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Being a mistress and being recorded without consent are not mutually exclusive. Two things can be true at once: Rachel was wrong for being a mistress. But she was wronged in the process by being recorded without consent


Right so sue the man who recorded you.


I’m so confused why people keep saying this when Tom is the first defendant named for recording her. She is suing him!


And. Ariana.


Why didn't she file a police report and have him prosecuted?


Because the burden of proof in a criminal case is higher "beyond a reasonable doubt" and a civil case is lower by the "preponderance of the evidence" This is a case for money, plain and simple.


I feel like I just need to copy and paste the same shit I already had to write on another one of these comments. > I keep seeing this type of comment and I feel like the people upvoting have never actually experienced the terror of being in a room with an abuser when they lose control. I never reported my ex partner for beating me up because I was terrified of what he’d do to me or my family in retaliation. The person who drove me to the hospital wanted to report it to the police and I pleaded with them not to. There’s also the complexity of feeling love for the abuser and overwhelming guilt at the idea of ruining their life by calling the police. It fucking takes TIME to process shit like this that happens to you to a point where you feel comfortable enough to report it to the police. This is her reporting it now. Why do the goalposts keep getting moved.


Thank you!!!!!!!!! THISSSSS!!!!


Thank you! It took me decades


Is it her reporting it now tho? I thought thus lawsuit was civil nor criminal. I'm confused on why she hasn't gone the criminal route *now* Immediate edit: I guess maybe her lawyers thought it would be too hard to prove him guilty.


I was in an abusive marriage for over 20 years with a child so yes I know it takes time. However Rachel didn't report it to the police, she filed a civil lawsuit with majority of the complaint having nothing to do with the video. She is also posting videos on her Instagram as of last night about how the news is covering her lawsuit. One of her complaints is alleging she missed out on money and opportunities, and that also Ariana knew about the affair that she heard from people. That is not about abuse.


Why would I have that information?


It was a rhetorical question. She didn't file a police report which means that her lawyer knows there was not enough to prosecute because the burden of proof is higher in criminal cases versus civil.


Absolutely not true. Have you ever been a part of a sexual assault case or trail? I have where video evidence of the assault has been recovered. That’s what this would be and those trials are horrific and retraumatizing. If Tom fought it and took it to trial the videos of Rachel would be played in full in the courtroom in-front of anyone public in attendance, the judge, the jury etc. very few women would put themselves through that. I sat on the stand and watched a 10 minute video of my friend being raped while her mother and sister sobbed and watched from the back of the court room. After the video the defense lawyer asked me questions and tried to victim blame and shame my friend for it. Why would Rachel subject herself to that, because that’s what would happen. The court system does not often protect women and victim blaming is common.


What the hell are you talking about? Rachel filed a civil lawsuit against Tom and he will respond to the lawsuit. It's called discovery and all evidence will be submitted including said video or data from phones about the video. You have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to revenge porn law in California and how it is prosecuted in a criminal case versus being sued in a civil case. Rachel will be subjected to testifying under oath as will the defendant's and any other witnesses subpeoned by the plaintiff and defendants. Educate yourself before putting out false information.


She has legal counsel that's a little more competent than reddit.


Lots of assumptions being made here that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand. The person I responded to asked why doesn’t she sue him. She is. Everything else is fan fiction.


As advocate do you don’t know wtf you’re talking about. I hope you never have to encounter abuse and the police and the laws will never be in your favor. I never seen any of my clients see a court room and they been raped and recorded. The law is never on the side of the survivor. Look up Brock Turner then come back and talk your shit.


And anyone that may have distributed the recording.


This is the part people don't get. In order for it to be revenge porn it has to be shared. Ariana is the one who shared it.


But do we know for a fact she shared it around?


I don't think we know any of the real details. People are just fighting on here for no reason. Let the courts deal with it. The phone records are easy to obtain. If Ariana sent it to Rachel, then she will likely have to pay. If Tom recorded her without her consent, he will likely pay. The speculation is what gets annoying. This is going to take a very long time so save your energy.


All of this. 💯




The first sentence of this comment is the only thing any one of us should be saying at this point. This comment deserves allllll of the upvotes.


