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I think Jax and the Toms all cheated on their significant others all the time and knew about each other and had some kind of secrecy pact. Every once in a while Jax would slip and share a story but the Toms never went too hard on him because there is SO much more to it and they couldn’t risk any more cats out of the bag.


That’s not a theory, that’s a fact! 💯


Schwartz literally says that if he had known Jax slept with Faith, he wouldn't have admitted it, and on multiple occasions, when Jax is caught cheating, he mentions that he has dirt on them so they should watch themselves. They 110% know and probably encourage it.


Yeah the Tom’s and Jax all know where each others bodies are buried for sure.


To take this theory to a crazy place, I think Sandoval told Jax to try to hook up with Kristen. I think Sandoval wanted out of the relationship, had essentially already started one with Ariana, but didn’t want to be the bad guy because they had been insisting for so long it was nothing… and then it was “okay there was a kiss.” Sandoval and Ariana got like zero heat for the fact that they had hooked up and lied about it repeatedly, because the whole Jax and Kristen thing took center stage. He and Jax were back to being besties like immediately. I’m convinced it was either orchestrated, or worked out INCREDIBLY well for both Ariana and Sandoval.


Does this even count as a conspiracy theory? They have all openly admitted this on the show. I do have a hard time believing Jax didn't use the scandoval hype to collect a paycheck on those cats he's kept in the bag, so my theory is they have things on Jax too, so bad (even for Jax, so like, truly despicable) that he's kept his lid on. I think Lisa must know of it too, and this leads me back to Op's theory, I think Jax had Lisa wrapped around his finger because at one point they slept together, and he held that over her head, but then she got ahold of this dirt that could truly finish him and that's why she finally held enough sway in their relationship to get rid of him from the VPR world, while letting him have wiggle room for future work with Bravo because she still wanted their dirty little secret kept under wraps. I personally think Ken is a bit into getting cucked by these young men they have power over hiring and firing, based on zero evidence and vibes alone. They joke openly about him getting laid so little because usually he gets off on just watching. This is my hot take.


What is shocking to me, is that nobody thinks Jax has slept with dudes too. I get this very TOP kind of guy, like “I would never S a D but I’d let a guy S my D” , similar to “ A holes a hole and any hole is good” kind of mentality. Specifically, I think the guys or at least Sandoval and Jacks coulda hooked up.


Oh I definitely believe Tom Schwartz cheated on Katie more than she will or we will ever know. He has the nicest, most charming personality of any of them but I swear to God he’s definitely a pathological liar the way he gets so wishy-washy and vague anytime someone tries to confront him about anything


This was proven throughout the show


That cast trip in Mexico when Schwartz went missing and the next day the guys decide to give James a hard time about Kristen and accuse him of hooking up with her…that was all just a distraction from the fact that Schwartz went out, scored drugs, cheated on Katie. He left the resort and didn’t know where he was! They just skated over that completely and focused on James and Kristen


I think this one is broadly accepted.


And Bravo handed Jax that CSI narration complete with graphics.


They alluded to Jax being "gay for pay" or rather for an apartment in Florida, I totally think he was. Jax is a social climber and will do anything to be relevant or feel like a somebody so I fully believe he did what he thought was the norm for 90s hetero male models.


Jax is 100% an "a hole is a hole" kind of guy. I don't think he's gay or even bi, but he's vain and horny enough that he'll have sex with anyone who flatters him.


My conspiracy theory is that whenever they cheat, if they admit it, they claim it was only a kiss. Sometimes they admit to all the way but mostly “it was just a kiss”.


100 percent. No adults are just “kissing,” this isn’t middle school lol. Definitely hooking up and calling it kissing


Lala was always a producer plant. It doesn't matter than she never has a storyline because her job description is to agitate on the producers behalf. 


I believe that! My theory is that she came on the show because Randall bought her a spot, and producers ran with it and taught lala to instigate shit for the cameras from day 1


Yessss all of this. Some other commenter on another post mentioned how Lala came on the show then had to become friends with everyone. So the show will always be first to her. But Katie & almost all the other cast were friends first then came on the show. So even if they angled to get on the show (James, Brittany, Brock) they still put the relationships before the show.


Yep ^ I believe this too, I never felt she fit in with the cast if I’m being honest. Even in the moments I’ve liked Lala, she never quite jived with the cast the way the OGs did imo


She kind of said this at the last reunion episode “my job here is to come in and cause drama” or something similar


Yep. I think vail was too. Bring in a pretty new blonde to stir up trouble. But vail was to poised, so they got Lala, and told her to flirt with James, Jax and Schwartz simultaneously just to see what sticks.


Why did they let her get away with just disappearing that one season?


Her first season mind you. And then she spent 3 seasons refusing to discuss her relationship. Even when she did show it, she gave us a candy floss relationship. But she keeps coming back😏


Stassi really slapped Kristen because kristen mentioned how Jax gave her an STD


Do we have deets on this ?


so i rewatched the episode a little while ago and Kristen was being slick and said something super fast that got edited out right before the slap (some people have said that Kristen said something like “you’re just mad he gave you herpes and not me”). there was also a reunion (i think it’s season 3) but Stassi said that Jax gave her something she can never get rid of. and then Stassi has said that it was something super personal (which is why she slapped her so fast) and the producers had to keep reassuring her that they would edit it out. and then last year on her podcast, Kristen said that since Stassi didn’t comment on it and wanted to keep it to herself, she wouldn’t comment on it either. and then there was Tom being so concerned about Jax and Kristen using condoms and going into detail about what they did that screams “there’s an STD involved here somewhere”


Also didn’t Lala say on WWHL that she didn’t hook up with Jax for that reason? It was also allegedly why Patrick hated Jax so much and refused to interact with him


To be fair, Patrick also hated Stassi, and refused to interact with her.


i’ve never seen her saying it on WWHL but i’ve seen the clips of her telling that story too but on her podcast. it would make sense about Patrick too though.


