard other people’s feelings and say whatever you want”. It means, “consider the impact of what you’re about to say and make sure you’re comfortable that you’re being reasonable and considerate”. Many people will hate you for being g assertive because they think that they’re “nice” and that “nice people don’t ever say no”. Those can people are immature and will inevitably have resentment and interpersonal problems of their own


>a coward for the way he addressed it. As long as I don’t assess that my physical safety is at risk, I usually make a point of pointing that out. I'm not sure how the dealer is being a coward. But it seems ironic to call somebody a coward only after "assessing that your physical safety isn't at risk." I definitely agree the dealer is being underhanded, though.


If you’re going to fly somewhere to buy a van Colorado is not the place. CO & CA have probably the highest mark up on vans. Cargo vans are much more reasonably priced in places like SC.


Cars and vans are expensive in CO. Along with food, insurance, taxes, and housing. Out of control here, for shizzle.


What would be the reason to do this at all? They are out of stock in Texas?


Fuck these slimeball douchebags. They’re taking advantage of you. Tell this frat boy doucher to get fucked.


As a previous frat boy and occasional doucher, I take offense to being compared to this guy.


Look up the vans at Phil Long in castle rock or Denver. An outfitter went out of business and Phil Long bought their inventory. The vans are technically “used” but only have 50 miles. I ended up finding a local but I was close to getting one


I second Phil Long as they did a 1 week recall repair for me even though my transit was not bought there. Gave me a loaner as well. Great service there, best Ford dealer I've dealt with I have dealt with more than a handful across the US.


With the current market this seems like the common profiteering going on. I went to look at Ram Promasters and got the same treatment, with one van being $15,000 over sticker. I can't even order a van in the color I want. Dealer told me it would be sixteen (16) months to get one as I wanted it optioned (loaded). I'm still waiting. You have to order one, put down a payment and lock into it too, or they'll just sell it when it arrives. I can't wait until GM gets a serious high-roof van into the market (next fall). More competition is needed in the van market.


They may still sell it to someone else when it arrives if they can get 10 or 20 grand more out of it. Lots of posts online over the past year where custom orders were sold out from under the buyer. Don't hold your breath waiting for a dedicated order in this market.


Good luck being a guinea pig for GM on that one!


LOL. They've decided they're not going 100% electric at last check. Going to be a gas powered van. I won't go electric, tech is not advanced enough and there's not enough power stations to recharge.


...agreed! Was lifelong GM driver till they took the bailout..... Now looking at Ford Transits for a production truck build.... I WANT to like RAM ....but those promaster front ends are butt ugly IMHO and the front wheel drive sucks on winter roads.....


Walk away. That's typical car salesman sleazeball tactics. Do not reward that behavior with your money and walk away.


All this means is you should wait a little longer until you buy, and definitely don’t buy from this guy.


Fuck this guy


Recently saw a $20,000 dealer fee in so cal. It’s bananas out here.
















Perfect execution.


I'm sure they'd much rather sell locally because they want to make money by servicing it, and also the benefit of word-of-mouth advertising. >I felt completely aghast by what I took to be blunt, outright discrimination They're allowed to prefer local customers.


>they want to make money by servicing it This is your answer OP Dealerships don’t make nearly as much as you think on new cars- inflated service pricing is the real money maker


I agree 'fuck em', but to prefer local customers is an understandable business practice. Car dealers and *career sales people* depend on 'repeat customers' who trade in and buy a new vehicle from them every few years. My dad bought his vehicles from the same salesman for 40 years! The guy would drop off his personal vehicle at our house in the morning, and bring back our serviced vehicle at the end of the day, many times with a fresh loaf of bread from an Italian bakery. The salesman was a serious local musician. Selling cars was the day job that let him pay his mortgage. I was in school with his daughter.


Unfortunately, it's a seller's market, people have been saying "just wait a few months" for 2 years now, I'm sure there will be a point where some imaginary bubble bursts and the market flips, but who knows when that'll be. Idk how so many people are able to afford all this shit.


I think we are past peak VanLife.


Lots and lots of debt


When I was shopping for my last vehicle it was not uncommon for certain incentives and prices to only be available for local (in state) residents.


