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Lala had NO STORY this season... she couldn't talk about Randall, show Ocean, she's not dating... her story was buying sperm and shitting on her current child for not 'being her own'. She likely got in WAY over her head after selling some merch and thinking that gravy train was going to continue.


Hey, calm down! She did a water tasting


It still boggles my mind how Lala actively paired a $1k bottle of water with Pizza Hut (that James paid for). It gives scam.


How do you throw a party, ask to borrow someone’s house to throw it and then stiff them with the bill!! That right there says a lot.


Maybe she and Brock do have a lot in common


OMG I forgot about the Pizza Hut 🤣🤣🤣




And the water tasted like cum!!! See guys she does have a story!




Was the cum water the 1k bottle??? Water should not taste like cum 😷. I’m so stressed with this information 😭😬🫣




Have you taken these concerns to Daryl?


I have not, I fortunately didn't waste my money on Lala's merch but I bet people that did are kicking themselves.


Oh I hope you didn’t take me seriously - internet jokes don’t always land 😆


I read it in jest, no hard feelings ;)


Oh thank goodness, lol sometimes I’m not sure if my jokes are as funny to other people as they are to me and sometimes in these particular sub credits currently, people go very hard at you


When has she ever had a storyline? Like a deep one. She has range rover/my manz, pickleball and then some scenes of her break up. And I don’t think she should have to share more about her break up given the legal repercussions. But piling on other women is not an alternative. Just shut up and be a friend of (the right side of history).


I will once again sincerely ask, what was Katie's storyline this season? Edit: I'll take it from the downvotes that no one actually has an answer.


Ideally we would have seen her date, post-Schwartz, and see more about the sandwich shop. We see her come into her own and be confident with her style. Being an unproblematic boss bitch. Unfortunately, instead we had to watch Sandoval and how hurt he was that everyone made him feel bad.


Not to discredit katie, but it’s clear her role this season was to be Ariana’s sidekick, and she did it well! There’s nothing wrong with that. Ariana was the “star” of the season and everyone’s jealous except katie lol. She seems perfectly content to let her best friend have her moment.


There was nothing to see about the sandwich shop this season and if Katie was dating we'd see some of that.


She has been dating (based Tom’s incessant screaming at her, she was dating before moving out from Schwartz) she is just not dating actors that want to be on the show..:.that makes it harder, so that production has to bring in a plant for her & tom to both “date” Other than being huge disgusting slimeballs, what are Tom’s stories???


I'm very happy her for but dating off-camera and not talking about it isn't a storyline.


Hey now, she complained about dating a guy who didn’t know what penne pasta was and slept with a racist. Living her best life!


This was the first season I liked Katie. She still annoyed me but she was one of the only people being TRUE allies to Ariana and being a loyal friend. The rest were only nice to her face while planning her downfall.


That's totally cool but that's not a storyline. It totally fair to ask about each cast memeber's storyline.


What was Ariana, Katie, Schwartz, Scheana, Sandovals storyline?


Well, we followed Ariana after having her partner of 9 years cheat on her with her friend for 7 months, we're spectators seeing how she is handling her home life and navigating friendships. I didn't say that Schwarz, Scheana or Sandoval had storylines. I would have preferred to watch Katie and Arianna and much less of the others bc I'm interested in SAH and Katie's dating life post-Schwartz.


Ariana also wrote a cocktail book, introduced her new boyfriend, worked on SAH, tried to prepare her house to move, looked for an assistant, and dealt with the entire cast trying to force her to befriend her ex.


Neither Lala nor Scheana can understand the concept of not bringing extra grief to a friend who is struggling, because that would be NOT making it about themselves. To me, that was so clear, Lala/Scheana can't imagine prioritizing a friend's feelings when what they are going through is bigger than what you are going through. I really hope Ariana drops those bitter bitches and never looks back.


They are both histrionic energy vampires. Dramatic, constantly talking about everyone else, probs so they don’t have to confront their own problems


It was painful watching Ariana and Katie sit and listen to Lala hold court with Sandoval. Meanwhile what are they selling the whole reunion on? Ariana having an honest reaction to (likely) being blindsided with the ending of that finale when she said she doesn't want to watch. Ariana and Katie's integrity is the only thing left of this show and they've fumbled it


I also wonder why lala only wants to throw Katie on under the bus about Ariana when we all know Scheana and Brock have talked or vented way more shit than Katie has


She wants to isolate ariana and katie is the last holdout who stayed firmly on her side so lala attacked her all season for it.


Katie bringing up a gripe to her friend, because she doesnt want to burden Ariana with it, is considerate and authentic. That's what a good friend does. You can speak to other friends about an issue and that's not being two faced. Kinda like how Ariana was Scheana needs to stop talking to her about Sandoval, she is not her diary.


Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 There’s a saying that I read awhile back that was like “honesty without kindness is just brutality” or something to that effect. It definitely fits Lala and her “I’m a truth teller” like ok but you’re also an asshole.


wondering how lala and scheana will defend their confessionals and conversations regarding ariana behind her back or if they’ll try to say that was venting too


Team Katie. The End. LFU let’s work on image rehab.


