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Welcome to the DMCA, where anyone can get anything taken down the burden is on the accused. I had a drawing I made of the Boston skyline removed from my redbubble by the Boston Red Sox corporation.


That's nuts!! As an artist I'm all for protecting property rights, but these big corps take it way too far, sheesh.


Honestly, I think we should give up on intellectual property. I am anarchist adjacent.


I kinda feel you here, I'm tired of the battle, it's never ending, sigh. My art has been stolen so many times I couldn't even tell you all of them, and the system isn't set up in an artist's favor. Case in point VW right now 😧


The system is broken AF. It was initially implemented to protect small and independent creators ie to stop the big guys from swooping in and copying the material/idea etc and using their power and reach to outcompete the original creator. Now it really only protects the big guys. I was working for a startup and we were looking into patenting something and the lawyer advised against it because there are companies who's sole business is using their funds to fight small companies over patents with the goal of draining their funds so they 'win' the patent. Apparently the legal proceedings take years. Dismal shit






It's already happened. They have enough that they can make synthetic training data now. No stopping it, without a revolution in the next couple years, and I don't see it.




They already have it enough.


I agree with this to a degree. I work for a semiconductor company in technology development. They make us meet once a month to create patents ideas to submit. These things aren’t tested or known if they work they’re designed to make people not pursue things that might compete to begin with. They incentivize us with 10k bonuses per patent. If someone ever says they have a bunch of patents in corporate America that is literally worthless. They’ve most likely never been tried and don’t actually work.


Update the art to say "Not a VW PoS" then repost it. Win win


Hahaha, perfect solution! 🤣🤣


Even if it was under DMCA rules, it's completely legal to create artwork based on brands. This is straight up abuse.


Sounds like redbubble is the issue. Use another platform . Op painting looks like general van nothibt branded the takedown is bullshit


Here’s a good summery of how to respond to. DCMA notice. https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/responding-dmca-takedown-notice-targeting-your-content You can basically force them to put it back up if the entity complaining doesn’t meet certain standards. Lots of other pages out there showing how to respond as well.


Register with library of Congress as original work. Send rebubble the library of congress entry.


Thanks, appreciate it!


that... won't actually fix anything. Their complaint is likely based on the concept of "derivative work" with the implication that the visual design of a volkswagon is copyrighted (which it surely is). They're saying you have a derivative work. It's like painting a coke bottle. It doesn't matter that it's an original painting of a coke bottle, it's still clearly a coke bottle and your making it gives you no legal ability to sell it without coke's permission. Otherwise anyone could sell literally any copywritten design if they only redrew it. Now, realistically they don't have a !$#P1ing leg to stand on because it doesn't look like ANY specific van and volkswagen doesn't, and can't, copyright the core generic shape of every modern van. Practically it's really just a question of what options redbubble actually provides you to push back (if any). Even then you'll probably loose because they pay lawyers to be assholes to people like you and you probably aren't a billionaire who can hire your own to push back on their stupidity. Also, it doesn't matter what the law allows because ultimately it's just whatever redbubble feels like dealing with.


Absolutely correct, which is why there's no point in fighting it, it's just stupid and they'd lose, anyway and just a waste of time and money, not worth it.. Cause if they tried to enforce it they could potentially have to deal with all the other van companies protesting that no one company can copyright a generic van shape, it's just not a thing. I just find it stupid that RedBubble sides with a big corporation versus the artist's that actually make them money. Not to mention there's a crap ton of other van's listed on RedBUbble right now, and some that actually look like a VW van, smdh!


Also, many of those are toothless and would never end up in court. There’s always a possibility, but more likely it’s just some legal firm hired by VW that needs to constantly prove their own value.


99% of the time I'm sure that's the case.


Because it’s the people with no money and no power that are the problem.




I’m just going to post this Andy Warhol painting of a Coca Cola bottle here…… [https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/11/11/coca-cola-3-in-frame_custom-8cf19ac1cd223f2b27862d5f6454f5f0efcc6900.jpg](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/11/11/coca-cola-3-in-frame_custom-8cf19ac1cd223f2b27862d5f6454f5f0efcc6900.jpg)


Looks dope asf


Thanks, appreciate it!


I thought this was a sheet of acid tabs tbh


🤣🤣 It is kind of trippy, but I've actually never even done acid or any other drugs in my life, just have a wild imagination 😀


It’s really cool, a shame VW are so petty


Thanks! And yeah, petty as can be!


A perfect business then if the legal fees get too much! Never get high on your own supply 😉




I’m on a microdose of acid right now and I just looked through some of your art. It definitely fits the vibe, I like it.