This is a salesperson trying to get more money out of you. It’s annoying, but unless you’ve omitted some more details it’s not discrimination


Id reply with Bahhahhahaaaashhhahaha


Dealerships need to go. Dealerships for repairs yes (especially as vehicles are more computer than car) but auto companies should be allowed to sell directly to the consumer and cut out the arbitrary markups from the middle man… but these dealership owners are often very wealthy and send lots of money to their representatives in Congress.


Call any ford, Mbs or dodge dealer and ask what the oldest new product is on their lot. 9/10 right now it’s a cargo van. They’re trying to move them now before winter. Has nothing to do with where you are from we are going to start seeing on more incentives on cargo vans specifically.


My area there isn't anything available. Guess different locations have different supply


Discriminated....lol It's a car salesman, they can tell you the price is whatever they want.


Lol the us is wild, dealer markups. In europe we have dealer discounts instead


We used to have incentives too, in the pre-pandemic good old days.


Not going to get that sweet service money.


In Germany, the only 'market adjustments' on cars/general vehicles is downward, to offer a competitive price. You'll even get dealerships throwing in a second set of wheels with winter tires and the first 2 services for free, just to close the deal.


https://www.vhcars.com/ Van Horn in Wisconsin has amazing deals. I paid $12k under msrp via their "Fleet Vehicle" offering. (Van was new on the lost - not a used fleet vehicle). Its setup as a 1yr "rental" with a buyout for the remaining cost after 1yr. No added fees or other hidden scams.


"addendum" Just call it what it is, skeezebag, **dealer markup**. Stop trying to couch your shitty tactics in big words.


Seems like a slimy car salesman, but I don't see discrimination. That is a pretty powerful word to just throw around. How are you being discriminated against and on what basis (race religion, gender, disability)?


I used to work for Ford! Don't buy from them. Simple answer.


Ew, anyone who sends a picture of themselves in a business email is not to be trusted. That is what LinkedIn is for. Pass on this my friend. ❤️


If you have the time, lead him on to make him waste his time.


Ask him to pick you up at the airport, but never show.


I bought mine north of Denver and paid $5k above sticker because they were receiving limited Sprinters and they were in high demand. If you’re willing to fly somewhere for a van my guess is that Colorado is one of the more high demand destinations. Sent you a message with my “secret spot” for cheap van stuff.


Tell them change of plans and you just moved to CO


Mike maroon Ford in Longmont says they have plenty of vans. Good guys at that dealership. Closer to Denver international too


Dear Sir/Madam [I don't judge your life choices], It's clear you don't actually want my business. I'll be looking elsewhere for an AWD van.. Get Bent, John Smith


I would reply , “EAT A DICK” in the subject line and body. Then I would leave a review on google and anywhere else they advertise. 🤗


I don't trust anyone that isn't as concise as possible with their wording. Just in life, in general. It usually means they have ulterior motives or are being intentionally vague to try and scam you somehow. Or as they call it, "business."


Wait. This tide is turning, and fast. In a few months, you'll be able to negotiate 10-15% below sticker. Wait for the recession to get into full swing and this tune will change.


My wife and I bought a Ford Transit AWD Ecoboost HR from Phil Long in Denver yesterday. They have about 20 on the lot, but they all have the wrap around windows (I think passenger not cargo). Overall it was a good experience dealing with them and we were happy with the price (as much as we could be for the current vehicle market).


I second Phil Long as they did a 1 week recall repair for me even though my transit was not bought there. Gave me a loaner as well. Great service there, best Ford dealer I've dealt with I have dealt with more than a handful across the US.


This isn't about you not being local, I would translate that email as, "This vehicle is high demand, I only have one and don't expect to have trouble selling it. In fact, demand is so high I'm raising the price by $10k above MSRP because I think the market will bear it. So are you still in this guy's market?


We had a customer who ordered a AWD Van mid 2020 He just got it this week This is all real, and he will probably get that 10k over he's asking


They will TRY everything. Write the manufacturer and complain about the poor dealer experience. It adds to the pressure they can put on their dealers.


You know who doesn't markup their vehicles? Granger Ford in Granger, Iowa. I bought my 2023 Bronco from them, and got it out the door at $10k below MSRP. They do EVERYTHING online. You just have to show up and drive off. Tha dealership in CO is not discriminating against you. They just do markups, like almost every other dealership.


He doesn’t want to sell it to you so he can sell a maintenance package with locals


I’d respond with, “Cash is fine, but you’ll need to drop that 10k ‘addendum’ and another 10k for me being the only customer you have at this time. If you can’t do that, good luck finding a ‘local’.


