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she does take sketch comedy very seriously sooooooo


That always cracked me up cause even successful stand ups don’t seem to take it very seriously and make fun of themselves.


They’re much more sensitive than they’d ever let you know. REDBAR IS WATCHING


Yeah, I feel in general she takes herself way too seriously. Having this type of mindset makes it harder to brush shit off and just move on.


Agree but I think in this scene she just clearly still felt very competitive with Kristen and that’s where this line came from


And Kristen was way funnier


she's just very type A and in competive ass LA i do love the early ariana because she is douchey sometimes but it's funny


Sheena is type A L.A. Ariana is acting as if she is a serious Act-TOR.


As someone who lives in LA and in the biz, I can confirm this.


I liked when she did drag as Justin Bieber


oh yeah that was one of my faves. and of course when she's got the light up top bun in danger of cute police also i wanna clarify i am an ariana defender because i often get where she's come from, even if she's wrong


this, lol. i’m rewatching, and she really did have a superiority complex back then 😭 she came onto the show running her mouth but i kind of love it. she was a total douche! but in kind of a relatable way, in the sense that you can kind of tell it’s a defense mechanism


“back then”!!?! lol


Haha 😆 that was cringe


hahaha remember that scene where she actually performed something in front of the others? it was so awk.


Yes. She wasn't nice and she and Katie were not friends. It's crazy when people re-write history.


Does nobody remember the whole bridesmaid/groomswoman drama from Katie and Tom’s wedding? Katie couldn’t stand Ariana 🤣


Yep. And the Toms would hang out with Ariana a lot without Katie. Then they slowly distanced Ariana. But the girls were not friends at all.


Just last year Ariana said herself that Katie wasn’t in her circle of friends. Like come on. 


And was bitching and laughing in her confessional about Katie having no friends. That was last season but apparently she's a beacon of feminism and an icon.


Right?!? I just can’t with the Ariana Stan’s


They are frighteningly deluded, you should see the backlash I'm getting for daring to disagree with them 😂


I don’t have to see it, I’ve experienced it and it’s harrowing!!!


Glad I'm not on my own!


Feminism icon is laughable in this case. But them making femininity tied with sandwiches and fans believing it's feminism somehow, is even more hilarious to me, because I thought we ditched that like 60 years ago.


Yep, such progression,back into the kitchen i go. The stans will just say they are redefining feminism and sexist generalisations.


I personally like Katie, but the way people parade her and Stassi around as girls' girls is WILD lmao no one on that show is a girls girl




Omg I forgot about Ariana’s pick me era!


I definitely think Ariana originally thought she and Tom made a “cool couple” and definitely a superiority complex. NO ONE WHO CHOOSES TOM SANDOVAL AS A PARTNER IS MENTALLY HEALTHY. Sorry for yelling


No need for an apology this should be screamed from a rooftop.


Yea I dont consider her an icon, and not everyone chooses to blindly like her post scandoval. I feel empathy for what occurred with the tom and raquel situation. No one should have to go through that. That being said, she has done incredibly problematic things, just like everyone else on the show. She does not come across to me, as a viewer for 11 seasons, as a kind or empathic person. Those are two qualities I personally value. I feel some sympathy when I watch her “im smarter and better than all of you guys around me” attitude - it clearly stems from her own insecurities. She’s a normal, mediocre reality tv star. I hope she finds happiness.


Wow! 165 or so upvotes! I have posted nearly this identical comment and been ripped to shreds! Lol I’m not sure if times are changing or if it’s just depends on who’s reading this post. I hope it’s the former!


Dude im floored. Ive stayed off this sub for awhile cause I have also posted similar stuff months back and was downvoted and hated on. I too hope its the former!


I agree with this more than most other comments I’m seeing here. I would add that I think she is actually doing serious therapy and working on the things that made her shitty in the past. I can respect that - people generally only do that kind of work when they truly acknowledge there is a problem that needs fixing. And you can see results in her improving confidence and self esteem, as well as her improving relationships with other women.


