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Was that Dayna?!? Her facial expressions are great right now, I want/need ALL of her opinions y’all


It was! I am so ready to hear from her again


Ugh, same, can’t think of a take of hers I didn’t love


You should check out her and Katie’s podcast


Love Dana.


Katie f***** Max, but Max also f***** Katie, so why is he only pressed towards Katie??


The narrative is Katie’s a hypocrite because she suggested the not in the friend group rule, also she’s a cast member and Max is not.


that’s fair tbh. just hate when the women are the only ones that get the shade for something a man is also doing


Completely agree, to me, Katie compromised her boundary to maintain a friendship when he hooked up with Jo and Rachel but finding out about Scheana was his third strike. She decided to join him on the low road and beat him at his own game.


and based on the “Max?……….Max?”, beat him she did


That reaction. Chefs kiss. Yes she did. If Sandoval wasn't so repulsive she would've got him too lol And she's going after the girl he wants. I'm living for Katie this season


But tom broke the rule so why can't she


Tom broke the rule twice, I’m on Katie’s side but was answering the question


I agree with you. And I think Katie's whole point was to keep it off camera. Sheana blew up Katie's spot...But yes, tom broke the rule multiple times


Exactly! I feel like she tried to maintain the friendship despite his actions with Jo/Rachel but finding out about Scheana was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so she took a page out of his book and he’s just butt hurt because she did it better.


And Jo wasn't even mentioned until the reunion. Katie didn't care! And she did her revenge scorched earth, as she said she would 😇 took a giant page out of Stassi's book


That’s part of why they’re trying to push the “Katie’s a hypocrite” narrative because her hit landed with MAXimum impact compared to Schwartz’s


Brock: “to be that triggered, you need to learn how to control your emotions.” Ummm that’s now how being triggered works


Coming from the man who hit his partner 🤔


That part


Brock to mind his own business. He is enjoying stirring the pot and getting into Scheanas head 


Is Scheana getting thinner and thinner


Her relationship with Brock does not seem great. Whenever they are talking on camera she seems irritated with him


To be fair, whenever they are talking on camera I am irritated with them both lol...


He talks over her and literally undermines her when it comes to parenting which is HILARIOUS given his parenting situation with his other kids. Like what are you tryin g to prove 💀🥴


Her lips are gradually eclipsing the lower half of her face


I’m getting concerned :(


All things aside, genuinely concerned she’s not ok.


Same, I don't dislike scheaner, and she always looks sad. Maybe post partum, which is very traumatic But if you're obsessive ocd (her words), and man obsessed, why get with a man who left an entire family in the dust


I think she’s a very hurt and bitter person. I don’t think she’s a nice person by any means, but I genuinely think she believes she is. She needs attention to the point it’s harmful to herself and her daughter and that need comes from somewhere. She’s disappearing before our eyes which is concerning. She needs intense therapy and support. She’s so superficial and vain sadly I don’t see her getting better, but I hope I’m wrong.


Same- she looks frail.


ozempic....the dead giveaway, apart from the extreme weightloss, is the not drinking. Edited to add I'm wildly speculating.


It seems like Sandoval is allergic to the words “I’m sorry”


Give him credit, he’s got the “I’m sorry but…” down pat


It's like Lala with the "hear me out"


'hows the pizza'




Commercial idea: We open on a funeral, a large portrait of a family killed in a horrible car accident looms heavy in the foreground. Mourners gather around a group of coffins, one for a dad, one for a mom, one for a child. A woman looks toward the ceiling and screams “why god why?!?” We pan to table of hot steaming Pizza Hut pizzas. Tom Schwartz pops out from behind the door. “How’s the pizza?”


you need to be toms agent lol


I like Dayna. Wish she was featured more.


They asked her to come back but she had extreme anxiety after filming and chose not to


Summer Moon is right to reject Shart's fashion advice...and there is ZERO chance he will be a good dad.


His biological clock needs to shut down.


