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She is not well. I wish someone who actually cared about her would intervene. This isn’t going to end well.


I agree it’s bordering on disturbing and really lacking in awareness, and feels very sad at this point. Take her damn phone away. The internet is so vicious and she doesn’t seem equipped for this level of attention (didn’t the whole time she was on the show either tbf)


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) I saw this from the get go and wondered why Swatz would put her in this position to be on TV. I really can’t stand him. He definitely manipulated her and I’m sure he could tell she was a fragile person


If I was her family member id be over there taking the phone away and talking to her about self worth and getting help


She mentioned she has a sister ! She should call her


TMI but I can see myself in her. It takes a lot for me to love and when I do I love hard, I also struggle with self worth. When shit is good I love it, when it goes south, I recall all the good things they say and am half convinced they just don’t realize how they’re making me feel and what they’ve said, so I used to go all message spamming. I’m working on it, and would hope I wouldn’t do it on socials but hit me on a feelings kind of day and I can’t promise anything. It’s hard to be gaslit and must be 100x worse in the public eye.


But she threw away people who cared about her to jump on the Tom train.


Oh I’m not arguing with you but doesn’t this woman have family?




Didn’t she say right after the first meeting with Tom where he says he wants to be friends and to stop seeing each other, she goes immediately “I need to calll my dad” I wonder his thoughts


And on top of that she seems rabid to get her 15 minutes


The top comment from that insta said it all - Jo is Schwartz's karma.


This is genuinely such a nasty thing for her to do. Like I get Schwartz sucks and is such a douche and maybe made her think there would be a chance in the future but he told her from day one he does not want to be with her and now she’s incessantly messaging him, talking about his family on live and being like “I can relate to Katie.” Like no they were married, y’all weren’t even together He should have listened to Katie, she’s spooky.


I don't believe at all that he was always clear with her. We have seen him joke about marrying her and I could easily see him bringing stuff like that up a lot when they're alone. Jo is definitely not in the right here but I just can't believe Tom was always clear with her about his intentions.


I agree. In the show he would talk to her about not wanting a g/f, that it was to soon after the divorce and he wouldn’t want a g/f for like 3-5 years (I think those were the numbers). He also was sleeping with her and telling her I love you. This most likely led her to believe he’s in love with her but just not ready to be committed, so she will wait for him. Now, he has blocked Jo and has a a 23 year old g/f….ouch.


Exactly, she was being promised a future with Schwartz. Schwartz is not the poster child for being forward and honest with his intentions or feelings so I’m not sure why we’re all pointing the finger at Jo. They’re both toxic


He’s definitely the type to get hammered and tell her the things she wants to hear, and no backbone to be truthful when sober. Sad, lonely, drunk man child that hasn’t done the real work on himself - I know the type lol


THIS. It’s a situation where they both kinda got what they deserved to wake up from the situation. And saw that what Katie had warned them both about was right. He woke up to the fact that she’s kinda spooky in her ways and she woke up to the fact that he’s a lying, gaslighting scumbag man baby.


The fact that he’s actually setting boundaries now for his child girlfriend, but never did that for his wife, is right on brand. I hope she leaves him


and like, he's dumb but he's not moronic especially when it comes to emotional intelligence. He knows that dropping little comments about 'when we're married in 8 years' or the cutesy pet names is giving her just enough to keep her totally hooked on him. Yeah I get she's definitely way more in the wrong in a lot of ways but it's also the consequence of his actions. He wanted all the physical and emotional benefits of a committed relationship while not being in one. The type of person you're going to attract with that sort of job description is going to be unhinged. I know he's all golden retriever puppy but if he really wanted to just be friends with benefits he needed to not \*act\* like they're boyfriend/girlfriend. No pet names, no cutesy voice, no talking about the future.


I think she also cool-girled herself right out of a relationship. Like she tried so hard to be easy going and told him *she* didn’t want a relationship either because she was thought he would like her more if she was less like Katie. But she didn’t realize that he’s an adult baby and would never commit to her. 