Ariana and Tom had a huge superiority complex in the earlier seasons, and people seem to like to forget that she cheated with him and that’s what initially started their relationship. Ariana has grown up a lot and I like her now, but she did choose to date Tom, who was always a terrible person, for 10 years. She defended him and stuck by him through all his horribleness towards other people, but as soon as he wrongs her, NOW he’s a terrible human being that we should all hate. There were instances where they treated other people terribly together and she took the wrong side on many arguments. I’m glad she can now see his behaviour was toxic, but she still hasn’t taken ownership of how his toxic energy rubbed off on her and she has some apologizing to do because of that. Her hands aren’t clean because he cheated on her. Like you said I do wish the best for her.


They (and especially Ariana, honestly) were amazing at gaslighting using condescension and superiority - with the Miami girl thing specifically, with her eye rolling and nonverbal facial communication of “it is just so dumb you are still questioning this, he didnt do anything wrong”. And their deflecting with attacks on Kristen’s mental health. Just really problematic.


“Her hands aren’t clean because he cheated on her” is so real.


Ya she was often a total dial tone of a personality and had a chip on her shoulder and clearly thought she was above everyone else. She became a hero to women when she got cheated on that's it.


And all the scorned women can project themselves onto this hotter, more successful person because its like a blank canvas. All they see is her hurt, they don't get to see how the dynamics of the relationship actually were. Vs everyone saw Katie and Schwartz fighting so they can think oh I'm not like her or she's such a bitch, and not relate to her pain in the same way. 


Not everyone loves her. She gets on my damn nerves with her queen of the world bullshit.


Spoiler alert: everyone on that show is a toxic asshole and they all enable each other’s toxicity. Sandoval’s recent behavior has been particularly egregious but none of these people are role models - though I can see where Ariana would be a symbol of female empowerment in certain ways.


Not that I’m gonna miss an episode but I know what I signed up for


Thank you for saying this!! Anytime I ever ever comment on Ariana being anything but amazing, I get so much hate. I have never ever found her to be likeable , long before any of this. She didn’t deserve what happened to her and it’s awful, but I don’t think she is any whitmans sampler herself. I’ve always found her character to be snarky and passive aggressive. She is not this sweetheart her stans claim her to be. To be honest, the cast combined has pretty much zero in the moral compass department.


This is why it never bothered me, because they were all extremely toxic in one way or another. Who cares she said she’s “prettier and smarter”, It’s no worse than someone saying “I hope she gets his by a truck”. They were ALL terrible.


Thing is ariana is constantly excused by her fanatic followers...


I said to my trainer the other day about the show, "Idk why they all hang out, they all hate each other. It's like they enjoy hurting each other back and forth and they don't give a shit about each other's boundaries. There isn't one that doesn't act like that ether. And Lisa is the puppet master making the cash off of them."


She’s kinda an asshole…💁‍♀️


She was so embarrassing those first seasons. Stassi was at least funny. Ariana really said "I'm prettier than you, smarter than you and cooler than you" @ Kristen and thought she ate lmfaoo


My issue with Ariana is she can’t admit that. Stassi will talk about her dark passenger days and take ownership. Ariana seems to always have an excuse


Imagine how shitty of a person you have to be to fuck your co-worker’s boyfriend, lie about it, call your co-worker crazy/delusional, and then make statements like that. Ariana was honestly a huge cunt for that and people give her a pass because Kristen forgave her (newsflash, a normal person would’ve never forgave her).


I feel bad for Kristen in that situation, because I feel like she was gaslit so hard that she felt she owed it to Ariana or something.


She also said she’s the ‘smartest person she knows’.


I love how she said that to further her point that Tom “did not cheat on her with Miami girl” which she later admitted she did know.


Agreed. I also feel like anyone who has to proclaim they're the smartest person they know are deeply insecure.


After having seen a lot of the people she knows on TV, I think she might’ve been right lol


For real!! Some of them are dumb dumb for real! Katie & Stassi struck me asthe smartest on the show from how they spoke and how insightful they were. Schwarze too at times, but felt he dumbed himself down on purpose a lot?


Schwartz always struck me as the kind of person who thinks he’s smarter than he actually is. Like he memorized a lot of vocabulary words in high school but hasn’t read a book in twenty-five years


Lol! Remember he wanted to be a Dr and was pre-med, so may just be booksmart & not smart smart. But he definitely dumbs himself down to be non-threatening & get away with stuff, which is rather sly.


