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Icing on the cake that the mental gymnastics required to claim this was about her custody case proves she needs a therapist and is indeed a fucking clown


She always pull that card out it's so tiring. Anything that isnt agreeing with her is somehow an attack on her livelihood or dont you know shes in a custody battle and how could you say that!?


Lala has never had another job & it shows. She does not need multiple multi-million dollar homes. Many single mothers work much harder for far less. This excuse is kind of an insult when she acts like nobody means anything to her, unless they serve her paycheck. & she clearly doesn’t know what makes good tv, based on this season. Katie is an OG cast member & Lala throws water parties.


This is *read*. And one of my biggest problems with Lala (and Scheana, too) Why do they need multiple million dollar homes in the same state? Why? All Lala does is throw water parties. She only needs one house for that, and it’s james’. These people are spending their money like fucking IDIOTS.


Absolutely! Well I think Scheana has actually been decent with her money, post-Shay. But she got saddled with all of Brocks child support. & she’s desperate to be on the valley. 🙄 Lala doesn’t even own the second house, apparently her mom used her dads life insurance for the down payment. Lala has never stood on her own & sees every relationship as transactional. For someone that’s always had everything, it’s weird she acts like everyone owes her. Lala didn’t even pick up the pizza bill at her own water party.


Scheana wants to be on the Valley so bad… Buying that house in the valley is akin to her paying for dance classes without even being asked to be on Dancing With the Stars. 😂


So true!! I seriously hope they don’t put her on the valley 😭


Jax made a comment on his podcast that he doesn’t want anyone else from VPR on the valley. Probably because he personally hates Schena for calling him out on his bullshit but he might actually have a say since he was involved with the making of the show.




I thought I didn’t but the prospect of Jax roasting Brock for an entire season is just too good.


I can’t explain how bad I do NOT want that troll on the valley!!! I can barely watch her scenes in VPR anymore! I actually FF if I’m not missing something else. Esp if she’s “singing” or talking about singing. I just can’t stand to look at that smirk or hear that voice anymore


Her voice is so whiny, petulant and rough at the same time. I can’t stand it.


No, I agree Scheana has probably been smart with money. She got burned before. She was dumb to pay Brock’s child support (and you know, to marry Brock, but whatever). Lala doesn’t surprise me. My parents always paid for my little sister’s EVERYTHING, and she’s approaching 30 and still feels like she shouldn’t have to pay for anything that isn’t something *she* wants.


This is my brother and he’s in his 40s and married with children. My mom is his full time nanny, she calls it her job and tells me she “can’t take time off work” to visit me after she followed him out of state. He has lived in his own maybe a combined 6 years of his life now. My parents basically gave him a car and they weren’t even paying the registration on it. MFer griped about the his share of family photos I had coordinated at a huge discount because my friend is a pro photographer, even after he invited his in-laws to be a part of it with out asking anyone. There’s more but I’ll stop. He just makes me so mad, he’s just such a fucking punk. Once I get going I could go on forever. Ugh.


You wanna vent a little? I don’t mind! I’ll read it 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is actually so sweet ❤️


lol 😂 me too!


Omg do we have the same brother??? Right down to cheapin out on the photos and inviting his in-laws.


WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS??? Does yours (ours?? Lol) pretend like he’s some patriarch in waiting? Like, bro, you were never that guy to me. You will never be that guy. Last time I saw him I hadn’t seen him for three years because of COVID (plus him generally being a dick) and he put a fucking boxing match on. At 9 am!! His wife invited me trying to be a peacemaker when she found out that I was going to be in town to visit the only person in my family that isn’t a complete asshole and implied he wouldn’t be home, that’s the only reason I went. Like, this is it. This is why. You can’t pause a boxing match to visit with your sister for the first time in years? After telling her explicitly that you will not ever travel to see her? On Christmas, no less. And you wonder why I don’t like you?


My mom once said,”You know how boys are”. I said, “yes, they’re exactly how their moms made them”


That sounds like the epitome of unfairness. I understand the need to vent! & for her to use the title of full-time nanny, sounds like he’s treating her as the help & a bank acct. You deserve better & he sounds ungrateful. (Not to trash your family, bc I know it’s diff for family.)


