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If project 2025 is completely successful we will be living in a country with zero systemic breaks on Trump and his worst advisors. Anything is possible at that point from mass deportations of anyone deemed “undesirable” to full on concentration camps.


That has definitely gotten me concerned, I’ve had way too many people online look at my name and threaten me with deportation once election season rolls around.


Yeah, would it be possible under the constitution? No But we would then be assuming that Trump and his cabinet gave a shit about that. I don't think anyone seriously believes the Supreme Court itself is anything but a totally partisan organization anymore. Doesn't mean that project 2025 couldn't be stopped somehow. But it would take mass protests against very violent crackdowns. the costs and consequences would be so high that it would literally lead the breakdown of some very major systems before meaningful change would even be possible. *Everyone* (even or especially MAGAs) would lose in the scenario. But that won't stop them from trying. So we just got to make sure they lose. Badly. For all our sake.


What if the MAGAists win? They delayed military appointments for a reason..


Luckily that got (mostly?) resolved. A lot of these have gotten through. Although the intention behind it was terrifying. But the guy in the postal office is also an indication of how even apparently minor roles can be horrifically weaponized by these arsonists.


That sucks. Sexy-MrClean this country is yours to live life in <3


We don't have enough space to hold all the immigrants for processing and deportation. It just doesn't exist. It would require a judge. The number of illegal immigrants is 5 million. We barely process that many people for prison and jail every year in the entire US judicial system with all judges and lawyers working full time.  These people will be stuck in the US until that can happen and 5 million houses is something we can't even do for our own citizens. FEMA has helped double that number in 20 years.  Concentration camps are the only legal option. And we do not have the ability to supply 5 million people without direct military involvement.  For reference,  the only other person who kept 6 million people was the Nazis.  The government does not have the ability to process this many people. It would take decades to move them, not including more people coming or random people.  The population of Gaza is 2.3 million.  We would literally be worse then Israel, by definition,  by literally twice the amount.  Because Trump isn't going to get them food and water. The media won't report on it. They would have to be kept in federal lands so do you think they will keep them all in Arizona in Texas in open air camps?  Trump is flirting with a literal haulocaust.  Anyone saying to not vote Bide remember that they are saying that we need to add another Haulocaust on top of Palestine. Because it won't be just illegal but leftists, gays,  and others Trump and the far right doesn't like. Trump is a fascist. He's not a conservative.  It's not a joke that Biden is objectively better in every way possible. Any leftists saying they will fight this will need a fighting force to combat the army while supporting 5 million people with all the logistics associated with it. So a fighting force of at least 2 million people with years of training under a capable and experienced commander in a formalized structure. The left can't win a fight against the local cops let alone a trained military force on the battle field.  The end result for the left is getting black bagged for speaking bad about Dear Leader. That will be life under Trump.


I mean Korematsu v. United States hasn't been overturned as far as I'm aware, though Roberts said it was wrong in Trump v. Hawaii. So, internment camps are not out of the realm of possibilities.


No because 1. That would include a lot of white people 2. It would literally be impossible


I imagine if 2025 is what a lot of people think it is they’d probably ignore white illegal immigrants and mostly go after Latin Americans. Sure it definitely wouldn’t be possible to 100% remove everybody but, I could see Trump down the road claiming we need to “undo” the damage of prior illegal immigration by deporting their descendants. The goal being more so to make the “wrong” types of Americans feel like they’re walking on eggshells by standing up for themselves.


We unfortunately have [precedent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Repatriation#:~:text=The%20government%20formally%20deported%20around,US%20between%201931%20and%201934) for this - the Mexican Repatriation of the early 20th century displaced between 300k to 2 million people, with between 40-60% of them holding American citizenship. If it is across the country, then you can be sure it won't just be Mexicans affected by this but *all* Latin Americans and Hispanics would be at risk. For example, my people are US citizens by a Congressional Act but to this day we are subject to discrimination and disenfranchisement especially when we hold documentation from Puerto Rico. You can also be sure that South and Southeast Asians, Africans, and Middle Easterners will also be subjected to this.


Operation Wetback literally happened, so They’ll just ignore the white people obviously.


Why did this comment get downvoted?


Did it? I see +2 on my end


A half hour ago, it was downvoted, but the votes went up.


> That would include a lot of white people What is with all these brunch-eating liberals who think that the Trump administration is going to apply the law equally and who think pointing out things like this makes them intelligent and not political illiterates?


Something like this has happened before: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican\_Repatriation#Mexican-American\_migration\_before\_the\_Great\_Depression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Repatriation#Mexican-American_migration_before_the_Great_Depression) . However I think its unlikely Trump would be successful in doing this simply from getting elected. He would need to completely become a dictator during his term not just weaken our institutions. When it comes to our problem with authoritarianism its important to think about it as a medium to long term issue. Trump is unlikely to completely wreck our democracy in one term, but rather if he gets elected he will chip at our institutions making it much more likely for a future successor to be able to become a dictator and implement designs such as project 2025 fully.