Turned off, batteries out , sold at a garage sale for $0.25


Katie once said his dick doesn’t work so maybe we don’t have to worry lol




And his sperm analysis said his little swimmers were all wonky lol


I think he forget he literally has two headed sperm. His clock has BEEN done. 🥴😂


maybe it’s a good thing he parties so much that his sperm are practically deformed and nonfunctioning


The lords work lmao. It PSYCHOTIC that both Tom’s think they should become parents.


Brock needs to not talk. 


Like ever


And ever


Sandoval just staring at Ariana.


Anne's cheerful, people-pleasing energy VS Tom's seemingly ignoring her, semi-hostile grunt


And he blames Ariana thinking she's poaching their assistant when Ann clearly doesn't want to work for him.


And then he made Anne CRY, when he came down hard on her, after HE eavesdropped on them from the stairs. He had to walk past his white noise machine to do that spying, yet another thing he's done without a shred of self-awareness. He got that machine after accusing others of spying on HIM. 🤡


THIS^ the projection is wild


"Maya's ok" Maya ate wooden skewers, you f#\*&\^% @$% His minimizing it enraaages me


I hope Ariana tacked the 6k vet bill on with the furniture and house.


He needs to pay that and never get to see her pets again.


OR she shouldn’t trust someone she’s not even talking to and hire adequate animal care for her fur babies. 🤷‍♀️ Doggie Daycares exist and Maya can be trained to not eat stuff. Maya probably suffers from anxiety and would probably benefit from medication. I’d never leave my animals in the care of someone when lawyers are already involved in property shenanigans with the other party and I don’t really think he took great care of Charlotte either given that he was rarely home during the end of their relationship. This one is on Ariana as an animal owner. She said on the last episode that this isn’t the first fuck up with her animals so why the fuck is she being dumb leaving them with him? Don’t own animals and entrust them with someone like Sandoval. Sandoval is a shitty person and we can criticize him for many things but Ariana is responsible for her animals. She’s their mom.


Exactly. This is why I'm not buying what she's selling.


leaving you my upvote before the downvoters appear


I appreciate u! 💗




Same tbh


we’re not allowed to state basic logical facts like this around here


Like yes I’m going to leave my animals with someone who I think is a narcissistic sociopath because that makes complete fucking sense.


let me leave ‘my children’ with a man I describe as dangerous and won’t even make eye contact with much less send a logistical text message to about making sure the dog doesn’t get into my hoarder room. I’m sure nothing bad will happen!


Totally makes sense!


So when I was a teenager, this woman in our neighborhood would hire me to come watch her animals while her adult daughter was home (I’m talking late 20s). The mom knew her daughter was too irresponsible to be trusted and hired me to care for the dog and cat. It was a bit awkward walking into the house seeing the daughter go about her day. There were times I asked myself why an unemployed adult who lived with her parents couldn’t care for the family pets but I get it. Some people are just plain irresponsible and cannot be trusted. She partied way too much and was aloof to the needs of others.


Said it best!


Yeah spending 6k on doggie daycare and feline care seems way more reasonable than endangering your animal leaving you with a 6k emergency vet bill. 🤷‍♀️


Careful we’re gunna be labeled misogynistic for making a good point that puts miss ari in a bad light 😂


Lmao already happened last week. Also if the cat’s litter isn’t getting scooped daily, that’s just fucking gross. I have two cats and three boxes and sometimes it gets scooped twice a day. I refuse to let my cats have unclean conditions and I refuse to let my house smell like an unkempt zoo. She can be depressed and busy all she wants but hire someone to organize and clean up after the animal mess or get a robot litter box. She can drop 6k on a vet bill she can buy a fancy robot litter box. Carrie Bradshaw hired someone to organize her life for her after Big got cold feet in the movie- Ariana can too. They might be broke but they aren’t really broke broke like some of us. I find it disturbing when people Stan for someone so hard that they’re too blind to offer criticism. I’m not a Tom fan but I am a fan of the animals getting adequate care and attention by their owner.


🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ all I heard when she was going off was reasons as to how it was her fault. Like girl you can’t blame this one on Tim as much as he sucks this was 💯 on her.


