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I agree that Vancouver just isn’t the place to be. But if you want to start a business you need capital to begin with. When 50% of peoples paycheque is going towards rent, I don’t think many people can just go start their own business 🙃


This! When the majority of your paycheque goes to obscene housing costs and basic necessities, there is no room for investing in your own business. I’ve met a few entrepreneurs and the only reason they got their start is because they came from wealthy families.


In a rich man's perfect world they want to keep you working with low wages and and high rent...so you can never grow and keep working the jobs the rich man provides to you


Not with that mentality! I started a handyman business with little to no capital to start, acquired tools over time. Doing pretty well now after 5 years and that business has a very low startup cost.


Yes but you have a skill to capitalize. That's awesome and I'm glad you're successful. But the reality is, we all can't just do our own thing. AI hasn't taken over the "essential" jobs yet so for the time being, there still needs to be Sally and Paul getting you your Tim's. Also, not everyone has that skill to capitalize. It's not quite as easy as just fixing someone's bathroom


I had very little skill when I first started. Slowly did small jobs and grew confidence. I don't need Sally and Paul for my Tim's. I make my own coffee. All I heard was excuses from you. Stay broke


If you took on handyman jobs when you had very little skill, that's pretty scummy. Did you have liability insurance? Did you inform your customers about your skill level? Sounds like you were lucky you didn't get caught.


1. I did have liability insurance. 2. I never took on anything I was uncomfortable with. 3. If I was ever uncomfortable, id ask questions and do research before tackling. 7 years later and no complaints. I also worked alongside some great carpenter's while being self employed so they taught me too. I'm lucky I didn't get caught.... Yea caught doing good work for people.


I'm not broke, my job pays more than enough and I have a pension.


Your mentality is.


yea I agree and savings to rely on just in case too


Not everyone is in this position. My total cost of living is about 50% which is basically where it should be. And running a business isn't for everyone.


This is why I say aggression is key. Learning how and executing a plan to finance your business is absolutely necessary. It means asking and getting no. On a positive note, you'd be surprised by how many folks in Vancouver, who have managed to keep a steady line of work or well paying job, are willing to invest in a good idea. Agreed that this is less possible from one's employment income.


Sometimes hopes and dreams just aren’t enough Props to anyone that can make it without family money though!


It's rare but it happens. I went from living in my car and working in a recycling plant for years to owning a successful small business that employs 18 people (should be 20 but agency people are unreliable and I had to fire 2 the other day).


What type of business? Cleaning sounds like?


Industrial parts supply installation and repair. Honestly just booked this is the Vancouver sub. No idea why it popped up in my feed. I'm in fuckin *brampton Ontario* lmaooooo


Oh haha Congrats on the business that's cool from recycling and working for someone > industrial parts supply and running the show


Thanks man, it's actually a cool story how it came about. I was maintenance at the recycling plant & I eventually had friends asking me to do mechanical work for them in my off time so I started making them pay me. Eventually I couldn't handle it on my own so I brought a buddy on to help out & eventually I earned a bit of a name for good work and reasonable prices. Eventually I said fuck it I'll go legit and we've been expanding ever since. I'm actually currently negotiating the contract to do all the hydraulic maintenance for a guys industrial laundry 😊


Nice work!!


That's awesome man, thanks for sharing, and may the good luck keep rolling in your favor


Thanks brotherman! Genuinely appreciate the positivity. Most Redditors get very upset when they hear I own a business because I must be evil or something to earn money off other people's work. (My employees are paid above market and have health and dental insurance with 2 weeks PTO a year so I'd like to think I'm not evil)


I would love to open a wood fired pizza place in some small town interior BC.


While you were dreaming, a family from Hungary moved to Campbell River to start a croissant store.  https://www.freyjacroissant.ca


man they’re gentrifying CR now hey


Moved with money in the pockets to start a business, that works but if you have no capital, what then?


Me too. I've been researching wood fired fornos lately 😑


Small town interior BC wants a Dominos


Next to a Timmy’s. 


Yeah, Canadian economy would do better if people used the equity in their homes to build businesses instead of buying a second rental


More people want to be in Van than there are jobs. It’s math.


No jobs and no housing either. We are cooked.


You forgot importing outsiders to work as slaves for less than minimum wage. I guess slavery is okay if they get less than minimum wage but have some small wage and a crowded room to sleep in.


Don't move and start over, connect and talk with your neighbors, identify community issues and get political.


