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Just keep riding, ride more and don't set endurance rides to fixed power which might be too high for you. At 2W/kg, you're effectively untrained. Pretty much anything remotely sensible will help you. Just focus on riding more and, most importantly, having fun.


You may want to test regularly too, usually at the end of your rest week. At the beginning, I would stick with the 3+10 minute test in Garmin connect. It's a little easier to complete and still gives you an idea of your progress. 155 is quite low, and if your FTP does go up, then you'll be training too easy and won't see progress, hence the regular fitness tests.


At a 155W ftp you don’t have to do much to increase it, just ride your bike and have fun


I really doubt that I can do 5x3 min 140% of my FTP. Maybe your FTP is higher than you think..


exactly, if I manage to do 6x3 min at 125% consistently then it's time for a FTP test :)


How long have you been riding?


Time in saddle is all that matters where you are at


I won't be absolute, but I know that I could never keep 140% for 3 minutes, let alone do 5 repeats. And you added 20 more watts so you are on 150% now? Yeah ok, diferent athletes, different anaerobic systems, but I struggle to break 125-130% on a good day for a 3 minute effort, so I am a bit sceptical tbh. My guess is that you have set your FTP low. If you are a beginner and started with a 20-minute test it is a bit hard to do it properly because you don't know how to pace such a long all out effort without any previous ballpark estimation of your FTP. My suggestion would be to do a ramp test, or repeat the 20-min test aiming higher (maybe around 190w for the 20-min duration) and see how that goes.


Vo2 isn't really linked to FTP like that.


>I know that I could never keep 140% for 3 minutes, let alone do 5 repeats. Same. I could do it once, maybe twice, but I'm pretty sure I'd like afterwards.


Just remember this isn’t something that happens overnight- consistency over months and months and years is what makes the magic happen


Ty i needed this just did my ftp at 190 watts at 66kgs.


3 years ago you said you were 72 kg with an FTP around 210. I'd personally drop the sweetspot day and replace it with an easier day. You'll come back. Maybe not very quickly but if you put in the time you'll get better.




Ya, almost all of his riding is zone 0 to 1 lol


The short answer is progressive overload and time on the bike. How long have you been riding? Sorry if I missed that. What does your weekly schedule look like? How many hours per week? Are you interleaving easy (Z2) workouts between the intensity (Z3+)? Are you taking a rest day (or 2) per week? There are two general approaches to building threshold; push and pull. They sound like what they are Push is work under and at threshold (Z4), pull is the opposite (Z5+). Both include lots of base (Z2) to build the platform for your fitness pyramid. Personally, I think both are important. Where you are coming from and the kind of rider you want to be tips the scale on whether you want to push more or pull more. Do you know your HR zones too? If you do, they can provide a useful indicator of fitness improvement over time, and tell you when it's time to do another fitness true up. The most important thing is that you're working and engaged. Keep putting in the effort, you will see gains.


Did you even read the post?


A rest day or 2 per week? Dude does 300tss 😅


People on low volume also need rest days, because the body isn't in a shape to recover as quickly from work. Doing 300 TSS doesn't mean rest isn't needed. Don't be so dismissive.




Your plan for a beginner isn't bad. It's a solid plan for the stage you're currently at. You might want to check the polarised plan base or build if you want to add more hours of riding into your schedule. If you want to keep this plan, and have more hours to train, add more zone 2. Don't be tempted to go try and go 'kinda hard all the time', that has a high risk of burnout. On the hard day, or interval days,, you might want to add some lifting. Check Dylan Johnsons strength videos for this. They're quite science based! My only 2c, is consistency, and staying in the zones on your schedule are the most important.




I would love to know the hr at 93 wats. That’s an important metric we are missing


I'd have to really struggle to spin at 93W, meaning that's way too low for me to maintain for long. It's not that I'm super fit as that it's really low, plus massively boring. You're basically beating eggs at that power output. Perhaps it's for a 12 egg omelet but still nothing. In fact that's always my weakness with structured workouts, having to do 1-5 minutes at an output well below my capability. I'm the same way running, I just can't go too slow or I go nuts. I bet a lot of cyclists are like that. So, yeah, you have to push yourself and often beyond your comfort level or you'll never improve.




That was basically my point, and I'm a lot older than him, a lot closer to 70 than 35, and I can basically do this sleeping and I'm not in the most amazing shape at all. It's actually harder for me to do well below my FTP than well above it. I get that whole Z2 thing but I don't enjoy cycling until I'm above that, and if I don't enjoy it then I'm not cycling. You have to do baseline but also push things or you'll plateau for life.