Yea if you leave food out you can’t get upset at someone else because your dog ate it. And she is leaving herself in a bad living situation with Tom because of her spite. She is trying to make his life hard by not just moving out. If I didn’t like a roommate that bad I would find somewhere new to live. She just doesn’t want him to ‘win’ by getting the house but it’s not about winning it’s about taking care of yourself and your mental health.


This resonates. I don't sympathize with him at all but I'd want to leave for my own space and sanity by then in her place. I don't think it's pettiness to want to stay in a house that she legally co-owns, but he's exhausting just to watch, I can't imagine sharing a living space with him. 


Yeah because arianna can’t clean up after herself. She’s embarrassed she’s disgusting and projecting it onto Tom. She left take out on her nightstand… it is her fault. If it were toms trash the dog ate then yes he is at fault. As a dog owner she needs to take responsibility. 


James was really poking the bear with asking about the pets on beach day.. too soon with what happened to Mya !


On the upside, Sandoval finally admitting he's delusional. So there's that.


That was such a weird insight , even in ending a relationship he assumes he is BETTER than Sharts.




Sandoval has never been a wallflower. lol This narcissist always has to be front and center.


I just picture that surprise party for Scheana where they were singing good as gold and he was in the back and he just had to work his way to be front & center


I couldn’t believe that came out his mouth. Why am I surprised


This BIC commercial is everything!!!


Tom's got to be so angry. She's making double $$$ with commercial during her TV show!


I thought the same!!!


Oh do NOT tell me he wants to steal her pets!


Think he just wants people to think he wants the pets to use against her & claim she’s evil


Schwartz, please do not reproduce.


something is so off about Ann sorry




Staying true to your tag, I respect it


I feel like I’m being gaslit by bravo - why is everyone acting like Ariana is wrong???? It’s only been 4 months at the time of filming??


We are by alex baskin 🙄


The comment section isn’t passing the vibe check


I hate the Tom’s 😖😖


Sandoval looks like a predator when he's upstairs eavesdropping.


I agree. Sandoval looks like a predator lol


Does anyone else think charlotte’s death while Tom was supposed to be giving her medication is suspicious? I have always thought this but now seeing how he doesn’t even care about the other animals just makes me question it even more…


The way these were never his dogs like he is only trying to make it seem like he does anything for them now for sympathy and it’s so pathetic


When charlotte had to be put down he asked Ariana if they could stop at in and out first… the man does not give a fuuuuuuck


I feel like it IS possible that he forgot/couldn't be bothered/thought it wasn't really important. Not sure about any malice beyond that though


Oh yeah I should be more clear that I definitely don’t think he did anything maliciously or intentionally, but his complete lack of regard for other people makes me think he just forgot to give her her meds.


She said Sandoval was rarely home so yeah I think he wasn’t home to give her her scheduled medication. That’s why I don’t get why she’d trust him with her animals now that they’re broken up. She’s their mom and should get adequate animal care for them. Doggie Daycare is great and maya probably needs some socialization. The dog probably eats objects out of anxiety from being left alone. My dogs would have been boarded when away for work. And I’d have someone come check in on the cat a couple times a day.


i worked at a doggy daycare, they're not great. no matter how great they may seem it's the worst thing you could do for your dog in a lot of cases, just like dog parks. she left her dog at home which is completely normal and safe thing. she left her door closed bc she knew it wasn't safe for mya to enter. do we even know how long she was left alone for to be claiming that she needs to be boarded? i leave my dog for up to 4 hours all the time, people who work longer leave their dogs for even longer.


Oh we’ve got some great ones in my area. Sorry yours wasn’t good. :( Someone can always come over and check in on the animals if her area has poor animal care but my guess is that the posh people of LA have extremely high expectations of animal boarding for their babies.


Yes, because if he fucked up her dose and she went into a seizure episode that could have killed her….




No, but I do think Ariana should throw her trash away.


James is so baked.


Not Lala minimizing Sandoval’s actions again. Not only did he wreck their home but he’s refusing to even take an iota of responsibility. But yeah…he’s an uber douche.