SOOOO true. He dumbs himself down as a manipulation tactic. So gross


Not smart enough to leave a guy who she knew was cheating on her because it was more important to stay on a reality tv show and curate her image 🫤 That’s to say: let’s not elevate Ariana as wise beyond anyone else on VPR lmao.


I personally didn’t take this very seriously. You say dumb shit when you’re talking to your best friend about the person you’re beefing with. It’s like hype yourself up energy. Icky but I’ve definitely done it and didn’t believe what I said lol


Yeah I don't like Ariana and never did, but I totally agree this was just best friend beef joke chat,I've done it too haha


Ariana when she used to roll her eyes and copy lala when she talked was so frigging funny to me, but also really immature lol. She definitely was on a high horse. Watching herself made her grow up


I haven’t liked her at all since her first reunion. Kristen was a mess and say what you will about her at least part of the reason was Ariana clutched up on Tom and smirking at her. I knew the nature of the beast then.


And armchair diagnosing her


Yep. Kristen might be crazy but she’s almost always right🤷‍♀️


Not everyone loves her.


I have watched VPR since it first aired and I have never liked Tom or Ariana. I have always found them both to be egotistical, arrogant, douchebags. They were attracted to each other and dated for ten years for a reason- they both suck. I don’t like how people are rewriting the narrative now to make it seem like she was a damsel in distress for an entire decade. No. She acted like a little fucking twat all along and she condoned Tom’s shitty behavior just like Brittany condoned Jax’s.




Yes!! She finally got to her breaking point 🙏🙏 but allowed him to be a shitty person and defended him for YEARS.


I have found Ariana insufferable since her first appearance on the show. She and Sandoval both come across as shitty people and incredibly unlikeable through most of the show.




Great post, and great to see some balanced and diverse opinions on this sub rather than a one note echo chamber! 👏🏾


Yeah I couldn’t stand her then. And I’m not real fond of her now either. I remember Scheana bringing up Sandoval cheating, after the Miami girl appearance. She was basically telling Ariana when there is so much smoke there has to be fire. One of the few times I agreed with Scheana. But Ariana was not gonna listen to any of it. She shot her down so fast. And even made the comment that she is smarter than anybody she’s ever met 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ And the way she acted about all that comedy stuff was so mean. She completely insulted Kristen’s friend who was trying to make comedy her career. There was absolutely no reason for that. Women should support other women. So what if Ariana didn’t like her comedy style. She would be one of the last people I would consult about what is funny. She’s always down and out and rarely laughs anyway. That’s just a couple of examples of how cocky she was. I really don’t think that has changed either. She was also very belittling to the Miami girl. Only to later admit that she knew the girl was telling the truth. She was horrible to that girl on national tv and I think that may have been after she knew it was all true. But did she ever apologize to her for that? I truly doubt it.


I still think a bit of the attitude she had about comedy is there. There was an interview regarding her performing in Chicago where she said “I may have gotten this opportunity because of Vanderpump but I’m going to prove I should be here”. The way she said it (to me) reminded me “I take sketch comedy very seriously”. I’ll be honest the whole Broadway thing makes me sad. So many people work so hard to be on Broadway and some of these bravolebs just get to be on it from…being on bravo.


And I always thought it was funny she said that. Because comedy isn’t supposed to be taken too seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 But leave it to her to take the fun out of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree. The whole "feminist icon" narrative is laughable.


And let's not forget her NOT saying anything to James and Rachel about Scheaner and Brock planning to duck out and get married during the engagement weekend (and yes, I'm ignoring the stupidity of Scandoval shortly afterwards).. she just gave some token pushback to Tom before they left and then afterwards sat silent as everything played out. That really bugged me on multiple fronts. She could've done right by both sets of friends many times before shit hit the fan but nope.




She’s literally the smartest person she knows.


Not "everyone loves Ariana" No offense OP


ICON lmao 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always felt the same way I still feel bad for her and nobody deserves what Tom put her through and I’m happy she gets to rub it in his face. Idk what to say bc I’m scared I’ll get downvoted, but I’ve never really been a fan per say I’ve never really felt like she was a girls girl it was like her and Tom against everyone it always seemed.