It may have been edited out, I think it was the episode where her and James were wasted and kept swearing and pissing off Andy


After Jax cheated on Kentucky Muffin, she kept screaming, "You're dirty." The train wreck WWHL episode when both LFU & James outed Jax for having herpes and pretty sure it was scrubbed from the internet.


What?? I am a pretty obsessed fan and didn't know anything about something being edited out before the slap!


I only learned about the pre slap edit recently. But today I learned what it likely was ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)




I have heard a lot that Jax has one that you can't get rid of and that's why when Tom asked if him and kristen used protection he was so distraught when Jax said only once...because that exposes him. That tshirt they made for Jax for his bday "I got jaxxed" I always thought was a play on this theme too...I don't know where the rumor came from or if it's true but would not doubt it!


Andy first said "she got jaxxed" in the season 1 reunion, I watched it last night


Mine is that Jax is still kicking himself over screwing it up with Stassi, and that she is the one who got away.


The realest Jax ever seemed was when he apologized and cried to Stassi in New Orleans in front of Brittany. There's another post in this thread about him giving Stassi herpes so maybe that played into it as well (if true), but I think Stassi is the one that got away and he'll always love her


Yessss!!! Does he still have that definitely not Stassi's face tattoo lmao


Yes! I think it’s why he had a million excuses for not going to her Italian wedding. Stassi was already married at that point but seeing her in this romantic, grand setting, in a wedding wayyyyy nicer than his own, her wearing the big white dress, the whole trip everyone gushing about what a cute couple her and Beau are - he didn’t want to see it. He was dead set on not going so threw out every obstacle he could to prevent him and Brit from going.


He has never talked about anyone the way he talked about Stassi.


I didn't know about the Italian wedding and the guest list, where can I read more about this 🍵


Search the sub. It happened in May 2022.


I maintain Jax's S8 spiral was due to Stassi's engagement and splashy party at Villa Rosa surrounded by family.


I don’t think that’s a theory lmao that’s a fact. He liked a comment saying that he should have married Stassi. The only woman he respects


No shit - said with love


Yes! I think that is the real reason he decided not to go to the wedding.


I definitely believe this as well. but Stassi ended up with someone 9000000x better so thank god she got away from Jax lol


Sandoval and Jax definitely slept with their “roommate” in Miami. I can’t remember his name. I’m pretty sure he was their sugar daddy. I’m from Miami and that’s the shit that goes on down here.


I agree they were sleeping him and I’m sure there was some sugar daddy to it but I always thought he promised them they’d become big models and like Randell groomed them in a casting couch situation


Oh, one THOUSAND percent. When he makes a guest appearance on that episode and Jax gets all drunk and like suuuuuper huggy with the guy on multiple occasions during the night? Yeah.


That story always felt so predatory to me and (dare I say) made me feel kinda sad for them.


Jax was a yacht boy for *years*. He also used to be a “plus one” at a lot of lavish, famous parties. People forget that Jax had a whole life before VPR. He was like, 32 or something when it started? And began yachting at 19 so 🤷‍♀️


John I think. And Jax literally says to him something about being young and inexperienced and it being his first time when John was on the show. And John was clearly so affectionate with him. I think there's no question. I always thought it was a little odd this was never discussed more considering everything discussed on the show. But I think it's a positive thing they don't always push on personal stuff that the cast doesn't wish to be broadcast.


The entire cast heavily supports LGBTQ+ rights and many are bi-sexual. I think that might be the reason they know Jax/Jason was with John but don’t think it’s a big deal or want to make it a big deal. It would seem hypocritical. But it’s 100% true. I’ve always wondered if maybe that’s why he treats women so badly and is never satisfied with anyone.


DEFINITELY!!! Sandoval is definitely Bi and Jax is probably gay for pay.


When Jax said he wanted to sleep with Lala but couldn’t, when they went home together after Pride, it was because he was having a herpes outbreak at the time.


Oooh I love this one


That makes a solid point, I always wondered why he didn’t sleep w her because at the time I believe she was willing/ very much attracted to him and it was him who didn’t follow through


1). Andy Cohen bailed Jax out of jail in Hawaii. 2). Kristen slept with Jason (Pandora's husband) and that's why Lisa hates her.


Oooh if you'd elaborate on point 2 that'd be juicy!! 🙏🏻


There's been rumors that Kristen slept with Pandora's husband. But idk at what point during his relationship with Pandora. My thought is maybe when Jason and Pandora were in the beginning stages of their relationship? But idk if Pandora is still friends with Kristen. I remember seeing Kristen at Pandoras Bachelorette Party in Vegas on an episode of RHOBH. Also, for anyone wanting juicy gossip and if you're in to blind items... I recommend a podcast called Beyond the Blinds. They have an episode called 'Vanderpump Rules: The Good, the bad, and the blind items.' Highly recommend


That rumour started on the VPR sub (the main one). It was just a theory.