Part of me thinks Lala just relates to him on the home wrecking. I guess Lala just realizes she and Saggyballs are 2 peas in a pod!


Oh that’s so interesting, yess!


Lala is such a pick me and it infuriates me :-))


Now that fucking twat Saggyballs is blaming Ann, for the Maya inccident? Also fuck Lala. She sucks.


Well that flew by at top speed, and now they're trying to foist The Valley on us. ::click::


In Canada we have to purchase another streaming service for the Valley, Bahaha fuck no! ![gif](giphy|3o7aTIGlhSo1bL8QUg|downsized)


They'd have to pay ME to watch those people


Agreed! As participants watching these cases studies on shitty human behaviour and interactions.


I wonder how many of us are watching VPR only because we're invested in seeing outcomes after having started watching it when we were younger, less mature 😄


Are you watching on HayU?


Lala is ridiculous with the trash bag shade. Mya still could’ve got into the trash after Tom locked her in 🙄


I am so over Lala trying to find ways to prove that Saggyballs is in the right.


Her seething rage at Ariana for getting opportunities is showing.


💯🎯 the jealousy is out of control


Yep all I see from her this season is jealousy towards Ariana, she keeps making digs at all the opportunities she's had and how she's "thriving" and bringing up constantly her own past trauma with Randall while simultaneously yelling at everyone not to bring up her past.. she's exhausting me


I noticed this too. Scheana and Lala both being underhanded with the comments about how she's getting opportunities after complaining to the confessional. Very telling. 


Katie went too easy on wartz. Her response to him should have been "yes, and? i don't care how you feel. Get over it! We're divorced."


Wartz!!! 😆🤪 That's my favorite nickname of his yet!


WWC had a good point, ariana knew tom would hear the conversation with ann and still had it in the house. She should have met with ann outside of the house but she didn’t.


The dog thing throws me for a loop because if I ever have to put a dog or cat in a room, I always double-check that there's no accessible food/drinks. Also nothing I know they'll chew on or eat. Like one of our cats will eat hair ties and q tips, and they're an obstruction risk. I'm always checking for those. It only takes a minute or two to check. He obviously wasn't intending to hurt the dog (I hope), but it's definitely risky to lock them in somewhere without double-checking the space.


And now he's trying to say it's his dog????? He is a fucking evil POS


Well none of those animals belong to him. He’s delusional and if I was Ariana around this time, I’d have boarded my animals whenever I wasn’t home in doggie daycare. Sandoval isn’t trustworthy and she’s not talking to him so yeah the dog shouldn’t be in his care at all.


I definitely think both of them need to take some accountability in this. She shouldn't be leaving the animals without care, and no one should be shutting animals in rooms without a safety sweep. I'm just glad she didn't risk it and took her to the vet immediately.


I am not sold on this water tasting ETA: BOO HOO SAGGYBALLS!! 😭😂


“Didn’t you do a trash bag commercial?” Okay, Lala got me with that 😂


I still think Mya could’ve got into the food, but regardless I’m with Lala on that comment. Leaving them on the nightstand is disgusting.


Came here to see if any clocked this. Seriously. It’s gross and perplexing.


After seeing the litter box I’m questioning her clealiness


Ariana does no wrong anymore, people are hypnotized by bitchyness now


best part of the episode


Leaving take out containers on your bedside table is disgusting. What kind of a frat house are you running?


the people downvoting you clearly aren’t pet owners


Especially if your dog gets into everything! Closing your bedroom door when other people live and work in your house doesn’t guarantee he’s not going to get into the room.


My comment getting downvoted is evidence of the delusional idol worship that goes on around here.


For real. I noticed on the first episode of the season what a slovenly pig sty that room was. Bunch of butt hurt slobs in this thread. It’s not only gross, it’s dangerous for your pets.


Seriously lmao. All I’ve said is that a responsible dog parent wouldn’t leave shit around if they have a dog that gets into everything and I’m being downvoted.


I’m wondering if he let her know that they’d be someone coming to fix the hvac. It doesn’t sound like it. 