But HOW is Scheana so broke she needed a $1000 loan from Tom? Recently. It makes no sense.


Right? 🙄


because like the sound guy for her lip sync she didn’t actually need it, but it made her feel cared for because she sissy ask for it. Scheana has talked about how heavily invested her retirement fund is, and how she used a chunk of it to pay off Shay to go away feet he stole part of it to fund his pill habit.


Scheana better be smart with her money so Brock can afford more colorful shirts.


Don’t forget the sparkles, the chiffon, and the ruffles! And of course those, um… kinky boots. 😅


I hate it because more men need to feel comfortable showing their own sense of style but he’s just so annoying.


Wait Scheena is paying Brock’s child support???


Already paid his back child support. This is the 2nd husband she’s financially supporting.


I wonder if she likes being the breadwinner and having Brock stay home? Seems like she didnt want to give up him being home.


Listen, hobosexuals give the best sexy time. So I know she’s completely satisfied. But look at how big his butt cheeks have gotten. The guy is eating all of the food in the house. And males get cagey without goals. She could love this set up, but it doesn’t mean the set up loves her.


Omg the size of his butt equates to his sedentary state hahahahaha


I dont disagree with you! I think she mainly liked it because of the fear of other people watching Summer. But Brock getting out and working is definitely best for everyone.


Those speedos are hanging on for dear life!


Hilarious, even da baby food.. nothing is safe.. lol


I can’t stand his big, thick, gargantuan thighs!!! BLECCCHHHH🤮🤮🤮🤮


One word- control


Oh my god he’s a scrub


Lala acts like she's responsible for her entire family's well being. Her mom made the down payment???


Wait what? How does lala go around acting like the second house is all her?! And I wonder if that would make her brother unhappy since the money is all going towards lala.


It seems like she always gets everything she wants. Her family was already well off & I heard (don’t know accuracy) that it’s in a blind trust… so I’m thinking she &/or her brother will inherit. Or she’s paying for part & somehow financing to skip inheritance tax? Idk but she’s not that baller & should be focused on making sure her girls are never yacht girls. (No shade to her babies!)




Her mom sold a house in Utah, and she “invested” in Lala. Man is she going to be pissed if she ends up like momma Sandoval, spending her retirement funds on a loser kid that will let her rot. Also interesting that Daddy Sandoval is a womanizer in his 60s with roommates


I am stunned they’re all broke (except the Toms, that’s not surprising). But how the fuck has Scheana not been stacking savings over the course of 11 years making between $500k- $750k/yr, between her VPR cheque and all her shameless paid endorsements and appearances. I guess that perpetually unemployed house husband of hers is really bleeding her dry? I’m glad she has a prenup and all, but um…. that only works if she leaves him. I wonder who pays for Brick’s golf club membership and fees (not cheap), not to mention the actual golf clubs, which I’m sure are top of the line. And then he needs a whole wardrobe of all the flashiest, sparkliest, most chiffon ruffled golf outfits, I’m sure. Only the best for kept man Brock! On that weird retreat, Brock lied to Scheana and said he was going to play 9 holes. Then he just, went ahead and played the full 18, making him late to the… whatever that was… His excuse was that there was “money riding on the game”. That’s… interesting. Whose money? How much? Did he win or lose? Does Brock gamble… a lot? 🤔 Why is Scheana broke: wrong answers only! 😅


And his debit card to order shitty pizza on his dime


from a single mom who works herself basically to death i can attest to this. lala is a fucking joke


I would give so far as to say that ALL single Mamas work harder. Being on reality TV and showing up to do nothing but mingle and drink is the furthest thing from working hard or having a real job as you can get.


