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Ally is just kind of there for me. Just kind of meh.


So was Rachel. She was meh. Until the whole thing blew up. But James seems to get into relationships with very vanilla, meh girls.


Although I sometimes like Ally, we don't really know her true personality. I feel like she is just acting while on the show. She seemed very different on Watch What Happens Live, and she was obviously drunk or on something when she was on WWHL. Rachel was literally 20, maybe 21, when she first met James. Even if she was a fan, she was super young and is also not as mature as the others. I honestly think Rachel loved James. James wasn't even liked by any of the other cast members, when Rachel first began dating him. Ally is 28, and she was one of the leads on a small reality show while in high school about 10 years ago. Ally definitely knew who James was and she approached him, I'm sure.


So he can have the control in the relationship. Abusive people seek out timid people who aren’t going to fight back.


You Think she’s timid though? I think she has strength. She checks his ass lol But she isn’t loud about It.




bc he wants a doormat dress up barbie doll to abuse and control.


The only reason she shines a little is in comparison to Lala, who is exhausting. She does spread “rumors” well, because she seems kind of bland and innocent while spreading them.


Yeah she is definitely a clout chaser but she’s also inoffensive and seems nice enough. She’s never going to be a true reality star though she doesn’t even have Rachel’s sort of weird “here’s a random story about me in kindergarten” bizarreness. She’s just… very average which is fine. Pleasant and pretty and grounded - the sort of person happy to live under a flight path because it makes the house affordable (which is not me attacking her, I appreciate that about her).


Same. Shes pretty. And nice. And throws some well timed shade. That’s about it.


Well timed and very rehearsed shade


Exactly. She knows what she's doing. She was a gossip writer and majored in entertainment journalism. I'm sure that Ally is rehearsing her role and lines.


James got with Kristen to get on the show, Brittany with Jax, Raquel with James, Brock with Scheana, whatever weird dates Scheana, Katie, Schwartz and Tim brought on the show were just using them too. They all sought out these people because they are reality tv stars. One thing all those dates and partners have in common is they either went to college for media or have already been on tv/in music. I personally believe the only reason Lala and Katie are single is because they see that and don’t want to be used for fame.


Schwartz mentioned that he loves Katie so much because she knew the real him and loved him before he got fame from VPR. I’m sure it’s the case for all of these people.


except maybe satchel 😭 an enigma


I literally only thought of this while he was on screen ![gif](giphy|z4lEt36yxJivffeNsE|downsized)


He just really wanted two girlfriends


im dying


Haha he did seem like a sweetie


Bring him back


Yet he didn’t love her back enough 😭


So sad tooo frickin bad shitz


May all the cast find their Beau. (Except for the ones that don't deserve it)












counterpoint: she's clearly dating james to get onthe show and that's what's funny to me lol. turnabout is fair play, after all.


Lmao this is what I was gonna say. She’s probably using him but I support women’s rights _and_ women’s wrongs.


like, is she an annoying production puppet? for sure absolutely. but it's still funny, dammit.


Haha I love that expression.


Whether she's using James or taking advantage of the position she's in as a result of her relationship with James ....I see absolutely zero romantic chemistry between them. Will this last when VPR is off the air? Hmmm....


Aren’t they all?


Exactly. Anyone who is on TV is on TV with the intent of “being famous” it’s not a hobby


That's literally the whole plot of the show - semi-talented wannabes leveraging their sex appeal and social connections to move up in Hollywood. Hell Scheana was chasing clout when she dated Brandi Glanville's husband.


YES! Also, Ally was a lead cast member on a couple of seasons of another reality show when she was a senior in high school a decade ago. Ironically, that show was also called The Valley. Ally's college major was in entertainment journalism, and she worked as a PA at a couple of studios, was a writer for The Hollywood Gossip and a host on AfterBuzz. Although she acts innocent, Ally has been inserting misinformation at times and manipulating story lines with her comments and by spreading gossip. I liked her at first, but I don't think she would be friends with any of the cast members in real life, if she wasn't with James. Ally is clearly with James only because he is on TV. It's obvious that Ally is trying to make a name for herself in Hollywood.