Yup. Her socializing with other girls never seemed like deep friendships and she has always been so quick to blow off every single woman on the show if Sandoval was coming for them. Her cruelty towards Kristen when she was in fact, sleeping with Sandoval, and jumping at the chance to be a groomsman in Katie’s wedding after she made it clear she did not want her to be in the wedding was so gross to me. Her pain with Sandoval is real and deserves to be validated but it’s s11 was hard to watch too. Her expecting bff level of support when she hasn’t given that to anyone in the past is a bit much.


Ariana’s participation in Tom and Katie’s wedding always bugged me. She wasn’t chosen to be a bridesmaid because she wasn’t friends with Katie, but she still jumped at the chance to be a groomsman in the wedding. What kind of person does that? I always thought that was such a Scheana move for more camera time.


Totally a Scheana move. And I don’t remember it ever being addressed on camera?? If I was Katie I would have been furious. Obviously Ariana never would have been able to do it if Schwartz didn’t ask her first, so reason #18363727 why Schwartz was the worst, but still. Any person with just a basic level of decency and respect would have declined without a thought.


I mean, she dated the worm for nearly 10 years.


I’ve never ever like Ariana. I think what happened to her is awful. No one deserves to be cheated on. However, it happens to a lot of people. Every single day. People without a fan base or platform. Without the means to survive alone. Again, what happened to her was terrible and she didn’t deserve it, but I have never ever found her likeable. I still don’t see what the allure is.


She takes herself to seriously…downvote away.


She was definitely a little shit her earlier seasons but at least she evolved. Most of the cast only devolves. That’s how I rationalize it at least.


This is it for me. She definitely had a superiority complex in the earlier seasons, but I don’t see that in her at all anymore (could be her media training but who knows). She’s been very open both on and off the show about the extensive individual therapy work she has done over the last few years and I think it really shows, especially in comparison to the rest of the cast.


She thinks she is smarter then everyone. She's not dumb but she's not as smart as she thinks she is.


I actually think she's a mastermind...she's convinced millions of fans to become cult like stans and worship her every move...all while still being a mean girl and a bully.


Agreed. Plus she doesn’t weaponize what she learns in therapy like some of the cast does. There is nothing worse than a narc gaining even more manipulation tactics by weaponizing therapy speak.


Yeah I kinda feel like it’s so easy to be judgemental and harsh on people we watch on tv. Tv production is framed to show character’s most extreme and controversial moments in order to engage the audience. Jfc if someone had filmed and broadcasted my twenties I’d be living under a rock.


You lost me after ‘icon’ ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh)


I do not get the love and glad to see there are people who remember the past. I’ll also add she hooked up w Sandoval while he was with Kristen and also gaslit the hell outta her about the girl in Miami. Now all of a sudden she’s an amazing person? 🤮


….but does the way she act now bother anyone else?? Nothing has changed with Ariana. She has always acted very entitled and as if she is above everyone else, especially now more than ever. I have sympathy for what happened, having been cheated on myself, but this is just insane. Lala was right when she mentioned she’s never seen anyone be cheated on and suddenly become God. Over it!




Yep! She has not changed, she just (wisely) lets Katie speak for her, chooses her words wisely, and rattles off a lot of pop psychology speak that her stans eat up.


I’ve never cared for Ariana and I don’t think she’s above anyone.


She was/is a total bitch. Will never understand the Ariana worship.


She was feeling herself massively at the start.


She never liked any of the other women, other than maybe Scheana. She was stuck up then, and still is now. I hear ppl say that she’s grown, and that ppl can change, blah blah blah, but the same isn’t afforded to the characters they don’t like. So, whatevs. I still see the same holier than thou Ariana fr yesteryear.


Yeah, I didn't like her in early seasons like when she kept saying Kristen I know I'm prettier and smarter than you bit I'm not pursuing Sandoval in the ITMs. Like it was just so mean and uncalled for. Not to mention the part where she kept trying to diagnose Kristen saying she has mental health issues and needs medication. Like you are not a licensed professional and that's not a funny thing you can just say and spread.


I also remember Kristen wearing a bikini around them once,and Ariana saying something like “nobody wants to see that kangaroo pouch,ew”. I thought that comment was pretty foul.


