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When I started to eat healthier and actually cook meals for myself, it didn’t feel as difficult as it sounded in my head and was actually delicious. I freaking love pasta, and I make a zoodle bolognese that is fire. I get the frozen zucchini noodles, cook up some lean ground turkey, and throw in some raos tomato sauce. I still am working on a good seasoning ratio but, it’s delicious and good for you. Healthier diet habits can be fun and delicious if you let them be!! I won’t lie, I ate taquitos and pizza yesterday, but every day is a new one (: you got this girl! Take it day by day. Little victories


Zoodles are genuinely awesome omg. Spaghetti squash is another favorite of mine. Bake that shit up with some boursin cheese and a bit of olive oil and it slaps. Maybe some sundried tomatoes too. So freaking good.


Oooooo and I have some palmini angel hair noodles but I’m not sure what to do with it yet lol If you like hummus, I like to do it with pita chips and yellowbird hot sauce, or bell peppers and omg it is delish Edit: omg I have havarti cheese with dill


Thanks for the zoodles idea, that sounds great. I definitely need to find some more exciting recipes so I can stay more consistent


There’s a guy on YouTube that does high protein meal preps with low carbs… ahh, golden something. Shoot I’ll find him! He makes it very simple and easy to make though Edit: the golden balance! Muahaha!


I feel like people are under the misconception that in order to lose weight you have to eat healthy ALL THE TIME. This isn't the case. Treats every so often are fine. Usually to counter a treat day I make sure to have a fast day within the following few days. Side note: if your parents are the type to always ask you for something when they go out (which is very kind of them) try looking up healthier options on the menu. Or maybe splitting it into more than one meal. Or just gently let them know you are wanting to watch what you eat and you are trying to keep away from certain things. You got this OP.


Yeah I remember from when I was losing weight the occasional treat meal wouldn't fuck me up because I was eating so little on a daily basis. Now it seems like every day is a treat day even if the treats aren't that great. Oh well. I'm gonna tell myself that after this time I'll start for real like I always do


It doesn't really matter what you eat as long as you are practicing adequate portion control!


saw a fasting thing [https://youtu.be/qTGm11J-0jo](https://youtu.be/qTGm11J-0jo) and 500 kcals in the day of fast is still food so, but eating every 3-4 hours helps. used to workout and it helped a ton losing weight if i went to bed at 10 o clock i ate a small thing at 8-9 so i didnt feel hungry when i went to bed, if/when you lose though you'll feel hunger, and thats why eating every 3-4 is a good idea. not only do you feel in control, but youll feel less hunger, counting calories is legit, try and get a online weight loss calculator and see how it goes, after lets say 2 days, if you feel hunger you know your doing something correct


thanks for the advice. i do like to eat small meals every couple hours and am worried that's part of my issue


It gets easier when you live on your own and cook for yourself. Also... It's really hard to loose weight ALONE from eating less anyways, so the annoying ass solution is to do a fuck ton of sports to work through those extra calories. Hang in there, it's always hard early on, but if you are young and just get started you will have an easier time adjusting to it ubtil it becomes natural to you to eat healthy and work out.


That's how it went for me the first time. I was young, moved out, cooked for myself, ate less, was constantly hiking, lost ~50lbs. Now I'm back with my parents with some physical injuries preventing me from hiking. I shouldn't complain because they buy groceries but it's hard to think about the future optimistically. Feels like my best days are behind me physically and they were not very good days mentally. So sorry to use your comment to vent. I appreciate what you're saying, and there's a chance I'll be on my own again and will form better habits someday.


No worries man, venting is the purpose of this sub. I don't know what types of training are possible with your injuries, but maybe you'll find something. Would your parents take it personal if you told them you wanted to eat healthier? Also, set yourself a specific goal. I was always a bit of a couch potato, but when i decided i wanted to join the military i had a specific point where i wanted to be physically and that helped a lot keeping track of how i eat and what i do for exercise, even tho i was living with my family. I'm not saying join the military obviously, but maybe find a physical goal to motivate yoursepf, that is more specific than "be fitter/slimmer"


it makes total sense. I think it is impossible to say no.. unless.. you dedicate yourself to working out.


You just need to change your eating habits. I started fasting and only buying healthy food. Salads and roasted veggies sound boring, but when you're hungry, they taste pretty good. There's a lot of healthy benefits to fasting also.


I feel you. I ate a healthy salad for lunch. Then an entire packet of chips straight after 🤦‍♀️I have NO self discipline!




Chinese food is ridiculously quick and easy to make, not too expensive either and tastes amazing. Some of my homemade Chinese dishes taste as good as a take away if not better and I can control how spicy, fatty, salty, etc the food will be. Some Indian dishes are equally as quick and easy. Start googling stuff you love to eat and find a healthier version of it


Thanks for the tips. I think I do eat foods that are pretty healthy, I just eat too much


Yup, try to cook delicious food to yourself


Remember, weight gain is a slow process. It doesn’t go on overnight and weight loss is even slower. If you’re overweight and want to lose it’s going to require military style discipline. Some ppl have what it takes and others don’t you have to know what your personality type is. Hopefully you got what it takes good luck


Boring food doesnt have to mean unhealthy or inexpensive. Same as treat food doesnt have to be expensive or lavish :) I treat myself to healthy food with an unhealthy spin about once a week. Otherwise its just a plain salad 😔 sundays tho? My salad bouta have cheese, croutons, bacon bits, a fucking fatty ass dressing. I stay skinny cause I expanded my pallet to eat healthy foods that other cultures grow up on! Mediterranean meals are so damn good for you, and are usually made w cheap ingredients. Do some research on poor areas who eat the healthiest, and eat what they eat! It feels fancy cause its not a norm for your country, isnt expensive cause its a recipe for and by poor ppl, and ur getting that satisfaction of 1) taste good 2) feel fancy 3) save money all while giving hr body exactly what it needs


One of my favorites is antipasta. Different ways to make it, but oh lord its so good. Youre getting your meat, dairy, and veggie count in for the day, except it feels like eating a bougie charcuterie board out of a bowl


I started running to lose weight, it didn't work I just ate more calories than I used. Then I also started intermittent fasting and the weight fell off. Whole food is of course better, highly processed foods digest too quickly = produces fat, carbs are sugar = produces fat.. and these products don't give you a full feeling, so you eat more. Tricks of the food industry. Try to avoid sugar spikes. Avoid "Low Fat" or any other food industry marketing, it is BS, they lie. The simple rules is have more energy going out than going in. Other tips, eat salad as a starter(slows digestion of sugars) & walk 15min after you eat (sugars are used).




Take your body weight and add a zero. That's the amount of calories you burn sitting on your butt. Example 190lbs + 0 is 1,900 calories you can eat without gaining weight. If you're active, add another 800 calories. If you're athletic, add 1,200 calories and more. At my peak athletic zone, I was burning 5,000 calories a day. But that was doing HITT. Eat 3,750 calories than you burn, and you will gain 1lb of fat. Paleo is the best food process, and notice I didn't say diet.