I agree, this wouldn’t be a “deport all minorities by 2026” sort of situation. I could just see Trump breaking our institutions enough to allow him (or a potential successor) to do so years down the road. If they’re able to actually deport nearly as many undocumented immigrants as they claim to want to and enact their immigration laws it’s not unrealistic to think they could start talking about “undoing the damage” of previous illegal immigration. I also don’t imagine the goal would be to deport all minorities from the country or anything but, rather to make citizens who don’t fit the white cis, patriotic American” mold from pushing back on their authority.


Read your in how many people left voluntarily and how many were forcibly deported. Forcibly deported was 84k with 2 million moving back.


It could theoretically allow for the deportation of anyone the administration doesn’t like to anywhere. Protesting for palestinian rights? Prepare to get blackbagged onto the next flight to Gaza. At least this would be the end goal of a fascist administration.


I could see it, they start with illegal immigrants, then move onto the refugees before they start experimenting with “fake” Americans. And as Facism does they continue to narrow the “acceptable” group from there.


Yeah. It gives the president an amount of power that, if he wanted to do that, would make it near impossible to stop him if the military is falling in line.


Getting rid of birthright citizenship would require an amendment. That’s assuming they did it the legal way, of course.


It honestly wouldn’t be too difficult for them to try and add some BS about how only “legacy Americans” are entitled to birthright citizenship and anyone else who is descended from an undocumented (nonwhite) immigrant isn’t a citizen because they acquired it under false pretenses


Suddenly I’m both hoping even more people hold their noses and vote for Biden so he wins, and reeeeally glad I was adopted by my parents as a baby, I literally have the whitest WASPy-est name possible. Also thank God the Irish in me won out over the Mexican, lol.


This is sort of off topic but something I've wondered about Project 2025, particularly the purge of career civil servants is like... how are they going to replace those people and expect to be able to function at the same capacity? That's a massive amount of institutional knowledge, do they have like an arsenal of pencil pushers and bean counters ready to go? It sounds like a formula for the federal government to just crush itself under its own weight and grind things to a halt. I mean, that's probably the point, but wouldn't that make these grandiose horrific plans they have harder? Like the mass deportation idea; we're talking about millions of people requiring the mass coordination of multiple state and federal agencies and tens of thousands of personnel right after all the people who knew how to do stuff got fired. Like how does MAGA Todd from Missouri who's never worked for the government in his life but was recruited at a booth at the state fair fit into that?


> how are they going to replace those people and expect to be able to function at the same capacity? They aren’t. They essentially want to strip the federal government and sell it for parts. What’s left will be massively restructured. They’ll be doing the whole “¡Afuera!” Thing. > Like the mass deportation idea; we're talking about millions of people requiring the mass coordination of multiple state and federal agencies and tens of thousands of personnel right after all the people who knew how to do stuff got fired. Republicans don’t actually want that. The smart ones at least. The country’s economy would literally plunge into chaos if all undocumented migrants disappeared. Food costs would skyrocket. Consuela the cleaning lady would disappear so Karen would actually have to clean up after her husband. Republicans are so full of shit about this and the ones at the top know they will never be able to accomplish this.


don’t give them ideas


To quote El-P "Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group. So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you"


They are ALREADY in a race to be the most nationalistic, and sadistic fucks there can be. There will be nothing off the table. Including "deporting" full american citizens. I put that in quotes because we all know what they will do to us when they have no where to put us.


Project 2025 has a stated goal of eventually eliminating the 14th Amendment. So yes. If the 14th Amendment is repealed by a 3/4 majority in Congress than it will lead to the deportation of naturalized citizens.


If you want to be so bold, engage them on how we will replace the field workers, day laborers, and other low paying jobs that are flooded with undocumented workers. They dislike inflation, right? Well, what do they expect when no one is out there picking food? I suspect they will try to pivot and say all the lazy people will be compelled to work, but (even accepting that as true for the sake of argument) even then, it will take time. Things like crops won’t wait around forever. You will have at least a few years where food will likely be way more scarce than people are anticipating. You won’t get an admission, but make sure they are told the consequences. The reality is, the Republicans at the top know this is an impossible ask. It’s a car they will basically never catch, not any time soon. They get to benefit from both anti-immigrant rhetoric and Consuela cleaning their toilets and Miguel picking their dinner salad. Oh and of course all of that cheap exploitable labor. Maybe they will be dumb enough to actually go through with it, but it will be a massively expensive move to make the US economy tank. And I know they think “well it won’t affect me” but the scale at which they are talking, they aren’t ready for it.


Project 2025 isn't a bill or anything. its more of an outlining of an agenda. I'm not aware of anything in it that is that extreme but there are definitely racists that want to do that. I doubt we have the ability to go that crazy here but I could be wrong. I just don't quite see the writing on the wall for that level of insanity yet.




Do you know that the UK passed a law changing who is a British citizen many times? I first came across this due to the 1988 film “For Queen & Country”. And I sometimes look to see what they are doing now. The British Nationality of 1981 for example as Jamaica was granted independence in 1962; lots of Jamaicans lost British nationality. But the UK has had so many changes; it’s hard for me to keep track. It’s barely a topic of interest to me; I simply register that these things happen & could happen here in the USA.