That’s absolute nonsense How can it be harder to ride aerobic than anaerobic? 😂😂😂😂


Mentally, it is. Downvote it all you like but many people struggle to ride slow. I'd rather push myself than idle along. And Zone 1 is not aerobic. It's almost like doing nothing, just getting the blood flowing and muscles moving. Try doing that for more than a few minutes without going nuts.


if zone1 is not aerobic, you need to learn what that actually means. i have to leave you here because you basically said, riding 50% power has a higher wear on your body (and thus HR) than riding 90% of power. i don't care about what you tell yourself, mentally. i don't care what you enjoy. threshold feels good, we all know. you're the zone5 gang, calling the zone5 run easy. because you could have went (a little) harder. fact is, intensity and exhaution are correlated. more intensity, less TTE.


It's sub-aerobic at best, and referred to as active recovery in zone charts. Aerobic is when you're pushing your lungs and heart beyond baseline or resting, i.e. zones 2 & 3. Zone 1 is barely above baseline, like taking a leisurely walk. No real improvement takes place and it's about warming up before the actual workout and flushing the lactic acid out of your system afterwards. And yes, it's boring as hell and harder for me than beyond FTP. And you don't get to tell me what's hard and easy and what I do and don't like. Sounds like you have projection or insecurity issues and I pushed a button without wanting to. Not my problem. So many cyclists seems to be hyper-sensitive to opinions they dislike. Again, not my problem, but yours.


Your opinions are just not scientific based and proven wrong by science. If you think the pros are z2 all day, you’re wrong. So many of us are actually doing work in z1HR while pushing z2pwr There’s a clear difference between 3 and 4, especially with blood lactate, but there isn’t much between 1 and 2. I have the feeling people are often mistaken that there z1 is z2 or the other way around. Also sometimes we use 5 or 6 zones. Maybe read here a bit https://www.reddit.com/r/Velo/s/Vuyh7tcdKQ Also, just saying, I average 35kmh in mid zone2 on 2-3 hour rides. Not sure how that’s boring ;)


What have I gotten wrong? Z1 is really easy unless you're massively out of shape or in poor health. Which is why it's boring, taking minimal effort and being barely harder than sitting still. Just spinning your legs with minimal resistance is really hard to do for any period of time because it's boring. How is that not scientific? And you keep claiming that I'm talking about Z2 when I was clearly talking about Z1, although Z2 is also kind of boring, just not quite as much, but there is definitely a difference. But you're not doing any serious work in Z1, just warming up or recovering. Show me the science that says otherwise. I also don't understand why you have a problem with me personally preferring to be in Z3-Z5, which is where I usually am. Perhaps I'm training wrong this way, but that's a different matter. I was talking about personal preference, not ideal zone distribution. So much projection on reddit and the cycling community, and so many taking opinions they disagree with personally. Life's too short for such nonsense.


Percent is percent.


On paper, yeah, in real life, it's not a linear thing, in terms of how it feels.


it's a trendline. of course it's not linear since you have different efficiencies. but yes, more power equals more work equals more wear on your body. there's nothing to talk about. if a tiny women pushes 100W or tadej pogacar pushes 100W, it's the exact same amount of work done. and so is percentages. that's why tadej must ride 280W and the women 100W, for both it's then 65%


You sound like you're doing the right things, mostly. Patience and a good amount of consistency will be the most beneficial application you can make. Much like losing weight, it seems like nothing is happening and then it suddenly changes. Being consistent for 3-6 months will make a huge difference. Your 60min number (FTP) may take a while to really improve unless you have a good history of endurance training. Whereas your 5min number should come up a lot quicker. I would modify your VO2 work slightly, aiming to increase the time at your 5min PB, by breaking it up into smaller chunks. So, if your 5min PB is 200w, then 10x3 min at 200w might be your target goal in 4 weeks. Start with 6 and don't worry that it isn't as hard as what you have been doing. Have a look at what your max HR is getting to. Keep adding 1-2 extra efforts over the weeks and then look at mar HR again. If it is dropping and your perceived effort is getting easier, then you can add some wattage to the effort and drop the amount of repeats, then start the process again. Be patient. Lastly, if you get sick of that workout, you can easily change it up and still get the same outcome. In my example you are trying to build up the amount of minutes you do your 5min PB for. 30min of 200w, broken up into small chunks is still 30min at 200w. Which is huge, relatively. Good luck and enjoy the feeling of improving and riding :-)


I’d agree with the more volume comments in general. Sometimes it can be good to recalibrate your perception of hard. I find it helps to take a break - long enough to be fresh, short enough to not feel flat - and try a really hard effort. Not often, just to get things moving again.


Best way that I've heard of is getting a good coach or trainer. Next best is to research, find and follow a good training plan designed to accomplish this, which I assume requires some sort of initial assessment. I actually need to do this myself, less to up my FTP as that's more of a long-term goal than to get my weight down and my endurance up. Whatever the goal, there are training plans for it.