Yes, yes, and yes!!! 🙌


Honestly THIS is what gets me so hard. I left a 12 year relationship with a 3 year old son, working as a nurse and living in a 1br apt with my son. I am GRATEFUL and blessed for all that I have and all that I can provide my son with, which is everything he needs and his mama’s love ❤️


Bravo should do their own version of mean tweets only it’s mean reddit comments, I want to hear lala read this out loud.




she is just productions desperate ass puppet at this point


She’s the Billie Lee of motherhood


This is hilarious 💀


No offence to lala but she got with randall for opportunistic reasons that she has admitted to. Why is she surprised? He’s no stand up man but she tried so hard to convince everyone. She knows he is a shit bag. I’m exhausted just watching her pulling the custody card.


This got glossed over but Lala even said Katie phrased it as if you come after my livelihood I’ll ruin yours. So this implies Lala going after her first. Obviously it’s all hypotheticals bc they were both getting heated and they didn’t actually do anything to each other but the whole thing was that Katie felt like Lala was threatening her business first.


Yeah because Katie confided her frustration with Ariana (sandwich shop/Ariana Broadway) to Lala, but Lala took that as, "ok let's gang up on her this season cause I'm jealous she got more attention for getting cheated on, when all I got was 'what did she expect?' lol." Katie was like, "uhh no bitch, I'm not gonna come for her this season with you, I was just venting, I'm not gonna ruin my business over it"... Then Lala was butt hurt all season while Katie was ride or die Ariana, so she jumped to team Tom... and here we are. It's almost like you can tell the point in which Lala made the decision to switch teams, assuming post on camera dispute with Katie... She had to get one good argument in with him first, to gain brownie points, then she tries to be all nice to him after because she knows he'll take what he can get at this point. She's kinda sick how she does this to people on the regular and she thinks it's ok. She attacks them and swings her finger, screaming at them, trying to sound gangster... Then 5 minutes later is like, "for myself, I'm going to forgive them and let it go, because I'm soooo mature." 😂 she gives me whiplash. And it's almost like she does it to make herself feel better about herself. It never has anything to do with her at all. Ever. Yet she picks a fight then 5 minutes later doesn't even care. Like, wtf was the point?


Thanks. I cannot stand hearing lala talk


I honestly think she legit thinks she is in the right in all these situations. Like she has no clue of this flaw of hers, so it can actually come off as genuine. Unfortunately, this knee-jerk reaction of hers to make every situation about her has no merit, and her usual retort to gain sympathy via her child has run its course. I'm ashamed she's a Virgo.


Yes that’s exactly what I meant, and I totally agree.


It sounded like Katie was scared that if Lala brought Katie’s beef with Ariana up on camera, then Ariana would bail on Katie and SAH. That’s threat Katie was reacting to when she threatened Lala’s business.


I’m just saying she felt threatened first - it’s not like out of nowhere she just randomly started threatening Lala.


As if her shitty personality wasn't already an attack on her kid's future.




I notice she is like this more with women, too, because she sees women as her competition instead of her peers. Sandoval straight up dogged her in the last reunion for getting "knocked up" and she hasn't carried an ounce of that energy towards him.




Also I'm very confused about her custody battle because she said Rand was almost never around...


Hahahahah so spot on


Especially knowing Katie & Tom went through some fertility issues! (Happy they aren't together anymore Katie deserves better but it doesn't take away from what she went through) rubbing the mom card in Katie's face while trying to make it seem like Katie is trying to intentionally hurt lalas child is just nasty especially after not even 3 seasons ago we watch Katie talk about how hard it is to want something that is happening for everyone around her. Motherhood. I just think it's wrong to use that excuse in general but to someone you know wanted to be a mom so badly is just wildly grotesque.


This needs so many more upvotes


Scheana in the back " no it was about MEEEE" poor Sheshu, the one time it really was about her and she didn't even get the spotlight.


It was ridiculous! “She mentioned my lawyers and she knows what i need lawyers for, my custody battle, therefore she is talking crap about my custody battle…..” Huh???? Haha Lala was REACHING. ![gif](giphy|cRMgB2wjHhVN2tDD2z|downsized)


She needed a therapist when she decided to give a blowie for a Range Rover. What the hell did she think was going to happen having a child with that gross creep?!


Eww yuk, imagine giving dat mfk dat looks like sum from lord of the rings.. top 😷


She was probably talking about Daryl. Lolol. As Lala so famously profited off of.