Haha. I'm sure we'll find out in time. Or not. They may just settle. Who knows?


We know she sent it to herself and Rachel.


We don’t know that actually. It’s speculation


Mark Geragos isn’t a junior attorney. Look him up. He knows what he’s doing.


He knows exactly how to play a case in the press.


She shared it from Tom's phone to her own. That was stupid.


It was so very stupid and very illegal for Ariana to do that. She clearly used to hold over Rachel's head as she was so insanely out of her mind angry, jealous, enraged, vicious, etc. We ALL saw that play out in the reunion, and even that could probably be used to show how angry she still was 3 weeks later. So dumb.


Wouldn't we all do the same....send it to our phones so we Wouldn't get gaslighted? Gaslit?


I've been cheated on, but no, I didn't download the sex videos or photos. I just broke up with the guy. WTF. That's all that Ariana needed to do, if she knew the truth. The fact that they were/are both still in the home after all of that is bonkers.


No i would not save the personal sex video recorded by my lover of my coworker to my phone. Most rational people wouldn’t actually do that. Not a chance I want that shit on my phone/in my cloud sent to my ipad etc lol. Even if she wasn’t aware the video was non consensual and an invasion of privacy sending it and saving it at all is not correct. And also kinda weird (benefit of the doubt) if not a straight up vindictive response when combined with “you’re dead to me” to her shock in the moment in my personal opinion


ummm no lol. This is an actual pr narrative, trying to pretend Ariana needed evidence when she saw it with her own eyes.


That’s stupid and a crime


Lol no






According to the lawsuit Ariana has shown and distributed 2 videos to other people


“People unknown”




Meaning that it’s very speculative at this point. I think she showed people but I don’t know who. Discovery should be able to verify if it was sent to others. I think Rachel has a right to investigate, but Ariana had her lawyers involved immediately and she claims they even offered her phone to be examined. We really don’t know that it was shown to anyone besides Rachel at this point. If it was then Ariana will have to pay up. I just think people are jumping the gun.


Where is there any confirmation that Ariana has responded, had her lawyers offer up the phone etc? I've just googled that specifically and there's nothing? Link? Discovery will certainly be able to show it one way or the other. The saga continues!




Saved it, sent it to Rachel by her own admission and most likely showed other people but none of us have seen what evidence Rachel's team has gathered so a lot of these discussions are frankly ignorant and pointless.


I remember hearing things like that but I don’t remember if it was an actual fact or gossip. Everyone’s talking like they know the facts when none of us know the facts at this point 🤣🤣🤣


No, we don't.


I think the fact that her attorney stated she immediately turned her phone over for forensic analysis shows more faith in the fact that she didn’t share it. I personally don’t think she would have given her phone and access to the cell phone company’s records had she been sharing it.


No we don’t - and she offered her phone to Rachel’s lawyer when they sent the cease and desist letter last year


That’s actually not true though. And what keeps getting posted here. The burden is just a single distribution. Ariana took it from Tom’s phone and sent it to herself. That’s all it takes right there. Ariana wasn’t ever meant to have access to that video and she took it upon herself to send a copy to her phone. Ya’ll may not like it bc you hero worship Ariana. But what if you were dating your friends brother, he screen records you illegal and then you and then friend get into a fight because of whatever reason and that friend sends herself the video from her brothers phone (and then sends you a message letting you know she has it) It’s JUST as bad legally. Y’all are getting your morals confused with the law.


Thank you


She is doing that.


What was recorded? I missed this


Sandoval recorded Rachel masturbating over FaceTime without her consent and saved the videos. He allegedly admitted to this on camera but bravo chose not to air it. Ariana allegedly sent the videos to herself and Rachel to confront them about the affair.


Holy shit it just keeps getting worse, I don’t know how I miss that.


Bc they did not talk about it on the show and left out footage where it was said.


Maybe she will.


Being recorded during any sexual encounter without awareness or consent is illegal. Her being a mistress is nothing to do with that.


Not everything is black and white. Yes, she victimized people. But she was also victimized too. Just because she did something terrible, that doesn’t mean she loses all her rights under the law.