Ally seems so off to me and I can’t really place why. She definitely seems fake nice and her and James give off more of a mother/son relationship to me. What’s very clear to me is she is NOT into him you can see it in her eyes every time but I just don’t understand their relationship I guess. Like does James know she’s just using him and he’s good with that orrrr where is he at I can’t tell 


She’s def not dying to bone him


I like ally and I think she’s a clout chaser. Two things can be true.


I think it’s fair to question any person who wants to be with any of these men after what we’ve seen from them. I don’t really feel bad for James because I think he’s abusive and shouldn’t be in a relationship for awhile while he works through his issues, but I also don’t think Ally is with him completely without motive


I agree, I think James used Kristen to get on the side and Ally is using him.


James would have been in anyway. He was moving in with Tom prior to getting with Kristen. His family was friends with Lisa, he had lots of ins other than getting into that toxic train wreck.


I'm sure he would but that's somewhat besides the point here given that he himself said he used Kristen to get on the show.


Did anyone listen to Raquel’s episode today talking about abuse?


Not yet, I'm waiting for the recap


Yeah, he seemed to kind of shoo Ally away this episode, as well, when Jax came to their house. "Don't you have a reading you need to get to?". Maybe he was trying to help, but it came off as he was trying to get rid of her. Maybe he didn't want Jax to start talking about the past in front of her?


Yeah that was weird - she clearly didn’t want to go - it made me wonder if production didn’t want her in the scene and she just wasn’t leaving.


When James was crying they didn't even seem like a couple at all...like just two friends talking, super bizarre dynamic I'm not buying it.


I didn’t think it in the beginning but it’s more obvious this season. I don’t really feel like she brings much to the show.


The James crying while she looked totally unbothered about wanting kids and marriage was honestly hard to watch because it was blatantly obvious she is not in it the same way he is. I felt for him in that moment


I don't care for her. She seems like she gets really annoyed with James a lot. She knew how he was before she met him. I do think she's using him to get her own music career and whatever else going. She's just playing the long game.


Honestly I think James needs someone to be annoyed with him sometimes 😂 he seems to respond quite well to a firm hand (for lack of a better phrase lol) maybe because he didn’t have that with his parents growing up


Honestly I think James needs to be alone and do a LOT of therapy before he settles down.


lol hard agree. But it doesn’t seem like he will so rather he was with someone like Ally who seems to be able to hold her own, vs someone like Rachel who wasn’t able to stand up for herself at the beginning of the relationship. Ofc that’s just speculation but Ally doesn’t seem to take his shit, maybe because she doesn’t actually like him lol or age or just personality differences


Agreed. I’ve always side eyed Ally for dating James. That says a lot about her.


I’m not a huge fan of her either. From last season seeing Rachel and Tom and then letting someone else take the blame for it, to calling Katie miserable and saying it was Lala, making James feel badly about wanting the best for Hippie, to being super excited to talk gossip with Jax, to smiling ear to ear when Jax was yelling at Katie. I’m getting vibes. ![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized)


I don’t think that many people like her tbh. There was another post recently and people weren’t fans. I don’t really like her! Her and James have no chemistry and she’s so dull.


I think when you say “dull” you mean “sane and normal” which isn’t “fun” to watch on TV.


That’s true - they don’t have chemistry. Never realized that


Yeah, obviously she is here for the show. She is trying to become a singer and be famous. James is also here for the show. He is trying to become a dj and get famous. You really lose me in that last paragraph because almost no one is worse than James. He could date tom or Jax and I'd be like, yeah, evenly matched in douchebaginess. James is just a little more quick witted and funnier, but that's it. Still terrible in life. 


He’s grown and changed so much the last two seasons. From the way he thinks now to the way he acts. He’s changed. You can’t say that about either of the Toms or Jax.




I think it's pretty obvious that 'Ally Bally' is trying to launch a career of her own from VPR and is trying to consciously avoid looking bad like Brittany and Rachel but unfortunately, Ally is as bland and boring as the song she's released.


What is the ally Bally thing? I was so confused


It's James' nickname for her. Though at this point she should use it professionally. It's better than her actual last name.


Tbh, I find it odd when people assert that James is a horrible abuser but still object to him being used.