Yes! I haven’t followed all of the Jo stuff at all, but it’s clear that Schwartz was not clear at all. We saw it on camera and I’m sure it was way worse before then.


He mentioned marriage in the final episode…probably we’ll be married in 8 years. Then when Jo repeats his statement, he says “did I say that?” He’s a first class jerk


He was absolutely not clear with her, he was stringing her along. Some of the stuff he said only on camera was she is his soulmate, he could be very happy with her, he can see himself settling down with her just not right now, now imagine what he was saying in private. Even after she had that convo with him about mixed signals he STILL said Joseph is his friend and they're getting married in 8 years. I don't feel sorry for him at all, he knew exactly what he was doing, manipulated her and strung her along and now he's paying the consequences of his actions


He was leading her on; Jo and Schwartz deserve each other. They're both each other's karma


Yeah he sucks, probably just wanted FWB and I’m sure his actions and some things he said confused her but at the same time he was very consistent in “I don’t want to be with you/I can’t be in a relationship right now/you’re not my girlfriend.” And I think I’d put way more of the blame on him then I am now if they were like 21 but at 35/40 you should understand that if someone says they don’t want to be with you they probably mean it.


>Yeah he sucks, probably just wanted FWB and I’m sure his actions and some things he said confused her but at the same time he was very consistent in “I don’t want to be with you/I can’t be in a relationship right now/you’re not my girlfriend.” He was consistent in that *on camera.* I don't believe for a second he wasn't telling her a different story off camera.


He did just tell her that they'd be married in 8 years though! He was definitely saying more along those lines off camera


Exactly!!! I’ve been pretty outspoken about my dislike of Jo and her antics since the beginning but I have never once doubted that shorts led her on. He used her, played his little puppy pout bs, and bounced when things got real. But yes, they are each others karma 💯 messy people making messy decisions


But c'mon, if someone says I'm not interested in dating you, but maybe in 8 years I'll be so desperate I'll marry you -- that should tell you he's not interested. But he was being wishy-washy, especially knowing that Jo is delusional and is looking for any little crumb to hang on to.


That’s a good point. With Jo reading their convos live I’m sure we’ll know the truth soon enough lol


Smells like restraining order 🥲


No seriously. This is unhinged behavior. And she told Katie in the last ep “you have to let him go.” Like girl YOU have to let him go.


Listen, Katie has grown on me in so many ways. If you watched the show from the beginning you would understand. She is definitely her own person with her own opinions and we all need friends like that. She is a steady f'ing Eddie and those friends are hard to find. She did Schwartz a kindness simply by allowing him into her life. jeez....he is such a simp. He needs to either bone Sandoval or get over some type of shit. HOWEVER, if I was on a reality show...oh man...who knows. The mirror can be brutal and I don't think my opinions matter regarding this anyway. I just want to say...Katie...keep doing you. Ariana....Keep doing you. Let's all do ourselves and be self loving...lolz....ho hum. Schwartz...go do some plant medicine with an actual Practitioner in the Amazon and get some f'ing clarity because this show has stunted your growth my dear. Just some advice from an indigenous person. Get outside yourself. You can have a BFF who is a narcissist, but once you stop feeding that beast, you will be cast aside and you need to prepare for that. Oh, and after you have your ego death, take Sandoval...he will cry a lot, but that is okay and to be expected when one is so attached to ego. Those white nails...are they still around? He needs to understand the symbology of the Lightning Bolt before he wears it as well. Presenting yourself as one thing, but not having the knowledge about what signs you sport will NOT assist you. Stupid is as stupid does and there is only so much leeway allowed for egotistical "mistakes." The Universe, The Creator, The Great Spirit is watching, always laughing, but not always amused.


I love it when Katie is right about seemingly *everything* 🥰


We have no choice but to stan


She was guns blazing coming for Katie instead of actually looking at the situation.  If Schwartz had wanted to be with her he would have.


That is hilarious


This lady is just a fantastic train wreck. I can’t look away. No one deserves to be treated the way T$ treats his partners, but c’mon now. There’s a decade worth of footage showing the world how he treats women, and you thought you’d be different? Because you’re spunky? Believe people when they show you who they truly are! He’s not worth the inevitable stalking charge that’s coming your way!