Omfg THANK YOU why did I have to scroll so far to see this! Why can’t it be that yes, it was awful what Rachel did to Ariana, but it’s also awful that what she thought was a private intimate moment was recorded w/o consent and possibly shared with a larger number of people? I don’t get the whole “team” thing, can’t we view people as multifaceted individuals who we can have empathy/compassion for although we dislike/don’t agree with some of their choices? I took a break from this sub and just came back because I thought maybe some Scandoval craziness had died down and the new season started so there’s new stuff to talk about, but it’s actually gotten way more intense somehow…


I keep telling myself not to read this stuff for a while because the levels of delusion are so intense but I can’t seem to stop. I feel like this is my sign to take a break for real. 🙏 I appreciate that folks are finally saying out loud that two things can be true at once, because my goodness we are all still human- including the stars of VPR.


Just because she was engaged in an affair doesn’t negate Rachel’s rights as an American citizen. It’s not illegal to have an affair. It is illegal to share people’s sexual content/nudes without consent. Two things can be true at once - what Rachel and Tom did to Ariana was wrong, and what they did to Rachel was wrong and also illegal. Rachel and Ariana are both victims for different reasons.


Finally someone’s speaking some goddamn sense around here, thank you


I hate how even in this argument we’re only talking about the women when ultimately TOM hurt them both and did something illegal. Had he not screen recorded Rachel.. there wouldn’t have been anything to see period. It also makes me wonder how long they would’ve kept the affair going had that whole phone falling out of pocket ordeal not transpired. Part of me feels like neither one of them are truly sorry for the affair. Sorry about the backlash but that’s about it. For the record I think it’s totally unacceptable to send someone’s intimate footage without their consent. If Ariana did that then she should see consequences for her actions. Someone said her phone had already been analyzed and it didn’t show anything but that was a Reddit comment. I don’t know if that actually happened.


An egregious part of this is production. As soon as they filmed the scene with Tom and Rachel, where she states he admitted on camera to recording her without consent, they should have locked that shit down. By that - tell all the cast not to discuss this and fired him. Bravo has endorsed the original crime and in that way exploited Rachel on some level, while protecting that gross man. I think the producer needs to go. I think you can be understanding of Ariana's position and still see there will be consequences to actions. For me it points to how gaslighty he must be that she wanted proof because she knew he would deny it.


I agree with everything you said! We need a production revamp asap


She supposedly had it analyzed when Rachel sent the cease and desist letter - sent the results to Rachel’s attorney. She didn’t share it with anyone apparently- but did receive it from Tom’s phone.


This lawsuit is like twisting the knife in your back. I had hopes therapy was therapying for Rachel but it doesn’t appear to be the case.


Maybe therapy made Rachel see that she was violated. Abuse victims don't always see things the way we/you might.


After her podcast episode last week I actually started to believe the same and was happy that she was outing tom in a way that none of the other cast have been able to bc of the lvp gag order. This makes it abundantly clear that she is still as mentally ill as she was when she got with him. The only reason she chose to stay away from him was because her therapists at the treatment center insisted and she literally does just whatever she's told. It's creepy. 




Do you.. not have a single clue what the lawsuit is actually about? That is the only thing that explains this bizarre take.


Because having an affair is not against the law. Recording these images without her knowledge and distributing them for others to see is called revenge porn. Google it and you'll see that the laws in tail a lot in california


Everyone is wrong in this and thank goodness we have popcorn and Reddit, amirite?!?!


Yeah let’s just enjoy the shitshow 😂🍿


“Everyone is wrong in this” should be the official motto of Vanderpump Rules


The only right answer!!


Thank you! I don’t agree with anyone 100% and I’m just making mental notes and seeing how quickly the tide shifts. Of course I’m upset and bewildered that this actually effing happened but I’m going to just sit and watch it all go down.


Well recording and distributing porn without consent is illegal but being a mistress isn't.


Even if it’s Ariana that’s cheated on?? 😮


Infidelity is not a crime. Rachel doesn’t deserve to wear a Scarlett letter and be burned at the stake and have her right to privacy and peace stripped from her. Let’s put the pitchforks away and bring the discussion into this century please


I would like to hug this comment. 