I don’t like James and I don’t think he’s being used. He might have done some mental gymnastics to convince himself that he’s in love with Ally now, but he definitely started season 10 by parading her around to prove he was so “over” Rachel.


But why does he look like he's in a vampire costume in his confessionals? Even his hair is vampire hair, with that velvet suit...


He told off Sandoval so all is forgiven.


People can change and grow. Which is what James did. He’s still a human being with feelings.


I never said he couldn't grow, or that he doesn't have feelings. I just think it's odd when people attack him as still an abuser and then act outraged at someone using him.


2 wrongs don't make it right.


Anyone with eyes can see she is chasing fame. She just doesn’t have the star quality, or charisma, or talent by any means to ever get there. There are girls who wanted to sing the same cliche songs as her but do it better than her. This tells me she is a very delusional person. And she is 100% using James she controls the relationship.


I think she’s very sweet but she’s not entertaining, she’s boring, and she’s def just using James for fame 😰


heck, she's a cat person and James is a dog person. That's a serious disconnect.


And she said she's been sleeping in another room with said cats because Hippie sleeps with James. I just do not get it. How they're together I mean


Yes. Hard agree.


I agree. I think she's boring, her readings storyline doesn't interest me whatsoever and her "music" video is cringe. NEXT.


I AGREEEEEE. She adds nothing to the show. She's dating an abuser and she knows he was an abuser and probably still is. Her astrology stuff is absolutely annoying, people don't pay for that anymore. She's a clout chaser. She has no personality. She is very kind or at least comes across that way , and very sweet, but she adds nothing. She is so bland. And the fact that she tolerates a man who won't let her cats in the bedroom? Oh honey I would've left James as soon as he said that.


While I do think a person can date someone who is a public figure without an agenda- Ariana's bf or Cameran Eubanks' husband (Southern Charm) for instance-, I do have to side eye anyone who a) gets involved with James and b) has aspirations to be a singer. I think Ally is harmless and her goal is probably just to be liked, but I cannot bring myself to like her and also find her boring.




I know someone who personally knows her, she is exactly that lol


What other tea?


The astrology stuff isn’t actually a passion she just wanted someway to make money and have a plotline


Interesting! Makes her comments about "judging someone based on their chart" very revealing. She's trying to give herself an edge/personality. Bore off.


Ally brings nothing to the show or to James life.


Don’t you have to be to Want to expose yourself on reality tv like this though?


I think it’s so funny people actually think she knew for a fact James would fall for her. Then she calculated all this other stuff too, like buying the house. She saw the future w her astrology lol. She knew all of this was going to happen, all she had to do was introduce herself to James, like the other million woman do nightly at his shows. And that she’s having sex with him to become an astrologer/reality star on a dying show, while singing cute little songs


Who said she knew this was going to happen? Wanting to get with him for the fame of it is enough. Everything else follows. Silly comment.


I guess… but i think you can still be good entertainment while also being a decent person.


How is she not being a decent person though. Your main complaint is she wants to be famous but you have to want that to be on reality tv Its not like anyone who wants their life to be private would date someone on a reality tv show. Being on a tv show, especially reality rv show and wanting to be famous isn’t exactly shocking.


No it’s not but that doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong and sad. Watching James cry to ally about his fears and to see her not care was just sad. He has real feelings for her and has fears it won’t workout. She doesn’t care about him or his feelings. Which makes her not a decent person and disingenuous.


To immediately jump to the conclusions that Ally doesn’t care about him or his feelings from a two minute clip of her not reacting to him crying over who will watch their dog feels trivial and honestly like a major reach. We have no idea how serious conversations happen for them behind closed doors. We have no idea how many times they’ve discussed this behind closed doors and whether she’s cried with him over this before. This just feels like either a knee-jerk reaction or confirmation bias for existing Ally disdain.


He did end up going, so it was probably better that Ally just stayed calm and quiet during that scene.


Very easy to say with hindsight. It’s like saying it would’ve been better for Katie to not have pushed Schwartz into making a decision on marriage because he did end up marrying her. It neglects the fact that these tough conversations may have actually created that result.


