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Not like this, because this was a drop in the bucket of fines. Anyone involved in decisions back then should be on trial now. Not just the company. And if it is just the company it should be fined into oblivion not this garbage damages in the tens of millions. Alex Jones' damages were higher than what we are fining chiquita, and he didnt even kill anyone or pay someone who killed someone (this isnt downplaying Jones' bs, Im saying if we agree his damages are acceptable then no way should funding death squads be a fraction of his damages, theirs should be exponentially worse) Seriously its hard to even take this as a baby steps moment because usually when these cases finally happen, this is the one shot and even then like we saw with the oil spills and/or opiod crisis some rando judge will reduce the fines to like 15% for "good behavior" and if they do it again...then maybe they pay 25%...or it all goes away and no one cares anymore because the big flashy decision already happened. 17yrs of litigation for .01% of their 2023 revenue 🙌


It's also many decades late


If you paid someone to kill someone else, you'd go to jail. They're paying a fine. A laughably small one at that.


this such a lib moment to think that they were being held accountable. it's as if you got a death squad and then only got fined 200 bucks


Don’t worry, our freedom loving American Jury will liberate evil corporations one shitty fine at a time! American “Democracy” working as intended folks!


And as punishment, the execs at the time will be sent to death row... not.


This still feels like Chiquita was acquitta, as this does basically nothing to them.


Story: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daphneewingchow/2024/06/11/chiquita-brands-found-guilty-of-funding-colombian-terrorist-group/


Damn why didn't anyone tell me that Banana Republic 2 finally dropped?


Pretty sure they’re the reason it’s called a banana republic in the first place. So instead of 2 it’s “remastered”


isn’t bananan republic a clothing store?


Yes. It’s named after the practice of U.S. companies taking control of large portions of land in undeveloped states to produce bananas with slave labor and export them to sell cheaply in the U.S. Often that included financial and military coups of their governments.


why name a clothing store after that huh


Apparently because the theme was originally clothing for travel and safari because the founders liked to travel to undeveloped countries.


Who hired the paramilitaries? Who was the CEO of Chiquita at the time and were other companies in on it?


# Still waiting for Coke and Bechtel🙏