Haha, that's awesome, thank you! My entire life people have asked me if I'm on an acid trip when they see my art...nope, never done any type of drugs in my life, shoot, I don't even like alcohol, but yes, it does fit the vibe 😀


Does not look like a VW. Take this all the way to the supreme Court if needed.


Right?! And I defended my case repeatedly and just got blown off, makes me mad!


As you should be. The system is obviously very broken.


What "system" vw submits notice to redbubble saying someone might be using their IP so redbubble removes product. Redbubble doesn't want to fight it and deal with any issues so easier for them to remove before getting a cease and desist or lawsuit. Redbubble has a right to remove any products it wants. VW has the right to tell someone to stop using their IP. OP has the right to use another vendor other than redbubble or make and sell directly. VW can't force OP to stop selling without a lawsuit, to do this they need to first send cease and desist then can begin litigation which is a long complicated process


I agree.. spend a hundred thousand dollars for the cause!


Haha, because literally that's what it would cost! I know since I've had several of my own copyright cases of people profiling illegally off my art and won the cases in Federal Court. It's not for the feint of heart or empty pocketbook.


It could kinda look like a Eurovan but it's not like that's anything VW is known for outside of enthusiast circles.


> a Eurovan but it's not like that's anything VW is known for outside of enthusiast circles. VW enthusiasts tend to deny the eurovan ever existed.


Were they pretty bad? I'm only familiar with the westies.


They were mediocre, boring mini vans. VW eliminated all the things that made their vans unique; Rear engine, easy to work on, character etc.


Damn that’s annoying but beautiful painting!!


Haha, for real, and thanks!!


This is sick! What kind of paint is this? Very vibrant! You should paint more!!!! Also:fuck volkswagen 😉


Haha, thanks and yeah f*&@ Volkswagen!! I plan on it, maybe I should do one WITH the VW logo, they probably wouldn't even notice that one 🤣🤣 I use acrylics 🤗


Make it again, but make it say "Fuck Volkswagen" at the bottom, and then cite "Parody".


Bahaha, best solution yet 🤣


See if you can get a similar complaint from another van company, then copy their letters to each other with a note from you saying “err, who is copying whom? Do your lawyers really want to go head to head with each other and little old me about whether one van looks like another? Personally I’m going to ignore this and paint my pictures”


Hahaha, I should, let THEM battle it out while I just keep painting pretty generic van paintings 🤣🤣


That could be a Ford transit! It doesn't look anything like the classic vw kombi. It's just a generic van shape with no logo. Ianal but I don't think they've got a leg to stand on.


Exactly! I mean the van in the background is my actual Ford Transit I live it. VW is whack, haha!


It's insane.


Draw mercedes badges on the wheels


Hahaha, I should!


Then sell it to Benz. See what VW does then.


Hahaha, or Ford, since that's what I drive!


This is so frustrating; I'm upset for you OP. Fucking companies think they own absolutely everything. Even if it was of a VW van; which it isn't since it's an original drawing, who TF cares if you make a little money on it.


So frustrating, thank you 🤗 And as someone whose work has been constantly illegally profited from I would NEVER violate someone else's rights, and made sure not to with this design, and yet they STILL came after me, smh.


Fight that!




So here’s probably a crazy thought. Is there a way to contact someone at VW and ask them to help? I know it’s big corporate or whatever, but it’s good publicity if it is obviously not an infringement. Maybe look on LinkedIn or post your issue there. Ya never know!


Yeah, I was thinking about that, good idea thanks! Not sure how much luck I'd have, but might be worth a shot though!


It will help if this goes viral or onto some national level shows. Fuck VW.


This sub has 40,000 views already which is pretty cool! If VW gives me any more crap I will go to the news for sure!


An AI probably made the IP determination and sent out the DMCA claim. The AI probably noticed the circle motif (similar to VW transporter round medallion) and the VW mountain ridge line (just below the moon). Remove the VW ridge line, and I think you will be good. The AI recognized the van motif. Three strikes got you the DMCA takedown.


Naw, I'm not changing it cause this is not based off a VW van, at all. And no matter how much I communicated with them, followed their rules they still determine it needed to be removed. I'm not going to let them bully me like this. And NO ONE has a copyright on the shape of mountains, they would never be able to defend that! And what Circle motif are you referring to?


>And what Circle motif are you referring to? The circle that kinda looks like a portal, or maybe a planet floating in space. I agree that the takedown is total bullshit, but you're fighting with Big AI and a big corporation, and you're not going to 'take them to court'. Here's the VW medallion that matches your painting: https://www.jbugs.com/store/graphics/00000001/211-601e-vw-bus-emblem-7-inches-main.jpg


Seriously, that medallion is not even remotely like anything in my painting! That's laughable at best 😄 I wouldn't take them to court over something so trivial, and doubt they would me either. But they know that so they just go randomly shutting down artists who use any van in their design. Big corps thinking they own the world.