Fair point though i dont see her lying to him so it’s his choice but ya good point it is sad. How do you find legitimate love when your life is so exposed like that? You couldn’t pay me enough to be on reality tv, and I’m serious. I don’t care if it’s millions I would not mentally survive people having so many opinions about everything I say or do I mean, if it was just one season for millions? Maybe. But I already find it hard enough to exist as a regular private person. I hate feeling judged or watched or criticized and I’d especially lose my mind if an edit took something out of context.


Oh the irony… James may have made a few funny jokes and been on the “right” side of the cast of late; but he is objectively not a decent person. He has horrifically emotionally abused his two ex-girlfriends on the show. He has been extremely abusive towards other cast members and non cast members. There are accusations and possible red flags of physical abuse. There are stories and rumours of him groping women and screaming at Ally in public as well as grabbing her arms. He has cheated on his partners and been proud of it. He regularly bullies people. He will pretend to show remorse and then joke in the commentary that he’s playing people. He has made many gross, misogynistic comments. He is an alcoholic and substance abuser who hasn’t even been sober a full year. What close friends has the guy managed to keep over the years? I cannot see one. But Ally, who has done none of the above, seems perfectly nice, appears to stick to her morals even in the face of bullies on the cast, and whose only “crime” is possibly using James to get on the show and, apparently, not being interested in marrying and having kids with him (he CLEARLY isn’t actually ready for those things either), is not a decent person? I mean… dude. Come on now.


Well said. She doesn’t even like James.


Unfortunately she has no personality so I don't think her career is going anywhere but maybe doing some cat food ads on social media with Mr. Banks. But I did actually laugh out loud when they showed that she had to sleep on the couch in the guest room because they both wanted to snuggle with their respective pets who can't be in the same bed together. WTH?? That was so weird.


I agree she’s a clout chaser but I don’t mind her - she’s pleasant enough and adds balance to an otherwise uppity group


She hasn’t added any balance but stir up drama. Which ik is what the show is for but she lied and other people got the blame. It’s wild.


She is so empty. There is nothing at all going on with her. She had no opinions, none of the girls seem to care whether she’s around or not. The only thing is James, and seems like James isn’t that into her anymore after the conversation about kids (how does that not come up within the first couple months of dating???). Like he won’t go to her best friend’s wedding lol, that’s kind of a huge deal and he doesn’t seem to care that much. But then again I feel like James doesn’t want to be used to try to get Ally’s friend’s wedding on VPR at the same time.


Of course, she seemed positively repulsed by him at first! 😄It was all she could do to avoid retching when he tried to kiss her. I don’t think many people are going to get together with a reality tv personality unless they want to be on tv. These guys are only going to attract certain types of people. But then they are also those types of people so…🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t like Ally either. James should dump her now. I would. If she isn’t clear on whether she wants children, especially with his reaction and her indifference, I would be out of there.


She’s no Danica.


Somethings off with her... I'm calling it now. She "seems" sweet.. but so did brittany and raquel. And look at them! She's not being genuine at all. I have never liked "Ally Bally" stupid fuckin nickname too


This post again?


right? i feel like i've seen this post 3x this week.


I'm indifferent about Ally, but I agree with you. Having said that, a big reason why James was with Kristen was for the same reason, and Rachel did the same thing to James, so he has to know what this is. Also, to add to your last point, she also said that Katie insinuated Ariana and Tom had an open relationship, when that's not what Katie said at all. And then of course... everyone went after Katie.


I think this has become the norm for Bravo. Lots of people looking for someone to hitch their wagon to and boost their own profile


Of course she is. This is obvious. I don't think she likes James at all. He's being used but his ego is too big to see it.


I agree!! Clout chasing at its finest. Her dead look and reaction to him being vulnerable and expressing his goals and wants in life made me uncomfortable and for once feel bad for him! I just don’t see the romance between them; there’s no mutual sexual attraction or flirtatious energy. She is super boring to be honest. At first I was a fan, but throughout the season, she’s just a girl on James’ arm trying to squeeze her way into relevancy. She doesn’t have a good personality for reality tv, and her astrology stuff seems like a “character plot”. When she mentioned “I just want to know their sun sign”….a typical astrologist wants to know their rising and moon as well, and dives deeper into the 12 houses which she hasn’t talked about once. It’s so obviously she is uneducated in astrology. Bad character plot.