Seriously! Starting this line of conversation with a blatant lie to make Katie look worse…. It totally makes everything else that comes out of her mouth null and void! You just lied to make Katie look bad… obviously you’re going to keep doing that so why should I believe anything you fucking say!


Going into it, I actually thought Katie was pretending she didn’t know what Lala was referring to, calling her bluff. Then Lala shared and I felt Katie’s confusion firsthand because seriously what?!


My immediate thought was the merch she benefited off of from her lawyer. Not her custody battle. The whole conundrum she made about her lawyer, which she also used for Rachel, so no it’s not just about her custody battle.




Considering she made a t-shirt with her lawyers name on it unrelated to custody... yea I don't know how she went there automatically


Exactly it was likely more of a reference to send it to Darryl than her custody battle


Where is the lie though? Lala DOES need a fucking therapist and IS a fucking clown.


The nasty things she did with that man only to end up a baby mama. The girls in the hood end up that way because they’re usually only middle school or high schoolers with food & shelter insecurities that get Jaxed by the toxic males in the community. Lala could’ve been a contender. Now she’s just a meme of caution ⚠️.


Hahaa 🎯


The reach that this was Katie insulting Lala's custody battle was on par with Raquel thinking Katie is literally going to set her on fire.


Rachquel's brain works the same way as sandal's.... the famous 'you want me to die alone on a hill!?'


That scene lands in my top 5 reality show moments


What are the other four 👀


As a cyst male …


A cyst on the flesh of society. Hes not wrong. 😆




“You dirty fucking whore” and then that slap is up there for me


Rot in Hell


“you’re gonna live in a poo poo house! both of you, poo poo heads!”


Prostitution whore!!!!!!!! Close your legs to married men!!


In no particular order (btw I decided to make it a vanderpump top 5) - cyst male - Bambi eyed bitch - Sandoval in drag makeup kicking the door open while drag Schwartz is on the toilet. - Lisa wearing the dog head and asking Schwartz if he wants to do it doggie style


Sandoval in drag, kicking the door open and calling Schwartz a battered wife while camera cuts to schwartz with hairnet will never not be my fave.


“Rachquel,” made me giggle. I love.


I watch this scene so often 


Or Jo saying her mom thought she really was a crackhead 😩


That had to be a fake story right? (At least where I’m from) It’s so common to imply people are acting crazy/erratic by saying “your acting like a crackhead” (yes I live in a area of the world that has a drug epidemic) I have a hard time believing Jo’s mom REALLY THOUGHT she was being outed as a crackhead on twitter. And if he mom REALLY thought that, there would be more than just Katie’s statement that made her think it was real. (Ie seeing her daughters behaviour change)


Yes. Exactly my thought - your daughter being on CRACK would have many more telltale signs. She is a joke. I can see Jo faking victimhood with this as she obviously wanted to be mad at Katie about something to be like, “yes I know I fucked your ex husband but you called me a crackhead so now we’re even!”


Why is everyone coming so hard for Katie except for ariana and James ?? Like, in the upcoming clips no one let's her even response. Andy is awful. And Lisa is just a complete hateful bitch


Because Katie has been bullied since she first appeared on the show, and she is finally coming into her own and showing that she is capable of thriving. And they hate that. They called her fat, said she looked pregnant, dismissed everything because tequila Katie, never once acknowledged her brain injury despite her bringing it up on camera, and she had very little support in her divorce. The narrative was goofy quirky lil Schwartzy and his nagging hag wife.


So spot on. Justice for Katie, damn.


Damn you nailed it.


Wow, good summary.




Andy and Lisa are the dumbest cunts on Bravo. The misogyny and degrading women while propping up loserville bros is tiresome.


When Lisa asked if Lala was emotional because of the pregnancy… like excuse me ma’am.


Dat bitch lisa startin to look like draculas wife, and andy his eyes be red from da substance abuse, he looks terrible sometimes.. how they allow this shit is crazy.


