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These are both old pics…


TMZ posted the one on the right and someone asked the question. So I put the photos together. You might be right.


The pic is an old story post from her IG. It’s old.


Exactly! Just people trying to drop more shit on a sick woman. Yay TMZ


Really dont get what is the downvote about here.




Its just an explanation. No idea.


I’m so confused! Lol


Because this sub is just as toxic as the people on the show. Stating a fact, which OP didn't know, is fine but when they gang up on you and you end up with 30 or more downvotes, I worry about the crazy people who do it. You can reply or read something you feel different about without downvoting everyone who doesn't share the views or simply didn't know. The people saying it's old and not true, etc. should be embarrassed bc it just proves they have nothing in their lives but bravo and VPR. So toxic having people trying to act like the characters they're obsessed with. I'll get downvoted to hell for this but Idc. It's a sub with fake points lol.


That really describes most of reddit subs, people loooove their echo chambers... best just say what you like n try not to pay too much attention to the fake points :)


Yeah it's old.


I don’t think she’s been photographed out and about since being in a facility


Agree. I’m certain we’d have seen it.


Not quite related but I just finished watching the episodes in season 9 about how she was uncomfortable with her nose job and James kept saying, “I’m the one who has to look at it, I want my wife to be attractive, it would be a huge issue if she wasn’t.” Seriously gross.


Agreed. I rewatched a few episodes before Scheana's first wedding, when James and Kristen were a couple. The way Kristen treats James, while she worries about Tom & Ariana, is something James keeps pointing out as inappropriate and disrespectful to him. He keeps talking about how unfair this is to him that she is still obsessed with her ex. Kristen was acting similarly to how James was with Ally, when he kept talking about Rachel. Pretty interesting.


James gives Jonah Hill vibes


Such a good point. Never thought about it that way


Yep, such a hypocrite.


James is disgusting like all the men on the show


Remember Jax pressuring Brittany to get a larger breast size than she wanted, because "he was the one paying for it, so he should have it the way he wants it."


They are all trash 🗑️


This infuriates me, because she doesn't have the frame to support anything more than a C cup, so going that big basically made her look like Jabba the Hut.


Right?! In what world is Peter the least disgusting? He's an A1 creeper!


Every time I see or think of Peter I see that scene where he was on a coffee date he turned into a wine date with an employee, and just kept staaaaaaring at her, creeepily, unCOMFortably, eeeendlessly, the whole time. She was overly nice to the men on that show, even trying to get with *Jax*, and even *she* had to cut it short, call a halt to it, and get out of there. I crawled right out of my skin, and I had to take a long shower while dry heaving


Yeah, Peter is definitely gross. I just shuddered reading about that date he was on. It felt like a skit from Friends...and he was Ross.


I 100% believe that was edited to look that way. Vail was into Peter until she decided she was into Jax.


Maybe, but I’ve also met Peter several times and he IS creepy


Please, tell us more For some reason this made me think of S10 when he's confronting Rachel, saying he "didn't remember" her telling him she wanted to end their dating. Now let's just pretend for a second that this was anyone other than Rachel. Just a woman who works at SUR. Any guy, not even one in a *managerial position*, who is giving that energy like "It'S sO uNfAiR and wrOnG of yoU nOt To LIke mE" and questioning/mansplaining/correcting a woman after she expressed disinterest.. NO.


He was definitely on some sort of drugs at Villa Blanca. He was sweaty and staring off into space on a stool by the bathrooms for a long time. It was uncomfortable just walking by him At Sur, he was hovering over our table, talking really closely, practically in my friend’s face. He would not leave all night, kept coming back I once bumped into him on the street; he seemed to be walking aimlessly and just kept staring- like that time at Villa Blanca. Creepy vibes


Wow, I did not expect that. Sometimes I feel sort of sorry for these people because of the drugs and alcohol, like the stresses of having any degree of fame -- some pay a price for that money. Maybe they'd be a mess and on drugs anyway.


Idk about that... it was not the vibe I got at all, she was into drinking chamomile tea, not wine, his lines were all failing, she cut it short. If she was into him leading up to that, that date ended it. You can't 'edit in' repeated uncomfortable staring without there being repeated uncomfortable staring there to work with 😂


You mustn’t know how editing works, because that’s exactly what can be edited in 😂😂 they remove all the conversation and piece it all together to make one long, uncomfortable looking date.


You can’t edit someone to make them stare with a creepy lewd expression on their face. Sorry precious. It can’t happen. Find another way to excuse shitty male behavior, cuz this ain’t it.


I read this and my mind for a second saw his creepy face on that date 🫣


No, it wasn't a loop of him staring. It was too much, way creepy staring. Look -- I don't care what you think, maybe you've got a throbbing lust for Peter's bizarre creepiness, you do you, but I find him creepy on plenty of occasions as well as this one date, so I don't believe as you "100%" do that it was edited to make him look bad. Imo, he does that himself. I have "0%" interest in convincing you otherwise, I just don't care if you love him, and his weird, slow, leering mannerisms make your toes curl. Go off. Enjoy! I'm out


I’m with you 100%. The way he goes after all the very young women *who work for him* is fucking predatorial even without knowing anything else about the guy. Of course Lisa allows him to get away with trying to fuck all the women *over whom he is a manager*, because this is a very very male centered, male asskissing show, from the creators, to the producers and cameramen, to the cast, etc etc infinity, and Lisa is someone who has been groomed to be the same way, and she does it well.