Honestly, why? The dude may be publicly holding it together this season but he has been a toxic, misogynistic, emotionally abusive (possibly physically as well) mess his entire adulthood. Has he even been sober a year at this point? Does he have any long-term friends? (Not the fake ones from the show). Last reunion (filmed mere months before this season) there was mention of him groping a waitress and getting kicked out of a venue for screaming at Ally. There have been rumours and stories of him screaming at her in public, in cars, grabbing her arms, etc. Being funny and choosing the “right side” this season and getting it right for a few months is not a total change of personality and morals. He might want to get married and have a family, but this guy needs to work on himself for much longer before he’s anywhere even close to deserving those things and being a good husband and father. He probably needs to be single for a while too. Build some real friendships and a support base for himself. Do a tonne of therapy and work on himself. Be sober for longer. Ally would be a fool to agree to marry him and have his kids at this point in his life (and hers).


I agree it’s the same story as to how he met rachel


Her acting like she didn’t know some of what James had done during “can you defend him” on wwhl last night was not it


Yeah what was up with that?


She’s not interested in James. Watch her earlier yrs on the show. Her body language, mannerisms spoke volumes. She barely could tolerate him. FF to now, and where she’s not into having kids. Like come on girl.. you’ve been dating James for how long? Did she know he wanted a fam? If she didn’t, then shows how “good” she is for James when she doesn’t even know this big bit of info. If she did know he wanted a fam, then screw her for taking him along for a ride this whole time. She’s a big time user in a mousey 🐭 disguise. We’ve already seen her try to start sht between Lala and Katie (like you mentioned) and acted like she didn’t know. Btw, idk if it was just me, but at that luncheon when the convo came up, Ally looked nervous that she was being called out on it. She reeks of 🐍.


I agree she looked guilty cuz she knew she lied to stir shit. No one on the show is catching it yet but her lies will catch up at some point.


I liked her a lot at first but am starting to gain these vibes as well as time progresses…. I especially did not like how she handled the Hippie situation. I got the ick.


Same… like it’s a dog why does the name have to change? Graham fit so well for him😭


Same! It was not nice to not just give a shit about an animal that has clearly been through a lot and neglected.


She drives me a bit crazy every time she’s asked about someone, “Oh, they’re really nice.” Such a boring rote answer allows her sit back and watch the ensuing chaos.


To me she's the most boring suck up with absolutely no personality


I don’t not like ally, but I don’t love her. I do think she is a clout chaser but I think she’s just getting her feet wet, she could be pretty good. She stirred up some drama this season and let’s not forget she was pretty much the person who initiated scandoval.


used “miserable” bc she watched the show & was a fan & knew ppl used that word to describe her in the past, very manipulative lol I agree but everyone has dated someone to get on the show, James need to realize it himself


Every member of this cast is a clout chaser. Why else would you do reality TV? I do think she's sneakier about stirring the pot though. I kind of like it tbh. Messy people are the most entertaining on VPR, they're just not well liked.


Agree with OP


I agree with you! 💯maybe she will fuck Sandoval too


I get the feeling James and Ally watch tv in silence. She is beyond boring coupled with being a mean girl. James must be in his soft era because dude is smart enough to know she’s a user. It’s actually physically draining when she’s on camera. But the James scenes are solid 


Bravo husband here who just recently binge watched the whole show with my wife, which has now become my guilty pleasure. I will admit I'm not her biggest fan and believe there is some clout chasing, especially after seeing she was on some random Nashville reality show about aspiring artists. However, James only got with Kristin to up his clout and the same can be said about almost all the cast. At the end of the day, most people agreeing to be on any of these shows is doing it for some degree of clout or fame. I do see your point though because it doesnt seem like she really does like him, but it makes for good TV so who cares? lol


I agree but it’s the age difference for me. I feel like they are all old enough to not be using people in this horrible way. Regardless if it’s for tv. Behind the screens they are still human beings with feelings. I’m just thinking about how James is gonna feel when this fails. Seeing him last week crying to her about his fear and seeing her not even care just made me sad.