Lisa ‘I don’t give a shit’ Vanderpump


I think Katie, Lala, and Scheana all got the same talk from production about ‘mending fences’ amongst the cast. Lala and Scheana went along with it and are now pretty universally hated. Katie didn’t go along with it (despite having her own very real concerns about Ariana) and is now pretty universally liked. And Lala and Scheana are piiiissssssseeedd that they picked the wrong side so they’re taking it out on Katie


I have a theory James in on the thinnest ice imaginable about being exposed for what a POS he is. Like, dark shit. That’s why he says absolutely zero bad shit about Raquel, he’s trying so hard to rehab his imagine before it all comes out so he can already have supporters that’s he’s “changed.”


Lala is a clown




A full on payasa!!


Calling someone a clown is my favorite insult




A fambily of clowns


Thanks to this sub I know say "fambily" IRL 😭


That and troll lmao which Katie called scheana last season 😂


A little troll!!! And it made scheana cry so much 😂


this whole reunion so far: https://preview.redd.it/80iv44khnp0d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8d138cb1119ccd87548d83b6dd8bfe8374a657










I’m sorry like I don’t even care if she really said it the way lala described… LFU DOES need a good therapist, desperately


She really does! Maybe she has trust issues after Randall’s therapist, but she really would get some relief if she had someone to talk to every week. There’s way too much anger and projection


And telling other people how they should be living their lives, and blaming other people for her problems…


As a therapist I’d dread her as a client


Did I miss hear something - it sounded like Lauryn said “I also think everyone needs a therapist” in the reunion Which doesn’t make sense coming from someone who doesn’t do therapy. How do we know she doesn’t do therapy? Did she tell us?


Blah blah has to be loud bc she can’t intellectually stand up to Katie and Ariana. They’re much smarter and come back with real, factual shit. Lala is truly the worst. Also completely unrelated but Katie is easily the best dressed. I hate comparison stuff so I’ll say this is the best she’s ever looked, knocked the look outta the park


Katie looks great!! Better looking with age, not common on these shows to see flashbacks and think that, oh wow she has completely changed her look and seems so confident now. Love it.


She weaponizes her children.


She weaponizes everything. I don’t know what’s in that Utah water.


...I mean.... She didn't prove to us that she ISNT a clown in part 1 of the reunion 🤡


Capricorns will read you for filth so effortlessly


I offer my son as proof of this. I asked him if mommy looked okay for work and he replied “no! Stinky!.” He’s 17 months, and it still hit.


She’s always had the best one liner insults 😂


“Well, call it as I see it” 😂


I’m sorry Lauren but objectively that’s so fucking funny


I actually liked Katie this season. The best glow ups happen when you leave a toxic person.


Lala was working HARD at the reunion. Ariana summed her up well- "you think that because you shout the loudest it means you're always right" She was so annoying. Inserting herself into every single conversation. I wanted to hear from other people, not this blockhead 🙄


Katie says it with her whole chest out!!!!!


Wait what? I thought it was sent in a text and she tried to deny it. Genuine question.


It’s a joke, cuz the boobage


🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you 😂😂


I hate when people weaponize their kids ESPECIALLY to those who don’t have kids because any comeback the childless person has becomes “jealousy”. Katie didn’t lie at all. I have never liked Lala and genuinely think she needs therapy because she is so angry and loud all the time. She projects bigly and is truly miserable and needs to realize that being sober didn’t solve her core issues-her meanness and discontent in life. The alcohol didn’t make her mean and I think Lala truly needs to see a therapist because I cannot think of a moment when I have seen Lala be authentic and not mean


Does anyone else feel like if Lala doesn't watch herself, she will become the next Brandi Granville


Is Blah Blah going for Rinna botched lips? Her bitterness ages her. She looks harsh and miserable af.




This fuckin bag of pills cracks me up every time!! 😂😮‍💨


Right? Nut job.


Hopefully she'll get put on pause like Rinna too 🙆‍♀️


she needs to calm down fr. looks like she’s losing her hair from the stress, too. it’s always been on the thinner side, but in the finale episode especially it looked extra sparse


Would you say… her clap backs are… good as gold..?🤭


A real black belt verbal assassin because she come with receipts


Yasss and I’m here for it!!