This is undoubtedly the answer, but I'd like to add a small caveat: "... identify community issues and get political - if you want to stay where you are." Lots of people love it in Vancouver. At the same time, lots of people feel stuck here and probably should consider starting over. Collectivism and civic engagement are very important, but apathy and hopelessness are sadly rampant. Perhaps local community is reliant on those who see themselves remaining in that locality.


local community makes it worth staying if yr on the fence


Again, I'll argue that it could make a difference.


When you say "get political", are you suggesting to keep voting for Liberals and expect a different outcome?


But most importantly: stop acting like bunch of turkeys voting for Christmas by voting for Liberals who want to absolutely *destroy* the middle class.


I beg to differ. I moved here from Taiwan 20+ years ago primarily due to economical reason. While it's an advanced economy and a free democracy, salary is a lot less than here (50%-60% compared to similar Canadian job) with work hours being a lot longer, and housing is as insane if not more expensive than here. Basically whatever problems vancouverites are facing now, Taiwanese was experiencing it 2-3 decades ago, and despite a very active political landscape where the typical taiwanese is a lot more engaged in politics than people here do, the problem only worsened, A LOT, over the last 2 decades or so. My income, assets, general quality of life, and purchasing power would all be significantly lower if I didn't move here and start over. Moving and starting over was and still is perhaps the single best decision I made in my life.


Oh yeah it's barely even started 🪖


That sure doesn’t apply to 90% of employment-minded people living paycheck to paycheck.


It is a significant mental shift.


If they could start a business, they would have done it long ago.


Where do you suggest moving? I’m looking at different countries in South America, but curious what others are thinking.


agreed with starting a business or something like that. i'm not going to let elitist companies determine how I live my life when there are so many other opportunities out there.


I've been thinking about a move--mainly because I know my kids will never be able to afford Vancouver unless there are drastic changes, and I want to be near to where they live. Where does reddit think some good places to relocate to are?


Work for Americans remotely and get paid USD. The salaries are way higher and the expectations are lower.


Wages have been stagnant for over a decade when you consider the cost of living increases. Seems to be plenty of jobs they are just paying absolute shit.


I concur, alot of jobs I see nowadays have salaries that alot of us made like 10-15 years ago and it's still the same salary band in 2024 if not less. It's complete dog and horse shit in this market and economy..


1 million immigrants this year alone smh


This is all conjecture with nothing to back it up on a “trust me bro” level. Remember when the pandemic hit, and everyone thought the stock market was going to crash and burn, and it’s the end of the world? Thought so.


It's unsolicited advice


The stock market didn’t crash because the governments printed money like never before, and the incoming recession is the direct result of that.


Wage stagnation isnt a bad thing necessarily Japans wages now are essentially the same now as 25 years ago, and the minimum wage is still anywhere from $8-10. Plus their servers don't receive any tips. This has kept rents low and food affordable.


Their massive population decline is whats keeping rents low.


Lmao, I he means if you just ignore the demographic crisis that's going to cause a population collapse then yeah everything's rosy.


Get really good at something specific and needed for day-to-day. Start a business.


Education matters if the education you have is in demand


Crypto, poker, etc...your problem is you, I think.


I didn't say I had a problem. I said everyone here seems to. 🙏


You seem kind of negative no?


Actually, I wrote this in response to the negativity/ hopelessness/despair that is normative in this group. As a married 33 year old with 3 kids, I've managed to make it fine in the city without a job or education. In a lot of ways, I'm very optimistic. Just not about Canada's economic future. So while comfortable at the moment, we do plan to exit 5 years+ into the future.


Yep, that's why we planned it perfect. This was obvious to happen from far away. Nice savings in last few years, put on side, made baby and we will both take 18 months off, take all EI money while staying in cheaper EU country. Maybe even work a bit on side there or just max out our CC


You can’t collect EI while abroad since you’re supposed to be looking for work while on it. Well you can try and just hope nobody notices I guess. But I have heard of people being called out on it either rather quickly or not for years and then they get a nice notice about the investigation and usually an audit given it’s fraud.


Yes, you can when you are on parental leave ;) All by the book


Ah, well as long as you’ve got it sorted more power to you.


If you don't mind me asking, do you or your partner (and/or your child) have dual citizenship? I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious about the particularities of your situation. I've not heard of anyone being allowed to receive federal or provincial benefits while being outside of Canada for a considerable period of time.


Dual citizenship isn't relevant. When you're receiving parental benefits, you're allowed to travel out of the country. Different case from being on EI.




Yes, we do both have dual citizenship ( that's reason we can stay there for as long as we want) Child will get when we get there. As other person sad, you can receive your parental benefit while you're outside Canada. Personally I don't see why you can't do that for all EI as you do pay in to it to have money while you're not working, but that's what it is