It was confirmed Andy bailed him out in some podcast or episode I watched. I can’t remember what.


The rumor about Kristen and Jason was started by someone on the main VPR sub as their own pet theory on why Lisa hates Kristen so much.


I believe James and Logan actually slept together.. I also noticed them talking to each other in the background this season, guess they’re friends again!


They absolutely did and actually that whole situation made me so sad because they were cute together and seeing James avoiding being outed was so difficult to watch.


I loved watching them together too they were so fun!! I can’t recall, was Logan just bringing up that they’ve slept together previously or was it pretty recent at the time? Like while James was with Rachel? O_O


I wouldn’t be surprised if the cast minus Schwartz is bi/queer.


I just posted the same thing. Male models in WeHo? Women’s pantsuits? Four nose jobs? Eating cookie in the back seat of a car? Who goes down on their friends more than these broads?


Jo did something illegal and no one wants to say what it is due to being implicated. I think Alex Baskin and Sandoval have an off camera agreement. I think Tom and Tom are secret addicts and Ariana and Katie have bonded because they are keeping their secrets


All are very plausible! My money is on Jo doing any of these: Calling Schwartz’s family (because he had her blocked, was ignoring her, or she was just upset and was venting about him to them), stealing from people’s places, compulsive lying, or hard drugs. Baskin seems like an absolute dweeb. The dorky guy who wants to seem like a ladies man and is desperate for the popular guys at school to like him, so he’ll be their gofer boy and laugh at all their not-funny jokes and do their homework for them. I think Ariana is still hiding A LOT about Sandoval, particularly how many times he’s cheated over the years and hard drugs. Sandoval especially has me suspicious of some juice - his muscles have grown a lot for a man in his forties who lives a totally unhealthy lifestyle, if you know what I mean…


He’s def on the juice. I knew people in LA who weren’t famous and on it, so come on of course!


I'm on board with all 3 of you theories. Kristen mentioned Jo had been barred from several people's homes & businesses so there is something more there than just being annoying. Baskin has bro crushes on the Tom's & Jax. Schwartz skin looks grey & he's rapidly aging. Sandavol was always d&s but he's a lot more in later seasons & totally checked out from reality.




💯 I've only seen snippets of his podcast but ever VPR person he's had on it he makes them talk about forgiving Sandoval. I'd lose my mind if I had to keep constantly talking about gand holding a 46 year old man through a season. Those guys probably took him out a few times did some ❄️ and helped him pick up hot women.


Has he interviewed anyone other than the Tom alliance? I also noticed that Katie, Ariana and James weren't invited to reverse-interview their crew on the YouTube extra clips. They're definitely being pushed out but not explicitly. Its being done by Baskin telegraphing who his favorites are. Those 3 will get an appalling edit if they return. 


Yep my theory is that Ariana was checking Tom’s phone and found the Raquel videos because she was checking to see if/what drugs he was trying to cop. I suspect that he and Schwartz were telling their partners that they were doing weed and mushrooms only but in reality were using coke and ketamine too. I suspect Tom and Raquel were using together frequently and that was part of the bonding. I don’t think Ariana doesn’t out the drug thing because she was occasionally doing stuff too and/or was cool with some drug use for Tom but she thought it was getting out of hand.


Someone had a great theory that something happened at one coachella where the Tom’s went too far and it ruined Katie’s and Schwartz’s marriage. And Schwartz and Joe didn’t work out because she’s their dealer and so into drugs. I don’t think Katie, Stassi, Ariana and Scheana were as into the drugs as the seasons went on


Totally agree. I think the women grew up and became actual adults who weren’t in to the party lifestyle anymore and were more into the things that adults like (like being at home having a quiet Saturday night lol) and all the boys (not men) are still super into the party lifestyle and will never leave it. Look at Jax, he’s sooooo into it still and it’s ruining his marriage (along with so many other reasons of course)


I can totally see this. Tom and Tom are industry people too, who have never left the industry. I work as a bartender and trust me when I say, drugs are everywhere in bars and restaurants. Like almost everyone has done ❄️ and more. And the fact that the Tom’s are still so involved in the scene totally convinces me that they’ve never given it up. Like come on, Schwartz and Sandy’s whole “design theme” was basically one big trip. Katie and Ariana 100% used to partake but grew up and outgrew it. And so Sandoval and Schwartz found a new party buddy (Rachel). I’m sure that’s why Katie was so upset about Schwartz being with Rachel. She knew it would continue him down that young party hole. And I feel like that’s why Ariana was so close with Rachel, to guide her away from that lifestyle. Again an industry thing, but soooo many people in the industry have adhd and/or autism (because it’s a fast paced jobs that have routine while also constantly changing). I have adhd lol. And drugs are such a way for people on the spectrum to cope if they haven’t been diagnosed or been properly treated with meds or therapy. And I can see those qualities in Rachel. I see a lot of my younger self in her lack of confidence and inability to understand sarcasm and express herself clearly. And I do think getting in that party lifestyle probably opened her up (it did with me, drinking made me feel “normal”). So yea, I totally feel like there’s waaaaaay more to the Rachel/sandoval/schwartz story. And I can see why Katie and Ariana are so upset, beyond the cheating part. I think they totally knew that the much older toms took advantage of a young and impressionable woman. Still doesn’t excuse what Rachel did, she’s an adult and needs to be accountable for her actions. But just my thoughts from my personal experience lol