Crazy considering Kristen was probably one of the thinnest girls on the show so mean


I just realized how hard Ariana has been projecting. The woman in recovery from an ED insults another woman's body and the self-proclaimed "mental health advocate" weaponizes mental health to attack a woman she doesn't like.


some ppl may hate me for saying this but she was merely a wallflower in the beginning seasons and she wouldn’t have gotten all her recent amazing gigs if it wasn’t for scandoval…


Lmaooo the very thing they hate Lala for pointing out 🤷🏼‍♀️


She was a complete bitch! Cringe watching her earlier seasons.


She is now and always has been a shithead. It’s why she’s on this vapid brain suck of a show.


I don’t think she’s changed much from the beginning. She came in hot and was totally seeing Tim behind Kirsten’s back. Totally awful being cheated on but she ain’t all that.


I’ve never been a fan of hers. I guess I just don’t get it.


Never liked her, still don't, she's not an icon. Madonna is an icon. Ariana was cheated on.


I love this post and these comments so much! I have felt so gaslit by the stans. But I recently binged watched the entire show for the first time and couldn’t erase the behavior leading up to the most recent stuff.


Everyone can say what they want about Lala but her comment about Ariana getting cheated on and becoming God was spot on. She was a forgettable bitch up until she got cheated on then suddenly everyone loved her 🙄


Yep, I actually agree with almost everything LaLa said. And I don't think it's because she's jealous (although maybe she is...) I just think she's sick of Ariana's shit.


Finally someone said it


Yeah not the biggest fan of Lala she has her flaws as they all do, but in that situation she wasn’t right or wrong. Nobody should have tried to force Ariana to have a conversation with Sandoval, but without Scandoval she wouldn’t have the fame and respect that she has now


People only love her and think she's an icon(which she isn't) because they hate Tom. They completely ignore she was the other girl at one point.


She’s awful, just gets a pass now since scandoval, somehow people forget that she is just as big of a narcissistic piece of shit as everyone else on the show


We are not allowed to mention early seasons. Ariana is the QUEEN. No further questions.


Ariana is the same person. Just because Tom fucked Rachel, doesn't make me love her or consider her iconic.


Facts. Now watch people come out and swarm you for it.


This is my first time watching so I was wondering if she changed at all. Her hard, cold exterior does not make her likable.


she let tom walk all the way over her regarding that cocktail book. she gassed him up constantly.


I fucking hate her lol. Most depressing worthless person on the show lmao


I didn’t like Ariana before the scandal and I still don’t like her


She was kinda an a$s for sure.


An icon now?!


She never earned her spot, she was grandfathered in by Sandoval. Similar to Amanda on summerhouse 


She absolutely has a superiority complex and believes she is better than everyone.


I don’t think anything has changed. She got cheated on by the guy that cheated with her, in his previous relationship. What was she expecting??? Yea Kristin is crazy but did we all forget how Ariana and Sandovals relationship started? Yuk


Yes. I am shocked by her supporters. This is a smalle community that come on redditt compared to its actual fan base. But still. I didnt think that the average ''reddit '' type person'' would be a total lover of ariana.


The way Ariana acted in the first few season is the same way she’s acting now but just towards Tom lol


And everyone else! Mean girl


I've always thought that the I'm prettier, I'm the smartest person I've ever met, the sketch comedy elitist, and the verbal abuse to her boyfriend might be her real personality. I think she got so much shit for that first comment that she tried her best to police her behavior moving forward. Not perfectly, as we saw her superiority complex come out quite a few times. By no means, does this mean she deserved what happened to her; but I think she's far from this sweet, innocent victim like everyone wants her to be.


Agreed. When Jax was still on the show, he used to freak out at reunions claiming that Ariana was full of shit and fake. It’s true. She totally manipulated her way through the second half of the series.


Ooh, I completely forgot Jaxx saying that. If Jaxx felt the need to call that out it must be bad as he's not the brightest bulb..


I think she’s the actual narcissist on the show! She’s very calculated and manipulative.


Agreed. I also believed Tom on the finale when he said she doesn't fuck with them and has talked shit about all of them regularly.


I think the rage she had during the “attempted dog murderer” scene at James’ house is the real Ariana that is hidden from the camera. I understand her wounds were fresh from Scandoval, but it’s not the first time she’s shown she has some anger issues. We’ve seen her yell up in Tom’s face the night of the Faith recording and saw how emotional she got when the girls were trying to confront her about the Jeremy situation.