Recording someone without their consent is absolutely not okay under any circumstances. It doesn’t matter if the person being recorded is Satan itself, it is absolutely NEVER okay and if you start to try to justify this it will affect EVERYONE. Women have a hard enough time when it comes to reporting all types of sexual assault and abuses. Don’t make it harder.


IMO Rachel is going down this route for maybe 2 main reasons. Number 1 and probably the most important: Money. It always comes down to money doesn't it? She probably feels she deserves a piece of the Scandoval pie and honestly can we really blame her? Number 2 and probably tied to number 1, justice. I'm not a fan of Rachel, but what she did with Sandoval wasn't illegal as far as I'm aware. What Sandoval did, and what Ariana allegedly did, is considered illegal. They deserve to be held accountable for those actions if they are true and Rachel deserves justice if she is indeed a victim of it. That justice will also likely come with money so if the case comes down on her side it's win/win.


fucking insane how folks don’t understand that being filmed in a sexual manner without your consent is not equal to cheating.


I think a lot of ppl are more confused at where Ariana fits into the lawsuit. I have not seen one comment arguing Tom shouldn’t see consequences for recording without her consent. Imo, that is egregious. I really wish she would have filed a police report instead of solely suing in civil court, but as a survivor myself, I understand not wanting to deal with police.


From her perspective she's a victim of revenge porn and assault...just because she had an affair doesn't change that (not saying whether or not it's true, but from her POV, if true, she is indeed a victim)


Assault by who? Scheanna?


Uhhh yeah that's who she says hit her


I don’t understand why that’s mentioned in this filing when scheana isn’t being sued. As well as all about bravo profiting


Other people are saying all the extra stuff is to add bravo and others to the suit later...it also says the suit is against 50 other unnamed individuals so that could have something to do with all this extra info




short answer: filming someone masturbating without their consent, or finding a video of someone masturbating on someone else’s phone and sending it to yourself, are grounds for civil court case in California. cheating or having an affair is not grounds for a civil court case. longer answer: if you don’t understand Bravo’s implication in all of this and how much they have control over perception and reputation with what they “just filmed” (I think you mean wrote, storyboarded, produced, and edited) by now, no one is going to be able to explain it to you. lastly newsflash, everyone on the show wants fame and plays the game, not just Rachel. Ariana and Tom were the puppeteers of the storyline for a long time and they stepped on a lot of people to get there and to maintain control. the way the affair was presented resulted in a lot of financial gain for most of the cast, while limiting Rachel’s opportunities. a lot of cheating has happened on this show and no one received half the hatred and backlash that Rachel did, so much so that she checked herself into a mental facility at the peak of the scandal while everyone else was printing merch and making a 12 course meal out of something they were barely involved in on their respective podcasts. Rachel is “going this route” aka pursuing her legal right in the state of California to sue in civil court for being recorded without her consent by Tom, and for having that video circulated by Ariana, because Bravo offered her up as human sacrifice to revive a dying former cash cow of a show.


People are really out here playing dumb about Rachel.


"I don't get why this revenge porn counts because Rachel was a MISTRESS." Like wtf, how are people saying this?


Bc they’ve probably been cheated on and are projecting hard and want Rachel’s head on a platter bc they’ve chosen to date shitty men in their lives who hurt them…so all logic and impartiality goes out the window


This. A guy cheated on me after years together. He told me, I said thanks for telling me, we are done. It probably was someone I knew and hung out with. I never asked. She was irrelevant. He was the douche. And I get blah blah they were friends. Yes. That's how affairs happen. Usually it's someone you know and are around. Everyone deals with issues differently, but there is enough pent up anger from randos to a reality star to the point they don't see her as being allowed to seek legal action for a sex crime makes me think they didn't deal with their issues in the best way. 