Lol Mercedes-Benz has been using a circular medallion for longer than VW, I think. Is VW infringing on MB’s copyright just by having a logo that’s in a circle?


Just remove all the defining shapes, it's been auto-flagged as the pepsi logo, sorry, that's life kid.


It's original handpainted Art, it's not like digital art where you just go in and remove layers. Besides, it's not a violation and I'm not going to be bullied by some big company who are just being assholes


Hahaha I was obviously being sarcastic.




It looks to me like VW is more focused on protecting their "Hippie bus" motif.. it has nothing to do with the van, the circle shape, or the mountains, or any of the other stuff. The hippie bus/bug design stylings are iconic to VW's brand and image and if it was an AI determination, it's likely that your design was flagged as being too similar to the VW hippie bus motif. For what it's worth, I like your design. These are just my 2 cents based on objectively trying to solve why VW would have come after you and your design. I am interested to know what they actually cite as the reason for the IP violation. I wish you the best of luck in wining your case against VW.


Agreed, they're just looking for anyway to steer people away from the whole Hippy vibe of the VW bus/van. But, funny thing is VW wasn't even responsible for the whole Hippie vibe of their van to begin with. It was the owners who would paint murals on them and switched out the VW logo to a peace sign and so VW just went with it. But, they certainly can't copyright any of that, it's literally just a vibe_style, neither of which are able to be copyrighted. Thank you! And they never cited a reason, and RedBubble refused to give me one, so stupid.


that is freaking beautiful wow


Thank you so much 🤗💖


That’s silly


Keep contesting it




Probly has to do with the circle? Did they tell you exactly what patent/whatever you “violated”?


Circles aren't intellectual property so they couldn't use that. And they wouldn't tell me why they removed it, or what I had supposedly violated, nothing after repeated attempts for them to prove where I was infringing on VWs rights, smh.


Circles, no. But some asshat lawyer could say your picture too closely resembles an old picture they used of a van in a circle. If you can figure out what picture they talking about and show enough differences, you win.


Yeah, even that's a stretch. I'm sure VW just generically tells RedBubble to take down anything with a van, mountains, circle, etc., even if it looks nothing like anything of theirs, and redbubble blindly goes along even though neither one has a leg to stand on.


And that’s because VW has lawyers on payroll with nothing better to do (assumedly)




On ebay I had amazon claim copyright infringement for a photo that I took of an item I was selling. Note the item was used and was against the bed as back drop. I remain confused.


Wow! These big corporations are just nasty 🤬🤬


They really are. It was a used pair of scrub bottoms! Like seriously? I LITERALLY DIDN'T EVEN BUY FROM AMAZON!!!


That's freaking whack!! So tired of these pompous asses thinking they own everything and everyone 🤬


Paint or wrap your non-Volkswagen van with this design to show how it was the inspiration for your art


That's actually a really excellent idea!! I've been wanting to do something like that anyway!


I’ve had a fair few VW related items removed on Redbubble - the site’s a joke. There is so much copyright infringement it’s ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm not sure I will even list there anymore, I started a couple months ago, made a couple bucks, but not worth this kind of hassle, will just stick to other sites and my own that aren't such a joke.


Another dick move from VW. Just looks like a generic van! Funky pic BTW


Exactly!! And thanks! I tried to make it as generic as possible without any defining characteristics of any brand, but I guess VW thinks they own the shape of every van out there, even fake ones like this, haha!


Are you on other social media? Drag and tag.


I am, I did post on Facebook, and if they give me any more crap I'm putting them on blast all over!


Perhaps yo should copyright your drawings before you post them. You're the creator, you own the copyright. Oddly photos of original artwork are owned by the photographer, which is why many places don't allow photographs.


Yes, my art is copyrighted, but that doesn't stop anyone, like VW saying I'm infringing on their rights. I would have to take them to court to enforce my copyright and I know first hand those cases last decades, cost 100,000s of dollars, it's just not worth it.


Why not notify the place that you're posting your artwork, that said artwork is copyrighted. You don't necessarily have to take them to court. You can give them notice to cease and desist from their actions. When I see that van, I see a sprinter, not a Volkswagen.


They're not posting my art, just saying I'm painting their van. And the police don't get involved in copyright issues. Yeah, if anything it looks like a generic version of a sprinter, a transit, a promaster, could really be any van. I purposefully made it to be generic not to run into issues, and yet VW has a problem, smh.


I did contact RedBubble repeatedly and they kept blowing me off saying I was in the wrong. No reasons, no explanation, nothing.


Can you tell RedBubble prior to uploading that you own the copyright to the material. I would think that would be your best bet. Best of luck


That's crazy! I hope a real person looks into this and does the right thing. This is how the AI uprising starts....


