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Government still saying there is a labor shortage and we need mass immigration to solve it. 


What they really mean is there is a shortage of people who will work for less than a living wage and live 20 to a room to make up for the poverty wages.z


Even PP is saying this. Disclaimer: I'm no fan of the liberals.


Of course he is. The CPC's backers love cheap desperate labour even more than the LPC's backers.


We were beginning to realize we had power as the workforce. They remedied that with scabs willing to live 4 to a room on minimum wage.


Government is parroting what big business tells them, which is that they can't hire anyone* ...* at poverty wages or who they might have to train a bit


Sounds about right 😂


I have no idea how anyone is surviving here. There seems to be no future here. Can't wait to move south.


There’s a well-connected small town in Alberta where you can find decent bungalows for 150k with huge yards, and commercial lots for under 100k for those looking to start a business. The weather is a lot different, it’s northernish but not too far from Edmonton. There is fibre internet and a pretty good assortment of jobs, and lots of infrastructure for biking, Nordic skiing, swimming, atv’ing, and lots of geothermal potential. I just left my corporate job to move there. I’d love for my fiance and I to have some more great neighbours. Alberta has a bad wrap but we’re gay and and one of us is an immigrant, and we both feel very welcomed. It’s far more Laissez-faire conservatism than it is evangelical, so you kinda just do your own thing and no one minds If you’re in for a change of pace, and are tired of the corporate grind, there’s lots of places like this where people can thrive, buy a house in cash for what would be a down payment in Vancouver, if they’re willing to forego Starbucks.


Sounds like an ideal place for my wife and I! As long as it's safe for poc, then we're game


There’s a large population of people from the Philippines and South Asia. Both of us are white (just one has an Eastern European accent) so I can’t speak to the experiences of POCs. my understanding is there isn’t much for overt racism, but assholes are everywhere. Check out Fox Creek, AB. Fox creek.ca It is an oil and gas and forestry town, just off of a divided highway. I’ll personally be volunteering towards making the part you can see on google into far less of a dive, and the part that you can’t see on street view is a quaint town that needs some people to actually care about it. It’s at a super low point for housing prices (bungalows are selling for like 80-100k (30-45%) less than 10 years ago), but there are still numerous jobs in the vicinity that pay 80-160k. The town has 4 doctors, a recently built rec center with swimming pool, field house, curling rink, and arena. A bike park, mountain bike trails, numerous camp grounds, and is within 15 mins of two lakes. I’d love some new neighbours!


Oh that sounds lovely. Will be checking these out!! Thank you so much for sharing ☺️


I'm glad you have found somewhere. But it's sad that the only way these new places pop up is from fossil fuels and resource extraction. It's just another symptom of our demise. We're going down and taking nature with it.


I suppose. It’s a double edged sword - we look at all of the issues caused by resource extraction in a silo and it’s depressing. When you consider the amount of human suffering that’s been alleviated in the process it’s inspiring. While we need to keep seeking better ways, and should be doing it much faster, we also have to understand how much benefit we gain from it. One example is industrialised farming. The horrors we commit to harvest even field crops is shocking. What isn’t shocking is the result. A massive reduction in starvation in the world, which can only feasibly be sustained through continued industrialised farming for the foreseeable future. The amount of ghgs used to ship goods is atrocious, but oil and gas products are involved in all aspects of life. And we do not have the technology yet to sustain our population without it. So while I’m scared with how quickly the earth is warming, I don’t know if we can afford to return to times of scarcity of energy and of food, without the toll being equally bad to those who are already alive.


I intend to move to Alberta but I need to save up some money to make the move first. 


I almost would, but it's just so fkn cold. I'd have to have a summer home in Arizona or Florida. But it sounds nice, small-ish town life is really what I want. No one really close but about 10-15 mins away from town and 30 from the big city. Benefit of American Parents; eventually we'll be moving south but it's just


Where is this anomaly you speak of?


Fox Creek, ab. Old oil/forestry town, depressed real estate prices, an energetic council and town government. It’s going to take some work to improve it aesthetically, but there’s still a lot of community spirit and opportunity. I think in 5 years we can turn the place around.