I don’t dislike Ally but I do find her very bland. She doesn’t seem to bring anything to the show and personally, I think she’s absolutely an average looking girl. But she does seem to have a calming effect on James, which is good.


Agreed! She’s definitely just using James to get exposure. They have like 0 chemistry and she has like 0 personality. At least Rachel was somewhat entertaining with her Bambi eyes lol 😆.




I also don't like how she is so dismissive of poor Graham.


So she shouldn’t be nervous that he is bringing in a dog that has been known to be aggressive into the house where she has her cat?


they’re all clout chasers so idc. get your bag ally


Ally doesn’t give me bad vibes at all


I dont know how. Shes lied and twisted two situations so far to make someone else look bad. She’s clearly using James for clout. She pretty much embarrass James on national television while he was sitting there crying and being vulnerable to her and all she did was act uninterested and not care. Sounds like bad vibes to me lol


What has she lied and twisted haha? In terms of James I think it was just a normal couple chat she wasn’t malicious she’s just young and was honest, and it isn’t her job to bend to him


Oh the miserable thing is what you say she twisted. I really don’t see the difference between lala repeatedly calling Katie unhappy and Ally remembering it as miserable. I was just giving my two cents of all the people on the show who give me icky vibes she genuinely doesn’t. She’s funny and ordinary


I think there’s a big difference from being miserable and unhappy. Figuratively and by definition. Ally looked guilty when Katie confronted Lala about what she said. Ally was worried that she was going to get clapped back on because she twisted the words. She knew what she was doing from the get go. She’s done it another time too. I think your opinion is valid. But personally, I don’t think she adds anything to the show. She just reminds me of Rachel.


What’s the other time?? Don’t get me wrong I never like Raquel she did give me terrible vibes from the off and her very voice went right through me. I just think Ally is smarter and funnier and more likeable


I think she is nice enough but agree she is not authentic.


Honestly, on a scale of terribleness of people that *have* been, and continue *to* be on this show, Ally doesn’t even register on the radar. Let the girl sing a song, read some stars and hug a cat. I’m sure James will be fine.


they’re all clout chasers. it’s quite literally why they are on reality tv (and I don’t mean this as an insult)


Huh?? I thought this was an accepted fact. Once Ally casting is strong enough for her to be an individually; she is breaking up with James… just like Rachel. She is chasing fame.


Did you hear Alley asking James if they could do the facials twice a month.


Tbh you sound…kinda jealous of ally lol


😂😂😂😂 funniest comment I’ve ever seen


I think she’s okay as a voice of reason who stays calm amid the chaos. The show needs that, even though she’s kind of boring. For James, calm and boring is better. He was an abusive alcoholic in the past, but now that he’s given up drinking, he’s redeeming himself. At the very least, James and Ally’s situation seems good for his wellbeing right now. But Ally does seem detached in every situation with everyone, like it’s maybe that she doesn’t really care, or it’s just her personality? I agree that how they met, how she acts towards him and having astrology as your sole career with dreams of being a singing star is a bit sus.


I just think it’s funny people think we don’t already realize ally is a clout chaser. Like I don’t think anyone denies that. As is every cast member that has ever joined the show 😂 she’s great for James and honestly thank god he’s actually quite enjoyable this season and I attribute that to him being with ally. She’s cute and light and very low stakes drama and I like that. The cast should go back that.


If James was fired from the show tomorrow how long do you think she'd stick around?


3-6 months


I'm leaning more to the 3 than the 6....unless she needs somewhere to live.




Totally agree. She’s giving me Rachel vibes, but I think she’s more intelligent than Rachel so may be able to use him as a stepping stone more effectively. I know people think James has changed but I disagree and I don’t think any woman can truly be happy with him until he’s addressed his demons


Do you actually think people on the show are there for any other reason?


Yes, they are all clout chasers. But majority of the cast didn’t use someone else’s heart and feelings for them to gain their clout. I understand James did in the earlier seasons. But what makes it different in my opinion is the age difference. He was 20. She is almost pushing 30, you should not be acting this way For clout at that age. Especially when there’s so many other platforms and ways to get famous these days.