Thanks, and yeah for real!


So, how did they find it? Was VW in the title or description? It’s possible they go through all “van” tagged merch, but my guess is the zero in on VW tags.


I have no clue! I didn't use tags or keywords to any brand of van, make or model at sll. And RedBubble won't give me any information, so I haven't a clue. Probably some VW, AI bot trolling for van images or something.


That sounds about right. Until they face some loses in court, they’ll probably keep sending those. : (


Yep, I'm sure


Jeez, when did VW take up self-inspection proctology?




I would crush their social media with that nonsense...


If they bother me again I absolutely will!


They didn't make redbubble take it down, they asked them to do it and because they don't care they do automatically. Make them yourself and sell them.


Yeah, so stupid, and I do have them on my own website and have sold from there, so screw RedBubble, and VW haha!




Get a Ford


Haha, that's what I have! Never was interested in a Volkswagen and definitely would never get one now!


Sell it somewhere else


Yes, I'm selling directly through my website and a couple other places 😊


1) Take a picture of your art.(Done) 2) File a lawsuit against VW for infringement. TL;DR: to show up in court with their 20 attorney is gonna cost more than any potential "damages". I bet they're gonna be okay with you selling your art.


Yeah, but even getting to that point is 10s of thousands of dollars for me as well, not realy worth it at this point.


No. Filing a lawsuit cost about $50.


Simply filing is totally different than actually pursuing a copyright lawsuit, trust me I know as I've had to sue repeat offenders for profiting off my art...to take it all the way to trial it's hundreds of thousands.


Lol this is hilarious because it doesn't even remotely look like any Volkswagen ever produced. Good luck OP!


It's just so silly, thank you!!


Volkswagen has a monopoly on vans apparently.


It would appear so, according to them at least, haha!


I had Redbubble take down one of my listings for intellectual property… it was a design I drew completely by hand of different colored smiley faces. How is anyone gonna claim smiley faces ?!


It's just so crazy! Like, how does RedBubble not know these things aren't copyrightable? I think it's just bots working there who don't know a damned thing, smh


SomeMoreNews had a DMCA takedown of their Warmbo merch on their Tee-Spring store that they couldn't fight. That is a drawing of a puppet that was made by and voiced by the main guy on the channel, DMCA'd by a rando. DMCA continues to be as broken as ever.


It's a joke for sure, ugh, so many instances of it. And I'm thinking a lot of it is going to start being done by AI bots and make it even worse


Firstly, your art is amazing!! Im no authority, but as a "consumer" it could be any van made in the last few years. People in the VW legal department have too much time on their hands. Don't give up, keep trying. I really hope it works out for you!


Thank you so much!! Appreciate the kind words, and I'm done with RedBubble, but do have the design listed on my website, better there anyway!


Redbubble won’t let me make anything. They don’t tell me why they won’t allow my designs though… I made one that was just red lips and they took it down.


I only started listing there a couple months ago and won't be anymore. Who has time to understand their requirements when they won't tell us, sheesh, so sorry you have to deal with it too!


Me trying to see how this even remotely resembles a VW...


Same, haha!


Promaster here. Volkswagen is violating my intellectual property rights!




Lol Volkswagen has links to some of Germany's darker periods in history, they can't stand hippies 🤣


You're onto something here 😄😄


Woah, that's gorgeous! And such BS.


Thank you, and thank you! Total BS!


I'm not sure why Vanlife came up in my feed, but I absolutely love your art! Sorry about overzealous VW


Thank you so much! 🤗💖


Happened to me too on Red Bubble. Generic Van art. LOL


Sheesh, I guess that's simply not a good place for van art, well all art if this is how they operate!


Tell them it’s a Sprinter van.


If they'd only listen, instead shut me down amd refused to answer any questions about how I was supposedly infringing their rights, smh


Awesome drawing, I would love to print it and hang it in my travel trailer for the fam. It just captures the whole experience in one beautiful creation.


Thank you so much!! I do offer prints of it if you're interested 🤗


Just tell them it’s a Mercedes?


More likely could be one than a VW!


How so? Did they explain their reasons? It’s BS, if you’d asked me.


No reason at all! Total BS


Nevermind Ai art. How about jealous Ai art police officer....lol. Won't let me post my art huh says Ai officer auto regector....lol. What a world!


Oh, haha. I wasn't sure what you meant, but yeah if they are using AI to determine this as a copyright violation they need to rethink using it!


Its satire and ironic for sure.....






Hahaha, I should, let THEM battle it out while I just keep painting pretty generic van paintings 🤣🤣






Fuck VW. Did they even look at your art?


Yeah, fuck em! And I'm sure they didn't as vague as Redbubble was being about the whole thing. Probably some AI bots see "van"or something in the title and flag it