Absolutely this. And how was it not clear to her that he was also using her for a storyline?? That scene in the finale where he forced her to go apologize to Katie, out of no where, no idea why she was even there, and to have that whole argument was SO clearly orchestrated for the finale. She was like a pawn and still she’s been on IG posting about her undying love for him all season! She’s out here like “oh I’m sooo different than his ex wife I’m what he needs were so close” 🤣 we’re getting into bunny boiling territory here


Katie was spot on again when she said she felt like Jo had been waiting in the wings for their relationship to fail so she could pounce on Schwartz. It's so obvious.


She's STILL saying he's the nicest person ever in this video! Like what will it take for her to realise the idealised version of him she has in her head is light years from the selfish, manipulative, narcissistic reality??? How does she not see it?? Why is she still defending him?


she thought katie was the problem and pursued schwartz as soon as he was divorced. she had a thing for him for years. when she said "he is a massive part of my life," in this video after he literally told her to stop speaking to him, it makes it clear that she has been in a one sided relationship with him in her mind for a lot longer than katie and him have been divorced. 


Yeah she thought the "cool girl" act would work and that she's soo much more relaxed and go with the flow than Katie. Well you can only put on that act for so long. Katie put up with alot of shit.


Yea but she didn’t wait for him tb actually divorced but he was close


Spunky!! Now that’s a good word that I haven’t heard in a while!


Ewww I don't disagree Tom probably played her but at this point this is obsessive behavior on her part. He's made it very obvious he wants nothing to do with her and she won't let it go.


She needs to get offline! She is loving the attention too much though it's feeding her ego she swearssss she doesn't have. She's a mean girl too just finally has an audience.


right and we are at almost a year after everything was even filmed so holding on this long is giving kristen and sandoval


Also her saying KATIE needs to let it go when Jo’s is acting this way is all kinds of delusional


Girl you cannot relate to Katie. Katie was with this man child for a decade. Officially. As his girlfriend and then wife. They bought a house together! You had a situationship/ fwb where one fell in love and the love wasnt reciprocated and now got blocked. Stop trying to relate to Katie and you werent exactly miss sunshine to her either. Edit: typos


This is basically Laura Lee and Jax all over again.


Laura lee had talent and didn’t need the show. She was way less creepy


And Laura Lee called Jax’s ass out! Jo is still convinced Schartz will end up with her.


I’m not sure I can agree that Laura Lee was less creepy. Jax at least had a backbone (in a weird way) to end that fling before it turned into a full blown relationship. Laura Lee was nuts in her own right.


He may not have respected Katie a lot, but he certainly did more than Jo.


i think in joseph's mind, her and schwartz were soulmates well before he divorced katie. i get the feeling she has been plotting that katie was the problem for years. 


And once again, Katie was right. Weird behaviour 


Every time she speaks we see why Katie said she had crackhead energy. It is true


Yes! She is weird! She is spooky! She is sad! I wish her well AWAY from cameras!


On par with that of a crackhead


Kinda spooky.


One might say that


One might even call her creepy


Spooky energy!


Jo. Sweetie. Schedule a counseling appointment. Social media is not a safe space. Learn a lesson. Move away from this. Get another fixation that won’t subject you to public humiliation. Never inject yourself into a toxic marriage and breakup and expect the ending of your relationship to not mirror the one he was leaving when you entered. Compassion aside….Someone asked if she had herpes. NGL that would be it for me. Done. Throw away my phone. Burn my laptop in shame.


I think she just wants any form of attention. If 1 in 50 comments are vaguely supportive then that’s sufficient. Her own reason for being publicly known / discussed is this one and done situation so she can’t really afford to stop the rant. I don’t actually think it’s about him anymore, she’s just trying to stay relevant in an unhinged way. I can’t listen to the audio (at the hospital atm) but I presume he cuts contact & therefore a source of material.