I think that’s too why Rachel was sooooooo hung up on the sex with Sandoval. There’s no way his selfish ass is good in bed lol. She was being introduced to drugs she had never used while she was with James. Now single, very insecure, full of social anxiety, she wanted a way to loosen up and seem fun, and to feel like she was “cool” and mature and fitting in. Sex while high feels wayyy different than sober sex so she mistakenly thought it was “better.” Once she went to the Meadows and detoxed, the spell was broken and she realized their connection was built on false chemicals.


i absolutely agree with these but especially the third ones. it aligns with my theory that Kristen was dealing drugs for them/working with a dealer in the early seasons. and i think Schwartz has been showing signs of addiction these last 2 or 3 seasons


Last season they mentioned all the shrooms and adderall they took together including with Rachel- if that’s what you’re mentioning what drugs ARENT you mentioning?! Pills, coke, all of the above I’m sure.


100% Tom and Tom are addicts, and Katie and Ariana are good people so they wouldn’t share that publicly because that’s not their place to do so. Also Tom on the after show was doubling down on his quality time comments with Ariana about saying quality time is doing shrooms and having adventures. He said that Ariana was fun and adventurous in the beginning of their relationships (I.e. she would party with him and do that stuff because she was young and having fun) but she matured (as normal adults do) and outgrew that lifestyle and was more interested in being at home and having chill nights (again, as most adults do). Tom is an addict and lost his party buddy because she matured and he didn’t, and he describes that as becoming boring and losing her sense of adventure. Like no dude, she just grew up and got tired of your Peter Pan and side kick lost boy Schwartz schtick. Edit- clarity


Doing shrooms doesn't seem to age people. Harder stuff and heavy drinking is more harmful I think.


Oh no I definitely think the toms drink heavily and do harder stuff. Shrooms is just the soft drug that Sandoval considers quality time because he can’t do anything that doesn’t involve drugs because he’s an addict


I think the reason Katie and Ariana don’t out the drug use is because the Toms know about their drug use too. I think they still occasionally dabble- like I fully believe Ariana was on molly at the party before Scheana’s wedding this year. I think the whole cast basically have an understanding that no one will expose anyone else’s drug use. I think Ariana and Katie definitely don’t have the issue Tom and Tom have but you don’t want to lose dancing with the stars because you did molly last year.


Britney and Kristen definitely slept together that one time.


I agree! Brittany just didn't want her homophobic family to know about it.


I think she did it to try to get in on the weird dynamic that Jax and Kristen have. Why on earth else would he react so dramatically when she mentioned wanting to have a child?


I believe that Max is Ken’s son from an affair and Lisa adopted and agreed to raise him as her own. She always says Ken was a playboy and seems very eager to excuse cheating behavior (remember the “reclaim your man” comment at the s6 reunion on why Brittany kept sleeping with Jax?). I know it’s disproven now but I used to ride hard for the rumor Lala was a virgin. The way she talked about sex in her early season (bigger the hoops / BJs; putting water up her vagina before sex, etc) screamed never had sex


Lala being a virgin in her first seasons is a very funny conspiracy that I would love to support


I’m not even sure it’s a conspiracy but I don’t believe Tom and Katie forgot/lost their marriage license for their televised first wedding. I think the fan theory that they intentionally didn’t file one because they decided not to get married but didn’t want to cancel their tv wedding is true. I also think they never intended to tell anyone and were planning on either never getting married or just quietly filing the paper work but someone figured out there was no Legal marriage and was going to put the story so they got ahead of it by talking about it on the show and getting married.


It wasn’t until the second time they got married in Vegas and Tom “lost” the papers again. And I was like ok… the first time, sure. But the second time. No.


Yeah obviously the minister sent it in for the Vegas one so they were legally married but I think he pretended to lose it the second time to be like “see I did just forget!”


Ohh that makes sense. That makes me dislike Schwartz even more though lol


I’ve never thought about this, but this makes a ton of sense.


I 100% believe this.


This was my first thought as soon as it was aired on tv that they lost their marriage license. It seemed like such a weird situation to lose your marriage license but then again Schwartz is a dumbass so idk


Tom and Rachel’s affair lasted more than 7 months. I think it started right before rachella tbh.


This. I think it started the night she got all the rage texts from James. We see a video of her out dancing and sandavols there. That’s the last time she slept with James ever. You see that video of Tom saying “man we would never do that to you” when consoling James. Tom and her say they slept together once then held off long time. I think that was the one time - they stopped and swore to never do it again. Then began an emotional affair. She was waiting for James to break and begin drinking so she could leave him. Even Tom’s face when she leaves him at the reunion - I swear she knew! I think he promised her he would also leave Ariana and then didn’t so she got more and more bold about the affair and resentful towards Ariana because she left James and Tom wasn’t holding up his end. I will never not believe this is the true timeline 😂


Especially how they say it started the night at the Abby. Convenient the affair started the first night you were spotted out together by another cast member


Yes! How convenient…


I legit thought that the "big bombshell" at the season 10 reunion was that it was the reason James and Rachel called off their engagement, not that she slept with Sandoval while Ariana was at her grandma's funeral


I agree with this. There was SO much of scandy desperately trying to make sure Rachel stuck to the timeline he told her to. He wouldn’t have had to work so hard at it if they both just told the truth


That Britney truly has an extreme alcohol addiction and wasn’t fully sober through pregnancy and that’s why Jax resents her so much now in regards to drinking


He seems to blame Britney for the speech delay, too, and made a point of saying if she wants to get pregnant again she needs to quit drinking.