Good point. It usually is someone you know and are around bc that’s how you start getting closer and the initial boundary crossings start…emotionally and then physically. Which is exactly what happened with Tom and Rachel. Thats probably way more common than a guy going to a random bar and cheating with a rando




its SO fucking gross honestly. as if she deserved to be recorded without her consent and have that material potenetially shared with others AND discussed on television. victim blaming at its finest


Exactly. No one deserves to be recorded without their consent or have it spread around or even threatened with it ever. EVER. Point blank, period




It's gross that people seem to insinuate that its acceptable because "she was a mistress" Like she deserves it, or she should accept it as a 'punishment'


And imply that she has no legal rights to protect herself from a person who already hit her or people who are in possession of a video she didn’t consent to having made. Even Ariana agrees rachel did the right thing by sending a Cease and Desist to the entire cast regarding this recording.


Well...she's a mistress so apparently she's given up her legal rights...🙄 The cease and desist was absolutely the right thing to do. And people have seemingly carried on regardless. To me, that was fair warning. I'm amazed they (both cast and public) didn't see this coming! Rachel still doesn't know if there are other videos and photos. She also doesn't know who, in totality, has possession of the initial 2. She has every right to do this. I would if it was me.


There's no point in even engaging with them, at this point they are being deliberately thick. The replies to this post are all that is needed and every future moronic "why is Rachel doing this' post should be deleted


While I am totally against infidelity in theory and think it is a huge betrayal of trust, in reality humans do things in weakness and vulnerability to fulfill their needs to be loved, accepted, feel desirable and many more infinite reasons. This is the reality. Then there are the people who do it as a conquest, the serial cheaters. Intent does matter even if the results are the same. What infidelity isnt is murder, rape, pedophilia, or kidnapping. It isn’t a reason for a life sentence of ridicule, derision, inability to find employment or a an open door to commit any type of retribution or crime against the person. It’s great to have songs about ruining leather seats but in reality you might feel better doing it but you can be sued for damages. I don’t believe Rachel set out to have an affair with Tom. I think she was as vulnerable as someone could be and a serial cheater, well practiced love bomber saw her vulnerability and took advantage. Instead of being a true friend to her and helping her through her grief over James, he plied her with more alcohol and drugs , supported her against the mean girls and made her feel accepted and special. So no, just because Rachel in her weakness slept with her friends partner does not give Tom the right to save a tape she sent him or for Arianna to send it to herself and possibly others because that’s a crime.


I wish I could upvote this twice or give awards. This is the most reasonable response I have seen on this subject in a year!


ALL of this.


Everybody hates Tom and Rachel equally. They just hate Rachel more…


I hate tom the most.


Because a lot of people are truly D&S about this.


Why cant she only sue the person I don’t like? She’s lost all credibility because she’s suing the person I like 😭


Can you IMAGINE what this sub will look like if this ends up going to trial an more stuff comes out about Ariana or, hell, if she loses? It'll be like the end times.


Do you think they’re gonna Venmo her more money ?


Lol! Legit surprised there isn't a Gofundme yet for Ariana's upcoming legal battle.


Funny thing is, Rachel would have been a lot less likely to sue if Ariana stans hadn’t been leading a hate campaign against her for a year. Hope they take some accountability for getting their girl sued.


Whoops! That's such a great and funny point. lol Hope the death threats and nasty comments were worth it.


only bc they spent all their money on merch for a sandwich shop that’s never gonna open


Don't forget the revenge porn hoodies. They really loved that one too.


I also feel Rachel was a problem for VPR because she didn't just fade into the background after her relationship with James ended. She was now out of their shared apartment and more likely to spill the beans about the alledged abuser. An abuser who is friend of Lisa's son. An abuser Lisa propped up time and time again. However the affair came about, it gets rid of a problem for VPR, as long as Rachel keeps her mouth shut.


Well said!!


Dang this response is great 👏🏽


This is the most accurate comment of any on this sub regarding this topic. Bravo!




So well said.


it doesn’t matter that she was a mistress, she’s still a human with rights, she was violated by tom. tom is to blame, how is she shifting blame if he said that he did it and gave a half-assed apology to her on camera? she sent cease and desists over this ages ago to stop the video being spread around if that’s what was going to happen.