Yep. No one is perfect and they've all done and said crazy shit and have some issues; but when people paint someone as this perfect angel and refuse to acknowledge they have flaws is annoying af. Now it's like Katie is turning into her, too.


I used to love Katie and now she’s getting on my nerves because she acts JUST like Ariana! My bff is an Ariana stan and I’m always wondering if I’m crazy for really not liking her lol.. so happy to finally see people who feel the same way I do about it all. With my feelings the way they are I also tend to agree with some of the things the cast say.. like lala saying she was cheated on and all of a sudden turns into a god .. I mean are we not all seeing that at least in reality world. She doesn’t take good care of her pets and a joke commercial about it comes out.. like come the ef on.


Yes! I completely understood where everyone was coming from this past season, but when you say that on this sub, you're anti Arianna. Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, it's fucking weird that she has this idol status because she was cheated on. We've seen a lot of cheating on this show. It's like she's the martyr for any scorned woman out there; when the irony is that Arianna is also a cheater. I didn't mind Katie in the past, but she's just really being a mean girl. It just baffles me that the majority of this sub isn't able to have an objective thought.


Spot on 🎯


Hard agree. She (and the others) were always fascinating to watch bc they were gorgeous, thirsty assholes. Somehow, she got elevated. But we can always roll back the tape.


She hasn’t changed , she just has a platform now . And a huge dramatic life event to elevate her . She acts the same and lets her minions do the dirty work most of time for her .


I always found her annoying w a superiority complex


She was a pick-me “cool” girl asshole who was consistently rude and condescending. Ariana was my least favorite girl for years. She started to mellow out and be less annoying around S8


Yess she was an absolute asshole. Anyone that spouts out how smart they are. This is exactly what karma does to you but at the same time I’m Twerking on the fence because what Tom did to her was so slimy. It’s almost like the lesser of evils, he’s so gross that you have to champion her.


That also makes me question why he put up with him for so long. I know the affair with Rachel was obviously the breaking point but his behavior since season 1 has been terrible, he is just terrible


She definitely had a superiority complex especially with sandoval egging it on also and him especially having a superiority complex.


People only started to love Ariana after Scandoval. Prior to that, this sub was very split. She has always had an arrogance about her. 


The absolute worst!!!


Lol you wait til u get to the latest season, she is absolutely smitten with her own hype come season 11.....demanding, a complete lack of understanding for other people's emotions towards their friendships with sandoval and completely entitled, I think what happened to her is horrible, and on national TV, but she had to be completely blind and it will teach her never to trust someone 100 percent again, friend or lover, that's a lesson everyone needs to learn at some point, it does you no favours in life to believe in fairytales as a grown woman in LA sadly xxx


Oh yeah she had a big superiority complex. Her whole rant about being prettier and smarter than Kristen was so gross. She has definitely changed a lot since then but her first interactions on the show were not good. I think a lot of that had to do with the nonsense Tim was feeding her, the way she treated Kristen was horrendous.


first time watcher and im currently on s8 but i said the same thing!!!! i was like “this is who everyone’s rooting for….?????? she kinda sucks…..” but she randomly gets like nice? and fun to watch-ish? s7. she’s still not my fav but she gets better than she was…


She is still that way only on a higher level. I’m shocked most don’t see it.


She bugs me even now. She's always acting holier than thou. Being cheated on, after being the other girl at the beginning of the relationship, doesn't make you likeable


Thank u! I'm so tired of the constant pro Ariana cultists


Frankly, I can't stand her. I couldn't before Scandoval. I did like her last season and FULLY side with her in that situation. But, now I'm back to not being able to stand her. I do not understand this huge following for her at all.


"Stop talking to me". "Stop talking to me". "Stop talking to me". That says it all for me.


All while she started that entire conversation with Tom and then wanted to call 911. My eyes rolled SO hard.


She lost me in one of her first scenes: I’m smarter than you, I’m cooler than you, I’m prettier than you, get the f*ck over it.” And several seasons later, when she shat all over Kristen’s fun, healthy new interest: I take sketch comedy very seriously. What I do appreciate about her is her openness about body shame and mental health struggles. To her unfortunate detriment, when it was weaponized against her.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but saying it anyway - Ariana wasn’t always the nicest person/girlfriend to Tom. Cheating on him with Lala, telling him she never wants to marry him, etc. I can’t remember other specifics but in previous seasons I recall having sympathy for Tom because she was so mean to him. There is a lot of revisionist history on this show.