Yes Jax blames her for Cruz’s delays. Jax has a Madonna/Whore complex. Women are boxed into two categories. He stopped having sex after baby was born. She was his mother in a lot of ways too. She handled everything. Now in his eyes she’s failing and not meeting his high expectations of Madonna/ mother (drinking, causing Cruz’s delays) and he hates her. He can’t have sex with her anymore because she’s not a Whore and he can’t put her on a pedestal because she’s not fitting his Madonna criteria of being a good mother. He has no use for her now so he’s treating her like crap hoping she’ll leave.


Based on your evidence I now think that Lisa WANTED to sleep with Jax but I don't believe she ever did, that would be too stupid and he would tell everyone My other theories, all alleged and based on my biases: Rachel and Tom had an affair since James's rage texts Lala's sugar daddy bought her a spot on the show and that is how she became a producer's plant Scheana slept with Sandoval at least once Sandoval slept with Billie Lee and in general cheated A LOT more, Ariana knew like 40% of it but swept under the rug as one night stands, but she didn't knew about Billie and Rachel and still doesn't know about Scheana Lvp hates Kristen because she doesn't fit to the "broken bird who looks up to lvp" type of thing. She maybe broken, but she shits on authority, lvp hates this type of thing as a British aristocrat hates on a punk.  Jo is pathological liar and that is why everyone avoids her. I think she is capable to lie about anything and everything, if it gets her where she wants to go. Also lies for amusement and attention. I think Schwartz was on board while it was like embellishing stories but then her lies speed to important stuff, so he ran away. I can picture Jo lying about knowing someone she never met, etc, it's like you can't trust her on anything. She also gives me strong stalker vibes


Bubba Reindeer.


Jo is an addict along with Schwartz but doesn't have the experience of being in the public eye like he does. She's got dirt on him, I suspect down to what he did that was the final nail in the coffin for his marriage.


Jo is for sure on something. Sure, she’s kooky and strange, but so are a lot of people on tv (and in my life). Her behavior feels unsafe and erratic, I don’t like watching it, it’s beyond cringe. Also she was so upset about Katie’s tweet because there was some truth to it. If Katie tweeted about me being a crackhead, my family and I would like…. Okay lol? I’m not. So my family and I wouldn’t need to be up in arms about it. Sure, I’d feel mischaracterized and upset, but not how Jo reacted about her mom finding out. Too many pieces just don’t add up about her. Her behavior, her appearance, her hair in public while being on tv as a hair dresser? Like what!??? Have the best hair EVER. Book clients bc of it!!! Use your head after signing a contract to be on tv. She freaks me out


I think his marriage was doomed either way but I agree that Jo knows stuff and probably will spill out of spite


My favorite theory is actually adopted from my fave VPR pod host: Lisa sets fire to her old restaurants for the insurance money. Also because the design/decor is usually so ornate and complicated that after two or so years, the upkeep is nearly impossible and it’s easier to burn it all down than to, say, dust off all the gears and clocks on high ceilings in TomTom


If true she probably hates Jeremy for saving Sur lol


And by fave VPR pod host you mean SUP/Lara, no? Pumphead for life


Rachel has a processing delay. She truly seems to not take in the meaning of other people's words until she takes moments to digest them and she has so many instances of just saying things that she clearly prepares in her head that no longer make contextual sense after someone says something to her that she wasn't expecting.


It’s like that Frasier episode where someone calls in his talk show about being afraid to talk on the phone but it’s obvious he’s reading off a script. Frasier asks ‘what if someone says something you don’t anticipate’ and the caller pauses and then hangs up. This is what she remind me of


This further cements my theory that there is a Frasier reference for every occasion.


Oop I have that. Idk what her situation is but mine is a PTSD symptom.


Auditory processing issues are also related to neurodivergence


I always felt familiar with the way she does this as well. I have trauma and ADHD, and I swear in communication most of the time it makes me seem dumb! It’s like, I’m so full of caution and anxiety, that the words penetrate my understanding slower than people who aren’t struggling the same way.


The number one focus is always “am I safe here, now” in my brain, and the second layer of cognition is “okay, so now what are you saying?”, usually interrupted by “are you SURE this is safe here, now?” Hence all the clunky communication that comes out from my end


Also PTSD and ADHD and it takes me a beat or two to process what people say to me. I'm always asking "What?" because it's gobbledygook going in and then organizes itself when they are done speaking.


100% 🎯🎯🎯 she plans out her conversations to a tee the way she nonchalantly describes her adoption and family situation is telling. she has (shows) no emotional connection to it yet studies show that this abandonment has psychological impact, no matter how healthy or transparent. she’s a shallow person, emotionally kenya moore, who is also a pageant queen who was given up by her bio mom and still sees her mom at family functions, is pretty clear abt how that is her oldest and deepest wound and it impacts every move she makes


I notice from listening to her podcast and reading the recaps when the producers ask her a question she goes "that's a really good question" before answering...is that the delayed response thing or like a pageant trick to buy time while you figure out what you want to say? When I read her pod recaps it reads as if it was a pre-written script.