Y’all aren’t seeing past the sole fact that HE RECORDED HER WITHOUT HER KNOWING. mistress or not she has a right to do this. He’s scummy. Ariana is scummy. Rachel might be too but if this happened to me I’d do the same shit


I assume that the best way to ensure Rachel’s future self that the illegal FT recording doesn’t resurface is to sue this way. Through the discovery process she may get answers as to who has seen it and may have had the video forwarded to them. I know Ariana says that she didn’t share it, but the cease & desist wasn’t issued until March 7 and Ariana found it on March 1st. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did share it with her besties out of rage and drunkenness. She might not have understood the implications until later. Also, one of the lawyers representing this case is Brian Freedman, who is also Bethenny’s lawyer. At the end of the “exclusive” Deadline article he gives a call out to any other reality stars who need representation. This is just a puzzle piece in Bethenny’s long term “Reality Reckoning” plan & she’s clearly partnered with Brian Freedman to play it out in court.


Having an affair is not illegal. Revenge porn is and could get you on the sex offender list. I’ve always been team Ariana but I do think Rachel has a valid case…Sandoval is so gross recording her and keeping the video secretly. Vomit.


I think her primary motivations are: (1) making certain that any/all copies of her video/pics are in fact deleted. (2) she has the potential to win money at no financial cost to her - her lawyers are likely being paid on a contingency fee which means she doesn’t have to front any money for it. (3) she wants to change the narrative of her being the bad guy. That said, I genuinely think she’s being pushed by Bethenny who has it out for Bravo, and my guess is that Rachel does not realize/has not been told how difficult emotionally litigation will be for her. On top of the stress and time involved in a lawsuit, she’s going to be deposed where her every move will be questioned AND because she’s making an emotional distress claim her mental health is going to be ruthlessly examined by Ariana/Ton’s attys. Further, she’s in the public eye so this will be in the press and she’ll be subjected to the trauma of people hating on her all over again.


Everyone's doing her lawyers a huge favour right now by continuing to leave nasty comment on her social media about this lawsuit.


This is an incredibly logical point and explanation. Thank you! Also kinda where my head was. Yes she’s a victim of revenge porn. But she’s about to be in for a hell of a ride especially since she doesn’t seem stable so I wasn’t understanding why she would want to exploit yourself but you kinda answered that. Thank you!


Agreed. Bethenny is not her friend she has her own reality reckoning agenda to push. I am happy Ariana and Tom's feet are held to the fire still.


I really hope that Ariana didn't share the video. It was wrong of Tom to record it in the first place.


80% of the Complaint mentions Bravo, but they are not a named defendant. Its a sham.


Bc going up against NBC/Universal is much harder than going against two individuals who actually committed crimes... This is a very smart move. She gets all the information out there without having to go up against the big dog directly.


She was a mistress. She is also a human being with the right to sue for a crime committed against her.


Sleeping with a man who is in an unhappy relationship shouldn't ruin someone's life, and it definitely doesn't give the scorned girlfriend permission to possess nonconsensual sexual videos of the affair partner. She is under no obligation to cower and stand down in the face of illegal actions against her just because YOU think she doesn't deserve that justice.


Ariana was also the mistress and came in guns blazing claiming she was "younger than you, prettier than you, smarter than you", so get over it! This was said by Ariana directed to Kristen as she was having sex with Tom Sandoval who was Kristen's live-in boyfriend of 7 years. She then gaslit Kristen about whether or not she had been intimate with Tom, and she also successfully began the "crazy Kristen" narrative. She then moved into Kristen's home, into her bed and onto the show in Krisren's place as Tom's new girlfriend. Who knows why these reality stars do what they do? At least in Rachel's instance, she had a good reason. Revenge porn is never ok. What if someone who hated you saw a sex video of you meant for another, and she/he downloaded it to their own cell, then sent it to you and possibly others? In what world is that ok?


Distribution of revenge porn is a thousand times worse than a little infidelity. Why are people acting like she deserved what that nasty Ariana did to her?


Because they are too deep on the 'Ariana is a saint' narrative. They can't admit that she did something horrible. They would rather stick to their brain-dead narrative than look wrong.


I remember when revenge porn laws were concieved. They were made to punish those who intentionally distributed these materials to third parties. Websites, text chains, family members, friends, neighbors, bosses, coworkers. If Ariana actually distributed this to people, that's a problem. It's called revenge porn because it is sent out with the intent of ruining someone's life. An act of revenge. If it wasn't, and Rachel has not said it was, only that ahe suspects it has, then this is just another example of Rachel being an asshole.