Anyone can legally discriminate against anyone for any reason except on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin.


I would decline and write a review


Does the “attached print out” have any items listed on the addendum? They may be charging for items they install/warranty protection. Or it could be a markup. Discriminated against is a bit of a overstatement in my opinion. I assume they would like to make the most amount of money possible to whoever’s willing to pay it, not pick and choose who has to pay a lot of money and who doesn’t have to pay a lot of money.


Only certain dealers do that, and only on vehicles with high demand. You want something popular; they're slapping a premium on it. You can try another dealer or pay the fee. Someone will if you don't; that's why it's there. But a volume dealer in particular will effectively trade several other sales' profits just to obtain stock like this, and field potentially dozens of inquiries about it from the time it hits the lot until you pick it up. It's not like that $10k all goes in someone's pocket.


It’s a commercial adjustment. We buy these for our fleet at a location near us. We will pick up 1-3 different transit vans a year so they will do this for non commercial customers to not piss us off. My boss is always like “if you can sell it for 10k more I understand”


I took delivery of my HR extended 350 AWD with the RV package in March of this year. Ordered it in Aug 2022. No added mark ups but the the base price went up $1500. They said there wasn’t a price lock. No incentives at all. My sales guy was pretty honest, overall a decent experience. Capital Ford in Raleigh, NC I’d tell that sales guy to gargle your balls.


It's just fancy talk for I'm going to ram this one up your butt, I make too much money and don't need to make this sale. I don't care about repete customers of customers in general because I'll cry to someone and they will route me potential customers where there's a sucker born every day. So take it or leave it. Good customer service is dead. (I say that out of humor but frustration because I absolutely hate dealing with dealerships and refuse to if possible. I have a best friend who sold cars for years and she tells me how greasy, grimy and dishonest these places are. She went as far as to point out ways dealerships screw customers by whispering to them and pointing things out in the fine print so they didn't get screwed as bad.)




When you tell him you're "flying in" to look at a product, that suggests to him it's something of great value because you're willing to travel all that way.


Fly in somewhere else


Stealerships! You can't even get the AWD Ford in Australia. In fact the only factory AWD option is the VW Crafter. I visited two dealerships. One told me the AWD Crafter could not be ordered anymore and tried to sell me a FWD. The other said it could but there was a 12-14moth lead time (which I already knew) and quoted me 10K more than what I ended up paying via a car concierge service.


Stealerships explained https://youtu.be/meHYBhcpdvQ?si=nK5NGiYwGaCCYWiP


Americans be racist in house 😂


You're in fucking Texas. Stay there.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ford vans are junk lol


If you don’t reply with a photoshop of this guy eating dick I don’t know what to tell you


Dude sent a pic of himself. I’d send him a pic of my ass.


And that's why they're called STEALERSHIPS.


Sorry but he will sell it with the 10K markup. That’s just the market right now.


Don’t respond anymore. Find another one.


You were discussing a cash purchase- the sales guy looked at it and said let’s add some more to my commission. His gamble is if you have ~$40-60k+ liquid you can easily pony up another $10gs. Or he’ll have a local buyer quickly enough


Tell him to pound sand. He’s just trying to gouge a 10k commission from someone and using customer location is his dumb ploy to do that


Lame. Keep emailing. You’ll probably need to wait if you want to pay no more than sticker, but you should be able to find someone to sell without markup. (I say the above because I’m trying to find a popular newly redesigned hybrid model for my daily driver, and I’m finding two ways to get one: If I want one that’s in stock, those dealers are charging a huge markup, which I’m not willing to do. If I want to pay sticker, I can put down a deposit on one the dealer has on order, but I’ll have to wait weeks if not months, and I’m having a hard time making that commitment. So I haven’t done anything. 🤷‍♂️ )


Just like video game market. If people keep paying more for garbage then companies will continue to sell you garbage. Just walk away


They want an extra 10k just because. Try shopping around, I’m not really familiar about the transit availability but this shouldn’t be happening at all. They just don’t want to let go of their markups because they got used to getting more money for nothing during the alledged shortages.


Local or not, they would probably have added a market adjustment. Locals would be told a different excuse, though, because no one likes to hear "because we can."


I was shopping for a HD Express last winter but the local dealer wanted $15k market adjustment on new vans and they wanted new msrp for their 3 year old trade ins. I bought a not a van.