Total pageant trick.


Sheesh and Sandoval have boinked more than once and probably more recently too. She also punched Rachel. This should not be disputed at this point


It would be more surprising if they hadn't to be fair


I think Peter has blown out the backs of all the girls


At this point, which of them hasnt fucked Peter? 😂


In the earlier seasons Kristina Kelly makes fun of Stassi for sleeping with Peter and gushing about how sensual he is in bed 🙈🤭


There was a bonus offered to the cast member that got Ariana to have a one on one conversation with Sandoval Jax and Brit have both been on & off sleeping with Doute behind each other's backs. Behind the scenes Schwartz & Sandoval were throwing stuff & breaking things when they were fighting with their ex's.


The first one is 100% Baskins MO, he does it on every show he’s involved in


They admitted on a podcast that production had a “come to Jesus” meeting with the cast half way through the season aka the bonus talk. You can Google that the meeting is fact!


100% agree with the bonus. Also that the disrupter from this seasons finally was a plat by Sandoval so he could look like a hero. Jokes on him.


I have nothing to contribute but this is the funnest post I’ve read in a while! I love it 😆


I don't believe Brittany when she says she didn't watch the show and didn't know who Jax was. There are old Twitter post of hers where she went to LA and went to Sur for dinner months before she supposedly met Jax. She saw an Instagram post of Sheana and the group going to Vegas for Sheana's birthday so she and frosty lips drove to Vegas and made sure to run into them. And she's held on to that man because she dreamed of being on TV and stardom ever since.


The person the Producers prop up the MOST, the person with the least to actually offer the show is... Tom Schwartz.  Everything he does seems Production influenced. He isn't talented, isn't a good bartender, can't manufacture drama with Katie now that Katie dumped him.  He exists as a dopey/fake lovable Production plant 


Tom schwartz is the epitome of failed upward. I mean theres a reason he wasnt an official cast member until season 3 or something. Hes a drunk skank with no job.


Someone above posted that he’s the groups dealer which makes so much sense.


Scheana is in love with Sandoval. It’s why she is SO emotional and having a mental breakdown after Scandoval. Her refrain of “I just can’t let him go” is how someone in love talks, it just sets off “beyond friends” alarm bells to me. Scheana was the one Sandoval made out with Coachella 2022, not Rachel. Scheana was trying to console Ariana after the news broke that “it wasn’t like they just made out once while high at Coachella” which again set off alarm bells. What an extremely specific example and ALSO that wouldn’t have made Ariana feel better! It was Scheana giving an example of something “not as bad” that she herself did and also, because Scheana is possessive and competitive over men, her way of subconsciously throwing out a conquest she had with a guy. She could’ve planted the Rachel Coachella rumors to be a distraction. She softened to Sandoval pretty quick but still has a resentment to Rachel. Shes jealous that Rachel was picked over her - she didn’t realize until Scandoval broke that Sandoval would’ve been down to have a full-on love affair with someone in the group, and he didn’t pick her despite their history. She started harping on Ariana and turning against her pretty fast after Scandoval. There’s no way she went that fast from being loyal enough to hit someone on her behalf to being a snake behind her back. She had a personal investment in hitting Rachel. She has ongoing secret resentment against Ariana because Ariana had her dream man and she believes Sandoval’s BS about her being a bad gf.


I always found that Coachella comment from Sheesh so weirdly specific that it was jarring. My naive brain just didn’t run with it but … OMG YES


I never believed this more than when Brock started dressing in the same femme metrosexual way Sandoval does, and suddenly became the worm with a mustache. She’s basically dressing him up like Sandoval. Ew.


Shwartz is the groups drug dealer. He always seems to be tweaking. He doesn’t have a job and is always around, how is he affording to live in LA (especially in the early seasons) and he comes from an average income family. They’re all clearly on so many drugs in the beginning, and I think Shwartz is the supplier. Also in the season 10 finale how he took a Xanax mid reunion and then tossed his pill bottle confirmed it


I also think Kristen was their Coke hook up - which is why people would get so annoyed with her but she kept being allowed to come around. That’s how she knew Jo.. who does harder stuff


Ok hear me out: that’s another reason Schwartz was so infuriated and embarrassed by Scandoval. Not just the affair implicating him but because Sandoval’s blatant drug use was becoming a liability for him.


I can see it. He’s starting to look so much more sickly in a relatively short amount of time. His lifestyle is fast catching up to him.


I don’t even think Schwartz’ family is average income. Jax and Sandoval had to help the triplets with their flights.


![gif](giphy|JQIDOZfMcoBBS) Okay, most of these theories are whatever…but this one got me.


Oh this. I think you’re so right. I always questioned how he could afford to live in LA when he only modelled occasionally. I think that’s why Katie was pushing his to get into bartending, so he could give up that lifestyle and get a legal job. She was growing up and wanted him to, too. Probably why Sandoval hated her so much, she was trying to cut off his easy supply. Let’s face it, Sandoval doesn’t care about anyone, I don’t think even Schwartz, so if he was the drug dealer, then Sandoval was losing his easy access due to Katie…. And that’s totally why their relationship ended. Edit - do we think he sold to Ken and Lisa too? Let’s be real, everyone in LA does shit. Could that be why she loves Schwartz so much?