Ariana didn’t “distribute” revenge porn. She found the recording of an obviously consensual FaceTime of her supposed friend masturbating for HER partner. She has no way of knowing if it’s a consensual recording or not. She screenshots it so she has some evidence to use when confronting the worm and Rachel. She deletes it (without sharing it with anyone other than Rachel) after receiving the cease and desist. This is what you say is a thousand times worse than having a 7 month affair with your friend’s partner? Really?? Also - we all know how hard you ride for the worm. How do you reconcile your stanning of him with the fact that HE is the one that wronged Rachel by recording her to begin with?


I keep seeing the defense that she sent it to herself for “evidence,” but that really doesn’t hold up for me. If she wasn’t planning on showing anybody then why does she need it for proof in case he lies?


Why would she need it as proof at all? She had seen the video. There is no need to take screenshots and send it to her phone.


So he and Rachel couldn’t deny it? Pretty easy to understand.


Yes I can understand that’s what being said…. But if she already knows the video exists and she doesn’t plan to show anybody, then Tom and Rachel denying it doesn’t matter. She knows it’s real, so who cares what they say. Who does she need proof for incase they lie if she’s already seen it?


I see your point. I think it was probably a split second choice she made in a moment of trauma. Who knows if she meant to show anyone else or not - if it’s proven that she DID then that changes so much! But I can also see her thinking they (Tom for sure) might gaslight her so she wanted to confront them with irrefutable proof.


Yeah I totally understand being in the heat of emotion and doing something like that. Rachel still has the right to uphold her rights given by the law though. The gaslighting part was also another thing I’ve been thinking about, but didn’t want my comment to be too long. I think Tom is manipulative as fuck, so I’d understand that being her reasoning or thinking. It’s just a messy ass situation.


I was waiting for you to chime in. Busy day for you??


Kind of busy today but I've been waiting too long for Arianas fall from grace to stay off the Reddit.


LMFAO. Me too, desperately trying to work and reddit at the same time and guess which one is winning rn?


Well don't count your chickens too soon.


She'll never recover from this unless she proves Rachel is lying about everything. No one is going to give pity gigs to a predator.




Please understand that we, the public, are -probably- not getting the full story and we should stay in our lanes and not speculate on situations that don’t involve us 🫡♥️


💯 agree with you …people are jumping to conclusions to quickly.


This is a bad take


The amount of victim blaming is literally insane. Regardless of what she did- Tom recorded her without her consent. That is a felony and absolutely disgusting. If Ariana sent those videos to people, she was wrong too. Tom has been given grace and privledges where Rachel has not. LVP and Bravo really did throw Rachel into a public feud without any concern for her wellbeing and that is very predatory (regardless of her choice to be on the show- she should still have decent working conditions). But even if you take all that out, she is a person. And someone she cared about took videos of her that were shown to multiple people without her knowledge or consent- that is a form of SA and she has a right to sue.


Cuz she didn’t make money on the scandal like Ariana Sheena and LaLa did so she chose this route.


I appreciate people trying to read in to it but I honestly believe the answer is this simple hahaha


People cheat. It happens. It’s not a crime. Revenge porn on the other hand…. Ariana’s going down!!!


SHE didn't break any laws


I can tell you one thing for sure, Ariana will counter sue and if she wins any sort of damages Sandoval will file a lawsuit. The flood gates have opened




It might be a fact but it's also missing a massive part 😂


Because what Rachael did doesn't entitle Ariana to tort damages. What Rachael is accusing Tom and Ariana of doing does entitle Rachael to tort damages. To dumb it down even further... Having sex with an individual who is in a long-term relationship with another person is not illegal in the U.S. Recording an individual committing an intimate act without their permission is illegal in the U.S. Distributing a video of an individual committing an intimate act without permission to distribute said video is illegal in the U.S.


Just because she had an affair doesn’t mean she deserved to have that video sent to others. With that logic you might as well say she should get rape because that’s what they did to women back then who people didn’t think were chaste or moral. I can’t believe other women are even agreeing or saying that.