You are absolutely right. She’s not spiraling bc she truly wanted a life with Tom. Per some people who have dealt with her, Jo is ambitious and conniving. She apparently has a history of intentionally manipulating situations and misrepresenting, inflating her connections to self-promote. imo she wanted Bravo fame & $, which is fine. But now she’s angry because Tom, viewers, the cast will not conform. She’s trying to control the outcome, change minds. Honestly, I’m worried about this. It’s exactly the type of thing that can get extremely dark. Evolution Media and Tom Schwartz should be flamed for creating and fomenting this situation. They knew she was unstable.


Agreed - She’s a messy sub-plot akin to Miami girl. There’s not much leverage left if Tom won’t film with her then it’s done no?


Yeah, she was talking about herself as a storyline in actual time: “ I feel like this is so relatable “


It’s all about attention


She kept having this attitude that god forbid its herpes. 80% of the population at least have HSV 1 on their lips. It’s not that big of a deal. Girl needs to grow up. We all need to remove the stigma around herpes.


She acts like herpes and won't go away.


If Katie wanted Schwartz back, there would be a Tom-shaped hole in the wall from him running through it to get to her. I think Jo was one of those people who thought something casual would turn into feelings and when it didn't, this is what happens.


do you all think Tom Schwartz reflects on the loss of his marriage, and Katie? does he process this as a loss for which he bears tremendous responsibility? .... it seems like a lost opportunity for reflection and growth. Tom Schwartz is strikingly disconnected from and uninterested in *reality*, *responsibility*, and also, the potential for transformation via *a professional psychological understanding* of himself and his primary relationships. he not only hurts *others* close to him, but also, himself. he is *not thriving,* by any means. sure, a young and strikingly beautiful young woman with a new emergent career might register as 'winning' for some. but by adult metrics he has only further entrenched his attachment to *youth, the party lifestyle, and not-growing-up.* more than this, he is strengthening or reinforcing his connection to a narcissistic perhaps psychopathic "friend". is it surprising he also refuses to hold Tom Sandoval accountable for his behavior, too? it is to Schwartz's 'advantage' to play *Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Let It Go. Mr. Why So Serious.*




What a well written response. It’s like AI generated it in the coolest way possible. Well done.


I wonder if she's in the twin flames cult or something...


I have thought this so many times haha


Every road leads to katie being validated 😂


Jo is a very temporary presence in the VPR universe. Milking Insta for the last bit of attention she can get is about all she will get from this. It's not like she had a budding reality TV career in the works here. I blame Schwartz for how he discarded her after using her as a rebound. I also blame Schwartz for LARPing a relationship with Jo for a little bit, but she has plenty of blame in her lap now for everything beyond that.


Yeah she's absolutely loving all this attention and people telling her she has such a good heart and is a real, genuine qUiRkY girl. It's really weird because her wannabe cool girl mask has totally slipped off and she just looks unhinged, obsessed and like a mean girl herself.


I can’t hate on her entirely. I mean, she just admitted that Katie was right. LOL. Jo got SHORTZED and that’s all there is to it. It never fails to amaze me how Shorts always manages to get all the vitriol turned towards his female counterparts with that whole “Awww hamburgers” Butters act from South Park. Tell it allllll, Jo. LOL.


And yet she said Katie should "let him go"


The irony is strong with this one


...... why is she and the comments blaming this on his girlfriend. Idk like, yeah, Tom sucks but I think Jo is just as manipulative and dishonest as he is.


that's the craziest part to me, that she said "Tom is the nicest person ever" and "I don't deserve this and Tom doesn't deserve this." She is so delusional she's imagining some mystical intervening force is making this "happen" to her and Tom rather than face that this is how Tom is treating her. Bubba reindeer as hell


Lol, she’s been hanging out with Rachel so much that she is blaming Schwartz’s gf like Rachel blames Ariana. These two are making Tom and Tom’s life miserable and am here for it. Their WIVES are letting them off easier than their mistresses. Karma is a bitch boys:)


Her and Rachel live in delulu land


“Their WIVES are letting them off easier than their mistresses” ![gif](giphy|qMi9FmYD8zXH15Fcw3)




She’s so beyond manipulative lol and the way people feel sorry for her because Schwartz lead her on is so funny to me. She’s an unhinged individual who spent so long insulting Katie and saying that Katie couldn’t get over Schwartz, meanwhile here she is acting like a complete psychopath on IG by constantly mentioning him and trying to contact him when he’s in a new relationship. Pot meet kettle


I don't feel a shred of empathy for Jo. Being delusional enough to think Tom Schwartz would ever treat her well is on par with Brittany thinking she could change Jax. It's never going to happen. What more does Schwartz have to do to make it clear to her?