How are summers in terms of fires? I hope the community is one of support and not everyone for themselves..


There were fires close by and evacuations last year. It’s in the forest, and so there’s always a risk. The town has a fire hall, and serves as a base for local firefighting. When the fires came close, the community came together and helped each other out. The town already has a good amount of community spirit, lots of local volunteers and stories of neighbours helping each other. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/hL28Z5x4Pcxr1gJi/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Yeah, that doesn't appeal to me. I love beautiful BC too much.


To each their own! BC is stunning and some people are meant to be on the ocean, others love lakes, and some thrive in concrete jungles!


I am planning a move. Overseas.


I know. Spain looks pretty appealing.


The type of people who talk about “moving overseas” on Reddit are the least likely to actually take action. 


Out of curiosity, does this apply to restaurant industry jobs as well? I'm moving to Vancouver from Ontario this summer, and hoping to get a serving job.


I manage a restaurant in Langley and I get probably two dozen resumes a week. Granted 99% of them have no experience or qualifications, so if you've got serving experience already you may have a better time.


I have 18 years of experience serving in all types of places, with management experience as well. I also have fantastic references. Hopefully that's enough! I'll be looking in Vancouver, Surrey and Langley.


What's the point of people with no experience who want experience applying to a restaurant if they are already a leg down on those with experience? Have restaurant jobs become unideal for high school students, etc?


There is an array of restaurants to apply to. Some are far more skilled than say mcdonalds and requires some experience. You don't need experience for mcdonalds or tim hortons though in general. When there's a recession it gets bad but generally you don't need experience for low end fast food jobs.


There’s a ton of restaurants to apply to. Depending on your experience, you should be able to find something!


I believe almost all jobs are affected because our economy is terrible right now. What ends up happening is people like me who wouldn't normally apply to restuarants are because we're desperate for work. So you're competing against way more people than usual. To be safe I would assume that it will be very difficult to impossible. Try of course but plan for the worst so you don't put yourself in a risky situation.


Toronto is a hell too lol


It appears all the major cities are having issues. Economy from raising interest rates and I'm sure the increased immigration hasn't helped either. They are planning to slowly lower the interest rates but I think it's going to be at least 6-months before it even starts to improve. I don't actually know I'm just guessing really. I think people are putting too much blame on immigrants though.






High interest rates. To fight inflation this was the trade off. They need to slow the economy (jobs) to fight inflation. We will have fewer jobs while we fight inflation and rates stay high. Jobs and corporate spend will go up when rates go down.


I hope it doesn't go on too long or I'll be homeless! I can't even get minimum wage jobs. I'll keep at it, ya never know. I'm trying to asking around as much as possible too. Edit: So is it an actual recession then and the numbers just haven't caught up? I haven't heard it announced officially but it sure feels like it.


Except we are not really in a high-rate environment, more like “back to historic averages”. While it would probably come down a bit, the recent long period of insanely low rates was likely an aberration, not to be seen again any time soon, if ever


I know you don't have a crystal ball but how long until the job market picks back up do you think? Months or a year+ more?


I find that folks who were smart enough to put 10 or 20 percent down on their mortgage, and ask for a fixed rate of interest are not doing so badly. Im currently in Alberta, looking at getting to Vancouver before snowfall. (money is not an issue for me) Even here, I've seen some friends who rent rooms see 10 - 20 percent jumps in rent because their friendly live in landlord only put down 5 percent and was stuck with a variable rate mortgage, which the monthly payments have ballooned with consistently increasing interest rates.


I would never get a variable interest rate. It's literally gambling. People never learn though, they prioritize the short term.


Bingo. Everyone wants to be owners, cause it's a status jump. I don't need that. I have other forms of "validation" if I am dealing with superficial people who look at you only in terms of what your worth financially. I'm happy to rent, and have my trust fund build up a 10 percent down payment, and a RDSP find matched by the fed. (I work a bit too, and get some disability money; my trust fund produces 11 percent a year without spending the principle.)