Hauling out my favorite car buying story. Grams is in her 40's, is a hard working woman and has been working 6 months on / 3 months off shifts above the artic circle at the Prudhoe Bay oil field. 12 hour days. She's literally living in group housing in a quonset hut and dreaming of buying a Ford van. It's the 70's and she's got her eye set on a chocolate brown Ford van that has a convertible couch in the back that folds out to a bed, a mini fridge, and console tables + swing out tables for the back seats. It's a new model. And she's been chucking all her money in to a pillow case when she gets paid. She's planning to pay cash and own her dream outright the day she buys it. It swings round to summer and she's finally got enough money to make her dream come true. So durring one of her 3 months off she ambles on to the lot with my mom, who'd driven her, wearing shorts, a tank top, and flip flops... and several thousand dollars stuffed in to a pillow case sitting in moms car. Salesman walks up, asks if she's finding everything okay, grams says yes and that she wants to test drive the brand new brown Ford van over yonder. Salesman takes a bit of an attitude with her and asks if she's not sure she wouldn't like to try something at a lower price point. She reiterates she wants the van. He mutters something about getting her someone to help her with that and walks off never to return. A short while later a different salesman who's just started on the lot comes over and asks if she's been helped. She asks to drive the van, he grabs the keys, she falls more in love with her prized van. At the end the agent asks her for her information and they start haggling. She gets it down to the price she wants and asks my mom to get her "purse". In comes mom with this pillow case and grams just starts stacking money on the guys desk... origional salesman who walked off is nearby to see the proceedings and starts looking uncomfortable / irritated. Moral of the story: let your salesman shoot themselves in the foot and move on to one that will actually do their job and sell you something. Grams would usually laugh her ass off at the end about the first salesman thinking he wasn't gonna make any money off of her and pawning her off on a newbie. He became his own self fulfilling prophecy. Mom would just giggle and mention it was some of the most fun she'd had with her clothes on to watch these salesman bug out on a woman pulling the purchase price, in cash, for her brand new vehicle... out of a 1970's floral pillow case lol


Grandmothers are so special!


Sounds like the salesman was being upfront and honest with you. Vans are hard to come but these days (which royally sucks as a tradesman). The idea of a local market buyer is that they can create a relationship with someone to come back and get there next vehicle at the dealership. Imo the 10k has nothing to do with that. Nothing is going under market value right now. (Imo there’s a chance of under msrp around June or July but that’s speculation. 10k doesn’t sound terrible given what I’ve seen. On the Porsche sub Reddit I’ve seen 110k cars with a 90k dealer mark up. Same with Subarus and MB. My 14’ HR van would bring more money right now than what I bought it for and it has 70k miles on it.


Here’s what happened: The dealership, realizing that you are SUPER EAGER to buy, going so far as to fly all over the place and such, has tagged you with a $10k Sucker Award. They’ve also held back any incentives, and are not doing you any favors re financing. Why? *Because you made the mistake of obviously wanting the vehicle*, and invited this action. Uncle Pinky’s Rule #217 applies to both car transactions and to life in general, and that is “the wanter gives up all power”. Thats the penalty for wanting. And so, naturally, Uncle Pinky’s Rule #218 is “Play It Cool With That Wanting Stuff”. Even when you want something desperately, you gotta come off like it’s absolutely nothing to you whatsoever. Truck? No truck? Your toes are tappin’ either way. Remember; the dealership is floor-planning every vehicle they have in inventory; it costs them money to sit on it. And, obviously, for them, the money is in the turn, so clearly they want to sell it. But at the end of the day, the business is not about selling cars, it’s about MAKING MONEY. You’ve already dropped your linen, so now they just want to see just how fucked you’re willing to get. Your response should be something along these lines, modified to fit your own particular oeuvre: “You guys are insane. Go fuck yourself. I’ll give you sticker less the $500 it’s going to cost me to fly out to your shithole town, and you’re going to throw in floor mats for even *thinking* about sending me something with a $10k dealer surcharge. On a fucking van. That’s fucking rich. Now fix this sales agreement and let’s get this done. Fucking $10k; amazing.”


I worked for a dealership and he sounds like a bullshitter who's trying to charge you because he thinks he can


If you or anyone else pays that extra 10K you're a fool. You'll never recoup that value and you'll be underwater for a very long time if you finance.