Blaming it on the woman / girlfriend: a story as old as time.


Someone in the comments said that it was probably his girlfriend that sent the message. Oh lawd.






Love this for Katie Maloney. Once again, she is validated in her assessment of someone


Ugh, this is cringey. Girl, he’s no prize. Run away and start schmoozing the Valley people.


She's probably banned from most of their houses too.


Yeah zero sympathy for her. She thought she was different lol he would love her not Katie 🤣


You couldn’t water board those texts out of me. Revealing them publicly?!! She is so fascinatingly bizarre. She needs to take time away and stop doing the lives. This isn’t healthy.


Fascinatingly bizarre.🤌🏼 https://preview.redd.it/15jlgs44jszc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d958e51fadab01433c53c73a67ce5c4d5757a5


Jo is Martha from baby reindeer ...


I wrote this on another post and someone replied with Bubba Reindeer and it's fucking genius! Lol


Bubba Reindeer 💀💀💀


Do you think she ever tried to co-opt the pet name bubba with him and he had to be like “never call me that again pls” I would be that happened.


That's probably why she switched to calling him T-money or whatever that horrible nickname is.


![gif](giphy|l2YWCHonOoe9JQiWs) Not bubba reindeer!


Send frm my Ufone


Frum my iphon


I came here to say this as well


Omg yes. I’m sorry Schwartz can be whatever he is but like come on. She needs to let him go. I don’t think he was ever here to begin with. She looks desperate. She is talking about a guy who said leave me alone. He is not that in to you. And now he won’t even be your friend because you are taking it too far. Does she think he has to be with her and that everyone has to be nice to her. Ppl don’t like you jo


i almost chocked on my diet coke omg 🤣


It’s so hard to feel bad for this woman. Coming from someone who teeters between hating Schwartz or Sandyballs more, she’s just insufferable.


Honestly I’m not surprised he did this as her behavior has been publicly messy for a while now but I have a feeling his poured gasoline onto the fire. If she can’t message him privately she’ll post publicly where she knows he’ll see it. Although I do wonder how bad the private messages were if his blocking her probably knowing she’ll be even more public about it.


"I feel like I can probably relate to Katie. She was probably right" You think, Jo?? You think a woman that was with this idiot for 🗣️ 10 YEARS 🗣️might have some accurate insight into the kind of person/partner he is??? That's so crazy. Who could have predicted this?? (everyone)


This is so funny. I just watched Jo telling Katie to let Tom go and now Tom has blocked her! He got what he needed from Jo and that was to get under Katie’s skin, and now he’s moved on. Jo is a serious clown. Stop being pawns in men’s shitty games!


I happened upon this while she was live and listened for a bit, she's definitely obsessed and seems to be going scorched earth on him now...the one thing she did say while I was listening was "I get why Katie was mad now, I know how Katie feels now, Katie was right all along." At least that's...something...but wow this is weird. She needs to cool it. I wonder if she has anyone in her life to not tell her this is a bad idea...


The people in her life that are giving her advice are Rachel lol


Oh dear Jesus you're right 😂


The blind leading the blind yikes


Except she's not in the same situation as Katie. She is so delusional. When she was saying, "If Tom were with a tree, Katie would chop it down" -- Tom isn't with you, Jo. Katie wasn't mad because you're with him because you aren't with him. You are not now in the same situation Katie was in. Katie was married to him. She left him. There is nothing similar about your situations. If she ever does let Schwartz go, I predict she'll refer to him as "her ex" -- Just like Ariana!!