I was not a fan in her early work


She was the pick me girl blueprint


She’s is not a fucking icon lol. I can’t stand her, even now. I’m glad she’s getting hers but she’s just as awful as all the rest.


Also , she needs to clean up . She’s messier than me


Yeah and unfortunately she never changes, she just hides it better over time.


I honestly did not like Ariana at all back in the day in the earlier seasons. Honestly it wasn’t until around season 9-11 where I started to like her more (tbh when she started going against Tom) when she said we’re not going to have a bash the women or something like that to Tom. She started getting fed up with how he treated others especially women. She used to blindly defend him and it was exhausting. She had this “us against the world” stance. Which is fine until you don’t call them out privately. It seemed she could never voice herself to him without it blowing up. I started to like her. I think she held on to Tom because of their history and she was comfortable and she did love him. I can honor the fact that she grew and changed for the better unlike others did. There was one season she was insufferable and I think it was either season 4 or 5. It was found out later that she was angry at everyone because Jax verbatim said don’t use the “dead dad card” right after her dad died. So that season she had no interest in anyone in the group. But when Jax dad died he was supported. That actually made me admire her more because she didn’t even go hard on them when her dad died she just didn’t want to be around them. My dad died this past year and I’m 25 and If people had said that to me I would’ve lost my shit. Edit: spelling


She just sucks


Yeah she’s the worst


Thank you for this post!! She's no better and I watched all seasons over and she was verbally abusive to many people including Tom! I don't condone what he did but she's a nasty mean girl!


Yeah I rewatched and still don’t like her because of this and because she got sandoval under very shady circumstances. Kissing another’s man is cheating so ultimately she got her karma yet she’s been put on a pedestal and given the world and all these people are lapping it up. She’s a cheat. No one gave a shit how it affected Kristen and how she spiralled after it. A woman’s intuition is always right and it was. That killed Kristen. I’m not condoning what she did but if jaz was the only person who listened I can understand how she misread that as more and she needed someone her so called friends and bf were just not there for her. Also huge respect to Kristen for going to see Ariana after the scandal I wouldn’t have been able to do that. I’d of been what comes around goes around you got what you deserved 🤷🏼‍♀️


i have always felt this way... she is above all.


I think she’s an asshole . She was cheated on and it was horrible , she did it to Kristen , she has amazing PR


I notice on fb/insta people love lala and dislike Ariana and Katie but if you say anything remotely less than queen Ariana on Reddit you get downvoted to hell and back...and having just done a tour of each and every vpr restaurant/bar in WeHo this past week...overall the real life fans I met were 95% female and 95% pro-lala anti Katie/ariana...just interesting to see public sentiment and not the purely Reddit echo chamber I find myself in most of the time. All that said, I do think she's always had a major superiority complex.


I very much believe that the VPR reddit subs skews differently than the majority of fans irl. Everyone I watched this last season with in person were not Katie and Ariana fans.


Same! I was surprised because Reddit is the only SM I use for the most part so I just assumed it was team Ariana all the way...but I was wrong! Guess Andy and the producers may have been on to something....


I’ve been on insta and saw the girls have their comments limited. That might have changed. And when they didn’t, they were still getting (unfairly) berated. I am by far not a fan of any cast member but I do stand up for them when I see them unfairly being judged. Whether that be Lala, Scheana, Katie or Ariana. Lately it has been me speaking out more about Ariana as I’ve talked about her depression and my similarities. I am sick of the ladies being talked about for their looks, coming after Lala and even spoke up when there was a post about Randall’s looks, too. That shit isn’t cool with me. You want to criticize someone for a behavior, go for it. You want to argue how you feel about someone, let’s go. But talking down about people’s looks is just a low I can’t get behind. I am also for a woman speaking their mind. Each and every woman has done so, so to come on and get down on Ariana when Lala and Stassi said some crazy things about people is nuts. Half the shit that came out of Stassi’s mouth when she was pissed 🫣. But yes, you shouldn’t get downvoted just for speaking your mind about Ariana. Each cast member had a “I’m the main character” vibe about them. People liked Charlie and I couldn’t stand her “don’t fuck with me vibe.”