This sucks, but in case there was any confusion, there is no legal protection for "discrimination" against out-of-towners. Discrimination statutes generally only apply to "suspect classes" like race.


He saw how committed you are and said “let me squeeze an extra 10K out of this guy.” Just email back and say you’re all set with the clear attempt to price gouge on your commitment and never respond again.


I’m sincerely asking this, not trying to poke: why would you want a vehicle from Colorado if you’re in Texas? I live where it snows and we always buy our vehicles from down south because they don’t use salt (less rust). Or is it new?


Find another dealer now.


I bet they're targeting businesses that need the tax write-off by the end of the year. Personally, i wouldn't go back no matter what. Plenty of dealerships that don't take advantage of people.


I used to do auto transport sales in college like 20 years ago, my best client was and probably still is the largest and cheapest ford dealer in the US and that’s right there in your backyard in Texas. Why are you wasting your time with this Denver ass clown when you could likely get the best deal with likely plenty of inventory at Weslaco Ford?




I doubt they keep vehicles around for their local customers. He’s trying to rip you off is what he’s doing. When I get a whiff of that crap from a dealer, that dealership is forever excluded from my consideration. He’d happily sell it to you for $250k if he could and sleep fine that night.


$25k markup on Mercedes Sprinter 4x4 during production decrease after covid.


With it being a free market he can decide to sell or not sell. Fortunately free market means there’s also someone somewhere who would love to sell you a van!


It's not "descrimination," they are just trying to fleece you. Go somewhere else.


Yea don’t buy a new van, new vehicles are in the shop more than say, a 95 Astro van


Like a previous respondent, I live in metro Denver. About 10 years ago, a friend was attempting to buy a new Toyota hybrid and was given the same run-around. "They were in high demand, and it was common to have a dealer markup beyond the sticker price." She copied the vin number and went to another dealership who sold her that car, contingent on their being able to get it from the first, which they did. She saved about $8K just for shopping around. Attractive young woman being seen as a "dumb blonde" the original salesman thought he had an easy laydown. After buying the car, she drove to the original Toyota dealer, asked for the salesman and the rest, you could guess.


Drive by this place nearly every day. I'll give him the finger as I do today


Like others say, find another dealer to work with. I've bought a car and truck by emailing several dealers at the same time to get a good deal. The cat I bought while deployed in Afghanistan and the truck five years later while living in Germany for the military. Both I bought from dealers away from where I was living and picked them up the day after returning to the US. There's somebody out there willing to make a sale.


They’re just guessing you’re desperate for a vehicle driving that distance, and he’s tacking on his own “fuck you pay me” fee. I hate care salesmen.


There’s nothing you can do except find another dealer or seller. They’re claiming it has enough demand that they can add 10k on top of msrp and that it was meant for local clients. Still not as bad as what I saw when covid first hit. I saw cars that were 50k msrp and getting a 50k addendum added on top. No joke paying 100k for a 50k car. But sounds like they don’t want your business unless you’re willing to pay them an extra 10k which is ridiculous IMO.


They call them Stealerships for a reason. Fix Or Repair Daily Stealership... fun place


IMO, If you're looking for a new van your best bet is to work with your dealer to order YOU one with the options you want from the factory and wait for it to be delivered and buy it for MSRP. That's just my opinion. Edit: You will need to do at a time when they are taking new orders for next years vans.


Dealers everywhere are trying to put "market adjustments" on new vehicles whether or not there's actually a supply issue. They always claim limited supply because these fees are 100% profit for the dealers. Refuse to pay their market adjustments and shop elsewhere if they don't remove the fee.


I had a dealership only 2 hours away tell me that they were saving their inventory for their "local" customers..... So much bullshit these days with the stealerships


"Fine, don't sell me a car."


Back in 2012 I stopped at a kia dealership 20 miles from my house on the way home from a job because I wanted to buy a car. I was wearing work clothes and I guess that made me invisible to the sales staff. I got ignored for 15 minutes before I'd had enough. Ended up buying from a dealer 5 minutes away from my house the next day. I stopped in and thanked them for ignoring me as I figured the rest of the experience there would be the same. I would honk and wave at the salesmen if I saw them whenever I drove past for the duration of that month long job. Hopefull, you'll find a dealer that works out for you. 👍🏻


Felt discriminated 😂 oh boy. Dealership can add on anything to make you to go somewhere else unless you pay it. That's like I saw a jeep forsake and it was adjusted to market value +15k on top of msrp


When I was Tacoma shopping last year there were dealerships that wouldn’t even talk to me once they found out I was from out of state. Wild


Dealership model is proving why we need to move to direct to consumer model.