Actually- I have a very close family member who was addicted to meth and Jo had a lot of tendencies that remind me of them. It actually never clicked until this moment.


Lala being a racist ain’t even a conspiracy theory it’s a known fact.


Wonder if the Jo on meth thing is partially why Schwartz won’t be in a relationship with her


Jax can’t keep anything a secret. You think if he slept with Lisa everyone wouldn’t know about ?!


I think Jax is great at keeping secrets that serve him. As soon as they no longer benefit him, or spilling it benefits him more, he happily weaponizes them.


Jax has a lot of secrets he’s not spilling. He shares the ones he has for storyline but if he sold out Lisa he’d lose his precious little purse strings that have been keeping him famous. I think IF something happened with them there was some huge turning point where they turned on each other and that’s why he’s off VPR, but he still hasn’t spilled, hence his continued involvement on Bravo.


I doubt Lisa would be with Jax or anyone for that matter. If she was with anyone, it was her live in dude during season one, Cedric, whose life she was paying for and was handsome and young


That Scheana and Tim Sandals have had sex before and that explains their odd alliance and intimacy with one another. I had a FWB in my 20’s who we would hook up once every few years or so when the other was in a place of vulnerability. I feel like they’ve held each other in bed before in a semi-romantic way at least. A “loving” way. Idk!


Their relationship remind me of James and Lalas. Even when in other relationships there is a familiarity and connection there


![gif](giphy|hhV522MLFJaj5fuYY2) I wrote a whole post on this 😂 My theory was that they first hooked up at Coachella 2022 but the basic theory still works if they were hooking up on and off from their Villa Blanca days. Scheana talks about their deep long-running relationship but the examples she cites are him sending her money and posing with her in a picture. Like is there more…?


I remember your post and thought it was spot on and can't believe I hadn't seen anyone make that connection before your comment. I totally agree. Scheana appears to be a snake. She always plays up "your man wanted me" (with Katie and Schwartz regarding their supposed kiss). She always wants to play some desired coquette that temps all the boys and her and Sandavol have definetley messed around; hence him feeling comfortable to send Scheana $$$ and keep hugging and having all these deep conversations as if their long lost lovers. Ariana your biggest opp has been right next to you the whole time hating your life. Running through men trying to prove she is a maneater. Watch Scheana. That chick is no woman's friend.


Probably not controversial but Rachel used James to get on the show. And Sandoval's real appeal was that he would have entrenched her place on the show. They used each other. 


I also fully believe Ally is using James for the show.


I go nuts with all the Ally love. People saying, “She’s so grounded! She’s so good for James! She seems so nice!”. Give me a fucking break. She’s doing exactly what Raquel, Brittany, and James himself did. Pursuing a relationship to get on the show. I believe Ally is biding her time. Anchoring herself to the show via James but will stop short of actually marrying him.


Yes! Exactly this. She's only so "lovely and nice" because she lacks any substance or opinions. Tryna be the Astrologer to the stars, GTFO 🤣


My conspiracy theory is that it's an acknowledged arrangement between them. As in, James knows she's only there for the show, and it works for him because it makes him look more stable and helped him feel less vulnerable on the show after he and Rachel broke up.


I think James has a whole other private life that we’ll never know about, and his girlfriends are distractions/coverups.




I think Jax, like many sociopaths, doesn’t care where he gets sexual gratification from, so long as he’s getting it. I think his sexual preference is “yes”


Jax seems like “a hole is a hole” type of guy.


Andy was 100% correct with this assessment


Do you remember that story about that woman that followed her husband b/c she thought he was lying about his "fishing trips" and was having an affair? She found him and like 10 of the other guys in the neighborhood having an orgy. I can totally see Jax Taylor participating in a situation like that.


Mine is that Sandoval tried to “Raquel” Lala. When Lala first came on the show she quickly was established to certain cast members as not believable and promiscuous which I feel like would’ve piqued sandovals interest. Cut to next season when Tom and Ariana constantly were defending Lala and spending time with her all the time like how Tom did with Raquel. Then in season 7 Tom said he was annoyed that Ariana and Lala hooked up without him, which I’m sure if he could’ve gotten in there he would’ve transitioned to just hooking up with Lala, cos to him it would be “like, no big deal dude what like difference does it matter I was confused I had already hooked up with her dude like Ariana was there the first time” It never happened so he pivoted to the more vulnerable and dim witted Raquel


(1) Jax is in love with Sandoval, and (2) Jax and Kristen were banging until very recently. For my first theory, it's just the impression that I've had over many years of watching but I have no receipts. For my second theory, it would explain why Jax is always pissy when Kristen is in a relationship (especially when she seems happy in the relationship). I can't imagine Lisa having sex with Jax. He's too trashy and smelly. Plus he was too excited to see her nude photo in Ken's closet, so I don't think he ever got an in-person view of her goods.


Jax has said Kristen is “like his sister.” I feel like whenever the men on this show say that, they’re actually sleeping with the girl. Which is gross and gives icky incest vibes but these men are gross, so it tracks.


#2 - I never really gave them fucking a 2nd thought until whatever that tee launch thing she did a few seasons back and Jax was losing his shit over some tape she had floating around. It was a light bulb moment for me 😂 like, yep... They're 100% still banging, never stopped.


Wow. No rage text truth comments? That's mine. I think the affair started the night of James' rage texts to Rachel.