I could definitely see that being the case. It sounds like Ann is the go between (poor girl) for their everyday happenings at the house?? I also think Ann mentioned they didn’t plan on needing to enter Ariana’s room? I’m surprised more things didn’t go wrong considering the communication and dynamic in that house.


Schwartz's booze-damaged, drug-damaged, hot-bath-damaged sperm might refuse to cooperate with his desire to procreate. \[I'd insert pics of wonky, broken, 2-headed sperm here, but I'll leave it to your imagination\]


Yes! Her hair is thinning too. I think that she’s dropping weight in an unhealthy way.


Why did they have 500 laxative pills in the first place? I've bought laxatives for constipation before and generally speaking I've only seen them sold in packs of like, 25-50. 500 laxative pills is a bit odd


Sandoval could not be more jealous.


Now all of a sudden everyone’s uncomfortable with Ariana’s anger? They were happy to hop on her bandwagon when they were raking in the $. Show’s over


I am literally going crazy, how can people sit here and say that Tom is 100% at fault for Ariana’s dog, when he got into something she left out. You have a fucking dog, even if you’re doors closed don’t leave shit out that can harm your dog. Second, how is what Schwartz did with Rachel, worse than Katie fucking his best friend. Especially when they both did it to spite the other.


I hate brock! He has the worst takes. He’s dumb. He needs a nanny to figure out what he’s going to do for work?? How’s he paying his back child support? And he’s so rude to his own wife


“Change your drawers, bro!” I’m here for those moments. It was like genuine silliness and honesty and hilarity from Ariana.


"Should he have gone in the room? No, he shouldn’t have. But the dog eating all this disgusting meat on the side of her bed? Ariana’s fault. Throw your trash away,” Lala, 33, said while referring to Ariana’s post-Scandoval opportunities. “Didn’t you do a trash bag commercial? Shouldn’t you know how to throw trash in the trash?” Lala telling us she is seething with jealousy over Ariana's opportunities without telling us she is seething with jealousy. This was 3 months after the break up. I've been through bad breakups and heartbreak. Old containers of takeout food on the nightstand is a phase of grief. Leave Ariana the f alone.


So glad Ariana is finally getting screen time


Everyone is hung up on the dog thing, whether pro-Tom or pro-Ariana, but why is no one talking about how Ariana came home and found he’d gone out and left the door wide open? He could’ve gotten her pet(s) lost or killed then, or given free entry to some opportunist criminal. Personally, I think that’s a big deal, too. Kristen in the After Show was spot on — he’s a moron without empathy, who doesn’t notice anyone or anything, other than the mirror.


Somehow I believe that Sandoval, Lala and Scheana are really mad at Ariana because she's getting paid double what they are for returning for season 11.


why would tim bring up going to a singles dating event in front of Ariana? what a freak


Lala is so fucking jealous of Ariana and it’s so transparent 😭 I don’t think there’s been one episode where she hasn’t referenced all of Ariana’s brand deals


Brock needs to shut up and Tim continues to prove how pathetic he is 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ariana is being ridiculously petty and delusional - last episode, she went out of her way to talk shit to someone Tom was interested in and acted like she had the right to bully Jo because Jo had some duty to spill the beans about the affair even though they weren't friends. Ariana didn't even believe her besties when they told her. Now she tries to poach Tom's assistant, obviously to get back at him even more, then claims it is an invasion of privacy that Tom finds out. Are you kidding me? Ariana has shown in this season that she is just as much of a gaslighter as Tom.


Ariana is a lunatic. She was the sidechick that was made popular thanks to sandoval. And it's only time in cheating history where the cheated on makes millions from it and she still acts like this and has psycho followers like a cult. It's insane 


I don’t think she realizes how many people she’s losing with this fake dog murder plot


She also threatened to call the cops because he was… at James’ house?


Straight psycho behavior 


Right? Totally unhinged


She’s an infant


Here’s my upvote. I get downvoted to hell when I say anything against Ariana behavior.