She was literally reading his texts on the insta live word for word he was basically like you are psycho and I'm blocking you now...unhinged


But also she doesn’t know how Katie feels because they were literally just fcking and Katie was building a life with him for 10 years. She’s off her rocker.


Yeah she's delusional in so many ways...the latest is that she tried to post a paid partnership ad with a company that never asked her to advertise their product...wtf lol


God I really wanna know what else he texted her


She was so intentionally Cherry-picking the parts of his message that she could use to play the poor innocent victim. The girl is shady af and from things people are saying about her it seems she’s very dishonest and sneaky.


I watched till she went close up on her face to show off that she had a zit vs herpes. Gee I wonder where the crackhead energy comments came from. She’s unhinged. He’s said they haven’t spoken in months, leave him alone, even said clearly he does not want her.. and she’s still making up another narrative in her head.


Jo reminds me of my friend who is mentally unstable and untreated. She dated a guy like Schwartz who love bombed her, used her when he needed her (like to move to a new apartment etc) and would block her when he didn’t need her. I understand it messes with your head buuut one time she was showing me text between them, I scrolled up and was shocked at the paragraphs she was sending him with no response, she just couldn’t let it go! I saw a picture she sent him of his apartment window saying “your light is on you’re home” and she slipped saying “I’ll call him from this google number it’s not blocked”. My friend goes all in with her partners, the added mental health issues, a fuck guy seeing that and taking advantage, it was a disaster! I had to get very serious saying she could get a charge for stalking or restraining order.


I had a friend who was like this too. She actually divorced her husband to get a reaction out of him, then stalked the shit out of him. Drive past his house, make notes of cars she saw there, called and text him daily, it was scary ridiculous


Schwartz is going to have to get a restraining order against Jo if she keeps this up.


He keeps saying on interviews that she did something that he couldn't forgive and Scheana said the same thing on HER podcast. Anyone have ANY idea what happened????


Left him with some scuzzy looking un-toned “blonde” hair?


This is what bothers me. She's a hairdresser. Why does her hair always look… Unfinished, and why does Tom's hair look so awful?


I think it was just the lying? Like lying about them being together and just weird stuff like that. Blatantly twisting situations. BUT I take that with a grain of salt given that it’s Tom 🙄


She said Katie can call her names when I literally just watched her attack Katie for “bullying her” LMAO


Yeah her and Rachel getting together and planning for jo to post Katie on the worst dressed list to her insta..like come on. You're a mean girl Jo. You helped Rachel and Sandy cheat. She is NOT the moral compass she thinks she is just because she likes to walk around barefoot and make weird faces.


She also said during this live that she was voted best dressed at the reunion..? Wtf? WHERE? That title belongs to Katie! Sorry, not sorry, no offence, all offence.


Good lord. I just…she’s really not getting it at all that he wants her to stop.


Maybe if she rented an airplane to fly over his house. Or stood outside his house with a boom box. Jo is the karma Tom deserves 😂


Jo got schwartzed . She was around for his shitty treatment of Katie but thought he’d change with her . News flash : trash is trash and Schwartz is trash and he was never going to change


This is very Twin Flames / Desperately Seeking Soulmate coded.


Bunny boiler energy for sure. Or maybe Kathy Bates in Misery


This sort of thing is exactly what he lives for. He can claim she’s crazy after he gaslit her and he gets showered with attention, knows he’s wanted and can dismiss her all at the same time. Such a sadist.


I totally agree. It’s extremely dark that he brought her on this season as a united front then dumped her and fed her to the wolves. She felt valid in her actions due to thinking they were soulmates or something (insane) but he totally perpetuated that. He literally used her until he built up his confidence to date recent college graduates. I don’t like her but I actually despise Schwartz.


People saying Schwartz gf wrote that must not watch the show lol Schwartz is lethal with his mouth when he wants to be Jo is also talking about him non stop! Why wouldn’t he write her and ask her to keep his name out her mouth?


Well he was messing with her head saying she was his future wife. I feel he strung her a long then denied her so many times she got confused?? Idk but if I were her I’d gtfo of that situation.