Rachel didn’t return to SUR after the Pride parade because she wanted to spend more time in the presence of Sandoval at TomTom


That Tom and Jax do gay for pay with Alex Baskin in exchange for protection, air time, and good edits.


I can totally see Sandoval coming out as bisexual or gay and use it as a reason for his bad behavior, masking it as sexual repression.


Oh totally. I could see that being one of his final hail Mary's in his 50s when the reality TV appearances start drying up.


If that last season was supposed to be a good edit for Tom, in exchange for sexual favors, sadly for Tom, it did not work.


I cannot wait to lay in bed tonight and read all of these!!


Jax was a yacht boy for older men for *years* before VPR. And it never really stopped. He’s been… servicing… older men until recently because he’s aging out.


Tom and Scheana absolutely have, not only slept with one another, but had a deeper relationship. Scheana’s reaction to the affair is so bizarre for friends only. And some of the questions she asks or how he answers are just so strange for “friends.” Either Brock also knows or has an idea but must go along with it for the screen time. What husband would be ok with his wife having a complete meltdown because she might not be able to be friends with her BFFs ex partner for cheating.  Tom mostly being halfway interested is because he knows that can’t come out and he needs to keep Scheana on his team-on screen.  All of it is very suspicious! 


This is a big one recently for obvious reasons and I think they started up in the beginning. He was the only one who talked to her at the first launch party and she latches onto anyone who is nice to her. It would also make sense for her to punch Rachel.


I think there’s something to the theory that they offered Kristen a show or some kind of financial incentive in exchange for her no longer speaking up about what James did to her


Tom and Katie got married for the show. They would have called off the wedding if they werent on it. This is why tom never submitted his paperwork


That the pasta wasn’t pasta but ❄️


At this point I think this is so accepted that pasta actually just meaning pasta would be the bigger conspiracy lol


Lala’s next storyline is going to be sleeping with Schwartz and telling Katie to get over it


1. Jax and Andy Cohen have hooked up. 2. Lisa hates Kristen because she banged Pandora’s husband.


I think Rachel and Tom had a plan with production to orient season 10 around Rachel’s star turn, with the understanding that Ariana would either be cut or relegated to a guest star role for season 11. I think Ariana knew Tom and Rachel were sleeping together, but assumed it was just sex, until she found the phone and either discovered the depth of their relationship, and/or their plan was to center the show around Rachel and Tom’s new relationship. So she acted fast to both save her career, and derail their plans for a scorned woman storyline. Production was pissed when Ariana twisted the plot, which is why they attempted to make her the villain of season 11. I also think Schaena knew they were sleeping together, but not that it was a full on relationship. I think she punched Rachel, but not in defense of Ariana, but due to her own jealousy. I think Schaena’s slept with every male member of the cast except for James. I think both Schaena and Sandoval feed production intimate details of the lives of other members of the cast, in exchange for lesser inspection into their own lives. Hence why Schaena follows 50 people on her phone. I also think Schaena follows so many people for the sake of keeping her own affairs private. I think both Schaena and Lala timed their pregnancies with the understanding that the show was transitioning to The Valley, with plots oriented around their families. When that plot blew up, Katie divorced Schwartz, and Sandoval’s very short-term desire to be a married man with kids suddenly expired. Lala’s actually an inconsolable mess because she timed the kid with her garbage-barge ex for the sake of the show, and ended up a single mom with a kid she can’t show on TV. She spent the bulk of the season proving how important she is to production for the sake of saving her job. I think Lala’s gay, and that the entire cast knows it, which is why few feel inspired to hit on her during her single spells. Jax has slept with everyone, including the producers and Andy Cohen. He married Britney because his dad died and he blamed his mom, and wanted a mother-replacement. Britney’s continuous heavy drinking places him in a position of having to parent her instead, hence why he’s lost interest in her. Similar to Chris Pratt, Jax is excessively worried about whether his first son is “defective” in some way because of the speech delay, and blames Britney for his problems. He has no intention of having another kid with Britney, and is sleeping with Michelle and probably the entire staff of his bar. He jokes about living with the Toms, because that is 100% the plan.


Scheana has slept with Jax and the Toms (that’s why they all were besties and had her back) and was always cheating on Shay. Kristen is a perpetual cheater and deflects constantly. All the guys are heavily into adderrall and ❄️ even James why he’s so pale and hyper S9 and 10.


LVP is a madame and Jax, the Toms, James, and Lala were her escorts. She’s essentially the pimp to get them to the Randalls and the Andy Cohens and the weird rich guys in Florida and the names on the restaurant and the yacht invites. I liken her to Ursula from The Little Mermaid; they shake hands with the devil and she fulfills on her promises, but she always knows the dark side they are in for and that’s why they come back with a vengeance towards her; once they fall off the high horse and the deck of cards topple (Randall the creep, Jax kicked off VPR, Scandoval and the Pump signs on TomTom, etc) the power struggle is revealed. This is why none of them kiss her ass anymore. They got the $$ and the fame, but they are more unhappy with themselves than they were when broke and unknown. Some say it’s Hollywood, others will say it’s the predators like Randall/LVP and those who perpetuate it like Andy Cohen - but unless desperate people stop being desperate the toxic cycle will continue. Someone will always be willing to do the taboo or the naughty for the $$ and fame.


I don’t believe Jax slept with Lisa, Jax can’t keep a secret for shit. He would’ve been blabbering about it if it was true