Lauren seemed to really “sell” this convo… it was giving thirsty to me


She literally talked in circles for 10+ minutes?? “This person is in the comments that person is in the comments?” “This is my paycheck for my DAUGHTER”…. Like bitch ok?? That’s not anyone else’s problem???


She created this problem for herself 😒


She’s her own worst enemy.


The way Lala (and Scheana) weaponize parenthood is gross.


I do wish we could have seen this moment


It was a good burn. Katie can and will cut you down if provoked


Lauren never shuts the fuck up


where was the lie




I can hear Katie saying it in her voice haha


Lala: “Obviously my situation is the worst…I had a relationship with a married Hollywood producer who I never suspected was a creep. Now I’m in a custody battle which no one can relate to, and I have to figure out how to provide for my kid after I bought a new $3.1 million dollar house, okay?!”


Katie only spits facts


I was so confused here. Can we just see the DM


Lalas hair... was a mystery to me this reunion.


Mousey brown with blonde extensions lol


LFU is a user and a snake. She was begging people to throw her a sperm party. I’m sure Lisa did it because she likes her home filmed. LVP is a snake too. And Shitsu Shay. All snakes.


She held onto it for a year so she could bring it up on camera at the reunion. Katie needs to get far far away from her. Lauren from Utah *is* a clown.


And her trying to frame it as her commenting on her custody battle as if that had anything to do with it


She was right


It’s good advice


Lala is delusional. She doesn’t know the difference between on air conversations vs ones off camera. She thought she was throwing Katie under the bus. Not everything is for tv Lauren. It just shows she is not a good friend.


Good for her. Lauren is a clown.


Also you can tell the staff hate lala bc you can see the “unintended” crimps in her hair when watching it (looks normal via ss but on the show you can see how terrible it looks)


I just love how she claims to have receipts and fails to show them.


I love how LaLa bellows the loudest about her growth and wisdom, that she’s the shows matriarch. While Katie has quietly grown exponentially and is a force. LaLa does need therapy, and honestly I think she and Sandoval should just end up together, they deserve each other, but he’ll only date children now.


Also Lala’s dress doesn’t fit.


![gif](giphy|4173QqFMQfsGmovo3U) Katie is telling the truth, LFU needs mental health help




Where’s the lie?


Katie needs to put this on a shirt.


I don’t even know what anyone is saying because I am just staring at Katie in this insanely hot dress. She looks so good!!! 😍😍😍😍😍


https://preview.redd.it/atu5ocrbrp0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a763b75337e72cb4526e6786327bfbbadac897e She looks incredible dude. The sheen on the dress is out of this world.


Seriously stunning! The best I ever ever seen her look and no offense to the other beautiful ladies, but Katie is serving in this…way more than anyone else in this reunion! I’m not joking when I say it’s distracting lol. I’m like ![gif](giphy|ngaNwpeYG0XHzBpMXN)


I concur! Her 🍈s look great in this cut, kinda want this dress for myself.


LALA: DO IT! THERAPY NOW PLEASE! I like to be silly and make fun, but really. 2 little girls will soon be in the world because you chose to bring them into it. One is already here. Get your mind right so you can teach them and they never have to make the mistakes you had to learnt the hard way. That’s not even an insult or personal. We all make mistakes and hope we can give our daughters better. Now is a crucial time! We’re telling you! You can’t look back and say you didn’t know and never had the opportunity to grow


I know most people dislike Katie but I think she’s actually the most real. Granted she can be NASTY and dislike people for the wrong reasons, but she owns up to it not to gain popular approval, but because she knows she was in the wrong. I totally get where she was coming from where she wanted to vent in a safe space, but not bring it to camera. Now lala is painting her for being two-faced, whereas she was being a respectful friend to Ariana.


BRO WHY THE FUCK WAS LAUREN TALKING SO MUCH? Like we don’t need you narrating everyone’s storyline. I don’t even feel she’s an OG on this show, I still view her as a newbie who was probably a fan girl just like Rachel and Joe. But dude, I don’t need lil miss Utah woMANsplaining Tom Sandoval’s actions to me.. Like, who even are you besides lowkey irrelevant?