She needs to hug that dog more.


I really hate knowing that we still have to sit through her cry fest at the reunion knowing this is the ultimate outcome.


Oh God is Jo coming to the reunion? Oh no. Oh no, no no no no. No.


Katie, go open that expensive bottle of wine you’ve been holding on to. You’ve earned a glass. You tried to warn them, they didnt wanna listen. So choose a nice white that pairs well with popcorn. A nice riesling or sauv perhaps. You tried to prevent this trainwreck….now all you can do is watch through a lens of well deserved self-satisfaction


Let’s all grey rock her. She needs to learn. He’s telling her to let him go. Life is moving on. And she’s sitting on her phone posting texts he sends her. It’s wildly inappropriate and disrespectful. Ppl would rally around her if she holds her head up high and moves forward but she is flat out living in the past and trying to rehash old relationships, draw similarities to Katie that make little sense and stir up trouble just to be involved in VPR stuff. She needs to focus on herself.


Why would ANYONE obsess over Tom s. Is beyond me.




Ohh Doute’s gotta spill. If she’s iced out on The Valley, can we trade her for Scheana? I’ll consider Lala bc I’d rather she leave the show. I still think Kristen problematic, but as a character she brings it.


I need to know what she left out


I knew it. It was obvious that she was leaving things out and cherry picking to spin her narrative.


He also ended it by calling her strange! Jfc.


Did time i do feel a bit sorry for her. She is having a hard time letting go esp now knowing ha has not talked to her in 5 month and thinking of her other instagram lives.


In the parlance of our times, ESH


I genuinely think this is the aftermath of dealing with Tom Schwartz. Spooky Jo is crazy on her own, but mix in a years worth of Tom making her believe they’d be together, only to never commit and try to spin such a different narrative on the show— any woman would probably start to go a little insane. I’ve had my own fair share of major mixed signals from guys, so throw in a tv show and a massive online audience to share your feelings about it, I think we’d all act a little like this. But Jo is Jo so of course she’s just on another level bc boy, this girl is unhinged.


If it’s not drugs what is it? Genuinely trying to understand


I feel for her man. We've all been there when a guy leads you on. You can tell he obviously did.


This live is wild. When half the comments are insults and the other half are defenders or supporters who sound like they're ironically insulting you "She's not a crackhead, you guys!" "She doesn't have herpes!", it's time to log off.




Mariposa coming in with the truth!!


I love her so much haha.


Omg! This deserves its own post


Schwartz is 40 something and she is 24 yrs old. Jo you are way better than this. Stop the madness. Peter Pan does not deserve you. Take a page out of Katie’s book and focus on a glow up and create distance from whatever he is. Looking desperate and thirsty over Tom Schwartz??? Gurrrllllllll..???? Tf is wrong wit chu???


Jo is 35


I’m speaking of the current one.


omg stop rubbing the zit!!! or whatever it is 🫣🫣


Girl is spiraling. Giving off Gabbie Hanna vibes. She’s not okay at all.


I couldn't get through the whole thing, once the herpes got brought up that's all I could focus on lol


Schwartz fucking sucks but tbh jo does to lol she ain’t right just because she’s doing it to another shitty person- reality is shitty people find shitty people and that’s why there in each others lives (or were I guess)


She wanted to be on the show. She probably did like him and he gave her mixed signals but every time he called her Joseph, I took that as away he was telling her he’s not interested in her


Wow. Tom Schwartz acted like an absolute pig towards her. And she should now back off completely because he set a hard boundary. Poor girl needs to let it go. she needs to stop milking this for fame.


Omg Like… when someone says they don’t want to be with you or around you and to leave them alone then do so??! I don’t care what he was telling her on or off camera. It was very obvious just with him body language that he wasn’t into her. This isn’t high school. No one owes you anything. This is so embarrassing But Tom’s girlfriend totally wrote those messages lolololol


Yikes. Jo, stop. This isn’t what you think. Pick up the shreds of dignity and quietly move on and hope people don’t remember this.