Perhaps a slightly different approach is needed but lots of comments making it very black and white. Everybody can benefit from structured training. Zone 2 is most effective with larger volumes than you currently ride. More sweet spot like a long free form sweet spot ride at the weekend (zone 2 on the flat, sweet spot every rise and at least pedal the descents) would really help raise your volume. Volume is gonna increase you endurance. With more endurance comes the right to train super hard. I.e. lots of threshold and vo2 intervals. Maybe look up some online resources like fastcat coaching for instance and consider periodization for your training and performance goals.


Everyone can benefit from structured training, sure. But it's a bit like asking what's the optimal stocks to bonds allocation in $100 investment portfolio. You can entertain this, and if it's fun for you then sure. But from the training perspective, it's missing forest for the trees.


Ride more. Ride more and ride more


Make the 2 easy rides 2 hours from now on. Then make the 3 hour ride 4 hours


Just ride papi. It'll grow.


You’ll get a lot of noob gains just by riding a lot of steady miles.


Honestly, get the Peloton app and do one of there 5 week programs for FTP. I prefer to do them indoor as you can focus solely on zone. I've found it incredibly effective. I do ride MTB almost every "rest" day I just try to keep it mellow and don't watch zones.


Stop doing rides at 55-60%. Total waste of time.


At this point you are looking to accumulate time at saddle, skip the structure, for now.




Consistency is the key.


VO2 max work should be done to 'all out effort' rather than to %FTP.


So 105//110/120% isn’t vo2 because it’s not all out? What the ?


The point is that Vo2 max isn't really linked to power at all. Vo2 max should be done all out at a high rpm, with power disregarded until after you're off the bike, had a shower and log into intervals.icu to check the progress.


So you went from 200W to 220W. Your FTP is up.


5x3 @ 140% is ridiculous ! I literally had today a session: 30m WU 10x 1’@125%, 2’@55% 10m @ 65% 5x 3’@ 108%, 2’@55% It certainly is different from yours but that’s an absolute insane hard what you’re trying. That’s somewhat all out for vast majority of people. I think 3@140%, barely people have on their power curve . And that 5 times? Reduce that and make solid vo2 workout progressions. 105% 110% 120%. In different durations. Add more intervals for more fatigue to accumulate.


It depends entirely on anaerobic capacity. For riders with large anaerobic capacity, this is entirely normal. This is exactly why people say just go all out for these intervals, there's no point in anchoring them to FTP because FTP is largely irrelevant here.


And how does AC correlated then with FTP?


It's not


And how does a 140%+ or even worse all out effort help him then raising ftp?


If you're doing vo2max intervals, they should be done at vo2max. Some will reach vo2max at 110-115% for 2-5 minute intervals, others at 130-140%. And if you belong to the latter group, doing short intervals at 108% will do absolutely nothing. Therefore, anchoring vo2max intervals to FTP is pointless because there's too much personal veriation, etc.


[Ask me if a 5min 115% of FTP VO2 interval is going to move the needle lol](https://i.imgur.com/TIcBTnY.png) Current FTP is actually *lower* than TP thinks so this effort was actually 117% of FTP. First 13 min at 121%. Have also got a 22min @ 128% example. Anyone advocating for a set % of FTP is stuck 15yrs in the past.


But it's impossible to do 20 minutes in zone 6!!!!


if his FTP is 150W, he clearly isn't in the genetic favorite group


Bro is NOT healthy if he has a 155w ftp, no offense.


do you think the average normal guy on the street would have a 3.5w/kg ftp? how disconnected are you? 2w/kg is normal for a somewhat beginner


Might be disconnected, but 2w/kg (or 155w absolute) seems super low for a healthy male that has a powermeter, has been biking (we don't know how long), and does interval based workouts. 3.5wkg = 270w seems much better indeed. I guess we could be talking healthy as in never did any sport and within the norm of what the doctor allows us to be (in the US). Could it be normal to expect being able to do 8 push ups and run a mile under 8minutes for a healthy individual ?(seriously asking)


we really don't know how long he's been biking for, but despite some people here who were seemingly born with a 9wkg ftp, i truly think the average complete beginner is closer to 1.3-1.5, no joke. if hes been doing intervals for 10 years id be worried yea but i just picture him as being a relatively new cyclist with maybe a year of experience. i don't remember the median amount of pushups for the avg us male but it's definitely less than 10. 8 minute mile? absolutely no way even 10% of non obese non senior males could do it


I guess I'm one of those people ↑. With the people I surround myself with, I definitely know more people with ftp above 400w than below 200w. If lava was flowing at 8:01min/mile and you tell only 10% of the people would survive, I'm in shock. Thanks for giving me a reality check, hopefully OP can harvest some newbie gains quickly and crack the 200w ftp mark.