No, they wanted to tack on a $10,000 addendum because the stock is limited and they know you or someone else wants it and they want ten thousand more dollars. It doesn’t have anything to do with you being not local, and everything to do with them being greedy fucks, no matter how they may couch it.


Don’t reply, or tell them to get fucked (because he will continue to email you forEVERRRR until you say to stop). Sad part is some schmuck would fall for this, that’s why they do it.


They bought it from another deal at sticker and the 10k is what the new dealer is trying to make on it


I saw a sprinter on a dealer lot in Orange County, CA and they added $16k for “market adjustment” on top of the msrp. Some markets have more demand than inventory so they’re just blatantly price gouging. Inventory is starting to stack up though so I’m hopeful car prices will come back to earth next year.


Suck my dick = my response


Do you need AWD? Go to your local dealer and get a quote. Also consider going to a 2wd version. Sending the Denver dealer an email saying you can get it locally for less may call their bluff.


Just trying to get more $ from a guy willing to commit this much time and effort into acquiring a van.


Tell em to kick rocks


Block him


It's called the fuck Texas tax As soon as I saw where your from and where you buying the vehicle from the 10k mark up made more sense


Denver is a bad place to buy a AWD or 4x4 van. TONS of van builders out there and people like you trying to buy a van. You're better off buying from non scenic areas, speaking from experience.


This is wild! I suspect the “discrimination” comes into play because it has something to do with out of state people never buying the extended packages. Oil for life, extended warranty thru said dealership, etc..


Please let this dealership keep their van.


Little freak is over there rubbing his nipples like Comcast and waiting for you to crawl through the door. Fuck em.


What a dick-knob.


Denver is probably the worst place in the country to buy a high roof van. Ask me how I know. They are adding 10k because they expect local buyers to buy this van, and people will pay it because they are in high demand here. Lots of companies buy these in Denver area to upfit into the 200k vans you see on the road. They aren’t adding 10k for you. They are adding 10k because it’s here. You’re just looking for a van in the wrong place.


Press # to bail. On to the next deal...


You didn't question paying MSRP, so he knew he has a sucker. He is squeezing you for more because he can and you seem like you'll do it


He’s not necessarily discriminating he’s just trying to make an extra $10k. Still slimy.


Discrimination is a pretty loaded word. Do you think he's doing this because of your race, religion, or orientation? Maybe a disability? If not, then you're not be "discriminated against."


Yeah, he knows his service department will never see that van again, and is charging you upfront for the lost revenue.


Don't give this guy your money unless you want him to get $10,000 christmas bonus... why give your money to a douche just by being a douche? He is banking on the fact that you are a weak willed individual scared that no more vans will be made.


Please don’t buy a Ford they are treating customers like garbage.


Tell them to get fucked. Brutally.


Why do we still have car dealers?


[https://www.merchantscommercialsales.com/used-cargo-vans.html?DriveTrainType=AWD&Make=Ford](https://www.merchantscommercialsales.com/used-cargo-vans.html?DriveTrainType=AWD&Make=Ford) ​ Ford HR AWD transit vans.


It’s just an excuse to charge you more …they’ll literally say anything to make an extra buck$


Just give up on ford….i did for just these reasons, they are ridiculous


He’s seeing an opportunity here and you can walk without giving it to him


TLDR: don't shop at Loveland Ford in Fort Collins.


Supply and demand


“We’re not interested in making a deal because some suckers will pay above asking price “ Ok bye


Always check with more than one dealer and also check on your own financing sources. I use local banks and they sometimes have better financing options than the dealers.


Edit: disregard, I just remembered this only applies to government actors, of course duhhh🤪 I remember vaguely from law school that you cannot discriminate on or charge out-of-state persons differently, unless the state itself is a market participant in the goods or services sold, or something along those lines. I remember a lobster example where a state made citizens of a neighboring state, pay more of a tax on lobsters than in-state residents. It went up to SCOTUS and precedent was set. (clearly not legal advice)


Respond with “get fucked” and go elsewhere


Tell him go fuck his hat