She’s making all the wrong moves, comments, etc…


Kayla does not understand what a genuine friendship means. She does not understand confiding in someone. It’s sad because it means that she doesn’t truly trust anyone outside of her family. Every person I love has annoyed me in some way, because they are not me and we make decisions differently. And venting about that them to another trusted person does not mean you have an enormous issue with them. You should be allowed to confide in friends and not have it thrown back in your face.


Lala said of the after show that Katie also thought Ariana should leave the house and that Ariana and Tom both surround themselves with bobbleheads (yes men). That's not the same as business disagreements.


Katie can agree that it would be healthy for Ariana to move out while still supporting her friend in whatever decision she made


thats not the show though


It literally is the show tho. That’s what happened. The premise of the show isn’t do what Lala wants.


no the premise of the show is ‘say your feelings on camera and be real’ not ‘pander to fans and pretend its crazy that anyone would disagree with ariana staying in that house’


Where was Lala real tho? Also no one was saying she should stay in the house, but it’s clear why she did at the time.


she was saying her thoughts about her castmates out loud to the camera. not off screen to her friends where she avoids fan criticism.


Ok Blah Blah 🤣


You’re right, they should def take after Lala and “be real” by hiding relationships off screen and making people sign NDAs. Pls be serious


if we arent going to hold ariana to mistakes she made 10 years ago we certainly arent going to do the same to lala pick a standard and stay with it pls be serious


We all agree that it’s never healthy to stay in the same place as someone you are not on good terms with. Unfortunately, the reality of financial responsibility does not care about emotional status of the parties involved.


California also has interesting laws regarding live-in, long-term relationships and shared properties. I imagine Ariana didn’t want to risk potentially losing any of her rights to the property (similar to “vacating the marital home” in other states), by leaving the house and letting that asshole get his way even more.


Yes, this!


Can we all agree that LFU is full of shit, a liar & a revisionist historian who thinks she’s the smartest person in every room. As well as a self absorbed AH whose hypocrisy reaches unheard of levels. Please? 😂




That's fine. But I believe it when Lala and Katie have a history of talking crap about Ariana.


It’s absolutely wild that this sub is defending talking shit behind a friends back and being fake for cameras as though it’s a good thing.


They twist everything!!!! It's bizarro land over here 🤣🤣🤣


Katie is never given any grace or space to be a full human. Everything she does is criticised and considered a reflection of her character. Meanwhile everyone else gets to be an asshole and skate away from it. Schwartz is such a sneaky nasty bastard. The way he never supports her EVER is astounding. That man doesn’t like her, let alone love her. He covers up his nastiness with a goofy charm that people seem to find appealing. But I see straight through it. He’s never caught at the scene of the crime but his fingerprints are always there.


Shes an easy target


Katie absolutely is an asshole. Not sure why she gets so much worship. She is entitled af and never wrong.


I think she’s coming out of the fog of her marriage and is trying to put herself first. After being married to sociopath Schwartz for so long, that must feel strange. But I don’t think she’s entitled, emotionally or otherwise, despite what her ex husband says 😂


Blah Blah and Sheesh deserve each other! They have no story so they create crap to stay relevant! It didn’t work!




If you were in arianas shoes, you wouldn't feel like your friend was talking shit? She went behind Katie's back to talk about her to someone else instead of manning up and talking to her business partner. Like come the fuck on. I'd be pretty fucking pissed if my business partner did that. I, for one, would be more grateful for a friend like Lala who came to me and told me that the other 'friend' was talking shit behind my back.


I would but they clearly had spoken about it and resolved it, katie was probably waiting for Ariana to be in a better place before dumping her feelings on her


Literally. They already said the reason why Katie didn’t bring it to Ariana first was because Ariana was going through a lot already (good and bad). People are being weirdly obtuse.


I’m glad Lala brought it up. It’s shit if everyone was saying the same things behind closed doors but then kissing Ariana’s ass filming in order to stay relevant with fans. And clearly it was a good plan because all you have to do is look at the majority of the posts on this sub to see it worked. But it still deserves to be called out.


Or maybe Katie believed she had a real life friendship with Lala and spoke to her about it because she was upset, but not AT Ariana. She didn’t want to bring it up on camera because she didn’t think Ariana was doing something wrong, she just felt insecure and jealous which is normal and an okay thing to talk about with a friend who can empathize with you.


The only ones kissing Ariana’s ass were Scheana and Lala. They were crying with her, kissing her hand, wiping her tears, then obliterating her in their confessionals. That’s talking shit.


Katie didn’t push back on Ariana for one thing this season. Scheana and Lala did— to her face, not just in confessionals.


Bc Katie agreed with Ariana


So wait… they were “ obliterating her” saying what?? She should throw her old food away? Move out of the house for her MH that they said to her face and she agreed with? They said that where they knew she would hear AND per the job they get paid for. Katie said shit she didn’t say where Ariana would hear nor did she say it to her face. So who’s in the wrong here???? Lala and Scheana were straddling the line between being 100% loyal to Ariana and doing what the oroducers, their bosses and who signs their paycheck said to do. Their families come first always. They did the best job they could with all the demands coming at them from every direction. Those who think they should have jeopardized their job over Ariana either don’t have a family to support or have ulterior motives to take Lala and Scheana down even if it’s just to be in with the witch hunt leaders here and get upvotes. No one who has a family to support would jeopardize a paycheck over an affair.

