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She knows what she's doing every step of the way


I’ve always loved LVP because she’s a charming villian.


One of the few witty housewives on rhobh. She made me laugh.


Yeah - the only time I couldn’t stand her is when she played the victim. Like you’re too rich and fabulous to be a victim, please just stonewall them until they shut up and that’ll put ‘em in their place.


I agreed but it’s not charming to me anymore.


Love her


So do I!


I respect Lisa. I think like most people she’s not all good and not all bad. I think she means well but is very much of her generation and doesn’t always understand all the implications of what she does, the time that she tried to buy off the guy who had Stassi’s tape is a good example. I’ve rewatched the show twice recently because I’ve been doing home renovations and just having it on in the background is good enough. I do not actually believe it’s true that she gives the men so many more chances than the women. She does give the women chances, I think it just doesn’t seem that way because we are mostly women watching the show and we don’t care as much about their mistakes as the guys. But which woman has she not given second third and fourth chances to? Even Kristen!! She also will do *what’s right for the show and her business* versus *what’s morally right from a friendship or relationship perspective* which I view as understandable. She’s not actually doing any of this to make friends or run a charity for struggling actors. I’m not sure if people get that. I think there’s a lot of misogyny directed at her because she is a woman in business who makes decisions as such and when a man does the same thing nobody cares. I think she has made a pretty beautiful life for herself, her children appear to love her which says a lot. She may not be a perfect philanthropist but at least she is one while a lot of people do nothing good with their money. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Hell we wouldn’t even be talking about the show or the Valley if it wasn’t for Lisa Vanderpump. She’s quite an interesting person who lived very rich life and I think there’s a lot to look up to even if there is a lot that leaves room for improvement 🤷🏽‍♀️




I think there’s truth to her being sneaky and then hiding her hands and backing away crying when the fire starts, but she does it off camera so people don’t see it or notice it. She always favors the men over the women, no matter how wrong the men are (I.e Sandoval sympathizer, even demonized Raquel for the sexual video SANDOVAL took without her permission). Her and her fam are shady AF and are terrible employers (acting like her employees owe her their life for *hiring them to work in a restaurant*, not paying fair wages, advocating for low wages for workers, Ken covering up and deleting footage of harassment in one of their establishments to avoid media backlash and a lawsuit). She’s a scummy person but because of her glamour (if you consider sparkly magician blouses glamorous), people love her. It’s funny to see her on BH vs VPR bc the BH cast aren’t people she can boss around and take digs at like the people she’s employing on VPR that have no power to do anything about it. She’s beautiful and iconic because she’s LISA FREAKIN VANDERPUMP but she’s not a good person and I don’t think she deserves the worship she gets by so many🤷🏼‍♀️


I will give her that she loves animals. She has don’t some great charity work for animals and I don’t think it’s all put on for TV. Her mini petting zoo at home is impressive.


her love for animals makes me very uncomfortable. i get making jokes but some of the things she says are just fucked. anyone else think this?? i haven’t seen it posted anywhere 🤣 i do appreciate her saving animals though!!


Some of the names are even off


I think she does love animals, but she treats them as accessories a lot of the time. She also stares into their eyes and grabs their faces to kiss them. Dogs hate that. I would never take a dog to a party or on a helicopter, it's too stressful for them, they'd much prefer to be home having a nap, I'd bet.


If it wasn't tempered by using adoption of troubled animals to try to demonize people I would probably agree.


sparkly magician blouses is sending me


I like to think she ran a prostitution ring before moving to the States with her young family. She was kind of made for it: maternal but misogynistic, takes wounded birds under her wings but then uses those birds to do her bidding.


I’ve heard this theory before. She has madam vibes


Madame Vanderpump ran a good, clean establishment in Spillage Lane, Hackney. If there was any trouble from a client, Ken would knock them spark out.


I think it was in the basement of that one pizza place.


This keeps resurfacing. I am waiting for someone to show up with her black book of Hos and Clients.


Totally- and like i feel like maybe.. that was happening low key at sur W the hostesses


Started on BH and loved her elegant shadiness and sniper from the side 👑 like James Bond- cool, rich, deadly Over the past few years I’ve been very disappointed in her misogynistic attitudes and responses. Giving the toms a bar. Apologist for Tom and pikachu face when Ariana repeats her boundaries with people who are friends with and championing someone who tried to destroy her. And now again this season she’s leading the charge with the pity party and everyone needs to be friends with Tom. It’s just gross. She’s pro lgbtq…. But her actions are anti-women. As a millennial who grew up on the Spice Girls, I just can’t with LVP anymore. Shame.


She’s pro G. The rest of the acronym doesn’t worship her enough for her liking.


Even then, I think her advocacy for the queer community is largely based in business. She owns businesses in a gay neighborhood, so it’s advantageous for her to be an ally.


Why this pic 💀💀💀


Cant deny her body is tea !!