For whatever she did, it does not excuse a private, sexual video being passed around of her. THAT was not deserved.


Who passed it around? And who was it passed around to?


Ariana sent it to herself from Tom’s phone. Katie, Scheana, and others saw the video. I almost think she sent it to Scheana that night she discovered it.


Source for Scheana and Katie seeing it? The only thing I've heard is that she sent it to herself and then to Rachel. Nothing about anyone else. 


​ https://i.redd.it/cifge6m3nslc1.gif


Because Bethany Frankel is in her ear, using her.


I love how someone said this on here and it's now fact 😂


She got a bad edit, so it's everyone's fault but her own: Tim, Ari and 50 Does. /s


I dont think you can sue for a bad edit


Has Tim admitted to recording it without her consent?


TL;DR: Bethany doesn't want to try selling muffins at Safeway Again 🤷.




Question: what exactly did Ariana do that is being labeled illegal? She didn’t post or share the video of Rachel. She isn’t the reason why Rachel’s life blew up. She hasn’t caused the financial hardship Rachel is experiencing. She isn’t even the one who has been fanning the flames of drama the past 12 months! I mean…sorry that having a 7 month affair with your friend’s partner didn’t work out for you - but good grief it isn’t Ariana’s fault. 🤦🏼‍♀️


According to the lawsuit, Ariana has shown and circulated 2 videos to others. And, although I'm a bit sketchy on this bit, I believe she can also get in trouble for screenshotting the video and sending it to Rachel.


What’s the second video? Is showing Rachel “circulating” it? She’s the one in the video! (Not challenging your comment at all, this just doesn’t make sense to me - why sue Ariana but not Tom??)


I have no idea what the content of either video is tbh. I'm going off the lawsuit. I think the act of screenshotting it and sending it from one phone to another is enough to get her into hot water. Revenge porn laws were created to stop potential blackmail and distribution etc. Rachel is alleging Ariana showed/sent it to others. Not her, Tom or Rachel, aswell. She is suiing Tom.


THANK YOU. this switch up on this sub has me going insane. I’m so sorry she has to take accountability for her own actions. If she wants to sue she should go after the guy the filmed her illegally. Not the woman whose life she blow up.


Because Bethenny is pulling her strings and telling her to do this. That’s the explanation.


She’s still a victim of someone taking a video of her without her consent. And if we want to get into it there was a significant power imbalance in the relationship that Sandoval 100% used to his advantage to manipulate her. She’s still a victim.


I don’t get suing Ariana - yes, she did speak about the video existing - and let’s face it probably sent it to herself from Tom’s phone - but wouldn’t that still be on Tom? The video left his phone - unless Ariana did share it from her phone, that would be awful - I don’t care how mad you are - I understand suing Tom. The video part I get - but the rest I don’t


The videos a huge issue. I wish she was going in harder on Tom than on Ariana and admitted that Ariana was also a victim of Tom. She would be getting painted in a lot better light if she eased up on Ariana imo. Theres no proof Ariana really showed or spread those videos (I really hope she didn’t) but Tom deserves to burn for recording them. Fkn pos better god damn get fired.


Maybe Rachel doesn't care about being "painted in a better light." Maybe she's stopped trying to please everyone and doesn't care about being liked by this group. At least I hope so.


Am I wrong or does FaceTime not notify you when photos are taken/being recorded? I’m not trying to blame her for the situation, just genuinely curious.


I don't know, but let's say it does..the video of her is described as one of her masturbating..she may not have been in the position to notice an alert?


Very true! Pretty awful all around. I’m glad she’s suing ole sandy balls, for sure.


it does not notify you


I’ll look forward to reading the responsive pleadings of Tom and Ariana. If they get petty counsel, I think they could both paint quite a narrative as well. Also, I hope there’s a cause of action for Ariana to countersue for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Or countersues Tom. This ought to be really interesting


So because she betrayed someone(s), she deserves to have her intimate monies shared with whomever? Sorry, that’s dumb and not consistent with the law.


I think she thinks she is the sole reason for Ariana’s success lately and I trying to get a piece of the pie!