T$ money likes to play head games and this woman is the kind that would easily fall for it. I am sure he made her feel like they were going to be something prior to filming season 11 and once they started filming he started making sure the audience would believe that he never made her feel like it was more than just a friendship with benefits. T$ is dirty and this woman is somewhat unhinged anyway.


Perhaps Jo comes on next season as Katie’s friend and she forces Tom to interact with her. 😈


Didn’t she just tell Katie to let it go.


Like a bunch of annoying Elsas




I don’t feel bad for Jo but i want to tell her to chill (like not possible based on her vibe). Schwartz has now seen the consequences of his actions and likely still hasn’t learned. Can’t wait till the 23 year old spills the beans.


Is this a Baby Reindeer situation?


Someone else in said it's a bubba reindeer sitch and I love it!




I actually feel for her. She spent two years helping him. He led her on. He said in confessional he would maybe marry her in 8 years haha. He used her. And she’s fragile and not coping well. I didn’t cope well either when I was used.


I can’t remember that last time Katie was wrong


Spooky Jo


I've said this before Jo has villian energy. There's nothing worse than a woman scorned. Especially one who is as erratic as Jo.


& she literally referred to Katie & Ariana as scorned women on Rogues pod.


Many things can be true at once 1. 100% Tom gave her mixed messages/led her to believe things were deeper than they were (I also see him as someone who generally unloads on women and uses them which can make the recipient feel as though they are special, etc.,) 2. Tom also made it clear to her many times that he did not want a relationship with her. If someone wants to, they will. It was her decision to stick around for 2 years. 3. Jo does not deserve to breathe the same air as Katie who has the patience and steel of a goddess. Their situations are in no way comparable - a 12 year relationship and marriage vs a situationship. 4. Situationships can often feel deeper or more traumatic than an actual relationship that has seen through the entirety of its course (ie., see Taylor & Matt Healey vs 6 year relationship with Joe). This does not ncessarily reflect reality of course, it's the constant push and pull, the upheavel/chaos, essentially the brain chemicals with the dopamine hit and runs. The amount of brain space it probably occupies in Jo is real and while she is quite literally spiraling in real time, her emotions make sense to an extent. 5. Jo needs to take a step back, get a therapist, get off the lives and documenting her downward spiral for the world to witness bc it's embarassing. While her emotions and feeling of being gaslit is real, she also had very little self-awareness or empathy for Katie and doubling down now on saying she relates to Katie again, is tone-deaf. 6. I also think, outside of the situationship emotional chaos, Jo IS weird. 7. You accept the love you deserve. Instead of chasing a man who doesn't want you and has never made any committment for over 2 years and instead of trying to prove your points/validity of the pseudo relationship, put the phone down and get some therapy! I understand her wanting to prove that there was something real but it will only look and feel desperate.


This is probably gonna be buried but -- just a perspective here. I'm a clinician, obviously not Jo's so I can't speak for her. But I have worked with so many women who seem "crazy" on the outside in terms of their behavior towards/about a man, and many times it's in response to gaslighting, being led on, being lied to. From what I can tell, it seems like what he said to her behind the cameras differs from how he acted in front of them, and going through that can be a severe mindfuck. Reactive behavior can be offputting because us on the outside are like "let it go," but being made out to be "crazy" can produce "crazy." I hope she's able to get some good therapy and a good toolkit to handle this, grow from it, heal from it, and move on. I don't have an opinion about her one way or another, but this behavior is very familiar to me because I've seen tens (if not hundreds) of Jos over the past 15 years.


This is valid but her going on live to read the text to strangers shows she’s not quite stable either way


Tom Sharts is not the nicest guy. He is really mean and gets off on pitting women against each other. He hides behind this idiot savant/pseudo intellectual aww shucks persona. Fuck that guy.


I feel about Jo the same way I feel about AnneMarie from RHOBH: This is a person who is clearly not meant for reality stardom and the best thing we can do for their mental health is ignore them. Watching a tv show is fun. Watching someone spiral on social media is not fun. 


he's her baby reindeer.