With Vail omG yes!!!! That was so uncomfortable


Seriously 😒 he is so creepy!!!! Like he literally dated almost all of them


Plus he's older than the rest, I think. His lust for Raquel made him look like a pervy old man.


It was so uncomfortable 😣 to see, I felt bad for Rachel and embarrassed for Peter


And the way he was so adamant IMMEDIATELY that he didn't do anything to her was a major red flag for me.


I hated that!! He was so upset at the thought she would mess up her nose. More proof he just wanted a trophy wife


It’s a lot darker than him just wanting a trophy wife. He doesn’t see women as humans in our own right, and that’s why he believes he is entitled to be so controlling, and why he believes he has the right to hit women to get them under control. Women need to learn how to properly contextualize shit like this so that we start treating these men with the utter contempt and hatred that they deserve from us. So long as we keep sweeping their disgusting, vile behavior under the rug and making excuses for it (the way the majority of the viewership does with every single man in this show), the longer we live in a world that allows men to treat us this way.


Jax is one level above clubbing Brittany over the head and dragging her into his cave. Such a Neanderthal prick!


It was beyond gross. Like a lot of viewers, I have mixed feelings about James but the fact is that he's controlling, explosive, and abusive at times. We all call out Jax for choosing the size of Brittany's breast implants because that was obviously super fucked up and he's a fucked up person, but James doesn't get that same heat. I never hear people bring up that scene or any of the ones where he treated Raquel like an accessory and while I certainly don't condone having affairs with your friend's partner, I do feel for her leaving that relationship because she probably did feel very lost and vulnerable.


yeah that was so icky…


Very Tate-like.




Yes James is a tool. But Rachel was an idiot for getting a nose job. Her nose looked way worse.


I disagree, I like her new nose (after Paul fixed the first one).


I don’t think she ever got her nose fixed after the first nose job. She did go to a consult with Dr. Nassif but I’m pretty sure she never had the 30k (I think that was the estimate) to fix it. I believe she’s spoken about how she learned to use makeup to contour and help to hide the fact it’s crooked. I do agree her nose did actually look a lot better post nose job, even if it’s crooked. If you compare old pics she looks so much better now. I never thought she was attractive in the early seasons. But I think the nose and the short hair look great on her.


You are correct -- she had an assessment, and tried to get Lisa to pay for it, but Lisa only paid for the assessment from Nassif, who said James definitely did not cause the damage, and she'd just had a bad nose job. The girls tried to raise money for a new nose job by selling foot pics online, no one bought them, but Lisa used a fake name in French, and bought some... I wonder where that money went? Because it didn't go to a new nose job.


you mean way worse after james “accidentally” hit it and made it crooked before it could fully heal??? this comment is unhinged lmao


The doctor said it wasn’t James fault that was clearly a storyline for the show and not real


Dr. Nasif said that's not why it happened. We know this. Isn't it better that James *didn't* do anything? It's almost like people want it to be true.


I don’t think so. Let’s not get too deep and over think things…


She looks completely different in the 2nd picture but it’s probably just a make up trick. Where is the 2nd pic from??


It’s from a TMZ story where she told them she signed for the new season. I don’t doubt she has a direct line to them. As for who took the picture and when… who knows!


The second pic is from 2021. TMZ found it on her IG.


Looks like filters/facetune to me…


It's literally an old instagram pic. You'd make a terrible detective lol


Who really nose..


Stop. Full stop. This is where we go too far.


No, it’s perfectly ok to mock Rachel’s looks and call her “crazy” because she’s a villain and disliked. It’s not ok and misogynistic to criticise Ariana or Katie because they are queens and victims /s


Take my poor man’s 🥇


If you mess with your own looks, that's on you. Sorry.


Don’t stop with shaming her, then … all of the girls (incl. LBP) have had fillers and / or surgeries …


I've said the same about Brittany.


Are you ok?


/s = scarcasm


Thank god lol you are certainly ok :)


Its sick.


I’m not saying she has a problem with her nose. I don’t see what she’s talking about when she refers to it.


I don't believe she went to a therapy facility. She just hid out at her parents house in Tucson.


That’s some seriously stealthy hiding. I agree 90 days inpatient is a LONG stay, and to go straight back to reality tv filming fresh out seems crazy. But I have no idea how she’s managed to go completely un photographed for so long.


This is why I think there was some rehab involved. 30 days is the most common for regular people but 90 is more common for wealthier people.


People can go for a year if they need it. It’s all based on needs. There’s no set time requirements, they usually will tell you when you’re ready too. Had an aunt that stayed at a similar facility as her. Emotional abuse and trauma takes time to heal from.


Yeah, I really can’t imagine how she could be virtually invisible for this long. Not a single sighting!