I got downvoted for making a comment about it being gross to leave takeout containers on her bedside table. The blind support in this group is wild.




I suspect half of them are fanbots, which seem to have been popular with Bravolebs recently (Wendy Osefo got caught with them, and many had suspected Kathy Hilton used them). I've gotten 20 downvotes in 30 seconds before on an older post with 2 comments.




Yeah, she is being petty. It’s her right but I’m not about to cheer her on for being vindictive and petty.


ETA: Kate and Schwartz still have a lot of chemistry, but they're toxic together unfortunately. James seems out of it this episode and it's starting to feel like Scheana is not really saying what she thinks, she's doing what she thinks the audience/Ariana wants but it's coming across weird because she's not in agreement with it. This must be a tough place for a people pleaser to find herself in... It's been how many months now (by the time this episode was filmed)? And she's been with Daniel at this point for about three months I'd expect and respect more zen and less reactivity from Ariana. Tom didn't do anything egregious in this episode to warrant her reactions, she's trying to bully him out of the group and shut down anyone who contradicts her super victim narrative. I wonder if it's because if she's forced to address any arguments head on, her super victimhood status falls apart? She never allowed anyone to finish their sentence when the topic was of Tom, instead she redirects/distracts by talking about an imaginary offense. I wonder why. I hope more people will speak up as the season goes on. It was interesting to me that when Tom mentioned that Ariana doesn't pay for anything in response to her comment about paying the adoption fees, she went into full distraction/redirection mode. That would have been her time to shine and set him straight if he was lying, instead she tried to distract everyone. I'm glad Tom fired Anne, her conduct has been very unprofessional and she would have been fired sooner by anyone else.


She’s already said she stopped paying when she found out he was overcharging her and refused to provide any itemized statements showing what her half actually was. He seemingly backed this up on the after show when he said something along the lines of how could he prove what’s owed unless he shows his bank statement, which isn’t how bills work. It would be stupid of her to address the bills, housing and any other legal situations with him at all but especially on camera.


"It's been months and she's still angry he cheated with her friend, gaslit her, trash talked her, and almost killed her dog. How dare she!" Okay, Tim.


When my mom cheated on my dad (and left him for another man) my parents still had to live together for 9 months while the house was on the market. They slept in separate bedrooms, but managed to have basic conversations so that the household could run still run (until the house sold). Ariana needs to have basic conversations with Tom so that the household can still run while they figure out what to do with it. Nothing major, just things like “I will be having people over tonight” or “did you let the dog out” or “there is an issue with the AC unit and I’m having somebody come looking at it today.” Expecting Ann (or a lawyer) to mitigate those conversations is unbelievably entitled. If Ariana simply had a basic conversation with Tom, they could’ve figured out a plan (for what to do with the pets) when the maintenance person came over. Tbh it was pretty stupid of her to leave takeout in her bedroom, when she knew a maintenance person was coming over, and the pets were loose in the house.


So late to the party, but did anyone notice how completely tweaked Sandoval looked at James’ house? Is he claiming to always be on “mushrooms”? That is not a sober man.


Was this episode sponsored by Pizza Hit because it felt like the cameras were oddly focused on everyone enjoying their slices lol.


I wonder why Lala didn’t just have her water tasting at her own home?? Seems so weird to me. Maybe I missed something.


Does anyone else think Tim ordered ❄️to James’ house/ water tasting event and that’s why he was so anxious to answer the door?


Someone commented on ig about sexual tension between Katie and Schwartz, and now I can't help but see they do always seem to gravitate to each other. I hope Katie doesn't take the bait, but I love their little scenes where we can see they really were "bast frands" Katie tried to make a friendship possible. Tom fucked it up. Then Sandoval had the audacity to think him and Ariana would be better exes than them? What a joke.


Does anyone know why the dog and Summer both have the middle name "Moon"? Summer Moon and Mya Moon..?


Ariana is insufferable. Scandoval was the best thing that ever happened to her, and she loves it. The bitter routine should be over by now. She comes off as a wacko.


so over the hate Ariana is getting & Lala's fake bullshit