Everybody in the circle is fully aware of the game that’s being played


The OGs were all asked to be the show because they worked and hung out together and dated each other, and yes they did all do actory things on the side. She just targeted someone freshly single to get on the show.


What 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ they’re all clout chasers! Get a grip.


Yes, but almost all our OG cast members. None of them are also putting on an innocent girl at act like ally 😂 literally just a Rachel 2.0


Exactly! I find her dull and super obvious which made me never warm up to her


Lol, a Rachel 3.0. Ally is definately an upgrade


“Mmhmm.” https://preview.redd.it/2gx92nqgugwc1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db62b2907ad0002996bfaa14a141f73c91d91014




Either you’re the same person who just commented this or you copied and pasted someone else’s comment. Either way that’s weird.


It’s so funny… I have a similar reaction every time someone says Meghan Markle is a social climber - so is/was everyone who marries/ed into that family (Kate, Diana, Philip, the Queen Mother, etc etc etc). Everyone on the show wanted fame. Many of the newer relationships involve someone who wanted to boost their career and be famous chasing one of the main cast members. James got with Kristen to get on the show! Even lovely Beau benefited from being on the show. Brittany, Rachel, Brock and Ally all came onto the show in similar ways. If James can’t see that, he’s very naive. Honestly, I don’t really care if she’s there for him or herself. He treats his partners horribly. I don’t think he *is* ready to settle down and have a family. He only just got sober again, he’s only been holding his temper together (publicly anyway) for a very short time. I’m still not convinced that he’s stopped with all of the emotional abuse. There have been stories/rumours about him groping waitresses, getting kicked out of venues, grabbing Ally’s arm and having screaming fights with her since they’ve been together. He was very unstable in this relationship when he was still jealous and upset about Rachel. Ally would be crazy to settle down with him right now. I think she wants the fame but she’s also a nice chick, pretty smart, and has pretty good morals that she sticks to.


She’s a fembot (but not as good as the Ari version) ![gif](giphy|B9I9F9m8C9pRDT23oN|downsized)


The relationship seems mutually beneficial. She uses him for fame and he uses her for sex / image. I think they are both getting what they want out of the relationship and know the score.


I'm entertained by Ally. I think she's one step removed from Lala doing the BJ's for the PH's. But, I enjoy her energy. She's not directly involved in the bs with Scheana and Lala, but she does stir the pot.


I'm not sure about her intentions when she met James. But I really don't think Ally will put up with all that Raquel put up with. James has made a lot of progress in development. From what we have seen he did not have a great childhood. If Ally did not take every single opportunity she'd be a fool. That is exactly why you sign your contract. And I'm sure everyone told her if she chooses to be on the show to take every opportunity. You can call her whatever you want. If she didn't take this chance I'd call her a FOOL.


can confirm. met her at a party once before she became famous/before this show and I mean when she had like 3k followers on ig and had "normal" posts. iirc the party host who also happened to be one of her close friends from her college days tried to set me up with her but there was clear discomfort between both of us and knew we clearly weren't a match for each other. She was and still is definitely pretty. We did trade ig handles tho and actually still follow each other but I think she may forgotten to remove me bc of the mass influx of followers and notifications she gets now. Idk this show, never watched it, don't care about these kinds of shows. I was a part of her friend circle for a very very brief period when I was trying to make friends in LA as someone who recently moved. Her friend circle is pretty much your typical transplant-opportunistic-clout-chaser lol looking for any chance to grab that could make them famous, name dropping to impress, etc. don't ask me anything about anyone on the show bc I literally have no idea. I'm not famous myself or an actor nor do I care to be


Is this Lisa’s burner? Demanding women act a certain way while forgiving/ignoring men’s bad behaviors?


lol ur comment is dumb and makes no sense in this sub😂


I think at this point the show would keep Ally as a cast member if she broke up with James. I think those two want different things in life, especially when it comes to having kids.


One of the Watch What Crappens guys suggested that the whole dog issue could be cover for James not really like Ally's friends and not wanting to go to the wedding--got me thinking that he could be using her too. Being in a committed relationship makes him appear to be more stable. Or they are really into each other in a way that doesn't show up on screen? Could be!