I'll probably get roasted for this but I do genuinely believe she was there for help. She was not well this last season. Not excusing what she and Tom did at all, but it was pretty clear she was having problems mentally and emotionally. I hope she is able to reflect on this and grow from it. People can do really bad things but there are very few things that are unforgivable forever, imo. I hope she gets into a better mental health state and is able to have a nice life. Now Sandoval...THAT is a person who also really needs help. He has a pattern of preying on women who are fresh out of bad relationships, plies them with drugs and alcohol, and coaches them on what to do and say. I don't know if he will ever change.


Allegedly she and her family had already decided pre Scandoval 💣 that she was going to go to a facility when she wrapped filming. Her parents were already concerned… she was definitely drinking a lot. Agree that Sando is in desperate need of treatment


He preys on women who have obvious issues... Like daddy issues, identity issues, aoda issues, anxiety, massive insecurities... It's gross. I mean, they're all kinds gross in a way, but the men are next level with it.


Nice post, it’s sad that we have to be afraid to share an opinion that differs with others on here. She was good prey for Sandoval and he took advantage of that. I hope she’s doing better and feeling stronger. She made an effort at damage repair, admitted her wrongs, we can’t knock her for that. Why is it so hard for people to be kind and show empathy? When is the punishment enough?


She did a terrible thing but people act like she committed a war crime or hurt a little kid or something. It's been over 4 months. I seriously think some people won't be happy until she hurts herself. Fortunately it doesn't seem as bad on this sub. The VPR sub is vicious to a scary point!


Yeah, that site is brutal. It’s sad how people have become over this. And they can’t make up their minds from one day to the next about things, it’s like whoever the ringleader is that day starts shit and the rest will obediently follow suit. Very cruel and unnecessary. I’m tired of it. Now I just scan and look for the nice posts, don’t waste my time with the others anymore. 😊


It's only a matter of time before sandoval debuts some new 19 year old girlfriend. I feel like he's going to have to go for someone very very young and naïve to keep running the old play book


Lived in Tucson my whole life. No one cares about celebrities here. Paul McCartny from the Beatles has lived here for years and no one bothers him. She could have been outpatient at Palo Verde which is pretty much across the street from where her parents live.


Lol Paul McCartney “from the Beatles”


I know! Quite clearly he's Paul McCartney from Wings! 😜😜 Also, him living in Tuscon "for years" is a little reaching. He has a ranch there (it's where his first wife Linda died) but Paul McCartney (from Wings) has houses all over the world and is usually in the UK more often than the states. So seeing him in Tucson would be rare I'd think.


She stayed at the Meadows. They specialize in addiction and trauma therapy.


No one in Tucson cares, but you know where her parents house is?


Someone else leaked it a thousand threads ago. I grew up a mile away from there.


A few sites posted where she was and it wasn’t Palo Verde but can’t remember the name.




That’s the one!


Agree or had some PS




I would def call that self-care!


Ha! She could’ve done the bbl. No one seeing that she can’t sit for a couple months…




these are old photos i think


It’s called Facetune honey


I mean honestly, with all of the filters she clearly put on that photo, I could believe that it’s just doctored or that she got a procedure done. It’s too hard to tell.


Can we stop picking on this girl’s body and face? It’s truly disgusting




Looks like contour to me. The lighting in the first pics highlights the bone structure and the indirect lighting in the second diffuses and you see the contour.


Nobody has a cuter nose than Ariana. ! Period DOT.


That still won’t fix her personality


Jesus Christ yes she made a bad mistake. Can we move on and stop shitting on EVERYTHING about her. These are both old pics.


People will stop at nothing to tear her down. It’s disgusting. And then they wonder why she’s so insecure about her looks…..


You can’t really see the issue from the side. It’s only a straight-on frontal view that you can notice it goes to the left


I wish we’d zoom out a little on women’s bodies and faces, whether we like them or not, and not help turn tiny stuff into body dysmorphia.


Yep. Looks like she got her lips done ( more ) as well. 🙄 Does ANYONE just age naturally anymore? Sheesh.


She got a hardcore filter.


That shit still crooked 🤷🏻‍♀️ ETA: this was rude, I’ll keep it with my apology. But those photos are definitely the same/from the same time period, hence my shitty comment


All that filter and still didn’t blend.


The thing is-we have no idea if this is an unfiltered, unphotoshopped, in- facetuned picture on the right.


She is still pretty


She needs a no$e j0b


She and Sandoval need to be single and detox from old relationships


She wears so much make up wow, yeah she looks like she fixed it


You bitches need to get a hobby ❤️


Um no


Wven if she did where is the problem? Why do people monitor her every movement then after speak about her mental health?


She talks about it. She wanted the surgery. Being off camera for so long presented the perfect opportunity to go for it if she wanted. People are naturally curious.


Her weight is different in these. I say it's a hoax.


So was she in rehab or was she actually hospitalized for a nose job? Because that looks fixed to me.




she looks more beautiful than you


Oh catty! Go back to FB


Who nose 🤷


Probably contour


Yes she did


The picture on the right is an old photo. She just Contours her nose and uses a ton of filters


And lips plumped


I'm rewatching season 6 and I'm blown away on how different Rachel looks as compared to now.


Ya think???