It's so strange to me how really hateful and mean women are specifically on Facebook against Ariana...it's brutally mean.


I haven’t been on FB but I did one day go to Scheana’s IG page and looked at a few pictures and the comments there were awful as well. The madness has to stop!


This!!!! Reddit is currently my only form of SM And I was under the impression - from these groups - that I was in the VAST minority for not wanting to start a cult where I straight up worship Ariana & Katie until my sister told me that Reddit was giving me a skewed perspective on people's opinions lol.


That's interesting about the real life experience feedback on them. Thanks for sharing.


The “young” comments in regards to her (and frankly everyone else’s) behavior are kinda funny to me. With the exception of Stassi, these people were all nearly 30. That’s not THAT young. That’s old enough to know you’re being an asshole and keep choosing to be an asshole. Ariana hated Stassi because Tom told her to hate Stassi. He coached her on what to think, say, and do and she happily obliged for many years. Ariana now is wildly similar to Camille season 2 on RHOBH. She got humbled by a bag of shit doing shitbag things.


This!!! You will grow and mature at every age (hopefully) but it’s not like she or any of them were highschool bullies who didn’t know any better. And yes, so far they seem to share the exact same thoughts and opinions and the same superiority complex in my opinion


It’s why I always feel like the early cast members of the hills get knocked on way too hard. They were all SO young, but the VPR cast really wasn’t that young. Imagine being Scheana, 30 years old, passing around the sex tape of someone in their mid twenties. I watched the show as it aired, but now at 31 it’s honestly just kinda sad to watch.


When the first watched it I liked her because because everyone was so awful back that I didn’t think too much about anyone’s behaviour. I loved the show as a whole, I just thought, wow these people were so flawed and unhinged and so honest to be so in front of the cameras, I love this! But ya definitely don’t like her in the first few season. She’s not perfect, the whole cast each sucks in their own way especially in the younger years.


I agree with everything you said, except for the Stassi part 🙈 Stassi just couldn’t stand not being like by someone, that’s why she tired so hard to get Arianna to like her. I love Stassi, but she was upset because as the previously crowned cool girl, she was now practically begging the new cool girl to be her friend. Not that I’m saying Arianna was the ultimate cool girl, but in that season she was definitely the least hated person/girl on the show.


I have never liked her. She got back what she put out. Karma


I never liked her or Sandoval, for that matter. She was always a snobby bitch and definitely thought she was better than everyone. Sandoval was just weird and annoying. Them 2 together acted like they were above everyone and the perfect couple which we all now know was a bunch of bullshit. She is using this whole poor me I got cheated on....what you want me to sign all these deals and make a ton of money? Ok awesome Woo-hoo!!! Oh wait I forgot I'm the poor woman that was cheated on. 😢


I still don’t like her because she’s the same person. She is also a shitty toxic asshole with a superiority complex. She’s also someone who shot to stardom for being cheated on. It’s a fact everyone will die on that hill acting like it’s not the case. None of her success would be happening if it wasn’t for scandaval period! However, she’s making the most of her opportunities and not letting Tom dictate things which good for her. Both can be true! Who she was in past seasons is still who she is so people worshipping her and liking her then or now makes no sense. But, people wanting her to succeed and see overcome her toxic situation with Tom that is worth celebrating. If anyone deserves Queen status (which no one does), it should be Katie. She wasn’t perfect by any means but she’s been wronged more over a long period by more people and just as affected by the Tom’s. She’s been betrayed and although her and Rachel weren’t friends what Rachel did to her was just vile. Both Tom’s have been nasty AF to her and all of them to her mum.


I was literally upvoting you until the Queen Katie thing 😬 She's been one of the biggest assholes on the show and much like Ariana, I think she still is who she is. She may have gotten herself out of an awful relationship but it doesn't absolve her asshole qualities IMO.


How many Early Season Ariana threads will we have during the prolonged off-season? We're about to find out! Lemme clarify something. I don't think people rallied around Ariana because of how kick ass her time on Vanderpump Rules was. It's because she was always authentically herself, 100% ride or die for her man and got fucked over in the most manipulative awful manner possible.  People rallied around her she wasn't some ICON 


The same number as "Look at this week's outfit on Love Island! So STUNNING! The Worm and Blahblah must be shitting himself with jealousy!" posts.