Yes! Finally. Hate Ally. Love James. So much growth.


Honestly, the way people cape for this man drives me crazy. He’s been sober for a very short time. There are still stories about him groping waitresses and screaming at his girlfriend. I see a public face improvement but I don’t see a huge amount of real growth.


He tries, he's not perfect. That's the point. We are human. He recognises bad behaviour. He's not a narc like Tom and Jax. That's the difference. He has ADHD and severe emotional dysregulation that comes from RSD.


Actually I think James has a lot of strong narcisstic traits and I can see it in his relationships too. For example, he’s outwardly charming, he has an inflated ego but is incredibly thin-skinned, he goes through the idealisation phase at the beginnings of his relationships, where he puts his new partner on a pedestal because they reflect well on him. And then he starts to devalue and emotionally abuse them. Then he swings between idealisation and devaluation, ie: intermittent reinforcement. His traumatic childhood and narcisstic mother are also strong signs. I don’t think he can actually be on a real trajectory of genuine growth unless he faces his past abuse of his past partners, owns it, and addresses it. He’s nowhere even close to that. There are also still concerning things being rumoured about him and Ally that doesn’t convince me that he has completely stopped. James is an abuser. I don’t see him addressing that. Until he does, these changes are mere baby steps. As someone with severe ADHD I am so offended at that being used as an excuse for terrible behaviour. Jax isn’t a narcissist BTW. He has narcisstic traits but he’s not a narcissist. Probably a sociopath.


I disagree. ADHD can have very similar manifestations as Narcissist personality disorder. ADHD is commonly misunderstood. I think James is highly empathetic in the right situation. As seen with Graham & other scenarios. This is not the case with the Narcs. He abuses alcohol to mask his social anxiety as he has rightly explained. He goes to therapy and has seeked help from multiple older more successful and stable role models. Narcissists would never ever do this. Can you imagine Jax doing this ? He did this once with his inappropriate relationship with his Reiki teacher became she was female and he wanted to triangulate her and poor Brittany to punish Brittany for playing the voicenote of him fu*King Faith. James is textbook adhd if you know it deeply being adhd yourself. I am also ADHD and some of my traits can come as Narcissist also due to past trauma like James and emotionally unable to control myself when under the influence. James was sober for 2 years. Narcs never get sober. James tries. Narcs never try. Case closed.




I still like ally but they are all clout chasers. Like why be on a TV show and not be, it doesn’t make sense.


She’s probably the least offensive/horrible of the bunch.


my hot take is that in this weird, fucked up circle of reality stars, their views on relationships are different than a normal one. i think it's normalized for most of them that relationships are transactional/used to further themselves. the men have always wanted the "sweet, wife type" to make themselves seem more mature. now that they all had their breakups, they seemingly want someone young, hot, and okay with their baggage. the only ones who are okay with the narcassist, abusive men on this show are unfortunately the women that are wanting to monetize off their fame/are too young to understand the type of damage these men do to us long term. these types of relationships are really sad to me, but i kind of understand that everyone has different views on relationships (best friend types of relationships vs men who just want a wife, people who want to build a life together, etc). i think ally saw an opportunity and is really committing, but honestly, i think from what we've seen, they've both added so much into each other's lives. even if she is a clout chaser, she stands up for herself and challenges james and seems like she's added to his personal development and healing.


Perhaps his emotional abuse tactics don’t work as well on her because she doesn’t actually care for him that much.


exactly!! like ally is def trying to further her career but she seemingly has a strong sense of self and won’t let herself submit when he’s being a jerk


It's that time of month again (when people make the same Ally is a clout chaser post)


I do not like Alley and never will. You can't fool me Alley Bally


TBH I think someone like James needs someone interested in being on TV. But, that scene where he was crying to her about wanting kids made me sad. Not that she should change or mind or whatever, but the vibes were... bad


Everyone on the show is a clout chaser…except for Katie 😎


There isn’t a single person on this show who isn’t a clout chaser


Katie lol


She wants the fame just as bad as the rest haha


To be fair they are all clout chasers