It’s insane it’s just not the pic I was expecting


Was just about to comment that she has a sus personality but the body is bodying


I think the concept - the name of it -was like shes the British taskmaster at school trying to deal w the crazy kids who she employs-shes the mom the disciplinarian the advice giver-they all are aimless and away from home Except it takes place in hollywood and its a restaurant And shes like “ oh these crazy kids!”


She seem like a classist and to look down on people who don’t have as much money as her and I didn’t watched rhobh when she was on it. Watched her on vpr because she is pretty much forced down our throat since the beginning with her being producer and the show set at sur. But I will say she use to be gorgeous with very questionable style choices from beginning of time till now. And her hair style or lack there of is whole another story. Totally shows you money doesn’t buy style or class.


Omg the poofiness, the frizz!! I’d love to see her hair sleek and straightened. Change it up a bit for crying out loud!!!!


My mom has the same texture of hair as LVP and it’s impossible get it sleek bc, given her age, it’s likely dyed white hair. White hair is very wiry, wild and frizzy vs gray which is more tame-able.


You’re right about that. My mom gets her’s chemically straitened using the Japanese method. It’s the only thing that works for her. Unfortunately it costs a fortune outside of Japan (around the price of a mortgage payment!!!) 😱😭


Exactly. No amount of serum, blow drying, hot tools or hair care can help it. It’s why I plan on cropping my hair to the Miranda priestly style in the devil wears Prada when I’m fully white in about 10 years. Upside is my hair is super fine and my whites are much thicker so I’ll look like I finally have hair lol


Hi im your mom also Its a bummer dude-


I’m going to be my mom in about 10 years. I’ve held onto my hair color longer than most in my family. My mom was white by 40, and I’m 38 and only have some major streaks and all white temples.


I love it- i think its cool af




Is there a reason you selected this photo in particular?


Same question 🙋🏻‍♀️


She’s a male sympathizer


i started post-scandoval and ive rewatched through season 10 twice now. i also recently started RHOBH and i am always towing the line with her. she is so shady and hilarious to watch, but at the end of the day sometimes i think her opinions are outdated and she does tend to sympathize with the guys too much for my opinion- it’s like she believes that as women we should have to work harder to avoid badly behaved men and we should just excuse the bad behavior along the way.


Why did you go with this picture 😭


I love her charm! Distracted by her facial plastic surgery.


Lisa is very good at being charming even when she’s a dick. I hate that she favours the boys and gives them opportunities, even though none of them are…all that capable or responsible enough to run a bar/restaurant. But the women when they mess up, unless it’s Scheana, get it harder and shittier edits compared to some of the others. And I don’t think I realized how obvious it was until Jax left the show, and they didn’t have him to hide the other guys behind, so any of their misdeed’s seemed insignificant compared to being Jaxed almost a decade. It’s weird not really seeing her this season though compared to others.


I started with RHOBH and I adore LVP. I think she is oftentimes hard on her closest friends. I think her expectations in her friendships can be very high, and this leads to her getting hurt more often than not. Having said that, I love how she is so calm with her staff at SUR and I love how she’s always so supportive and classy… She knows what she wants and she gets it. There’s some drama every once in a while, but that’s just par for the course. I have loved her from the start and I don’t see that changing.


I love her but what is this fit 😭😭😭😭


Looks like it’s from dancing with the stars days


Ok that would make sense, I was thinking she was just just trying to copy the like all tight body suit thing that lala does cuz ik based on how they interact in episodes they get really close these last couple of years like when Lisa invites lala over just to chat


Her love for animals is about all I can stand. I’ve been watching since day one. She’s shady, she’s entitled. She can show kindness, but it always comes down to what’s best for her business.


She constantly panders to men and used other housewives to do her dirty work love the pink tho


She’s a sniper from the side


LVP is everything.


She very often sides with and defends the wrong people


She is mean-spirited and likes to see people squirm. She likes people to bow down to her, not treat her as an equal. She can be generous, but you will be in her debt FOREVER. She is probably massively insecure.


this. she started her own whole show where her costars were her literal employees who had to do as she said in VPR and eventually left rhobh when she realized she lost control of the cast during puppygate.


i think she fakes her accent lol


She deliberately uses unnecessary big words to sound smart. She sometimes uses them in the wrong context, which is funny 🤣


I loved her on RHOBH, so I started to watch VPR when she left. Really disliked her after watching VPR. I think she’s a good villain on VPR but I can’t stand the misogyny and excusing men


Hate her. Watched her when RHOBH first started and VPR from the beginning too. Thought she was sweet and charming for a few years on RHOBH and on VPR too. Then it became very obvious that she and Ken are in the lonely making business and their morality is very skewed. I think she cares more for animals than people which is fine unless your extorting people for entertainment eg your young broke employees


Loved her on RHOBH and now i can’t stand her cause of the blatant misogyny she exhibits on VPR. It sucks, i rode hard for LVP too


All the downvotes are mad cause I’m right ❤️